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Aug 17th, 2014
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  1. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: [Special Requisition Pack - Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer] up for sale
  2. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Oh look, it's lake, Mr. real-money transactions
  3. [Zone #7] Darth@SpyderVenom: real money transactions are illegal and get you banned
  4. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Lake has tried to convince other players to participate in real money sales
  5. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lol nabreeki still on my nuts mate its been like a year
  6. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: you're like 13 years old now man time to move on
  7. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: how bout this nabreeki.
  8. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Notice how he goes right to personal insults instead of denying RMT
  9. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: because thats all your worth you petty little twit
  10. [Zone #7] Darth@SpyderVenom: ya sounds like confession! ban hammer!
  11. [Zone #2] S'chn T'gai Spock@sageofsarcasm: jeebus
  12. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: ^
  13. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: #sorrynotsorry
  14. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Pretty harsh, Lake.
  15. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: you've been harassing me for over a year
  16. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lol sweet get yourself banned again nabreeki
  17. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: please stop harassing me Nabreeki
  18. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: please stop harassing me Nabreeki
  19. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: please stop harassing me Nabreeki
  20. [Zone #7] DrBones@Gokkan: Banned for what is he doing LOL
  21. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: you've been asked nicely three times nabreeki
  22. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: now bugger off. ;)
  23. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: This isn't Beetlejuice, man.
  24. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: been coming at me a year dude. liol
  25. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: you suck at this
  26. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: Hey Lake, you know what the 'ignore' command is?
  27. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: yes i do ty for reminding me
  28. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: come on teamspeak nabreeki
  29. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Why on Earth would I go into a teamspeak.
  30. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: course you wouldnt
  31. [Zone #10] Koren@soboldsurfer: to make friends?
  32. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: i tried that
  33. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Lake is already my friend.
  34. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: then he sucks at life
  35. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: I just think he is doing something wrong.
  36. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: ive got screen shots dating back to april of 2011 of nabreeki and his nerds of prey trolls harassing me lol
  37. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lol mods been all through my chat logs. if there was any credence what so ever to the nonsense they spew id have been gone
  38. [Zone #14] ScottyJr@phantomflux777: I don't know what is worse, that you've been trolled so long, or that it's so well documented ^_^
  39. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: they even put meme's with my @name up on redit lmao
  40. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: funny thing is even the most casual observer can tell they were created by idiots
  41. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: nabreeki 'n acid couch got all mad at me because i went around telling people about their data mining opperations
  42. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: thats when it started
  43. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: he'd need at leastt 4 or 5 alts to compete
  44. [Zone #10] Koren@soboldsurfer: tru story
  45. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: i dont think u can use alts in real life. it'd never happen
  46. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: So...what your claiming is that they are such great hackers that they can run an illigal scam that is SOOOO good that even the Mods cant catch it.....but you can.
  47. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: mods dont give a damn lol
  48. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: Or your makeing stuff of the two :P
  49. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: who said illegal scam?
  50. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: yea i'm making stuff up
  51. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: dental and nop dont datamine at all
  52. [Zone #10] Koren@soboldsurfer: ppl hakin all over the place
  53. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: dunno where i would ever get such a ludacris idea
  54. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: Probably the fact that your crying to the Zone......
  55. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: dun care anyway, anyone wanna save some EC (lol
  56. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: [Zone] Lake@lake1771: yea i'm making stuff up ---- That's all you need to know.
  57. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: He finally comes clean
  58. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lol
  59. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: shup your mouth the big kids r talkin
  60. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: go pvp some borg
  61. [Zone #3] M'lara@DragonOrgreShaggoth: yeah lake shut up
  62. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: yea go get your fleet mates to flood the chat with yer douchebaggary nabreeki. thats modus apparandi isnt it?
  63. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: Meh, I need some entertainment whild I hunt down particles
  64. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: None of these guys are in my fleet.
  65. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Easy to verify that
  66. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: i'm suprised you make a peep.
  67. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lol nine
  68. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: he wont come on ts cause i'll have his address in about 40 seconds
  69. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: Why would a person do something stupid like get on a TS link with a random person?
  70. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: ikr
  71. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Sounds like lake is making IRL threats or something?
  72. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: does it?
  73. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: how bout i orbital strike your village
  74. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: i'll set off a massive terrorist dirty bomb in yer mums vajayjay
  75. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: *facepalm*
  76. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lol
  77. [Zone #7] Cassy Morrison@smokebailey: be nice
  78. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lol i'm crackin up
  79. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Suggest people report lake for IRL threats
  80. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: suggest people report nabreeki for being an insufferable douchebag
  81. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Ok, now that Lake's hissy fit is over, how is everyone doing today?
  82. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: envy much nabs?
  83. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lol i think everyone iggyd you nabs
  84. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: If I am ignored for trying to help people avoid a scammer, then I guess that's fine.
  85. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: i dont scam anyone numbnuts
  86. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: see theres his fleet mates and their douchebaggary
  87. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: called it
  88. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: modus apparandi lol
  89. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: Hrmmm, wouldnt a claim tthat a person is a scammer.....a violation of the ToS (personal attacks)
  90. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Nine, then report me. I'm fine with it.
  91. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: please stop harassing me nabreeki and ronqueesha
  92. [Zone] Dizi@railrokh:
  93. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lol theres the other one
  94. [Zone] Dizi@railrokh: This is all that really has to be said about Lake
  95. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: Inventory] Nbreeki@nabreeki attempted to initiate a trade with you, which you are too busy to accept
  96. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: realy following me around? lol
  97. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: how much time in a day do you spend thinking of me?
  98. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: its kinda weird
  99. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: how goes the datamining nabs?
  100. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: u guys gettin some good info?
  101. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: envy much nabs?
  102. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: theyve been calling me a scammer for over a year
  103. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: never mind i'm an administrator of the largest trading community in sto
  104. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: along side one of the pvp coaches from bootcamp
  105. [Zone #11] Serial Project Epsilon 'Chaos'@olivia211: Lake and I started off rocky, but I've not had any trading issues with him.
  106. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: foolish they are
  107. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: He was caught trying to make some shady RMT deals
  108. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lol and sure i was nabs
  109. [Zone #11] Serial Project Epsilon 'Chaos'@olivia211: NBreeki, your evidence?
  110. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: i was telling some random not to spend 500mil on a bullwark
  111. [Zone #11] Serial Project Epsilon 'Chaos'@olivia211: gotta see some video or screen shots. otherwise, just an accusation.
  112. [Zone] Dizi@railrokh:
  113. [Zone] Kwesha@ronqueesha:
  114. [Zone] Dizi@railrokh: Now wait for the defensive denial
  115. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: idiots
  116. [Zone] Dizi@railrokh:
  117. [Zone] Dizi@railrokh: Enjoy
  118. [Zone] Lake@lake1771:
  119. [Zone] Dizi@railrokh: Be sure to look at the linked pictures in there
  120. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lol idiots
  121. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: you'd think as smart as you think you are you'd have been able to actually get me in trouble by now wouldnt you
  122. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: You spelled my @name wrong, Lake.
  123. [Zone] Dizi@railrokh: Mine too
  124. [Zone] Dizi@railrokh: But considering your incompetence in covering your shady dealings, I am not surprised at your lack of spelling skills really
  125. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: i didnt write that lol
  126. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: thats been around since before you dimbulbs started in on me lol
  127. [Zone #11] Serial Project Epsilon 'Chaos'@olivia211: I do see the irony here.
  128. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: theres alot more too but you're not worth the time it takes to look it up
  129. [Zone #11] Serial Project Epsilon 'Chaos'@olivia211: they are trying to accuse someone of violating the violating the TOS. Kind of funny.
  130. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: ive got screen shots of you lot coming at me dating back over a year
  131. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: fools
  132. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: do you really think the people of sto are as stupid as you presume them to be?
  133. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: So...what your telling me is that some people didnt do their reserach before spenind a ton of EC
  134. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: your mouths run more than a cows arse flapping sideways
  135. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: Well you seem to think people are pretty foolish......since you are assuming that people will belive a person that cant get 'a mountain of evidence' to stick
  136. [Zone #11] Serial Project Epsilon 'Chaos'@olivia211: To accuse someone of violting the TOS by violating the TOS yourself does make you look pretty stupid.
  137. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: seriously even if someone does to rmt
  138. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: NOONE FRIKING CARES
  139. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lmao
  140. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: That's basically an admission of guilt
  141. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lol you wold think so
  142. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: would*
  143. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: but you're an idiot
  144. [Zone #4] Eritt@scottybawesome: When the hell did STO turn into a Drama subreddit?
  145. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: i wanna shoot somethin
  146. [Zone #2] Gufug@barenmeister: ./popcorn
  147. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: soon as nabreeki and his nop thugs beamed in
  148. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: had their xbox live subs canceled so they didnt get to yell at 12 year olds playing call of duty this week
  149. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: *drops mic on stage
  150. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: No offense Lake....but your sounding like your in high school.
  151. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: i'm alright with that, lol i'm enjoying my gametime
  152. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Enjoying trying to scam other people.
  153. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: yepyep
  154. [Zone #11] Serial Project Epsilon 'Chaos'@olivia211: If you think someone is a scammer, they should be reported to a GM. trolling is against the TOS.
  155. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: I think it's a public service warning the general public. Of course he's been reported, but there is a responsibility to let people know so they don't wind up losing out.
  156. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: You know a restaurant that overcharges. You don't just call the police, you tell people so they know not to go there.
  157. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: Actually, PSA's are the Mods job.....technically its Slander/Troll ing if you do it.
  158. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: That's basic common sense.
  159. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Do the mods do PSA? Where are the mods. When was the last time you saw one?
  160. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: Though legally if you say that they overcharge...your liable
  161. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Let me know when you see a mod doing something.
  162. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lol nabs you've got people laughing in like 7 other chats atm with your nonsense
  163. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Which takes us back to: The mods are ineffective at best. More the reason to make announcements.
  164. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: And I appologize Lake, I didnt mean that you were the immature one. I had the wrong name up :P
  165. [Zone #5] Tenkata@Dasme: Tbqh, i would rather watch this conversation then sit here and watch Earth Spacedock spew out crap about conspiracy theories about how earth is made of chees
  166. [Zone] Elara Shandryl@glencole: thought scamming is / was serious?
  167. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lolz no worries
  168. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: it is glen lol
  169. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: i bust peoples balls all the time for scamming
  170. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: Its actually not Nab. Its the Mods job to they do so is their job...not yourse
  171. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: i'm an admin in thetradingchannel with over 2800 members
  172. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Let me know when you see a mod doing their job. Been here a long time, have yet to witness it.
  173. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: people cry to me all the time about so 'n so is scamming so 'n so lmao
  174. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: You wouldnt
  175. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Thanks for trying to sweep the issue under the rug.
  176. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: the only issue here nabs is that you're 23 'n havent hit puberty yet
  177. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: The mods dont act in public, they act by warn/kick/ban
  178. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: now bugger off
  179. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: weird that i know that right?
  180. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Go to ESD and see how many people get kicked or banned
  181. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lol nine, nabreeki has been doing the robot on top of my avatar for about an hour here. i'm the immature one for sure
  182. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: Since most of the ESD crap isnt actually a TOS violation....not going to see many people kick/banned
  183. [Zone] Blizz@RivenGenesis: NEEEEAAAALLLL
  184. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Uh, actually a lot of it is TOS violations
  185. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Racism, sexism, homophobia, explicit sexual content.
  186. [Zone] Blizz@RivenGenesis: How goes your gambling addiction, Neal?
  187. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: Please stop harassing me RivenGenesis
  188. [Zone] Blizz@RivenGenesis: I'm just worried about your gambling addiction. Don't you know that is a serious thing?
  189. Zone #11] Serial Project Epsilon 'Chaos'@olivia211: freedom of speech does not extend to privately held entities.
  190. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: I didnt say you had free speech. I said that the TOS doesnt ban the speech
  191. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: see there olivia, now he's using my real name
  192. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: There is a slight difference
  193. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: he knows he can get banned for that
  194. [Zone #11] Serial Project Epsilon 'Chaos'@olivia211: the TOS says they can ban for anything of their choosing basically, even speech.
  195. [Local] Blizz@RivenGenesis: Neal.
  196. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: these are your friends at NoP
  197. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Pretty sure TOS does not protect overty racist/homophobic speech, sorry.
  198. [Zone] Blizz@RivenGenesis: Neal, oh Neal. You should really stop being so up tight.
  199. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: real, grade A citizens.
  200. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: It would not protect an actuall racial slur....if some one reported it.
  201. [Zone #11] Serial Project Epsilon 'Chaos'@olivia211: Lake, I am a neutral. I am for the community, not any one group of people.
  202. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: That's what I'm talking about.
  203. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: People do report it.
  204. [Zone] Nbreeki@nabreeki: Look how much good that does
  205. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: if you are for the community then you would stand against this olivia
  206. [Zone] Blizz@RivenGenesis: Community?
  207. [Zone #11] Serial Project Epsilon 'Chaos'@olivia211: I have. I am asking that the harassment stop. Not like many will listen though.
  208. [Zone] Blizz@RivenGenesis: Please specify which horrible self-entitled community you speak of, Lake.
  209. [Zone #1] Nine@eliakon: So, you have presonally reported every racist comment in ESD, logged a ticket, and gotten said ticket canceled?
  210. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: no its the stuff they pride themselves on. riven is a data miner
  211. Tenkata@Dasme: are you guys seriously still taking to those two?
  212. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: other wise known as AcidCouch
  213. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: riven you know you look like fools too
  214. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: they followed me from ds9
  215. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: they follow me around and do this
  216. [Zone] Blizz@RivenGenesis: You still going on about jockstraps and how people love to smell them, Neal?
  217. [Zone #11] Serial Project Epsilon 'Chaos'@olivia211: I have had many things resolved with cryptic by acting like an adult and not going low brow. You were serious about teh game community and not self fulfillment, then you would do the same.
  218. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: lolwut?
  219. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: i've always been.
  220. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: why do you think i police thetradingchannel
  221. [Zone] Shelana@jadz3: starfleet dental harassing people again?
  222. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: i dont like being a dik. i'm a better troll olivia, in all honesty, than any of these idiots.
  223. [Zone] Blizz@RivenGenesis: Oh my, NoP Public Service is now sitting at 8,407 registered members.
  224. [Zone #1] Elvindore@elvindore: and laka - you can grow up now - your account isn't even listed in the sites GM contacts
  225. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: yea your datamining channel riven. well done lol
  226. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: still mad about ttc's likke 2500?
  227. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: yea u are. u mad. bro.
  228. [Zone] Blizz@RivenGenesis: Second most popular channel in the game soon to be the first. Redalert only has like 9,500 last time I checked.
  229. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: you guys are taking up too much of my time
  230. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: deuce
  231. [Zone] Lake@lake1771: losers. lol
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