
A Brainy Break-In

Nov 3rd, 2018
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  1. [2018-07-20 23:42] *Atlach-Nacha bails and zips to the side on her string one moment before the hoof squashes her perch. She'd sweat if she had sweat glands. All because of that poser who doesn't even snore.
  2. [2018-07-20 23:42] *Kylie Griffin offers a pair of fingers out to the spidey. "Y'wan' a safe perch?"
  3. [2018-07-20 23:43] *Asuka Sextoy is still alive, groaning with a broken body in the convforting wet embrace of her plugsuit... it's so good at keeping her alive... even though her spine is painfully broken... NERV can heal anything...
  4. [2018-07-20 23:46] *Atlach-Nacha perches on the fingers and ruffles up as if she had feathers. Looks around confusedly. "There's a safe perch here? Where?"
  5. [2018-07-20 23:48] *Kylie Griffin toddles away from the chaos, looking down at the titchy spooder. "Here. With me. You're on it right now. So tell me, why have we met before?"
  6. [2018-07-20 23:52] *Atlach-Nacha balances on the ghostbuster's fingers precariously, worried about the destination. Ah. So the interrogation continues. "Alright, fine. I'll tell you. But it's a secret, so let me whisper it into your ear."
  7. [2018-07-20 23:54] *Kylie Griffin rolls her eyes. "Fine." she says, slowly bringing her fingers up toward her ear as she keeps walkin', letting Atlach whisper reaaaal close.
  8. [2018-07-20 23:59] *Atlach-Nacha is about to start whispering complaints about the ghostbuster's choice of shampoo instead, but restrains herself. Reaching up with her long legs, she wordlessly grips the sides of the ear shell and heaves herself up. With a frantic squeeze to get in, she wiggle and wriggles past that mop green hair and slips into the bottom-heavy woman's ear with a pop. A tight fit. If she had the time, she'd have used some lubrication, but at this rate she had to go in dry. Crawling through the winding aural tunnels, she knocks on the walls in search for the brain nearby.
  9. [2018-07-21 00:02] *Kylie Griffin winces, her eyes momentarily watering. She scratches at her ear, wincing. "Nnyuh? Whatta hell was that?" she says, rubbing her ear with a finger. "... Wait-- where the hell'd she-- Oh, no she didn'!" she snaps. It's not far from Kylie's ear canal to reach her brain, surprisingly. Atlach only has a few feet to go. Please put the Indiana Jones theme on your personal media devices now.
  10. [2018-07-21 00:10] *Atlach-Nacha is actually enjoying the squeeze a bit, it's like the ghostbuster's ears almost felt nicer and tighter than her a- "-ah, here it is." The quivering activity behind the thin wall of flesh made Hatsune salivate onto her palps uncontrollably, but fortunately she wouldn't have to wait long. With tiny striped leg-blades, the little invader sliced and slashed the soft aural tube, revealing the hot and tender grey matter beyond. Unable to contain herself, she plunged into Kylie's brain, wriggling herself into it and trashing around the snug and squelchy tissue spasmically. She was like a big time lottery winner who celebrated the victory by taking a bath in money. Or like that greedy monocled duck who had a whole pool of money to bathe in. Either way, she was stirring up the ghostbuster's brain eagerly with her sharp legs and nipped and slurped at it with her maw.
  11. [2018-07-21 00:13] *Kylie Griffin just looks, on the outside, like she's got a particularly nasty itch, or something. At least until the spooder starts outright slitting up her brains. [b]Then[/b] Kylie starts going all funny-looking, her eyes rolling, converging, unconverging, rattlin' around in her skull, you name it. She winces and whines, unaware of what's really going on with her body as a result of the spiddr's intrusions on her grey matter, plunging probes and spiky legs into neurons that don't deserve to be punctured, ripping out corticals and shredding up her noggin like a bowl of spaghetti getting cut up for a toddler too small to swallow properly. Owch!
  12. [2018-07-21 00:21] *Atlach-Nacha was eventually done dancing the dance of her people, ending up firmly stuck deep inside the woman's meaty brain. It felt like getting stuck in deep a massive, hot and wet pillow fort. Taking a moment to rest, the little predator parted her palps and leaked some pent-up black oil before ejecting a spurt of searing-hot acid into the tender material in front of her. Unlike tough muscles and tendons, the soft brain matter turned to slush almost as soon as the digestive juice touched it, shot after shot of spider bile melting Kylie's think tank into a rich and savory soup. The hungry Hatsune immediately began drinking it as fast as she could, disregarding table manners and slurping loud enough to make the sounds emanate from the ghostbuster's ears.
  13. [2018-07-21 00:32] *Kylie Griffin of course, ends up stood there with her arms slack and her spine hunched, her head canted back toward the sky. The poor goth's eyeballs roll slack into the back of her skull, a thin string of drool trickling from her mouth as the spooder lobotomizes her from within. Beyond those disconcerting slurpy noises, it's almost like nothing's wrong with Kylie from the outside. At least, until a thin trickle of blackish-red goo trickles from her nose, a similar trickling of digested brain slime coming from the ear Atlach penetrated. All she can muster is a helpless, strained whine as she feels her intellect bubbling away in her noggin.
  14. [2018-07-21 00:33] *Tiddly comes back into the room with his own brandishing of food. He also sees a mind-melting Kylie who seems to have a certain arachnid turning her into stringless marionette. That actually doesn’t sound half bad.. almost like mind control without the brain. Regardless, takes from his pocket a crummy phone with two earbuds plugged in. He stuffs one into each ear and scrolls through the music. Mm.. the GhostBuster theme will do. He sets the volume to full-blast and stuffs the phone into her pocket. Letting the music just blast into her brain. Might be more painfully than it would be simply playing if her ear canal is in tatters from the spider-breach.
  15. [2018-07-21 00:37] *Peri Hughman records this all on her phone, from the shadows. Peri might end up using this footage either to prove the existence of aliens, or to wack off to tonight.
  16. [2018-07-21 00:45] *Atlach-Nacha is startled by the sudden explosion of music rattling her new palace. In an eldritch feat of matter compression, she has drunk Kylie's entire brain, her strained abdomen inflating like a balloon. Trying to escape someone's horrid taste in music, she rolls around the empty skull like a comically disproportioned spiked ball, more or less a round abdomen with legs bristling out. Getting back out through the ear is out of the question, so she finds another exit. Huffing and puffing, she takes charge and rolls along the inside curve of the skull, ramming a hole through Kylie's eye socket. A bit of strained grunting and frantic talonwork later, the ghostbuster's eye starts to shift out of its socket and then ejects with a sickening wet pop. For a moment, it's replaced by a set of tiny, red and infinitely judgemental pinpricks glowering out from the darkness at Tiddly. Using every remaining bit of agility she has, Hatsune leaps out of the eye socket and shoots a silky string at the ceiling, reeling herself up in an unsteady hurry before disappearing. Sleep time. [sub]Burp.[/sub]
  17. [2018-07-21 00:46] *Kylie Griffin of course is left to stand there helpless, and brainless, with the Ghostbusters theme rattling around her empty skull. Her eyeball dangles on her over-strained optic nerve, resting against her cheek cheerfully as the zombified goff just dangles there, limply wavering with the breeze. Poor Kylie!
  18. [2018-07-21 00:47] *Hell Knight Knar might eat the husk.
  19. [2018-07-21 00:47] Tiddly: Do it.
  20. [2018-07-21 00:48] *Hell Knight Knar eats a taco shell.
  21. [2018-07-21 00:55] Tiddly: [sub]As long as it ain’t that taco bell dorito shell.[/sub]
  22. [2018-07-21 00:56] Dez Strange: [sub]heck off those are great
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