

Jan 8th, 2015
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  1. Front-End Development
  2. HTML5 / CSS3
  3. JavaScript, JavaScript API’s
  4. jQuery
  5. CoffeeScript
  6. Less, SASS, Stylus
  7. Angular.js
  8. JSON
  9. XML
  10. HAML / Jade / Markdown
  11. Adobe Photoshop
  12. Adobe Illustator
  13. Back-End Development
  14. PHP
  15. MySQL
  16. Node.js
  17. MongoDB
  18. Memcached
  19. Redis
  20. CMS Development
  21. Go (возможно)
  22. Principles of Design
  23. Introduction to Design
  24. Colors and Composition
  25. Design Process
  26. Bauhaus Principles
  27. Introduction to Web Design
  28. Prototyping
  29. Principles of Web Design
  30. Introduction to typography
  31. Icon Design
  32. Grids
  33. Introduction to UI and UX design
  34. HCI (Human-Computer Interaction)
  35. Introduction to Interface Design
  36. Usability
  37. Inspection-based Evaluation
  38. User-based Evaluation
  39. Personas
  40. Prototyping
  41. Writing for the Web
  42. Information Architecture
  43. Interaction Styles
  44. Collecting User Data
  45. Playability Heuristics
  46. CLI Basics
  47. Introduction to CLI
  48. Navigating File System
  49. Working with files and folders
  50. Globbing, curl, history and more
  51. Version control with Git
  52. Interface Design
  53. Input Devices
  54. Visual Design
  55. Ignored Pages
  56. Desktop Interfaces
  57. Mobile Interfaces
  58. Responsive Web Design
  59. Functional Layouts
  60. User Psychology
  61. Latest trends
  62. Material Design
  63. Mobile Application Development
  64. Native, HTML5, or Hybrid: Understanding Development Options
  65. jQuery Mobile, PhoneGap, Titanium Appcelerator and Ionic overview
  66. Trying Touch Events API
  67. Misc
  68. Bower
  69. NPM
  70. Performance optimization
  71. WordPress
  72. Docker
  73. Nginx
  75. How Web Works
  76. Growth Hacking
  77. Data Mining
  78. Algorithms
  79. Projects Development & Deployment
  80. Procedural Programming
  81. Object-Oriented Programming
  82. MVC / HMVC
  83. Design Patterns
  84. Regular Expressions
  85. Gulp.js / Grunt
  86. Git
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