
Kiran and Arden get to know each-other

Aug 6th, 2019
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  1. [7:03 PM] Kiran: After visiting a few people camping out in the memoryworld, Kiran would have descended from the stairs, waving goodbye to Libra, and cast around too see who's around and doing what.
  2. [7:03 PM] Kiran: What might Arden be doing at this time?
  3. [7:04 PM] Arden: Arden probably just sitting down at the moment, thumbing through a book.
  4. [7:05 PM] Kiran: has begun walking purposefully in one direction, abruptly pivoting on his heel as he spots Arden - and more slowly walking toward him.
  5. [7:06 PM] Kiran: "Uh- excuse me, mister? Arden?"
  6. [7:06 PM] Arden: "Eh? Oh, what's on your mind, Kiran?" Closes the book and changes his attention over to Kiran.
  7. [7:07 PM] Kiran: (Kiran, for clarity, is a fairly youthful-looking brown-skinned man with an optimistic smile and scar running from one cheek down half of his neck. There may be some soot on his clothes.)
  8. [7:07 PM] Arden: (Gotcha.)
  9. [7:09 PM] Kiran: "Well. I was thinking about how you're probably one of the few people alive who remembers what actually happened in this world, and that... I honestly have no idea where to even start asking you questions."
  10. [7:10 PM] Arden: "Sure, I only know so much of what went on after I left, but I'll do my best to answer anything you got. Shoot 'em all."
  11. [7:11 PM] Kiran: "Well. I-"
  12. [7:11 PM] Kiran: glances around, and then carefully takes a seat, watching Arden's face before relaxing slightly.
  13. [7:11 PM] Kiran: "Um. Where are you from originally?"
  14. [7:13 PM] Arden: "Like my hometown? Burdnt."
  15. [7:13 PM] Arden: "Though Snowtown is more where I'd say I spent my best days at."
  16. [7:13 PM] Kiran: "Oh, was that at the manor?"
  17. [7:16 PM] Arden: "Manor? If you mean the Adventure's Guild, yep that's where me and my friends all lived."
  18. [7:16 PM] Arden: "Guess that ol' shack Arco had built got a little bit bigger last I was there."
  19. [7:17 PM] Arden: Gives a little grin.
  20. [7:18 PM] Kiran: "Huh! Yeah, we made it to the Guild - Snowtown was overrun with the Void, though. And Adalet- ...Boswell's manor is really nice. I had just assumed it was somewhere he owned from back when he was alive."
  21. [7:20 PM] Arden: "Left the Guild in his hands, good to know it got so big."
  22. [7:20 PM] Kiran: "Who is Arco?"
  23. [7:21 PM] Arden: "Hmm... An old friend of sorts. Guild was his idea... Just not the best at running it."
  24. [7:24 PM] Kiran: "We managed to save a ledger from there when we passed through. I'm not sure if it'd help with rebuilding, but it's the sort of thing I think we can't really do without."
  25. [7:25 PM] Arden: "A ledger?"
  26. [7:25 PM] Kiran: "Yeah. It was a record book of members."
  27. [7:25 PM] Kiran: "I think Ad- Boswell has it."
  28. [7:26 PM] Arden: "Interesting, glad it survived the whole ordeal."
  29. [7:28 PM] Arden: "Was rebuilding the Guild something you wanted to do?"
  30. [7:28 PM] Kiran: "Oh, right."
  31. [7:28 PM] Kiran: chuckles quietly.
  32. [7:29 PM] Kiran: "I'm a craftsman. I've been gathering information and identifying resources for the last few months that I think will help us undo the destruction of our world, once we've beaten back the Void."
  33. [7:30 PM] Arden: Nods his head.
  34. [7:30 PM] Kiran: "I think that an Adventurers' Guild, encouraging people to go out and explore the world..."
  35. [7:30 PM] Kiran: "When everything's been broken, and changed, and torn apart, the world is probably going to look nothing like it used to. Once upon a time, Adventurers helped us fill in the blank spaces on the map."
  36. [7:30 PM] Kiran: "We're going to need them again."
  37. [7:32 PM] Arden: "An admirable goal that I agree with wholeheartedly. I'd assume old Boswell would be on board as well."
  38. [7:33 PM] Arden: "I'd be more then willing to help in anyway I can, though I am unsure myself how much I can do aside from giving my blessing and all."
  39. [7:34 PM] Kiran: "Considering the sort of things it sounds like you've done for the world, your blessing means a lot."
  40. [7:35 PM] Kiran: "How did you wind up involved in the business with..." he gestures toward Avo "fighting dragons?"
  41. [7:36 PM] Arden: "Oh? Hmm..."
  42. [7:37 PM] Arden: "Well I suppose it came down to Erialorb's machinations. He sent the world to strife, and led groups of would be heroes to conquer it. "
  43. [7:37 PM] Arden: "Avo was just one of many poor souls created to be nothing more than a villain to defeat."
  44. [7:38 PM] Kiran: "It still seems so strange to me that he would specifically encourage heroism and adventure. I thought that was more Brolaire's domain."
  45. [7:38 PM] Arden: "Hmm... Wouldn't say so much wanting to encourage it more..."
  46. [7:39 PM] Arden: "He just enjoys watching people play his games. A bored man with nothing else better to do then cause havoc."
  47. [7:40 PM] Arden: "Win or lose he had his fun."
  48. [7:41 PM] Kiran: "He sounds like a dick."
  49. [7:41 PM] Arden: "The biggest of dicks."
  50. [7:41 PM] Arden: "And not in the way that makes one's lady happy." He chuckles.
  51. [7:42 PM] Kiran: looks a little blankly at him.
  52. [7:42 PM] Kiran: "I... guess?"
  53. [7:42 PM] Arden: "Any who, enough of that tyrant. Anything else you wanted to know?"
  54. [7:43 PM] Kiran: "But anyway, I had meant more like... how did you, specifically, wind up getting involved? Were you a fighter before that?"
  55. [7:43 PM] Arden: "Just a guard who stood up on a wall for 8 hours a day."
  56. [7:44 PM] Arden: "Dragon came and attacked Burndt, and well burnt it down."
  57. [7:44 PM] Arden: "I believe it was..."
  58. [7:45 PM] Arden: "Broccubus, Clerica, and few others who didn't stick around too long were the only survivors."
  59. [7:45 PM] Arden: "We were mostly drifters for a while."
  60. [7:46 PM] Kiran: "Broccubus... I thought broccubus was a race."
  61. [7:47 PM] Kiran: "But then again, I've only ever met the one."
  62. [7:47 PM] Kiran: shrugs.
  63. [7:47 PM] Arden: "Aye, but that is how she referred to herself."
  64. [7:47 PM] Arden: Has a bit of a sad expression.
  65. [7:48 PM] Arden: "Heard from Boswell that she is still around, hopefully one day we can make amends. I do miss her."
  66. [7:48 PM] Kiran: frowns.
  67. [7:48 PM] Kiran: "Wait. Lady Arianne?"
  68. [7:49 PM] Arden: "Oh?"
  69. [7:49 PM] Kiran: "Gods, everything keeps becoming more and more interconnected."
  70. [7:50 PM] Arden: "Wears a big hat with a feather on it?"
  71. [7:50 PM] Arden: "Long black hair?"
  72. [7:51 PM] Kiran: "That sounds like her. She lives in Newshire."
  73. [7:52 PM] Kiran: "She has sort of an affinity for setting things on fire."
  74. [7:52 PM] Arden: "Sounds like her."
  75. [7:52 PM] Arden: "Tried touching you in the wrong places? Hopefully she got that under control at least."
  76. [7:53 PM] Kiran: "Uh- not that I noticed. She tried to take Damien fishing, though."
  77. [7:53 PM] Arden: "Oof, still up to her tricks then."
  78. [7:54 PM] Kiran: "I like her."
  79. [7:54 PM] Arden: "Keep a good eye on that boy."
  80. [7:54 PM] Kiran: turns to look at whatever Damien is doing.
  81. [7:54 PM] Kiran: "We always do."
  82. [7:56 PM] Kiran: turns back to Arden, looking slightly thoughtful.
  83. [7:56 PM] Arden: "So... what else is on your mind, lad?"
  84. [7:56 PM] Kiran: "What are you?"
  85. [7:56 PM] Arden: Blinks at the question.
  86. [7:57 PM] Arden: "Oh... you mean my current state?"
  87. [7:57 PM] Kiran: "Avo said he's a... soul-outsider or similar. But I don't know whether you're a living being or not."
  88. [7:57 PM] Kiran: tilts his head.
  89. [7:58 PM] Kiran: "At least... in the traditional sense. Not that I'm judging!"
  90. [7:58 PM] Arden: "I'm of a somewhat similar situation, but I still have a physical form."
  91. [8:01 PM] Arden: "Erialorb would put my soul into a new body with every new world he sent me to, and when he discovered the Void he tried to bring me in to fight it but..."
  92. [8:01 PM] Arden: "When he got consumed by it, I was just left here to wander until Avo and I's Benefactor took me in."
  93. [8:02 PM] Arden: "But suffice to say I am here and will be here for as long as I can."
  94. [8:04 PM] Kiran: "I'm glad to hear it. This is... the way my dad would've described it it is an 'everyone problem'."
  95. [8:04 PM] Arden: "That it is."
  96. [8:05 PM] Arden: "I've faced many horrors of Erialorb's imagination and they all pale in comparison to this beast."
  97. [8:06 PM] Kiran: considers this for a moment, then shrugs slightly.
  98. [8:06 PM] Kiran: "As long as we're on our feet, we keep going."
  99. [8:07 PM] Arden: "I like it, a good way to see thing."
  100. [8:08 PM] Kiran: "What about me? Any questions I can answer?"
  101. [8:08 PM] Arden: "Hmm..."
  102. [8:08 PM] Arden: "Were things peaceful before the Void?"
  103. [8:09 PM] Kiran: smiles slightly.
  104. [8:09 PM] Kiran: "We had about a hundred years of prosperity since the Nexuses were beaten."
  105. [8:10 PM] Arden: "Nexuses?"
  106. [8:10 PM] Arden: "But, I am happy to hear."
  107. [8:10 PM] Kiran: "The gigantic elementals. Colossi?"
  108. [8:10 PM] Arden: "Hmm..."
  109. [8:11 PM] Kiran: "Avo said they were an Erialorb machination, so I thought they might be familiar."
  110. [8:11 PM] Arden: "Ah! Yes now I remember."
  111. [8:11 PM] Arden: "I had faced a mighty fire elemental once like you had described."
  112. [8:12 PM] Arden: "I even used its spear for a while."
  113. [8:12 PM] Kiran: "Wow."
  114. [8:12 PM] Arden: "Was magically infused with fire, useful thing it was."
  115. [8:14 PM] Kiran: "I imagine it would've been. When was that?"
  116. [8:13 PM] Arden: "Speaking of spears, wonder if that old thing I left stabbed into the ground is still somewhere. I called it Dragonslayer."
  117. [8:15 PM] Kiran: "It might be. I'm afraid I've never seen it myself."
  118. [8:15 PM] Arden: "The day we had thought we'd put things to an end, and the day I left."
  119. [8:16 PM] Kiran: nods.
  120. [8:17 PM] Arden: "Dilonia if I remember right."
  121. [8:17 PM] Kiran: "So they last appeared a hundred years past. Then they were awoken by th-"
  122. [8:17 PM] Kiran: "... in the colosseum?"
  123. [8:18 PM] Arden: "Colosseum..."
  124. [8:19 PM] Arden: "Hmm... not sure if I'm aware of it."
  125. [8:19 PM] Arden: "No memories of one."
  126. [8:20 PM] Arden: "Well, one of this world."
  127. [8:20 PM] Kiran: "Hm. Nevermind then. I might be mistaken too."
  128. [8:21 PM] Kiran: "At any rate - after the Nexuses were defeated, we had peace until the Void arrived. It revived three of the Nexuses - water, air, and fire. The Nexus of earth's body was cannibalised to fortify Snowtown further."
  129. [8:22 PM] Arden: "Hope they were defeated for good at the least."
  130. [8:22 PM] Kiran: "Who can say? I certainly wouldn't want to fight the Nexus of water again, personally."
  131. [8:23 PM] Arden: "At the least it seems Erialorb's Wild magic left with him."
  132. [8:24 PM] Arden: "It really did make things inconvenient for day to day life."
  133. [8:25 PM] Kiran: "I'm sure I can't imagine. I like it when the world works in a way it's possible to comprehend."
  134. [8:26 PM] Arden: "Well... let's see what else..."
  135. [8:27 PM] Kiran: "It's nice to speak with someone new who already knows about what's happening in the multiverse."
  136. [8:29 PM] Arden: "I'd imagine, I'm glad just to see people. Been a few months now since Avo and I came here."
  137. [8:30 PM] Kiran: "Heh. Quite a few new people to meet, for sure."
  138. [8:31 PM] Arden: Smiles while nodding. "Indeed."
  139. [8:31 PM] Kiran: "Right. I'm going to leave you to your book. I still haven't tracked Adalet down, and I want to make sure he's doing okay with... all of this."
  140. [8:32 PM] Arden: "Of course, I enjoyed and appreciate the conversation."
  141. [8:32 PM] Kiran: "I'd love to hear more about your adventures when we've got some more time. But for now, I'll talk to you later."
  142. [8:33 PM] Arden: "Anytime."
  143. [8:33 PM] Kiran: smiles and gets to his feet, giving a slight wave.
  144. [8:33 PM] Arden: Gives him a nod as he departs.
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