

Jul 13th, 2014
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  1. [X] 10 Hmm... Well, if she's hugging that pillow, you could probably just slip into bed with her if you were clever about it. The sun's already out so you're kinda sleepy... (Cunning): (inverted_helix, Silversun17, Agilitree, Jiven, Hextroyer413, Jaertin, Plotvitalnpc, AntarcticM, megrisvernin, BFldyq)
  2. [X] 1 Kindly. Gently stroke her cheek in her sleep and greet her warmly (Affection): (inverted_helix)
  3. [X] 10 Lean in slowly until your lips are almost brushing against the mistress'. Breath deeply for a few moments, savoring her scent as you slowly dip your head to her neck, tracing a soft line of kisses down her throat and you softly murmuring sweet nothings to the mistress. Then treat yourself to a well deserved morning snack from her jugular. Yeah, that'll get her wide awake. (Cunning): (inverted_helix, Jack Trade, nightblade, shadowward, delwgun, theweepingman, Winged One, Xicree, Grosstoad, Silver W. King)
  4. [X] 1 Pick the mistress up and carry her to the breakfast table. If Mohammad won't go to the mountain... (athletics): (Guile)
  5. -[X] 9 undo the top buttons of your blouse enough to display plenty of cleavage.: (Silversun17, Agilitree, Jiven, Hextroyer413, Jaertin, Plotvitalnpc, AntarcticM, megrisvernin, BFldyq)
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