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Apr 29th, 2015
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  3. 27 April 2015
  4. Maite Nkoana-Mashabane
  5. Minister of International Relations and Cooperation
  6. Pretoria
  7. South Africa
  8. Through:
  9. Ambassador J. Marx
  10. Embassy of South Africa
  11. Gárdonyi Géza út 17 1026 Budapest
  12. Hungary.
  14. Your Excellency,
  15. On behalf of the Nelson Mandela Human Rights Association and the Mahatma Gandhi Human Rights Organization, and other well-meaning immigrants and citizens of Hungary, we write to express our sad disappointment at the abysmal level that a group of South Africans have reduced your country due to their open hate, attack and murder of innocent foreigners under the evil guise of job protection.
  17. Never was it imagined that the dreams and aspiration of your founding fathers like Nelson Mandela could be allowed to shatter while your government do little to forestall xenophobic tendencies which is gradually becoming a new culture in South Africa.
  19. Imagine a world where South Africans and their businesses are attacked and forced to return to your home country. Imagine that your country was isolated when you needed the international community to support you in your fight against apartheid. It is an irony that the end of apartheid in South Africa in 1994 has given birth to a new form of apartheid since 2008. Imagine people transferring the same hate from your people back to YOU in other countries! You maintain 104 missions abroad. You may not have been here today if Hungarians are xenophobic.
  21. The bitterness of your fellow country men and women negates the tenets of international law as exemplified by the United Nations law and the African Union charter. Xenophobia/ Afrophobia is an horrible offense against humanity.
  22. It is a sad development that ‘Xenophobia in South Africa’ has become a topic for academic exercises and research. Will your country continue to provide materials and easy references for this topic?
  24. Though we have addressed a copy of this letter to the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we have also sent a copy to the Secretary General of the United Nations.
  26. In this and other letters, we state as follows:
  27. 1. Your government must be encouraged to halt the continuing primitive onslaught against foreigners in your country.
  28. 2. Strict laws for offenders must be enacted by your legislature in order to prevent this intermittent attack on humanity. It is negatively affecting your international image.
  29. 3. Adequate compensation must be paid to victims of xenophobic attacks.
  30. 4. Appropriate rehabilitation and integration of victims of these attacks should be implemented.
  31. 5. Those brutally murdered should be given national recognition.
  32. 6. Further steps must be taken to educate your people that we, as human beings, are foreigners somewhere.
  33. 7. Justice must take its full course against your people who carried out the inhuman attacks. By so doing, the world will be able to appreciate the efforts of your government.
  34. 8. Traditional rulers and other leaders must be re-oriented towards guarding against hate speech and other actions capable of inciting your people against foreigners.
  36. Though we are aware that your government belatedly took some actions to quell this problem, your reactions are not enough. The world cannot continue to cry and mourn at the unrestrained actions of your people when South Africans work and reside abroad.
  38. We are fully convinced that if the prevailing impunity is not stopped by stricter measures, it will soon degenerate into genocide with other multiplier effects.
  40. The time is ticking and we do not know who the next victim will be.
  41. A stitch in time saves nine.
  43. Sincerely
  44. Frederick O. Odorige
  45. President,
  47. Nelson M46664 emberi jogi egyesület ,
  48. Telephone: 06''''''''''''''''
  50. Gibril Deen,
  51. President,
  52. Mahatma Gandhi Emberi Jogi Egyesület
  53. Telephone: 06''''''''''''''''
  55. “During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.”
  56. ― Nelson Mandela
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