

Dec 2nd, 2016
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  1. --[[
  2. ==================================]}
  3. //{Script: Memuto
  4. //{User: Solavenge
  5. ==================================]}
  6. //{Controls:
  7. // F - Toggle Memes
  8. ==================================]}
  9. --]]
  11. Player=game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  12. Character=Player.Character
  13. PlayerGui=Player.PlayerGui
  14. Backpack=Player.Backpack
  15. Torso=Character.Torso
  16. Head=Character.Head
  17. Humanoid=Character.Humanoid
  18. m=Instance.new('Model',Character)
  19. LeftArm=Character["Left Arm"]
  20. LeftLeg=Character["Left Leg"]
  21. RightArm=Character["Right Arm"]
  22. RightLeg=Character["Right Leg"]
  23. LS=Torso["Left Shoulder"]
  24. LH=Torso["Left Hip"]
  25. RS=Torso["Right Shoulder"]
  26. RH=Torso["Right Hip"]
  27. Neck=Torso.Neck
  28. it=Instance.new
  29. attacktype=1
  30. vt=Vector3.new
  31. cf=CFrame.new
  32. euler=CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ
  33. angles=CFrame.Angles
  34. necko=cf(0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  35. necko2=cf(0, -0.5, 0, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  36. LHC0=cf(-1,-1,0,-0,-0,-1,0,1,0,1,0,0)
  37. LHC1=cf(-0.5,1,0,-0,-0,-1,0,1,0,1,0,0)
  38. RHC0=cf(1,-1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,-1,-0,-0)
  39. RHC1=cf(0.5,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,-1,-0,-0)
  40. RootPart=Character.HumanoidRootPart
  41. RootJoint=RootPart.RootJoint
  42. RootCF=euler(-1.57,0,3.14)
  43. attack = false
  44. attackdebounce = false
  45. deb=false
  46. equipped=true
  47. hand=false
  48. MMouse=nil
  49. combo=0
  50. mana=0
  51. cam=workspace.CurrentCamera
  52. RocketTarget=nil
  53. Targetting=false
  54. trispeed=.2
  55. attackmode='none'
  56. local idle=0
  57. local Anim="Idle"
  58. local Effects={}
  59. local gun=false
  60. local shoot=false
  61. local issprinting=false
  62. local memeing=false
  63. player=nil
  64. mouse=Player:GetMouse()
  65. --save shoulders
  66. RSH, LSH=nil, nil
  67. --welds
  68. RW, LW=Instance.new("Weld"), Instance.new("Weld")
  69. RW.Name="Right Shoulder" LW.Name="Left Shoulder"
  70. LH=Torso["Left Hip"]
  71. RH=Torso["Right Hip"]
  72. TorsoColor=Torso.BrickColor
  73. function NoOutline(Part)
  74. Part.TopSurface,Part.BottomSurface,Part.LeftSurface,Part.RightSurface,Part.FrontSurface,Part.BackSurface = 10,10,10,10,10,10
  75. end
  76. player=Player
  77. ch=Character
  78. RSH=ch.Torso["Right Shoulder"]
  79. LSH=ch.Torso["Left Shoulder"]
  80. --
  81. RSH.Parent=nil
  82. LSH.Parent=nil
  83. --
  84. RW.Name="Right Shoulder"
  85. RW.Part0=ch.Torso
  86. RW.C0=cf(1.5, 0.5, 0) --* CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.3, 0, -0.5)
  87. RW.C1=cf(0, 0.5, 0)
  88. RW.Part1=ch["Right Arm"]
  89. RW.Parent=ch.Torso
  90. --
  91. LW.Name="Left Shoulder"
  92. LW.Part0=ch.Torso
  93. LW.C0=cf(-1.5, 0.5, 0) --* CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(1.7, 0, 0.8)
  94. LW.C1=cf(0, 0.5, 0)
  95. LW.Part1=ch["Left Arm"]
  96. LW.Parent=ch.Torso
  98. if Humanoid:findFirstChild("Animate") then
  99. Humanoid:findFirstChild("Animate"):Destroy()
  100. elseif Character:findFirstChild("Animate") then
  101. Character:findFirstChild("Animate"):Destroy()
  102. end
  105. local WEEB = Instance.new("Sound",Torso)
  106. WEEB.Volume=0
  107. WEEB.Pitch=0
  108. WEEB.SoundId="http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=186860903"
  109. WEEB.Looped=true
  110. wait()
  111. WEEB:play()
  114. local Stats=Instance.new("BoolValue")
  115. Stats.Name="Stats"
  116. Stats.Parent=Character
  117. local Atk=Instance.new("NumberValue")
  118. Atk.Name="Damage"
  119. Atk.Parent=Stats
  120. Atk.Value=1
  121. local Def=Instance.new("NumberValue")
  122. Def.Name="Defense"
  123. Def.Parent=Stats
  124. Def.Value=1
  125. local Speed=Instance.new("NumberValue")
  126. Speed.Name="Speed"
  127. Speed.Parent=Stats
  128. Speed.Value=1
  129. local Mvmt=Instance.new("NumberValue")
  130. Mvmt.Name="Movement"
  131. Mvmt.Parent=Stats
  132. Mvmt.Value=1
  135. local donum=0
  137. function part(formfactor,parent,reflectance,transparency,brickcolor,name,size)
  138. local fp=it("Part")
  139. fp.formFactor=formfactor
  140. fp.Parent=parent
  141. fp.Reflectance=reflectance
  142. fp.Transparency=transparency
  143. fp.CanCollide=false
  144. fp.Locked=true
  145. fp.BrickColor=brickcolor
  146. fp.Name=name
  147. fp.Size=size
  148. fp.Position=Torso.Position
  149. NoOutline(fp)
  150. fp.Material="SmoothPlastic"
  151. fp:BreakJoints()
  152. return fp
  153. end
  155. function part2(formfactor, parent, material, reflectance, transparency, brickcolor, name, size)
  156. local fp = Instance.new("Part")
  157. fp.formFactor = formfactor
  158. fp.Parent = parent
  159. fp.Reflectance = reflectance
  160. fp.Transparency = transparency
  161. fp.CanCollide = false
  162. fp.Locked = true
  163. fp.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(tostring(brickcolor))
  164. fp.Name = name
  165. fp.Size = size
  166. fp.Position = Character.Torso.Position
  167. fp.Material = material
  169. NoOutline(fp)
  170. return fp
  171. end
  173. function mesh(Mesh,part,meshtype,meshid,offset,scale)
  174. local mesh=it(Mesh)
  175. mesh.Parent=part
  176. if Mesh=="SpecialMesh" then
  177. mesh.MeshType=meshtype
  178. mesh.MeshId=meshid
  179. end
  180. mesh.Offset=offset
  181. mesh.Scale=scale
  182. return mesh
  183. end
  185. function weld(parent,part0,part1,c0)
  186. local weld=it("Weld")
  187. weld.Parent=parent
  188. weld.Part0=part0
  189. weld.Part1=part1
  190. weld.C0=c0
  191. return weld
  192. end
  194. function weld2(parent, part0, part1, c0, c1)
  195. local Weld = Instance.new("Weld")
  196. Weld.Parent = parent
  197. Weld.Part0 = part0
  198. Weld.Part1 = part1
  199. Weld.C0 = c0
  200. Weld.C1 = c1
  202. return Weld
  203. end
  205. local Color1=Torso.BrickColor
  207. local bodvel=Instance.new("BodyVelocity")
  208. local bg=Instance.new("BodyGyro")
  210. ArtificialHB = Instance.new("BindableEvent", script)
  211. ArtificialHB.Name = "Heartbeat"
  213. script:WaitForChild("Heartbeat")
  215. frame = 1 / 60
  216. tf = 0
  217. allowframeloss = true
  218. tossremainder = false
  219. lastframe = tick()
  220. script.Heartbeat:Fire()
  222. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function(s, p)
  223. tf = tf + s
  224. if tf >= frame then
  225. if allowframeloss then
  226. script.Heartbeat:Fire()
  227. lastframe = tick()
  228. else
  229. for i = 1, math.floor(tf / frame) do
  230. script.Heartbeat:Fire()
  231. end
  232. lastframe = tick()
  233. end
  234. if tossremainder then
  235. tf = 0
  236. else
  237. tf = tf - frame * math.floor(tf / frame)
  238. end
  239. end
  240. end)
  242. function swait(num)
  243. if num == 0 or num == nil then
  244. ArtificialHB.Event:wait()
  245. else
  246. for i = 0, num do
  247. ArtificialHB.Event:wait()
  248. end
  249. end
  250. end
  253. so = function(id,par,vol,pit)
  254. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  255. local sou = Instance.new("Sound",par or workspace)
  256. sou.Volume=vol
  257. sou.Pitch=pit or 1
  258. sou.SoundId=id
  259. swait()
  260. sou:play()
  261. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(sou,6)
  262. end))
  263. end
  265. function clerp(a,b,t)
  266. local qa = {QuaternionFromCFrame(a)}
  267. local qb = {QuaternionFromCFrame(b)}
  268. local ax, ay, az = a.x, a.y, a.z
  269. local bx, by, bz = b.x, b.y, b.z
  270. local _t = 1-t
  271. return QuaternionToCFrame(_t*ax + t*bx, _t*ay + t*by, _t*az + t*bz,QuaternionSlerp(qa, qb, t))
  272. end
  274. function QuaternionFromCFrame(cf)
  275. local mx, my, mz, m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22 = cf:components()
  276. local trace = m00 + m11 + m22
  277. if trace > 0 then
  278. local s = math.sqrt(1 + trace)
  279. local recip = 0.5/s
  280. return (m21-m12)*recip, (m02-m20)*recip, (m10-m01)*recip, s*0.5
  281. else
  282. local i = 0
  283. if m11 > m00 then
  284. i = 1
  285. end
  286. if m22 > (i == 0 and m00 or m11) then
  287. i = 2
  288. end
  289. if i == 0 then
  290. local s = math.sqrt(m00-m11-m22+1)
  291. local recip = 0.5/s
  292. return 0.5*s, (m10+m01)*recip, (m20+m02)*recip, (m21-m12)*recip
  293. elseif i == 1 then
  294. local s = math.sqrt(m11-m22-m00+1)
  295. local recip = 0.5/s
  296. return (m01+m10)*recip, 0.5*s, (m21+m12)*recip, (m02-m20)*recip
  297. elseif i == 2 then
  298. local s = math.sqrt(m22-m00-m11+1)
  299. local recip = 0.5/s return (m02+m20)*recip, (m12+m21)*recip, 0.5*s, (m10-m01)*recip
  300. end
  301. end
  302. end
  304. function QuaternionToCFrame(px, py, pz, x, y, z, w)
  305. local xs, ys, zs = x + x, y + y, z + z
  306. local wx, wy, wz = w*xs, w*ys, w*zs
  307. local xx = x*xs
  308. local xy = x*ys
  309. local xz = x*zs
  310. local yy = y*ys
  311. local yz = y*zs
  312. local zz = z*zs
  313. return CFrame.new(px, py, pz,1-(yy+zz), xy - wz, xz + wy,xy + wz, 1-(xx+zz), yz - wx, xz - wy, yz + wx, 1-(xx+yy))
  314. end
  316. function QuaternionSlerp(a, b, t)
  317. local cosTheta = a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2] + a[3]*b[3] + a[4]*b[4]
  318. local startInterp, finishInterp;
  319. if cosTheta >= 0.0001 then
  320. if (1 - cosTheta) > 0.0001 then
  321. local theta = math.acos(cosTheta)
  322. local invSinTheta = 1/math.sin(theta)
  323. startInterp = math.sin((1-t)*theta)*invSinTheta
  324. finishInterp = math.sin(t*theta)*invSinTheta
  325. else
  326. startInterp = 1-t
  327. finishInterp = t
  328. end
  329. else
  330. if (1+cosTheta) > 0.0001 then
  331. local theta = math.acos(-cosTheta)
  332. local invSinTheta = 1/math.sin(theta)
  333. startInterp = math.sin((t-1)*theta)*invSinTheta
  334. finishInterp = math.sin(t*theta)*invSinTheta
  335. else
  336. startInterp = t-1
  337. finishInterp = t
  338. end
  339. end
  340. return a[1]*startInterp + b[1]*finishInterp, a[2]*startInterp + b[2]*finishInterp, a[3]*startInterp + b[3]*finishInterp, a[4]*startInterp + b[4]*finishInterp
  341. end
  343. function rayCast(Pos, Dir, Max, Ignore) -- Origin Position , Direction, MaxDistance , IgnoreDescendants
  344. return game:service("Workspace"):FindPartOnRay(Ray.new(Pos, Dir.unit * (Max or 999.999)), Ignore)
  345. end
  347. Damagefunc = function(Part, hit, minim, maxim, knockback, Type, Property, Delay, HitSound, HitPitch) --bm1
  348. if hit.Parent == nil then
  349. return
  350. end
  351. local h = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  352. for _, v in pairs(hit.Parent:children()) do
  353. if v:IsA("Humanoid") then
  354. h = v
  355. end
  356. end
  357. if h ~= nil and hit.Parent.Name ~= Character.Name and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
  358. if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("DebounceHit") ~= nil then
  359. if hit.Parent.DebounceHit.Value == true then
  360. return
  361. end
  362. end
  363. if h.MaxHealth >= math.huge then
  364. hit:BreakJoints()
  365. end
  366. --[[ if game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)~=nil then
  367. return
  368. end]]
  369. -- hs(hit,1.2)
  370. local c = Instance.new("ObjectValue")
  371. c.Name = "creator"
  372. c.Value = game:service("Players").LocalPlayer
  373. c.Parent = h
  375. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(c, .5)
  376. if HitSound ~= nil and HitPitch ~= nil then
  377. so(HitSound, hit, 1, HitPitch)
  378. end
  379. local Damage = math.random(minim, maxim)
  380. -- h:TakeDamage(Damage)
  381. local blocked = false
  382. local block = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Block")
  383. if block ~= nil then
  384. if block.className == "IntValue" then
  385. if block.Value > 0 then
  386. blocked = true
  387. block.Value = block.Value - 1
  388. print(block.Value)
  389. end
  390. end
  391. end
  392. if blocked == false then
  393. -- h:TakeDamage(Damage)
  394. h.Health = h.Health - Damage
  395. if Damage ~= 0 then
  396. ShowDamage2((Part.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0, (Part.Size.Z / 2)).p + Vector3.new(0, 1.5, 0)), -Damage, 1.5, BrickColor.new("Institutional white").Color)
  397. end
  398. else
  399. h.Health = h.Health - (Damage / 2)
  400. if Damage ~=0 then
  401. ShowDamage2((Part.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0, (Part.Size.Z / 2)).p + Vector3.new(0, 1.5, 0)), -Damage, 1.5, BrickColor.new("Institutional white").Color)
  402. end
  403. end
  404. if Type == "Knockdown" then
  405. local hum = hit.Parent.Humanoid
  406. hum.PlatformStand = true
  407. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(HHumanoid)
  408. swait(1)
  409. HHumanoid.PlatformStand = false
  410. end), hum)
  411. local angle = (hit.Position - (Property.Position + Vector3.new(0, 0, 0))).unit
  412. local bodvol = Instance.new("BodyVelocity")
  413. bodvol.velocity = angle * knockback
  414. bodvol.P = 5000
  415. bodvol.maxForce = Vector3.new(8e+003, 8e+003, 8e+003)
  416. bodvol.Parent = hit
  418. local rl = Instance.new("BodyAngularVelocity")
  419. rl.P = 3000
  420. rl.maxTorque = Vector3.new(500000, 500000, 500000) * 50000000000000
  421. rl.angularvelocity = Vector3.new(math.random(-10, 10), math.random(-10, 10), math.random(-10, 10))
  422. rl.Parent = hit
  424. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bodvol, .5)
  425. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(rl, .5)
  426. elseif Type == "Plat" then
  427. local hum = hit.Parent.Humanoid
  428. hum.PlatformStand = true
  429. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(HHumanoid)
  430. swait(2)
  431. HHumanoid.PlatformStand = false
  432. end), hum)
  434. local rl = Instance.new("BodyAngularVelocity")
  435. rl.P = 3000
  436. rl.maxTorque = Vector3.new(100, 100, 100) * 500
  437. rl.angularvelocity = Vector3.new(math.random(-10, 10), math.random(-10, 10), math.random(-10, 10))
  438. rl.Parent = hit
  440. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(rl, .5)
  441. elseif Type == "Normal" then
  442. local vp = Instance.new("BodyVelocity")
  443. vp.P = 500
  444. vp.maxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge, 0, math.huge)
  445. vp.velocity = Property.CFrame.lookVector * knockback + Property.Velocity / 1.05
  447. if knockback > 0 then
  448. vp.Parent = hit.Parent.Torso
  449. end
  450. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(vp, .5)
  451. elseif Type == "Up" then
  452. local bodyVelocity = Instance.new("BodyVelocity")
  453. bodyVelocity.velocity = vt(0, 20, 0)
  454. bodyVelocity.P = 5000
  455. bodyVelocity.maxForce = Vector3.new(8e+003, 8e+003, 8e+003)
  456. bodyVelocity.Parent = hit
  458. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bodyVelocity, .5)
  459. elseif Type == "Snare" then
  460. local bp = Instance.new("BodyPosition")
  461. bp.P = 2000
  462. bp.D = 100
  463. bp.maxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
  464. bp.position = hit.Parent.Torso.Position
  465. bp.Parent = hit.Parent.Torso
  466. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bp, 1)
  468. elseif Type == "Freeze" then
  469. local BodPos = Instance.new("BodyPosition")
  470. BodPos.P = 50000
  471. BodPos.D = 1000
  472. BodPos.maxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
  473. BodPos.position = hit.Parent.Torso.Position
  474. BodPos.Parent = hit.Parent.Torso
  476. local BodGy = Instance.new("BodyGyro")
  477. BodGy.maxTorque = Vector3.new(4e+005, 4e+005, 4e+005) * math.huge
  478. BodGy.P = 20e+003
  479. BodGy.Parent = hit.Parent.Torso
  480. BodGy.cframe = hit.Parent.Torso.CFrame
  482. hit.Parent.Torso.Anchored = true
  483. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part)
  484. swait(1.5)
  485. Part.Anchored = false
  486. end), hit.Parent.Torso)
  487. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(BodPos, 3)
  488. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(BodGy, 3)
  491. elseif Type=="Target" then
  492. if Targetting==false then
  493. ZTarget=hit.Parent.Torso
  494. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part)
  495. so("http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=15666462",Part,1,1.5)
  496. swait(5)
  497. so("http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=15666462",Part,1,1.5)
  498. end),ZTarget)
  499. TargHum=ZTarget.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  500. targetgui=Instance.new("BillboardGui")
  501. targetgui.Parent=ZTarget
  502. targetgui.Size=UDim2.new(10,100,10,100)
  503. targ=Instance.new("ImageLabel")
  504. targ.Parent=targetgui
  505. targ.BackgroundTransparency=1
  506. targ.Image="rbxassetid://4834067"
  507. targ.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
  508. cam.CameraType="Scriptable"
  509. cam.CoordinateFrame=CFrame.new(Head.CFrame.p,ZTarget.Position)
  510. dir=Vector3.new(cam.CoordinateFrame.lookVector.x,0,cam.CoordinateFrame.lookVector.z)
  511. workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame=CFrame.new(Head.CFrame.p,ZTarget.Position)
  512. Targetting=true
  513. RocketTarget=ZTarget
  514. for i=1,Property do
  515. if Humanoid.Health>0 and Character.Parent~=nil and TargHum.Health>0 and TargHum.Parent~=nil and Targetting==true then
  516. swait()
  517. end
  518. cam.CoordinateFrame=CFrame.new(Head.CFrame.p,ZTarget.Position)
  519. dir=Vector3.new(cam.CoordinateFrame.lookVector.x,0,cam.CoordinateFrame.lookVector.z)
  520. cam.CoordinateFrame=CFrame.new(Head.CFrame.p,ZTarget.Position)*cf(0,5,10)*euler(-0.3,0,0)
  521. end
  522. Targetting=false
  523. RocketTarget=nil
  524. targetgui.Parent=nil
  525. cam.CameraType="Custom"
  526. end
  527. end
  529. local debounce = Instance.new("BoolValue")
  530. debounce.Name = "DebounceHit"
  531. debounce.Parent = hit.Parent
  532. debounce.Value = true
  533. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(debounce, Delay)
  534. c = Instance.new("ObjectValue")
  535. c.Name = "creator"
  536. c.Value = Player
  537. c.Parent = h
  538. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(c, .5)
  539. end
  540. end
  542. function ShowDamage2(Pos, Text, Time, Color)
  543. local Rate = (1 / 30)
  544. local Pos = (Pos or Vector3.new(0, 0, 0))
  545. local Text = (Text or "")
  546. local Time = (Time or 2)
  547. local Color = (Color or Color3.new(1, 0, 0))
  548. local EffectPart = part2("Custom", workspace, "Neon", 0, 1, BrickColor.new(Color), "Effect", vt(0, 0, 0))
  549. EffectPart.Anchored = true
  550. local BillboardGui = Instance.new("BillboardGui")
  551. BillboardGui.Size = UDim2.new(3, 0, 3, 0)
  552. BillboardGui.Adornee = EffectPart
  553. BillboardGui.Parent = EffectPart
  555. local TextLabel = Instance.new("TextLabel")
  556. TextLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  557. TextLabel.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0)
  558. TextLabel.Text = Text
  559. TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color
  560. TextLabel.TextScaled = true
  561. TextLabel.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold
  562. TextLabel.Parent = BillboardGui
  564. game.Debris:AddItem(EffectPart, (Time + 0.1))
  565. EffectPart.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace")
  566. delay(0, function()
  567. local Frames = (Time / Rate)
  568. for Frame = 1, Frames do
  569. wait(Rate)
  570. local Percent = (Frame / Frames)
  571. EffectPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(Pos) + Vector3.new(0, Percent, 0)
  572. TextLabel.TextTransparency = Percent
  573. end
  574. if EffectPart and EffectPart.Parent then
  575. EffectPart:Destroy()
  576. end
  577. end)
  578. end
  580. function BlastEffect(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
  581. local prt = part2(3, workspace, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", vt(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
  582. prt.Anchored = true
  583. prt.CFrame = cframe
  584. local msh = mesh("SpecialMesh", prt, "FileMesh", "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=20329976", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(x1, y1, z1))
  585. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  586. for i = 0, 1, 0.05 do
  587. wait()
  588. prt.Transparency = i
  589. msh.Scale = msh.Scale + vt(x2, y2, z2)
  590. end
  591. prt.Parent = nil
  592. end))
  593. end
  595. function weld(parent, part0, part1, c0, c1)
  596. local Weld = Instance.new("Weld")
  597. Weld.Parent = parent
  598. Weld.Part0 = part0
  599. Weld.Part1 = part1
  600. Weld.C0 = c0
  601. Weld.C1 = c1
  603. return Weld
  604. end
  606. function MagniDamage(Hit, Part, magni, mindam, maxdam, knock, Type)
  607. for _, c in pairs(workspace:children()) do
  608. local hum = c:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
  609. if hum ~= nil then
  610. local head = c:findFirstChild("Torso")
  611. if head ~= nil then
  612. local targ = head.Position - Part.Position
  613. local mag = targ.magnitude
  614. if mag <= magni and c.Name ~= Player.Name then
  615. Damagefunc(head, head, mindam, maxdam, knock, Type, RootPart, .2, 1, 3)
  616. end
  617. end
  618. end
  619. end
  620. end
  622. function MagicCircle(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay)
  623. local prt = part2(3, workspace, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", vt(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
  624. prt.Anchored = true
  625. prt.CFrame = cframe
  626. local msh = mesh("SpecialMesh", prt, "Sphere", "", vt(0, 0, 0), vt(x1, y1, z1))
  627. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 2)
  628. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part, Mesh)
  629. for i = 0, 1, delay do
  630. swait()
  631. Part.CFrame = Part.CFrame
  632. Part.Transparency = i
  633. Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + vt(x3, y3, z3)
  634. end
  635. Part.Parent = nil
  636. end), prt, msh)
  637. end
  639. function MagicBlock(brickcolor,cframe,x1,y1,z1,x3,y3,z3,delay)
  640. local prt=part(3,workspace,"SmoothPlastic",0,0,brickcolor,"Effect",vt())
  641. prt.Anchored=true
  642. prt.CFrame=cframe
  643. local msh = mesh("BlockMesh",prt,"","",vt(0,0,0),vt(x1,y1,z1))
  644. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt,2)
  645. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(Part,Mesh)
  646. for i=0,1,delay do
  647. swait()
  648. Part.CFrame=Part.CFrame*euler(math.random(-50,50),math.random(-50,50),math.random(-50,50))
  649. Part.Transparency=i
  650. Mesh.Scale=Mesh.Scale+vt(x3,y3,z3)
  651. end
  652. Part.Parent=nil
  653. end),prt,msh)
  654. end
  657. user=game:service'Players'.localPlayer
  658. char=user.Character
  659. mouse=user:GetMouse()
  662. local function weldBetween(a, b, name)
  663. local weld = Instance.new("ManualWeld")
  664. weld.Part0 = a
  665. weld.Part1 = b
  666. weld.C0 = CFrame.new()
  667. weld.C1 = b.CFrame:inverse() * a.CFrame
  668. weld.Parent = a
  669. weld.Name=name or 'weldb1'
  670. weld.Parent=m
  671. return weld;
  672. end
  675. player=game.Players.localPlayer
  676. char=player.Character
  677. Effects={}
  678. vt=Vector3.new
  679. cf=CFrame.new
  680. euler=CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ
  681. m=Instance.new("Model",char)
  683. mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  684. print("NEIN")
  685. end)
  687. local mdel = false
  689. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(k)
  690. k=k:lower()
  691. if k=='f' then
  692. if attack==false then
  693. ToggleMemes()
  694. end
  695. end
  696. end)
  698. function ToggleMemes()
  699. if memeing == true and mdel == false then
  700. memeing = false
  701. issprinting=false
  702. Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
  703. mdel = true
  704. for i = 1,0,-0.1 do
  705. wait(0.05)
  706. WEEB.Volume = i
  707. end
  708. WEEB.Pitch = 0
  709. mdel = false
  710. elseif memeing == false and mdel == false then
  711. memeing = true
  712. issprinting=true
  713. Humanoid.WalkSpeed=35
  714. WEEB.Pitch = 1
  715. mdel = true
  716. for i = 0,1,.1 do
  717. wait(0.05)
  718. WEEB.Volume = i
  719. end
  720. mdel = false
  721. end
  722. end
  724. local function CFrameFromTopBack(at, top, back)
  725. local right = top:Cross(back)
  726. return CFrame.new(at.x, at.y, at.z,
  727. right.x, top.x, back.x,
  728. right.y, top.y, back.y,
  729. right.z, top.z, back.z)
  730. end
  732. function Triangle(a, b, c)
  733. local edg1 = (c-a):Dot((b-a).unit)
  734. local edg2 = (a-b):Dot((c-b).unit)
  735. local edg3 = (b-c):Dot((a-c).unit)
  736. if edg1 <= (b-a).magnitude and edg1 >= 0 then
  737. a, b, c = a, b, c
  738. elseif edg2 <= (c-b).magnitude and edg2 >= 0 then
  739. a, b, c = b, c, a
  740. elseif edg3 <= (a-c).magnitude and edg3 >= 0 then
  741. a, b, c = c, a, b
  742. else
  743. assert(false, "unreachable")
  744. end
  746. local len1 = (c-a):Dot((b-a).unit)
  747. local len2 = (b-a).magnitude - len1
  748. local width = (a + (b-a).unit*len1 - c).magnitude
  750. local maincf = CFrameFromTopBack(a, (b-a):Cross(c-b).unit, -(b-a).unit)
  752. local list = {}
  754. if len1 > 0.01 then
  755. local w1 = Instance.new('WedgePart', m)
  756. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(w1,5)
  757. w1.Material = "SmoothPlastic"
  758. w1.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  759. w1.BrickColor = TorsoColor
  760. w1.Transparency = 0
  761. w1.Reflectance = 0
  762. w1.Material = "SmoothPlastic"
  763. w1.CanCollide = false
  764. NoOutline(w1)
  765. local sz = Vector3.new(0.2, width, len1)
  766. w1.Size = sz
  767. local sp = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",w1)
  768. sp.MeshType = "Wedge"
  769. sp.Scale = Vector3.new(0,1,1) * sz/w1.Size
  770. w1:BreakJoints()
  771. w1.Anchored = true
  772. w1.Parent = workspace
  773. w1.Transparency = 0.7
  774. table.insert(Effects,{w1,"Disappear",.01})
  775. w1.CFrame = maincf*CFrame.Angles(math.pi,0,math.pi/2)*CFrame.new(0,width/2,len1/2)
  776. table.insert(list,w1)
  777. end
  779. if len2 > 0.01 then
  780. local w2 = Instance.new('WedgePart', m)
  781. game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(w2,5)
  782. w2.Material = "SmoothPlastic"
  783. w2.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  784. w2.BrickColor = TorsoColor
  785. w2.Transparency = 0
  786. w2.Reflectance = 0
  787. w2.Material = "SmoothPlastic"
  788. w2.CanCollide = false
  789. NoOutline(w2)
  790. local sz = Vector3.new(0.2, width, len2)
  791. w2.Size = sz
  792. local sp = Instance.new("SpecialMesh",w2)
  793. sp.MeshType = "Wedge"
  794. sp.Scale = Vector3.new(0,1,1) * sz/w2.Size
  795. w2:BreakJoints()
  796. w2.Anchored = true
  797. w2.Parent = workspace
  798. w2.Transparency = 0.7
  799. table.insert(Effects,{w2,"Disappear",.01})
  800. w2.CFrame = maincf*CFrame.Angles(math.pi,math.pi,-math.pi/2)*CFrame.new(0,width/2,-len1 - len2/2)
  801. table.insert(list,w2)
  802. end
  803. return unpack(list)
  804. end
  806. function NoOutline(Part)
  807. Part.TopSurface,Part.BottomSurface,Part.LeftSurface,Part.RightSurface,Part.FrontSurface,Part.BackSurface = 10,10,10,10,10,10
  808. end
  810. local sine = 0
  811. local change = 1
  812. local val = 0
  814. if #Effects>0 then
  815. --table.insert(Effects,{prt,"Block1",delay})
  816. for e=1,#Effects do
  817. if Effects[e]~=nil then
  818. --for j=1,#Effects[e] do
  819. local Thing=Effects[e]
  820. if Thing~=nil then
  821. local Part=Thing[1]
  822. local Mode=Thing[2]
  823. local Delay=Thing[3]
  824. local IncX=Thing[4]
  825. local IncY=Thing[5]
  826. local IncZ=Thing[6]
  827. if Thing[1].Transparency<=1 then
  828. if Thing[2]=="Block1" then
  829. Thing[1].CFrame=Thing[1].CFrame*euler(math.random(-50,50),math.random(-50,50),math.random(-50,50))
  830. Mesh=Thing[1].Mesh
  831. Mesh.Scale=Mesh.Scale+vt(Thing[4],Thing[5],Thing[6])
  832. Thing[1].Transparency=Thing[1].Transparency+Thing[3]
  833. elseif Thing[2]=="Cylinder" then
  834. Mesh=Thing[1].Mesh
  835. Mesh.Scale=Mesh.Scale+vt(Thing[4],Thing[5],Thing[6])
  836. Thing[1].Transparency=Thing[1].Transparency+Thing[3]
  837. elseif Thing[2]=="Blood" then
  838. Mesh=Thing[1].Mesh
  839. Thing[1].CFrame=Thing[1].CFrame*cf(0,.5,0)
  840. Mesh.Scale=Mesh.Scale+vt(Thing[4],Thing[5],Thing[6])
  841. Thing[1].Transparency=Thing[1].Transparency+Thing[3]
  842. elseif Thing[2]=="Elec" then
  843. Mesh=Thing[1].Mesh
  844. Mesh.Scale=Mesh.Scale+vt(Thing[7],Thing[8],Thing[9])
  845. Thing[1].Transparency=Thing[1].Transparency+Thing[3]
  846. elseif Thing[2]=="Disappear" then
  847. Thing[1].Transparency=Thing[1].Transparency+Thing[3]
  848. end
  849. else
  850. Part.Parent=nil
  851. table.remove(Effects,e)
  852. end
  853. end
  854. --end
  855. end
  856. end
  857. end
  859. cn = CFrame.new
  860. local NeckCF = cn(0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  861. local RootCF = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-1.57, 0, 3.14)
  862. local RHCF = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 1.6, 0)
  863. local LHCF = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, -1.6, 0)
  865. local mananum=0
  866. while true do
  867. swait()
  868. sine = sine + change
  869. local torvel=(RootPart.Velocity*Vector3.new(1,0,1)).magnitude
  870. local velderp=RootPart.Velocity.y
  871. hitfloor,posfloor=rayCast(RootPart.Position,(CFrame.new(RootPart.Position,RootPart.Position - Vector3.new(0,1,0))).lookVector,4,Character)
  872. if equipped==true or equipped==false then
  873. if attack==false then
  874. idle=idle+1
  875. else
  876. idle=0
  877. end
  878. if idle>=500 then
  879. if attack==false then
  880. --Sheath()
  881. end
  882. end
  883. if RootPart.Velocity.y > 1 and hitfloor==nil then
  884. Anim="Jump"
  885. if attack==false then
  886. Neck.C0=clerp(Neck.C0,necko*euler(-0.2,0,0),.3)
  887. Neck.C1=clerp(Neck.C1,necko2*euler(0,0,0),.3)
  888. RootJoint.C0=clerp(RootJoint.C0,RootCF*euler(0,0,0),.3)
  889. RW.C0=clerp(RW.C0,cf(1.5,0.5,0)*euler(-.5,0,0.5),.3)
  890. RW.C1=clerp(LW.C1,cf(0,0.5,0)*euler(0,0,0),.3)
  891. LW.C0=clerp(LW.C0,cf(-1.5,0.5,0)*euler(-.5,0,-0.5),.3)
  892. LW.C1=clerp(LW.C1,cf(0,0.5,0)*euler(0,0,0),.3)
  893. RH.C0=clerp(RH.C0,cf(1,-1,-.3)*euler(-0.5,1.57,0)*euler(-.2,0,0),.3)
  894. LH.C0=clerp(LH.C0,cf(-1,-1,-.3)*euler(-0.5,-1.57,0)*euler(-.2,0,0),.3)
  895. end
  896. elseif RootPart.Velocity.y < -1 and hitfloor==nil then
  897. Anim="Fall"
  898. if attack==false then
  899. Neck.C0=clerp(Neck.C0,necko*euler(0.4,0,0),.3)
  900. Neck.C1=clerp(Neck.C1,necko2*euler(0,0,0),.3)
  901. RootJoint.C0=clerp(RootJoint.C0,RootCF*euler(0,0,0),.3)
  902. RW.C0=clerp(RW.C0,cf(1.5,0.5,0)*euler(0.3,0,0.2),.3)
  903. RW.C1=clerp(LW.C1,cf(0,0.5,0)*euler(0,0,0),.3)
  904. LW.C0=clerp(LW.C0,cf(-1.5,0.5,0)*euler(0.3,0,-0.2),.3)
  905. LW.C1=clerp(LW.C1,cf(0,0.5,0)*euler(0,0,0),.3)
  906. RH.C0=clerp(RH.C0,cf(1,-1,0)*euler(0.4,1.57,0),.3)
  907. LH.C0=clerp(LH.C0,cf(-1,-1,0)*euler(-0.2,-1.57,0),.3)
  908. end
  909. elseif torvel<1 and hitfloor~=nil then
  910. Anim="Idle"
  911. if attack==false then
  912. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cn(0, 0, -0.1 + 0.1 * math.cos(sine / 25)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(5)), .3)
  913. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, NeckCF * angles(math.rad(5 - 2 * math.cos(sine / 25)), math.rad(0), math.rad(-5)), .3)
  914. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(5 + 3 * math.cos(sine / 25))), 0.3)
  915. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-5 - 3 * math.cos(sine / 25))), 0.3)
  916. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cn(1, -.9 - 0.1 * math.cos(sine / 25), 0) * RHCF * angles(math.rad(-2 + 2 * math.cos(sine / 25)), math.rad(-5), math.rad(0 + 2 * math.cos(sine / 25))), .3)
  917. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cn(-1, -.9 - 0.1 * math.cos(sine / 25), 0) * LHCF * angles(math.rad(-2 + 2 * math.cos(sine / 25)), math.rad(-5), math.rad(0 + 2 * math.cos(sine / 25))), .3)
  918. end
  919. elseif torvel>2 and torvel<22 and hitfloor~=nil then
  920. Anim="Walk"
  921. if attack==false then
  922. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cn(0, 0, -0.05 + .1 * math.cos(sine / 5)) * angles(math.rad(5), math.rad(0) + RootPart.RotVelocity.Y / 30, math.rad(5 * math.cos(sine / 10))), .2)
  923. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, NeckCF * angles(math.rad(-3), math.rad(0), math.rad(-5 * math.cos(sine / 10)) + RootPart.RotVelocity.Y / 15), .2)
  924. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-10 * math.cos(sine / 13)), math.rad(0), math.rad(4 * math.cos(sine / 13))), .2)
  925. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(10 * math.cos(sine / 13)), math.rad(0), math.rad(4 * math.cos(sine / 13))), .2)
  926. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cn(1, -1 + .1 * math.cos(sine / 5), 0) * RHCF * angles(math.rad(-2), math.rad(0), math.rad(30 * math.cos(sine / 7))), .3)
  927. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cn(-1, -1 + .1 * math.cos(sine / 5), 0) * LHCF * angles(math.rad(-2), math.rad(0), math.rad(30 * math.cos(sine / 7))), .3)
  928. end
  929. elseif torvel>=22 and issprinting==true and hitfloor~=nil then
  930. Anim="Run"
  931. if attack==false then
  932. RootJoint.C0 = clerp(RootJoint.C0, RootCF * cn(0, 0.5, -0.05 + .1 * 2.5 * math.cos(sine / 2)) * angles(math.rad(50), math.rad(2) + RootPart.RotVelocity.Y / 30, math.rad(5 * math.cos(sine / 2))), .2)
  933. Torso.Neck.C0 = clerp(Torso.Neck.C0, cn(0, 1.1, -0.2, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) * angles(math.rad(-50), math.rad(0), math.rad(-5 * math.cos(sine / 10)) + RootPart.RotVelocity.Y / 15), .2)
  934. RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5, 0.4) * angles(math.rad(75 * math.cos(6 / 2)), math.rad(-5), math.rad(25 * math.cos(sine / 3))), .2)
  935. LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5, 0.4) * angles(math.rad(75 * math.cos(6 / 2)), math.rad(5), math.rad(25 * math.cos(sine / 3))), .2)
  936. RH.C0 = clerp(RH.C0, cn(1, -1 + .1 * math.cos(sine / 5), 0) * RHCF * angles(math.rad(-2), math.rad(0), math.rad(55 * math.cos(sine / 3))), .3)
  937. LH.C0 = clerp(LH.C0, cn(-1, -1 + .1 * math.cos(sine / 5), 0) * LHCF * angles(math.rad(-2), math.rad(0), math.rad(55 * math.cos(sine / 3))), .3)
  938. end
  939. end
  940. end
  941. end
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