
POSTPROCESSER error sickrage

Dec 9th, 2015
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  2. 2015-12-09 08:52:28 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 105, in run\n\n File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 56, in run\n processTV.processDir(sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR)\n File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 269, in processDir\n process_media(processPath, videoFiles, nzbName, process_method, force, is_priority, result)\n File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 545, in process_media\n result.result = processor.process()\n File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 1107, in process\n ep_obj.createMetaFiles()\n File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 1833, in createMetaFiles\n self.createThumbnail()\n File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 1852, in createThumbnail\n result = cur_provider.create_episode_thumb(self) or result\n File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/metadata/", line 316, in create_episode_thumb\n return self.save_thumbnail(ep_obj)\n File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/metadata/", line 486, in save_thumbnail\n thumb_data = metadata_helpers.getShowImage(thumb_url)\n File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/metadata/", line 40, in getShowImage\n image_data = helpers.getURL(tempURL, session=meta_session, needBytes=True)\n File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 1593, in getURL\n session = _setUpSession(session, headers, params)\n File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 1555, in _setUpSession\n if \'Referer\' in session.headers and \'Referer\' not in headers or {}:\nTypeError: argument of type \'NoneType\' is not iterable\n'
  3. AATypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
  4. AA if 'Referer' in session.headers and 'Referer' not in headers or {}:
  5. AA File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 1555, in _setUpSession
  6. AA session = _setUpSession(session, headers, params)
  7. AA File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 1593, in getURL
  8. AA image_data = helpers.getURL(tempURL, session=meta_session, needBytes=True)
  9. AA File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/metadata/", line 40, in getShowImage
  10. AA thumb_data = metadata_helpers.getShowImage(thumb_url)
  11. AA File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/metadata/", line 486, in save_thumbnail
  12. AA return self.save_thumbnail(ep_obj)
  13. AA File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/metadata/", line 316, in create_episode_thumb
  14. AA result = cur_provider.create_episode_thumb(self) or result
  15. AA File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 1852, in createThumbnail
  16. AA self.createThumbnail()
  17. AA File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 1833, in createMetaFiles
  18. AA ep_obj.createMetaFiles()
  19. AA File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 1107, in process
  20. AA result.result = processor.process()
  21. AA File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 545, in process_media
  22. AA process_media(processPath, videoFiles, nzbName, process_method, force, is_priority, result)
  23. AA File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 269, in processDir
  24. AA processTV.processDir(sickbeard.TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR)
  25. AA File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 56, in run
  26. AA
  27. AA File "/opt/sickrage/sickbeard/", line 105, in run
  28. AATraceback (most recent call last):
  29. 2015-12-09 08:52:28 ERROR POSTPROCESSER::Exception generated in thread POSTPROCESSER: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
  30. 2015-12-09 08:52:28 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Fetching image from
  31. 2015-12-09 08:52:28 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Metadata provider KODI 12+ creating episode thumbnail for iZombie - 2x09 - Cape Town
  32. 2015-12-09 08:52:28 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::formatting pattern: %SN - %Sx%0E - %EN -> iZombie - 2x09 - Cape Town
  33. 2015-12-09 08:52:28 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Using cached parse result for: izombie.209.hdtv-lol
  34. 2015-12-09 08:52:28 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Parsed /media/media5/tvseries1/iZombie/Season 2/iZombie - S02E09 - Cape Town into iZombieS02E09 [ABD: False] [ANIME: False] [whichReg: ['standard', 'season_only']]
  35. 2015-12-09 08:52:28 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Checking if /media/media5/tvseries1/iZombie/Season 2/iZombie - S02E09 - Cape Town-thumb.jpg exists: False
  36. 2015-12-09 08:52:28 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Setting permissions for /media/media5/tvseries1/iZombie/Season 2/iZombie - S02E09 - Cape Town.nfo to 664 as parent directory has 775
  37. 2015-12-09 08:52:28 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Writing episode nfo file to /media/media5/tvseries1/iZombie/Season 2/iZombie - S02E09 - Cape Town.nfo
  38. 2015-12-09 08:52:28 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Creating metadata for episode 2x9
  39. 2015-12-09 08:52:07 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Metadata provider KODI 12+ creating episode metadata for iZombie - 2x09 - Cape Town
  40. 2015-12-09 08:52:07 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::formatting pattern: %SN - %Sx%0E - %EN -> iZombie - 2x09 - Cape Town
  41. 2015-12-09 08:52:07 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Using cached parse result for: izombie.209.hdtv-lol
  42. 2015-12-09 08:52:07 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Parsed /media/media5/tvseries1/iZombie/Season 2/iZombie - S02E09 - Cape Town into iZombieS02E09 [ABD: False] [ANIME: False] [whichReg: ['standard', 'season_only']]
  43. 2015-12-09 08:52:07 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Checking if /media/media5/tvseries1/iZombie/Season 2/iZombie - S02E09 - Cape Town.nfo exists: False
  44. 2015-12-09 08:52:07 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Transaction with 1 queries executed
  45. 2015-12-09 08:52:07 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Setter sets location to /media/media5/tvseries1/iZombie/Season 2/iZombie - S02E09 - Cape Town.mp4
  46. 2015-12-09 08:52:07 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Transaction with 1 queries executed
  47. 2015-12-09 08:52:07 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Moving file from /home/payam/Downloads/torrents/complete/iZombie.S02E09.HDTV.x264-LOL[rarbg]/izombie.209.hdtv-lol.nfo to /media/media5/tvseries1/iZombie/Season 2/iZombie - S02E09 - Cape Town.nfo-orig
  48. 2015-12-09 08:52:06 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Moving file from /home/payam/Downloads/torrents/complete/iZombie.S02E09.HDTV.x264-LOL[rarbg]/izombie.209.hdtv-lol.mp4 to /media/media5/tvseries1/iZombie/Season 2/iZombie - S02E09 - Cape Town.mp4
  49. 2015-12-09 08:52:06 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Found the following associated files: [u'/home/payam/Downloads/torrents/complete/iZombie.S02E09.HDTV.x264-LOL[rarbg]/izombie.209.hdtv-lol.nfo']
  50. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Checking if the path /media/media5/tvseries1/iZombie/Season 2 already exists
  51. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Destination folder for this episode: /media/media5/tvseries1/iZombie/Season 2
  52. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::formatting pattern: Season %S -> Season 2
  53. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Using cached parse result for: izombie.209.hdtv-lol
  54. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::formatting pattern: %SN - S%0SE%0E - %EN -> iZombie - S02E09 - Cape Town
  55. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Using cached parse result for: izombie.209.hdtv-lol
  56. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 INFO POSTPROCESSER::Release name (izombie.209.hdtv-lol) found from file (izombie.209.hdtv-lol.nfo)
  57. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Using cached parse result for: izombie.209.hdtv-lol
  58. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Found release name izombie.209.hdtv-lol
  59. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Trying to determine free space on destination drive
  60. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 INFO POSTPROCESSER::This download is marked a priority download so I'm going to replace an existing file if I find one
  61. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::There is no existing file so there's no worries about replacing it
  62. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Is ep a priority download: True
  63. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::SR snatched this episode and it is not processed before
  64. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Quality of the episode we're processing: 1
  65. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::The old status had a quality in it, using that: SDTV
  66. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Retrieving episode object for 2x9
  67. 2015-12-09 08:52:05 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Parsed izombie.209.hdtv-lol into izombieS02E09 [GROUP: lol] [ABD: False] [ANIME: False] [whichReg: ['bare']]
  68. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Analyzing name u'izombie.209.hdtv-lol.mp4'
  69. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 INFO POSTPROCESSER::Processing /home/payam/Downloads/torrents/complete/iZombie.S02E09.HDTV.x264-LOL[rarbg]/izombie.209.hdtv-lol.mp4 (None)
  70. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Parsed /home/payam/Downloads/torrents/complete/iZombie.S02E09.HDTV.x264-LOL[rarbg] into iZombieS02E09 [GROUP: LOL[rarbg]] [ABD: False] [ANIME: False] [whichReg: ['standard']]
  71. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Found unwanted files: [, izombie.209.hdtv-lol.nfo]
  72. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Parsed izombie.209.hdtv-lol.mp4 into izombieS02E09 [GROUP: lol] [ABD: False] [ANIME: False] [whichReg: ['bare']]
  73. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Processing folder /home/payam/Downloads/torrents/complete/iZombie.S02E09.HDTV.x264-LOL[rarbg]
  74. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Parsed izombie.209.hdtv-lol.mp4 into izombieS02E09 [GROUP: lol] [ABD: False] [ANIME: False] [whichReg: ['bare']]
  75. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Processing folder iZombie.S02E09.HDTV.x264-LOL[rarbg]
  76. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::PostProcessing VideoInRar: []
  77. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::PostProcessing RarContent: []
  78. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::PostProcessing VideoFiles: []
  79. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::PostProcessing Files: [.txt]
  80. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::PostProcessing Dirs: [[u'iZombie.S02E09.HDTV.x264-LOL[rarbg]']]
  81. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 INFO POSTPROCESSER::PostProcessing Path: /home/payam/Downloads/torrents/complete
  82. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::TV_DOWNLOAD_DIR: /home/payam/Downloads/torrents/complete
  83. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Processing folder /home/payam/Downloads/torrents/complete
  84. 2015-12-09 08:52:04 DEBUG POSTPROCESSER::Starting new thread: POSTPROCESSER
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