
DrugEffects Openmod Config

Jul 26th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. messagecolor: "green"
  2. extraboostmessages: false
  3. allowgivingdrugitems: true
  4. drugs:
  5. 1435: #The id of the consumable.
  6. Gravity: 0.75
  7. Jump: 1.5
  8. Resistance: 0.8
  9. Speed: 2
  10. Damage: 1.5
  11. HealTime: 2
  12. HealAmt: 4
  13. Hallucination: 0
  14. Time: 30
  16. #Explanation:
  17. #Speed is how fast their movement is. Higher values make you go faster. There is a max though before it just freezes you in place.
  18. #Resistance is the percentage of damage you can resist on top of armor. Lower values are higher resistance.
  19. #Jump will allow you to just that many times higher. This might have the same effect as speed were it can only go so far.
  20. #Gravity is how fast or slow you will fall to the ground. Lower values are slower falling.
  21. #Time is how long it lasts in seconds.
  22. #HealTime is how often in seconds it will heal.
  23. #HealAmt is the amount that will heal.
  24. #AllowGivingDrugItems will allow you to use a item like a vaccine to give drug effects.
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