
Tacosteady Session 2

Jan 18th, 2014
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  1. [00:19] <Taco_DM> [01:16] <Taco_DM> So last time! Our brave adventurers traversed into the dangerous and mysterious tower of a supposedly dead mage. Fought giant centiped, destroyed a mirror in the shape of a woman, and are now going up and up
  2. [00:19] <Taco_DM> [01:16] * Asina (webchat@25ea667f.21531281.14fd58ce.31b34b44X) has joined #CYOAsteady
  3. [00:19] <Taco_DM> [01:17] <!Dice-chan> Centipedes. Pluralization is standard. Used to think it was Centipie.
  4. [00:19] <Taco_DM> [01:18] <Taco_DM> As the group goes up to the third floor, there seems to be....lights? And humming too, odd humming too almost unnatural. There are more bookshelves filled with books and Something like a man wearing a maid outfit with a pony tail, his ears seemingly kind of elvish with all sorts of earings on it.
  5. [00:19] <Taco_DM> [01:18] <!Dice-chan> I blame pokemon.
  6. [00:19] <Taco_DM> [01:18] <Asina> Can I see through it? Or is it solid?
  7. [00:19] <Taco_DM> [01:19] <Taco_DM> It's pretty solid.
  8. [00:19] <Taco_DM> [01:20] <Asina> I'll approach, I have quick draw so I'm ready to attack if it makes any kind of hostile moves.
  9. [00:19] <Taco_DM> [01:20] <Asina> "Hi there cutie~ <3... I thought this place was empty."
  10. [00:19] <Taco_DM> [01:21] <Asina> (Is anybody else going to say anything?)
  11. [00:19] <Taco_DM> [01:22] <Taco_DM> The maid-dressed man blinks and looks back, looking at Asina up and down and smilling. "GUESTS! OH OH OH IT'S BEEN SOME TIME SINCE WE HAD GUESTS. Well except for those dimwits who got eaten by a grue. But you seem much smarter than them!"
  12. [00:19] <Taco_DM> [01:22] * Boris cocks his head to the side "By does man wear frilly dress? This confuses Boris."
  13. [00:19] <Taco_DM> [01:23] <Kei> "... grues? They're things?"
  14. [00:20] <Taco_DM> [01:23] <Asina> "Don't be silly, he's not a man he just happens to have a penis!" Asina explains with confidence.
  15. [00:20] <Taco_DM> [01:24] <Taco_DM> "Well it's because of contracts, kind of important for my kind. So it just so happen to get summoned by a powerful, if slightly crazy wizard that likes....this kind of thing." He says giving a twirl.
  16. [00:20] <Taco_DM> [01:25] <Asina> roll 1d20+4 knowledge the planes to know that he's an incubus
  17. [00:20] <Taco_DM> 01:25] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+4 knowledge the planes to know that he's an incubus --> [ 1d20=10 ]{14}
  18. [00:20] <Taco_DM> [01:25] <Asina> Shit.
  19. [00:20] <Taco_DM> [01:25] <Asina> So I assume he's an elf but what he said leads me to assume he's not a typical elf.
  20. [00:20] <Taco_DM> [01:25] <Asina> Moving on.
  21. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:26] <Asina> "Well it looks good on you, it'd look better on the floor of course but most clothing does." Asina smirks and she folds her arms under her breasts.
  22. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:27] <Kei> "... contracts, you say?"
  23. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:27] <Kei> would religion or the planes work?
  24. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:27] <Asina> "You know, like how you healed me so now I'm going to suck your dick later." Asina says as she places a hand on Kei's shoulder.
  25. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:28] <Asina> Either should work but it'd be a higher DC for religion.
  26. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:28] <Taco_DM> Planes would work yeah
  27. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:28] <Asina> Because it's not directly associated with a deity but Incubus' serve deities directly sometimes.
  28. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:28] <Kei> the difference is I have no ranks in planes though
  29. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:28] <Asina> Roll both.
  30. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:28] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled both. --> error: malformed expression
  31. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:29] <Asina> One untrained and one trained.
  32. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:29] <Taco_DM> The man whistles, giving Asina a bit of a pat. "Oooh you alike, too bad I'm under strict rules to just be a maid and give no advances unless the master says so. Even when dead he still finds ways to make my life difficult."
  33. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:29] <Kei> they're both class skills
  34. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:29] <Taco_DM> Sure, roll both!
  35. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:29] <Kei> roll 1d20+7 Religion
  36. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:29] <!Dice-chan> Kei rolled 1d20+7 Religion --> [ 1d20=15 ]{22}
  37. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:29] <Asina> The exact info you know is different depending on which succeeds.
  38. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:29] <Kei> roll 1d20+1 The Planes
  39. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:29] <!Dice-chan> Kei rolled 1d20+1 The Planes --> [ 1d20=4 ]{5}
  40. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:30] <Asina> Like you'd only know of them and how they associate with deities with religion but the other would tell you of their biology and habits.
  41. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:33] <Taco_DM> Kei, you know that this man is...probably not of this plane, you have heard about people like this, and that they are associated with some of the less savory gods, ones that like to indulge in debauchery and the like.
  42. [00:23] <Taco_Hell> [01:34] <Asina> (Are Brutus and HF even here?)
  43. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:34] <Zevaron> (I am.)
  44. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:34] <Asina> (Is everyone but me and Kei just like 'Nah fuck that guy.')
  45. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:34] <Boris> (I am)
  46. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:35] <Claire> (I'm kinda just..hanging behind you)
  47. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:35] <Asina> (Looking at my butt in these leather pants)
  48. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:35] <Claire> (Fuck yeah)
  49. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:35] <Asina> (/nods sagely)
  50. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:39] <Kei> "And you said you master is dead?"
  51. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:39] <Taco_DM> "So why are all of you here anyway? Ah wait, let me guess, mysterious figure? Or maybe mysterious letter? Telling you of riches, gold, fame, maybe a bit of dark knowledge here and there?"
  52. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:39] * Boris raises his hand "Boris got letter. Said come here. You know anything about that frilly man?"
  53. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:40] <Kei> "... that would be about the gist of it, yes."
  54. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:40] <Asina> a"I just came because I was bored!" Asina proclaims loudly as if it's some great reveal.
  55. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:41] <Asina> "Also I need money to buy things."
  56. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:41] <Asina> "Like cute panties for Claire." She says as she pulls the delicious brown girl into a rapehug.
  57. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:41] <Taco_DM> "Oh the fool has been dead for some time, but just because a wizard's dead doesn't mean he's gone. And...I see, so that means one of his apprentice decided to try to send some adventurers to ther death to get his wizard's book..."
  58. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:41] <Taco_DM> "Oh my my, that is a most great motivation!"
  59. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:42] * Claire pouts as she slaps Asina lightly on the head before hugging her.
  60. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:42] <Asina> "Right?"
  61. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:42] <Zevaron> "He is still here?"
  62. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:43] <Asina> "More importantly can he still shoot fire at us."
  63. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:44] <Asina> "If he's jsut a corpse I'm fine with taking all his stuff but if he's some kind of magical zombie I'll pass."
  64. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:44] <Taco_DM> He shrugs. "Probably, if he is he'll probably still be at the top of the tower in his study. Trying to figure out if he can make giant jelly, or maybe a new rift to some other plane. You never know with wizard."
  65. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:44] <Taco_DM> "Oh no no, he is quiet dead, just his ghost is still around these parts, as well as some of his experiments."
  66. [00:24] <Taco_Hell> [01:44] * Boris rotates his head to the side "Does wizard have name Boris wonders"
  67. [22:45] <Asina> "Doesn't matter."
  68. [22:45] <Asina> "He's dead so his shit is free game, warm up your loot sacks boys!"
  69. [22:45] <Asina> "Ah!... Say cutie, this contract of yours, is there anyway I could break it and keep you for myself? <3"
  70. [22:47] <Taco_DM> "Well, the contract is that till this tower stands, I'd be under his control. But once the tower is gone completely I'll be free to take his soul and do it with whatever I want...Unfortunately this thing is still standing after 200 years."
  71. [22:48] <Kei> "... is that right?"
  72. [22:48] <Asina> "..... I can work with that. <3" Asina says with an evil grin.
  73. [22:48] <Asina> "How about a kiss for good luck, cutie?" Asina leans in.
  74. [22:49] <Zevaron> "You've been waiting here for 200 years? That explains why you were so excited to see us."
  75. [22:49] <Taco_DM> "Gladly!" He says and goes to give a kiss right on the cheek.
  76. [22:49] * Asina giggles.
  77. [22:50] <Asina> "Let's go... I'm curious to see how I match up against this old fucks outdated traps."
  78. [22:50] <Asina> Is there a staircase further into the tower?
  79. [22:50] <Asina> Or a door to the rest of this floor?
  80. [22:51] <Asina> "Zev stay sharp as we travel, don't miss anything."
  81. [22:51] <Asina> (That means make search checks constantly, arbitrarily every time we walk down a hall or clear a room to check for hidden doors and shit.)
  82. [22:51] * Boris claps his hands "Continue to climb tower? Boris likes climbing"
  83. [22:52] <Taco_DM> (Gonna get some water, be back)
  84. [22:52] <Asina> (Don't even ask Taco, because as the DM he'll just tell you to roll even if there's nothing there, so just roll search checks.)
  85. [22:52] * Kei adjusts his healing pouch, "Lead on."
  86. [22:52] <Taco_DM> (And you know me too well)
  87. [22:52] <Asina> (All DMs do that, hell /I/ do that.)
  88. [22:53] <Boris> (....Question: On there windows on this floor?)
  89. [22:53] <Zevaron> (Alright. I'll keep that in mind)
  90. [22:53] <Taco_DM> (Back)
  91. [22:53] <Asina> (Search every body, every wall, and every room, even the floor. Wizards love hidden compartments.)
  92. [22:54] <Taco_DM> The maid-dressed man laughs. "Oh it's not just traps, don't forget his experiments. Even before his death there were many adventurers who tried to come here to steal his work...well he had to create a way to make all those pesky bones and metal to disappear." He says with a smile.
  93. [22:54] <Taco_DM> Also there is a door to the rest of this floor.
  94. [22:54] <Asina> roll 1d20+4 knowledge dungeoneering
  95. [22:54] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+4 knowledge dungeoneering --> [ 1d20=3 ]{7}
  96. [22:54] <Asina> Shit.
  97. [22:54] <Zevaron> I'll start by searching this room then.
  98. [22:55] <Asina> Asina knows nothing about slimes.
  99. [22:55] <Asina> Everyone else roll that untrained.
  100. [22:55] <Zevaron> roll 1d20+8
  101. [22:55] <!Dice-chan> Zevaron rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=18 ]{26}
  102. [22:55] <Claire> roll 1d20
  103. [22:55] <Asina> One of us needs to know what to watch out for.
  104. [22:55] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=5 ]{5}
  105. [22:55] <Claire> boop im dumb too
  106. [22:55] <Zevaron> Oh. Alright.
  107. [22:55] <Zevaron> roll 1d20
  108. [22:55] <!Dice-chan> Zevaron rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=2 ]{2}
  109. [22:55] <Zevaron> I guess I am too.
  110. [22:56] <Kei> roll 1d20+1 untrained
  111. [22:56] <!Dice-chan> Kei rolled 1d20+1 untrained --> [ 1d20=9 ]{10}
  112. [22:56] <Asina> Zev is like... he's a ranger but he's never been anywhere... so he kinda sucks at it for now.
  113. [22:56] <Boris> roll 1d20+2 untrained
  114. [22:56] <!Dice-chan> Boris rolled 1d20+2 untrained --> [ 1d20=5 ]{7}
  115. [22:56] <Asina> Okay...
  116. [22:56] <Asina> Well fuck.
  117. [22:56] <Asina> I won't say anything since nobody passed.
  118. [22:57] <Asina> We should be okay even just reacting though, Asina's come prepared.
  119. [22:57] <Asina> Did Zev's search check find anything Taco?
  120. [22:57] <Taco_DM> He found a hidden compartment on the wall. In that is a tiny box.
  121. [22:57] <Asina> "Don't touch."
  122. [22:58] <Zevaron> "Well, look at that."
  123. [22:58] <Asina> "Rule 1. Nobody touches anything until I make sure it won't explode."
  124. [22:58] <Taco_DM> The maid-man just laughs as you all try to think what he means. "Well since you are such a nice girl I'll give you a clue. This particular experiment you won't really see until you touch it, and when you do...well be sure there's no metal nearby."
  125. [22:59] <Asina> roll 1d20+10 to find traps
  126. [22:59] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+10 to find traps --> [ 1d20=20 ]{30}
  127. [22:59] <Asina> Hue.
  128. [22:59] <Asina> "Thanks love." Asina says as she examines the box carefully.
  129. [23:01] <Zevaron> "Thank you, as well. Wouldn't want to fall victim to any traps trying to get loot."
  130. [23:02] <Taco_DM> This box! Has some traps, however since you have such knowledge of traps you quickly do away with them with your masterful skills
  131. [23:02] <Asina> tl;dr they suck and I can disarm them by taking 10
  132. [23:02] <Asina> Easy peesy
  133. [23:03] <Asina> What's in it?
  134. [23:05] <Asina> Sweety if you're going to run this late I advise using prerolled loot, this is taking forever.
  135. [23:05] <Taco_DM> You found! An onyx statue.
  136. [23:05] <Asina> roll 1d20+4 appraise
  137. [23:05] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+4 appraise --> [ 1d20=4 ]{8}
  138. [23:05] <Asina> Beh.
  139. [23:06] <Taco_DM> It's in the shape of a bear.
  140. [23:06] <Asina> ".... Is it magic? It better be magic..."
  141. [23:06] <Taco_DM> Except its head is an owl's
  142. [23:06] <Asina> "ABRACADABRA!" Asina yells at the statue.
  143. [23:07] <Taco_DM> As you shout those magical words THE STATUE!...Remains nice and statuey
  144. [23:07] * Boris titles his head to the side "That had big body, but head of bird? Boris can bear-ly believe it. "
  145. [23:07] <Asina> "Who want's this pretty rock?" Asina says as she waves it over her head.
  146. [23:08] <Asina> "If nobody takes it I'm gonna break it out of spite."
  147. [23:08] <Zevaron> "Well, I suppose I'll take it then."
  148. [23:09] * Asina stares at the statue angrily.
  149. [23:09] <Asina> "Here... all yours handsome."
  150. [23:10] <Zevaron> "Thanks. Maybe it will be worth holding onto."
  151. [23:11] * Asina makes a mental note of how much Zev owes her for disarming the trap
  152. [23:11] <Asina> o yeah, what exits are there?
  153. [23:11] <Asina> So8
  154. [23:11] <Asina> **
  155. [23:13] <Taco_DM> There's a double door leading more into this floor.
  156. [23:13] <Asina> roll 1d20+10 to check for traps
  157. [23:13] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+10 to check for traps --> [ 1d20=18 ]{28}
  158. [23:14] <Taco_DM> THERE! ARe no traps
  159. [23:14] <Asina> Then have Claire open it and go first because she's my little brown meat shield.
  160. [23:15] <Claire> H-Here I go..!
  161. [23:15] <Asina> "Single file behind me, Boris behind me, then Zev, then KEi."."
  162. [23:15] <Claire> Okay
  163. [23:15] <Kei> Just a tip. I only have 2 cure moderates and my domain spells left.
  164. [23:16] <Asina> "That's our formation in case we're attacked.
  165. [23:16] <Claire> Let me pull my halberd and ready it
  166. [23:16] <Claire> and then I stress this
  167. [23:16] <Claire> I open the door very carefully and slowly, and check my surroundings immediately.
  168. [23:16] <Asina> I'll also check said surroundings because I'm not stupid as a rock.
  169. [23:16] <Taco_DM> You open the doors, which open to a grand hall that seems pretty empty except for what seems to be a table in the middle, with all sorts of things on the table. There are also two staircases, both of them seemingly leading to the same place.
  170. [23:17] <Asina> I'll see what's on the table, checking for magical traps before reading or opening anything.
  171. [23:17] <Asina> roll 1d20+10
  172. [23:17] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{19}
  173. [23:17] * Boris eyes go wide "....Ooo....THINGS! Boris likes things!' He runs over to the table to see what it has.
  174. [23:18] <Taco_DM> There doesn't seem to be any traps...but...
  175. [23:18] * Asina smacks Boris.
  176. [23:18] <Asina> "Wait!... Wait."
  177. [23:18] <Taco_DM> Roll spot for me...with a -5
  178. [23:18] <!Dice-chan> Taco_DM rolled spot for me...with a -5 --> error: malformed expression
  179. [23:18] * Asina points at his face like a disobediant puppy.
  180. [23:18] <Boris> roll 1d20+5
  181. [23:18] <!Dice-chan> Boris rolled 1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{9}
  182. [23:19] <Asina> roll 1d20-5
  183. [23:19] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20-5 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{-1}
  184. [23:19] <Asina> Why am I rolling spot when I'm searching?
  185. [23:19] <Claire> I'm searching as well- I need to roll that
  186. [23:19] <Claire> roll 1d20+2
  187. [23:19] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{10}
  188. [23:20] <Taco_DM> Because you noticed something odd
  189. [23:20] <Kei> roll 1d20-1 untrained Spotting MY DOOM
  190. [23:20] <!Dice-chan> Kei rolled 1d20-1 untrained Spotting MY DOOM --> [ 1d20=11 ]{10}
  191. [23:20] <Taco_DM> But there doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary, not at all
  192. [23:20] <Zevaron> I'll search the room now too then
  193. [23:20] <Asina> It's a spot check.
  194. [23:20] <Asina> Everyone rolls it.
  195. [23:20] <Claire> roll 1d20-5
  196. [23:20] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d20-5 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{11}
  197. [23:20] <Asina> It's a spot check
  198. [23:20] <Claire> er
  199. [23:20] <Claire> mind shoulda been just d20
  200. [23:20] <Claire> My bad.
  201. [23:20] <Claire> Should I reroll?
  202. [23:20] <Taco_DM> Naw
  203. [23:20] <Taco_DM> It's perfect
  204. [23:20] <Claire> so I got a 16 then?
  205. [23:20] <Zevaron> Do I add my spot modifier?
  206. [23:20] <Claire> kay
  207. [23:20] <Claire> Sorry.
  208. [23:20] <Taco_DM> notice something odd
  209. [23:20] <Taco_DM> Everyone seems to be fine, searching around the room
  210. [23:20] <Asina> You add your spot modifier -5
  211. [23:20] <Taco_DM> And just as Zev is about to search the middle of the room
  212. [23:20] <Taco_DM> ..You notice something
  213. [23:21] <Taco_DM> There's something in the middle of the room
  214. [23:21] <Taco_DM> Gray...and transparent
  215. [23:21] <Taco_DM> ...And ooze like
  216. [23:21] <Asina> A gray ooze?
  217. [23:21] <Asina> Really?
  218. [23:21] <Asina> I was expecting a cube.
  219. [23:21] <Claire> roll 1d20 dungeoneering untrained because im dumb
  220. [23:21] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d20 dungeoneering untrained because im dumb --> [ 1d20=11 ]{11}
  221. [23:22] <Claire> I have a question
  222. [23:22] <Taco_DM> Hm?
  223. [23:22] <Claire> Because of my flaw where I can't talk
  224. [23:22] <Claire> Can I like, stomp or slam one of my weapons into something to alert everyone
  225. [23:22] <Taco_DM> Sure
  226. [23:22] <Claire> Do I have to roll anything or no?
  227. [23:22] <Taco_DM> For that? Naw.
  228. [23:23] * Claire squints as she looks at..the ooze? She can't tell, regardless she quickly stomps on the ground and motions to it with her halberd.
  229. [23:24] <Kei> Did we notice her signal at all?
  230. [23:24] <Claire> ^
  231. [23:24] <Taco_DM> Dunno, do you?
  232. [23:24] <Claire> Roll listens spots what
  233. [23:24] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled listens spots what --> error: malformed expression
  234. [23:24] <Taco_DM> I'm pretty sure her stomping around would be pretty noticable
  235. [23:24] <Taco_DM> But about how your characters react...
  236. [23:24] <Boris> ^
  237. [23:24] <Asina> Can I reroll spot without the penalty now that I'm looking for something?
  238. [23:24] <Taco_DM> Well up to you
  239. [23:24] <Taco_DM> Yes'm
  240. [23:24] <Asina> roll 1d20
  241. [23:24] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{14}
  242. [23:25] <Asina> FUCKING REALLY?
  243. [23:25] <Asina> DC 15
  244. [23:25] <Asina> Still don't see it.
  245. [23:25] <Taco_DM> Nope, you don't see any gray thing standing in the middle, nope
  246. [23:25] <Asina> "What is it?" Asina asks Claire with a puzzled look.
  247. [23:25] <Kei> I'll go with OH GOD SHE SAID SOMETHING... METAPHORICALLY and look in her direction.
  248. [23:26] * Claire quickly slams the bottom of her halberd against the stone and points the speared end to the ooze frantically, attempting to stammer out "E-Enemy..!"
  249. [23:26] <Claire> (The rare time she speaks)
  250. [23:26] <Asina> Good enough.
  251. [23:26] <Asina> It's something I can't see and we're in a confined area.
  252. [23:26] <Asina> "Get back."
  253. [23:27] * Asina says this with an expression that says "NOW"
  254. [23:27] <Claire> I run back because
  255. [23:27] <Claire> well
  256. [23:27] <Claire> I don't fuck around when she tells me to do shit
  257. [23:27] <Claire> ;_:
  258. [23:27] <Claire> ;_;
  259. [23:27] <Taco_DM> Claire
  260. [23:27] <Claire> Y-Yes sir?
  261. [23:28] <Taco_DM> You see the ooze like creature flip and flop
  262. [23:28] * Boris looks back at the group "Enemy? Where? Boris sees nothing" He looks around and then back to what they were pointing at "...Oh...."
  263. [23:28] <Asina> I light one of my flasks of oil with the pre-soaked rags.
  264. [23:28] <Taco_DM> Not really moving one way or another
  265. [23:28] <Asina> "I said get back." She says one more time.
  266. [23:29] <Taco_DM> The moment you light one of the flasks, a body seems to be dropping from the ceiling...even though there is no hole
  267. [23:29] <Asina> roll 1d20+6 to hit the general area Claire was pointing at with her burning oil.
  268. [23:29] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+6 to hit the general area Claire was pointing at with her burning oil. --> [ 1d20=16 ]{22}
  269. [23:29] <Asina> Doesn't amtter.
  270. [23:29] <Asina> Asina will react to what Claire told ehr anyway.
  271. [23:29] <Boris> I'm going to jump back to the party...literally
  272. [23:29] <Taco_DM> As it drops, Claire and now Asina see the ooze move, engulfing the body, eating every part of it
  273. [23:29] <Asina> Even if she's wrong.... I still get to burn things.
  274. [23:29] <Taco_DM> Including the metal.
  275. [23:30] <Asina> And now it's on fire.
  276. [23:30] <Kei> "... that can't be good."
  277. [23:31] <Asina> This is the part where everyone get's behind me because none of us have non metallic weapons and this isn't a matter of knowledge checks anymore.
  278. [23:31] <Kei> Yeah I'm going with that..
  279. [23:31] <Claire> NOT TRUE
  280. [23:31] <Claire> I HAVE
  281. [23:31] <Claire> A GREATCLUB
  282. [23:31] <Claire> I AM
  283. [23:31] <Claire> THE DARK SOULS
  284. [23:31] <Asina> I have more oil if that doesn't kill it.
  285. [23:31] <Claire> I HAVE A GIANT
  286. [23:31] <Claire> WOODEN
  287. [23:31] <Claire> CLUB
  288. [23:31] <Claire> YOU CAN'T
  289. [23:31] <Asina> Don't be stupid.
  290. [23:31] <Claire> Auu.
  291. [23:31] <Claire> Fine.
  292. [23:31] <Taco_DM> The ooze, now clear in view, stops eating and despite having no mouth seems to let out a...sound...if it can be called that.
  293. [23:32] <Taco_DM> Its body shakes and moves...and then begins to move to the direction where the oil was sent to.
  294. [23:33] <Asina> To or from?
  295. [23:33] <Taco_DM> From rather
  296. [23:33] <Asina> I empty another flask in a semicircle in front of the door to the room and light it.
  297. [23:34] <Asina> Everyone is smart enough to stand behind the crazy bitch smiling psychotically as she burns things I hope.
  298. [23:34] <Kei> I totally am.
  299. [23:34] <Zevaron> Yes, yes I think I am.
  300. [23:34] <Taco_DM> The ooze, seemingly stupid and perhaps blind, move closer and closer to the flames, soon the entire thing burns, and burns brightly. It lets out another scream and then seemingly breaks down on the constant flames that surround it
  301. [23:35] <Taco_DM> All that's left is a puddle of what once was, and the half-digested corpse lying on the floor.
  302. [23:35] <Asina> I'll tear off a sleeve of my under shirt.
  303. [23:35] <Asina> Then I hand it and another flask of oil to Zev.
  304. [23:35] <Asina> "Ever shoot flaming arrows, love?"
  305. [23:36] <Asina> "If we find any more of those things you'll get your chance.
  306. [23:36] <Asina> You can make them as we ransack this area.
  307. [23:36] * Claire pokes Asina's arm and pouts as she motions to her composite bow.
  308. [23:36] <Zevaron> "... Sounds pretty fun."
  309. [23:36] * Asina sighs and tears off the other sleeve.
  310. [23:37] <Asina> "The less clothes the better I always say."
  311. [23:37] * Claire claps her hands together and smiles as she eagerly takes the cloth, an almost psychotic glint in her eye to match her mistresses smile.
  312. [23:37] <Asina> Is the puddle still acidic?
  313. [23:38] <Taco_DM> Slightly.
  314. [23:38] <Boris> Question: Are there any jars around?
  315. [23:38] <Zevaron> How do I make them? Anything specific?
  316. [23:38] <Asina> It's not gonna be strong enough for that.
  317. [23:38] <Asina> Just wrap the arrowhead in cloth and soak it in oil.
  318. [23:39] <Taco_DM> Just dip-yeahthat
  319. [23:39] <Asina> I'll loan you my flint and tinder to light them too.
  320. [23:39] <Claire> I assume this goes doubly for me?
  321. [23:39] <Asina> I don't have a spare but that's okay.
  322. [23:39] <Asina> Yeah.
  323. [23:39] <Taco_DM> Give me a search roll.
  324. [23:39] <Claire> Note, invest in cloth, oil, and flint and tinder
  325. [23:39] <Zevaron> Alright. How many can I make?
  326. [23:39] <Taco_DM> For the jars
  327. [23:39] <Boris> Oh I will
  328. [23:39] <Zevaron> roll 1d20+8
  329. [23:39] <!Dice-chan> Zevaron rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{19}
  330. [23:39] <Asina> In fact I'll keep the tinder so I can light one for each of you every round if we see them.
  331. [23:39] <Taco_DM> You find one empty glass jar.
  332. [23:39] <Asina> Search check?
  333. [23:39] <Taco_DM> Boris wanted to check for jars
  334. [23:40] <Kei> I DO have a flint and steel.
  335. [23:40] <Boris> roll 1d20+2
  336. [23:40] <!Dice-chan> Boris rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{22}
  337. [23:40] <Taco_DM> You find the same empty glass jar Zev found.
  338. [23:40] <Asina> Give it to one of them then, I'll give mine to the other for now.
  339. [23:40] <Asina> Alright.
  340. [23:41] <Asina> Being the master of getting naked that I am I'll slip off what's left of my poor undershirt and use it to soak up some of the jelly residue and transfer it into the jar.
  341. [23:41] <Taco_DM> Sounds good!
  342. [23:41] <Asina> It's probably half dissolved by the time we're done but the room should be clean enough to search now.
  343. [23:41] <Zevaron> Can I do that search check from earlier now?
  344. [23:41] <Asina> I'll search too.
  345. [23:41] * Boris takes this jar and a grin rips across his face "Just what Boris needs" He then walks over to scoop up some of the ooze
  346. [23:41] <Asina> roll 1d20+10
  347. [23:41] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{21}
  348. [23:42] <Zevaron> roll 1d20+8
  349. [23:42] <!Dice-chan> Zevaron rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{19}
  350. [23:42] <Claire> roll 1d20+2
  351. [23:42] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=4 ]{6}
  352. [23:42] <Claire> I am too-
  353. [23:42] <Claire> or not
  354. [23:42] * Asina pats
  355. [23:42] <Claire> I just stumble around behind Emmy scared and clueless.
  356. [23:42] <Claire> Because she is my anchor ;_;
  357. [23:42] <Asina> I also still want to know what's on that table.
  358. [23:43] <Taco_DM> On the table seems to be all sorts of alchemical assortment
  359. [23:43] <Taco_DM> Mandrakes, roots, flowers and so on
  360. [23:43] <Asina> So useless as fuck for me unless there's some finished products.
  361. [23:43] <Asina> Anything I can make poison out of?
  362. [23:43] * Boris closes the lid of the jar once it is filled with Ooze remains "Haha! Boris now has jelly to go with food"
  363. [23:44] <Taco_DM> Give me a knowledge (nature) check and I'll tell you
  364. [23:44] <Taco_DM> Or you can have someone do it
  365. [23:44] <Asina> roll 1d20+4
  366. [23:44] <!Dice-chan> Asina rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{7}
  367. [23:44] <Kei> would I be able to read any of the alchemical notes?
  368. [23:44] <Asina> Nope.
  369. [23:44] <Asina> RANGER BOY
  370. [23:44] <Zevaron> roll 1d20+8
  371. [23:44] <!Dice-chan> Zevaron rolled 1d20+8 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{14}
  372. [23:44] <Claire> roll 1d20
  373. [23:44] <!Dice-chan> Claire rolled 1d20 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{20}
  374. [23:44] <Claire> BAHAHAHA
  375. [23:44] <Claire> UNTRAINED 20
  376. [23:44] <Asina> .......
  377. [23:44] <Claire> SUCK MY DICK
  378. [23:44] <Zevaron> .... Please
  379. [23:44] <Asina> Okay so Claire is an expert on poisons... I'll make a note of that.
  380. [23:45] * Asina pats Zev. "I'm sure we'll find your niche."
  381. [23:45] <Taco_DM> You found that there are enough roots and things on that table
  382. [23:45] <Taco_DM> To make a paralizing poison
  383. [23:45] <Asina> So Claire does a bizarre game of chirades to tell me what is and isn't poisonous.
  384. [23:45] <Taco_DM> Also, as you guys search the room, do you also search the half-eaten body?
  385. [23:45] <Asina> Of course.
  386. [23:46] <Claire> Okay because like
  387. [23:46] <Asina> He's dead what's he gonna use it for?
  388. [23:46] <Claire> I could just write it down
  389. [23:46] <Claire> you know
  390. [23:46] <Taco_DM> Right on
  391. [23:46] <Claire> Or I can go charades which I would LOVE to act out.
  392. [23:46] <Claire> But it would take centuries.
  393. [23:46] <Taco_DM> On his body, the things that weren't eaten
  394. [23:46] <Claire> Literally centuries
  395. [23:46] <Kei> Sure why not, it's not like the half-eaten body needs them.
  396. [23:46] <Taco_DM> Were alchemist's fire and 3 jars of holy water.
  397. [23:46] <Zevaron> Whats alchemist's fire?
  398. [23:46] <Kei> holy water ist mein
  399. [23:47] <Taco_DM> You also find a half-eaten letter, that seemed much like the letter you all recieved, except with a different seal and hand-writting.
  400. [23:47] <Taco_DM> Alchemist fire = molotov cocktail
  401. [23:47] <Taco_DM> DnD version
  402. [23:47] <Asina> Alchemist's fire is mine.
  403. [23:47] <Zevaron> Ok.
  404. [23:47] <Claire> May I have one fire please.
  405. [23:47] <Asina> It's what I just did only sticky like napalm and expensive.
  406. [23:47] <Claire> Just one.
  407. [23:47] <Asina> What's your dex?
  408. [23:47] <Claire> 18 darlin
  409. [23:47] <Asina> Because I'm probably a better shot.
  410. [23:47] <Asina> Okay.jpg
  411. [23:48] <Claire> Remember I use a fucking bow too I'm not all muscle
  412. [23:48] <Claire> I got ~agility~
  413. [23:48] * Kei rests the holy water vials onto his belt.
  414. [23:48] <Claire> that works better on steam
  415. [23:48] <Taco_DM> (Also all of you get 225 xp from being able to defeat the ooze without taking a single hit!)
  416. [23:48] <Asina> I assume there was only one flask of Alchemist's Fire?
  417. [23:48] <Taco_DM> Yawp
  418. [23:48] <Claire> Awh.
  419. [23:48] <Asina> You can ahve it.
  420. [23:48] <Claire> SWEET!
  421. [23:49] <Boris> (I have my jar of ooze jelly. I care not for your fire bottles)
  422. [23:49] <Taco_DM> As you guys search and grab all the loot off of the half-eaten dead body. The maid-man comes in and sees what you guys did, sighs a bit and gets a broom, beginning to somehow sweep away the acidic fluid.
  423. [23:50] <Asina> "Sorry, cutie!~ I'll make it up to you later. <3"
  424. [23:50] <Asina> Before we move on we're resting here.
  425. [23:50] <Taco_DM> He waves as his back is turned to you, his short skirt flopping a bit as he moves which reveals....bear panties?
  426. [23:51] <Asina> We need to make fire arrows and Kei needs to recover his spells.
  427. [23:51] <Taco_DM> That's fine
  428. [23:51] <Zevaron> How many should I make? 10 - 15?
  429. [23:51] <Asina> I also need my daily jizz intake so who's gonna volunteer?
  430. [23:51] <Kei> Yeah... recovering my spells might be nice.
  431. [23:51] <Taco_DM> You can make 20 with one flask
  432. [23:51] <Kei> ... I'm going to be meditating for like an hour.
  433. [23:51] <Asina> 10 each then.
  434. [23:52] <Asina> I can suck somebody off in WAY less than an hour.
  435. [23:52] <Zevaron> Alright. I'll make ten fire arrows then.
  436. [23:52] <Taco_DM> Also, if you guys are resting for what might next await you. Hint: It's more magical stuff. We'll call it here for tonight!
  437. [23:52] <Asina> Okay.
  438. [23:52] <Asina> After Zev finishes making the arrows I totally suck his dick.
  439. [23:52] <Claire> I'll make 20 fire arrows, sit around with Asina, and then sleep.
  440. [23:52] <Boris> ....I'm tempted to taste that ooze jelly.
  441. [23:53] <Taco_DM> Also Claire
  442. [23:53] <Asina> No you won't you get 10, I'm not giving up more than one flask.
  443. [23:53] <Claire> But
  444. [23:53] <Claire> my flask?
  445. [23:53] <Taco_DM> You gain the knowledge to make the poison known as Stiffer
  446. [23:53] <Claire> Can't I?
  447. [23:53] <Claire> Or is it better to just..
  448. [23:53] <Claire> Wait
  449. [23:53] <Claire> no
  450. [23:53] <Claire> I'm being
  451. [23:53] <Asina> Save it for throwing at things.
  452. [23:53] <Claire> yeah
  453. [23:53] <Claire> Okay, 10
  454. [23:53] <Taco_DM> A paralizing poison that can be coated into blades and the like and will paralize its victim for 2 hours
  455. [23:54] <Asina> So how much of that do I have now?
  456. [23:54] <Taco_DM> With the material you found, you are able to make one flask of it
  457. [23:54] <Asina> How many doses is that?
  458. [23:54] <Taco_DM> (Also whoever you hit with it has to make a DC 15 Fort otherwise PARALIZED and shit)
  459. [23:54] <Zevaron> Do I add 10 fire arrows to my inventory, or oil tipped or something?
  460. [23:55] <Taco_DM> That's about 4 doses
  461. [23:55] <Asina> 10 Oil Tipped Arrows
  462. [23:55] <Zevaron> k
  463. [23:55] <Asina> You also got head, be happy.
  464. [23:55] <Asina> Slurp slurp, nigga.
  465. [23:55] <Taco_DM> Lewd
  466. [23:55] * Asina licks her lips.
  467. [23:55] <Claire> Very.
  468. [23:55] <Taco_DM> Anyhow, you guys enjoyed today's session?
  469. [23:55] <Zevaron> Very
  470. [23:56] <Asina> Yep.
  471. [23:56] <Zevaron> Yep.
  472. [23:56] <Claire> Mhm
  473. [23:56] <Claire> Sorry for it being short.
  474. [23:56] <Claire> My bad ;_;
  475. [23:56] <Kei> iesu
  476. [23:56] <Asina> I was all like "Hey remember that trap I stopped from going off in your face?... Well..."
  477. [23:57] <Zevaron> Well, I was quite appreciative of that...
  478. [23:57] <Asina> So was I.
  479. [23:57] <Asina> Asina has an addiction to sex, so that saved me from some save penalties.
  480. [23:58] <Asina> Id' have totally done it anyway but still.
  481. [23:59] == Asina [webchat@25ea667f.21531281.14fd58ce.31b34b44X] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  482. [23:59] == Dice-chan has changed nick to Emilybroshoujo
  483. [23:59] == Zevaron has changed nick to HyakkoF
  484. [00:01] <!Emilybroshoujo> HF
  485. [00:01] <!Emilybroshoujo> HF
  486. [00:01] <!Emilybroshoujo> I SUCKED YOUR DICK
  487. [00:01] <!Emilybroshoujo> YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH THAT FOREVER NOW
  488. [00:01] <!Emilybroshoujo> FOREVER
  489. [00:02] <HyakkoF> I think I'll be able to do that.
  490. [00:02] <Kei> hmm, I can totally turn my picked spells into equal level heals, so I could pick something else...
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