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Apr 5th, 2018
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  1. Correct it wasn’t a “19 camel riding Arabs armed with box cutters” terrorist operation, unless we can classify the global mafia that you worked for as the terrorists. Iran? Hezbollah? The official narrative that you present is much more palatable than the truth. But of course you wouldn’t want to admit to yourself that you wasted your life fighting for the evil side and probably not even realizing it. That presumes you’re compartmentalized and not knowingly complicit. Which appears to be the case given your apparently relatively low “grunt” level rank. So I guess I can’t blame you for your plight then. But it does presume a level of naivete, cognitive dissonance, and/or ignorance which seems implausible to me. But I’ve learned that I highly overestimate what even very high IQ people should be able to infer about reality. I’m of course quite aware of the likely reaction, “Just another Alex Jones truther. Nothing there.”
  3. I would just really like to believe that our intelligence agents care about humanity and have the ethics of my grandparents. And if that is the case, I don’t understand how someone smart enough to do such intelligence work would be so incapable of seeing the reality of the false-flag operations that have going on every decade since at least JFK. And before that we have Pearl Harbor and RMS Lusitania.
  5. Sorry sir I can’t respect you nor your career until you do some research so you can stop spreading lies against humanity. This is an impassioned appeal to you and your ilk to wake the fuck up and repent while you still can (which should is not intended as any sort of threat from me). Judgment day is not my responsibility.
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