
Baby Sitting

Jun 7th, 2013
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  1. "I still think this is a terrible idea."
  2. >"Oh Anonymous you'll be fine. You said you use to babysit for your sister back in your home."
  3. "Cats. I babysat her cats. And that was just making sure they had food and water and hadn't managed to kill themselves yet."
  4. >"Oh ummmmm.. well I suppose that counts for something then."
  5. "Rarity I find it very disconcerting that you attribute the difficulty of caring for your sister and her friends to that of keeping a house cat alive."
  6. >"I NEED THIS ANON! DON'T RUIN THIS FOR ME!" Rarity snarls at you as she pulls you to her level by your collar.
  7. "Alright! Alright! I'll watch them. But you owe me for this." you say as you shake off the desperate pony.
  8. >Brushing a few errant strands of her mane back into place Rarity regains her composure.
  9. >"But of course Anonymous darling. Now I must finish packing or I'll be late for my train."
  10. >With that Rarity shoos you out the door.
  11. >How she managed to talk you into watching not only Sweetie Bell but Scootaloo and Applebloom as well while she went off on some fashion..thing in Canterlot you'll never know.
  12. >Oh no wait you do, veiled threats and promises of compensation, that's how...
  13. >Seriously, squiggle tail owes you at least a new set of clothes for this.
  14. >With a sigh you take stock of your situation, Schools out soon and your first task is picking up the girls from school.
  15. >The day is cloudy and the ground wet, a scheduled rainfall ended not too long ago.
  16. >As you weave between puddles you make your way down to P0nyville's school house.
  17. >You arrive just as the class is letting out, fillies and colts run every which way, some meeting their parents others begin walking home.
  19. >Spying Cherrilee in the main school yard you walk up to her as she finishes saying goodbye to some of her students.
  20. "Hey Cherrilee" you call out.
  21. >Turning to you her face brightens as she returns your greeting, "Oh hello Anonymous, here to pick up the girls?"
  22. >At least Rarity remembered to call ahead and let her know you were going to be picking them up.
  23. "Yeah, you know where they're at?
  24. >"Last I saw them they were out back behind the school house" she says
  25. >You thank her and with a wave over your shoulder you walk around the building to its far side.
  26. >Scanning the empty playground you don't see the girls.
  27. >Crap, they didn't already leave did they?
  28. >With what you fear will be the first of many sighs today you turn to go look for the girls
  29. >Just as you're about to head off you hear stifled laughter coming from the bushes.
  30. >Snapping your head in the direction it came from you notice a set of bushes shaking slightly
  31. >Walking towards them the giggling stops
  32. >"SHHHHH!" the bush says.
  33. >Parting the leaves you find Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetiebell huddled inside.
  34. >Looking up at you Applebloom is the first to speak "Well ah guess Cutie Mark Crusaders Spies is a bust."
  35. >"Does that mean we can get out of these wet bushes now." Sweetiebell asks
  36. >"Awww Anon, how'd you find us?" Scoots asks
  37. "Typically bushes don't giggle" you say with a smirk
  38. >"I told you to be quiet" Scootaloo says to Sweetiebell.
  39. "Anyways girls lets get going, I want to get back to my place in case it starts to raining again."
  40. >The trio follow you out of the school yard and down the street back into the town proper.
  41. >They're bundles of energy, you'll give them that. The don't seem to stop or slow down for anything, running, hopping and jumping about.
  43. >"Cutie Mark Crusader puddle jumpers!" Sweetiebell yells with one particularly enthusiastic jump.
  44. >"That doesn't make a lick of sense." Applebloom says, but she too is caught up in the fun as the girls start trying to out do each other with bigger and bigger splashes.
  45. "Girls I think that's enough, you're gonna get and wet and I don't wan..."
  46. >If they're listening to you they don't show it as all three of them take a simultaneous leap into the largest puddle they can find.
  47. >The resulting splash succeeds in soaking not only the girls but it hits you square in the face as well.
  48. "Aw god dammit *PPFFFTTT* I had my mouth open! *PFT* *PPPFFFTTTTT*" you grumble as you try to spit the taste of mud and dirty water out of your mouth.
  49. >"Yyyeahhhh I think we're done." Scoots says as the CMC falls inline beneath your glare.
  50. "Well I'm soaked to the bone, *sigh* lets just get home so I can get us cleaned up."
  51. >Without further watery incidents you arrive at your home as the girls start to tear around your house.
  52. >"This is gonna be fun!"
  53. >"We haven't had a slumber party in awhile!"
  54. >"Or been to a humans house before."
  55. >"It looks pretty normal to me."
  56. >"Oh whats that!"
  57. >"Hey Anon whats this thing here?"
  58. >"Is it suppose to come apart like this?"
  59. >You herd the rambunctious trio into the bathroom and start to draw them a bath. Their coats are speckled with mud and are wet from the puddles.
  60. Once the tub is full you turn to them "Alright, You three take a bath and get cleaned up, I'll be in the living room."
  61. >"Arn't you gonna give us a bath?" asks Applebloom
  62. >You were surprised their sisters even wanted you to watch them, there's no way you're summoning the p0nyville party van on this one.
  63. "Yeah... I don't think that's a good idea girls, besides aren't you all big ponies that can clean yourselves?"
  64. >They take the bait and hop into the tub and start laughing and splashing each other as they get cleaned up.
  66. >With a few precious minutes to yourself you head to your bedroom and remove your soaked clothing, too much mud in your hair though, you'll just have to take a shower once the girls are done.
  67. >You allow yourself a bit of self indulgence though as you stare at yourself in the mirror, the mud and what not caked across your face gives you a rather rugged look
  68. "Bear Grylls eat your heart out" you say as you flex a bit at your reflection
  69. >"Bear who?" a small voice from behind you asks
  70. >Whipping around you've found that the girls are not only done with their baths but have snuck their way into your room.
  71. >You meanwhile are still in a current state of undress as you quickly obscure your *ahem* area with your hands.
  73. >"What? Whats wrong?" Sweetiebell asks?
  74. "NAKED! ME!"
  75. "YOU! OUT NOW!"
  76. >"Naked? But we're naked all the time Ahnon." Applebloom pipes up.
  77. >"Jeeze Anon we're not little fillies." Scoots says dismissively, "And besides, its not like you have something we haven't seen before."
  78. "I don't care that you're all naked, humans don't just go around without clothes and WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'SOMETHING WE HAVEN'T SEEN BEFORE!'"
  79. "I AM SOMETHING YOU HAVEN'T SEEN BEFORE! WHY ARE WE ARGUING ABOUT THIS WHILE I'M NAKED! OUT! OUT!" you scream as you finally shoo the girls out of your room.
  80. >"Awwwwwwww." the girls groan in unison
  81. >After putting on your bathrobe you set the girls up with a board game to occupy themselves while you take a shower.
  82. >The hot water streaks down your face, washing away the dirt and grime.
  83. >Its only been a few hours and you're really hopping that Rarity is enjoying herself because you just upped the ante to a new suit when she gets back.
  84. >With a contented sigh you step out of the shower and dry yourself off.
  85. >Putting on a fresh set of clothes you step out of the bathroom.
  86. >The board game is a scattered mess across most of the living room and the girls are nowhere to be seen.
  88. "Perfect.." you grumble. "Girls! Where the heck did you get off to!?"
  89. >"NOW!" Scootaloo yells out.
  90. >A net is dropped onto your head from above as the girls jump out from their hiding spots.
  91. >"CUTIE MARK CRUSADER XENO-BIOLOGISTS! YAY!" They yell in harmony
  92. >Make that two new suits you think as you pick the tiny net off your head, you're not even gonna ask where they got it from.
  93. "Yeah, cute but not so much." you say "How about we get dinner ready instead?"
  94. >The girls are momentarily dejected by your "masterful" escape from their trap but quickly perk back up as they hop into the kitchen.
  95. >You've heard tales of Sweetiebell's cooking expertise and err on the side of caution and let her and Scoots set the table as you and Applebloom do the cooking.
  96. >In just a short time you've prepared a simple yet filling meal for you and the fillies to enjoy.
  97. >You sit in content silence munching on your dinner as the girls talk about an array of subjects.
  98. >How their day at school was, cutie marks, how their studies are going, how their sisters are doing, and cutie marks.
  99. >"..and that's probably when we realized that we weren't gonna get our cutie marks in bee keeping." Applebloom finishes
  100. >"Dumb bees." Sweetie mumbles.
  101. >You chuckle slightly but say nothing else.
  102. >Cleaning up after dinner you usher the girls back into the living room as you have them pick up the mess they made with the board game.
  103. >Before putting it away you play a few games with them to pass the hours with some slightly less destructive fun.
  104. >How they managed to beat you at literally your own game is beyond you.
  106. >Finishing up, you place the board game back on its shelf
  107. >Sweetiebell speaks up, "Hey Anon?"
  108. >"Whats up?" you ask
  109. >"Earlier when we were in your room we noticed something."
  110. >CRAP. You don't like where this is going.
  111. "Girls I don't really think this is a good topic of conversation." you say as you sit down on your couch
  112. >"But we saw that you didn't have a cutie mark either." Applebloom says as she hops up next to you
  113. >Oh thank god
  114. >"Yeah, and if you don't have a cutie mark that means you're a blank flank too." Scoots says as she and Sweetie join you and Applebloom
  115. >"We should make you a Cutie Mark Crusader too!" Sweetiebell excitedly squeaks as she claps her hooves together.
  116. >"Yah! You can join us on our Crusading and maybe you can find your cutie mark and too!" finishes Applebloom as the three of them gaze up at you with big smiles on their little faces.
  117. >Damn adorable ponies.
  118. "I appreciate the offer girls but humans don't get cutie marks." you explain
  119. >"What? That's so sad..." says Sweetiebell
  120. >"But how do you find your special talent then?" asks Applebloom
  121. "Well humans can be good at lots of different things, and sometimes they're not really good at any one thing but alright at a lot of things."
  122. >"Sounds weird." Scoots chimes in.
  123. "Yeah I guess it would be for you guys," you say as you reach over and ruffle Scoots mane, "your whole society is somewhat built around that."
  124. >"So you don't ever worry about being blank flanks?" asks Sweetie
  125. "Well we worry about what we'll do with ourselves just like ponies do, some people rise to the occasion, and others never really get off the ground but that's the way it goes sometimes you know."
  126. >Applebloom pauses for a few moments, seemingly lost in though. "...but what about you Ahnon? Did you ever 'rise to the occasion'"
  127. >Ouch, tough question.
  129. "Lets just say girls that finding yourself isn't always an easy road. It has its ups and downs, but sometimes the road itself is the reason you travel it, not the end."
  130. >You might of gone over their heads a bit with the Saturday morning bullshit but soon they all smile and nod.
  131. >"Well lets just make you an honorary member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders then!" says Scoots as she she hugs your mid section.
  132. >"Yeah Ahnon, anytime you want to join us for crusadin you're welcome." Applebloom says as she and Sweetiebell hug you as well.
  133. "Thanks girls," you say as you return the hugs "I appreciate that."
  134. "But it's getting late and its about time that the lot of you head off to bed."
  135. >"Awwwwwww, but we barely got any crusading in" they groan
  136. "Don't worry, tomorrows another day with new chances to figure it out. And besides, maybe you can be Cutie Mark Crusader pillow testers." you end with a laugh.
  137. >"Ahnon that was terrible." says Applebloom
  138. >"We can mark joke telling off this list of human talents." says Scoots as the girls head upstairs to the guest room.
  139. "Everyone's a critic" you mumble to yourself as the girls climb up the stairs out of sight.
  140. >What you wouldn't give to have those fillies energy you think with an exhausted sigh.
  141. >Kicking back on your couch you prop your legs up on your coffee table and stretch your arms.
  142. >Well....maybe Rarity only has to make you one suit, this time.
  143. >End
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