
Alola Girls Ch. 7 (Part 2 Beginning) (BBW, WG)

Mar 28th, 2020
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  1. Two weeks had passed since Zinnia had joined Jack’s staff. Routine had begun to set in at the Cobal Property. Misty and Zinnia had been formally trained. One would be the primary guard for Jack, and any outings both would need to be present for. Mallow had one official day off, but the groups multiple trips to the buffet, paradise pizza, and the many great eateries of Melemele Island gave her plenty of time off. Cosmog and Lillie had grown quite comfortable, and it’d accompany Lillie on her cleaning tasks. She wasn’t very good, and needed some coaching from Hilda. Speaking of Hilda, her spunky, boisterous attitude had started to give way to a lazier, hands off approach to managing Jack and his affairs. Aside from setting up a charitable foundation for the Alolan Islands, there hadn’t been nearly as much to do. She was often in her office snacking. She’d even gotten a mini-fridge so she wouldn’t have to get soda out of the kitchen regularly.
  3. Very quickly Mallow asked for a different food setup. The five house members, not to mention their Pokemon, were big eaters. Lillie and Misty ate quantities more fitting for three individual people, while Zinnia was close behind, eating as much as two average people. They now had a restaurant supplier delivering food for them once a week, with Mallow expertly managing the complex’s food stores. All staff had new phones paid for by Jack and Hilda, and more vehicles had been added to the carport. Hilda said she was starting to have to sleep with earplugs now due to the extremely loud, drunken lovemaking Jack made with Misty and Zinnia. Even Lillie probably knew, but she didn’t mention it. Anabel was supposed to be coming over for dinner in a few days, sans Looker.
  5. Jack awoke nestled next to Bianca’s flabby form. The previous night she’d come over for some hot tubbin’ and a bit of lovin’. It was the second time she’d come over in the past couple weeks. He’d gotten used to sleeping with a meaty girl next to him, and since Misty was on her period, and Zinnia didn’t fuck him the night before a shift, Bianca was the natural choice.
  7. “Morning Jack.” She cooed.
  9. “Morning Bianca.” He said, eyes still shut. She started to move, and soon she was licking his cock. It nearly sprang to attention and Bianca expertly took him in her mouth, servicing his shaft, dowsing him in her saliva as she massaged him carefully. It didn’t take long until he was about to cum.
  11. “B-Bianca I... I’m gonna-” He was interrupted as pleasure overtook him and he grunted euphorically as his cock spasmed with pleasure. Bianca engulfed his whole shaft as he shot his seed down her throat.
  13. When Jack’s had finally calmed down, he kissed Bianca on the cheek and held her. “That was wonderful.”
  15. Bianca smiled, some of his cum still in her mouth. “You’re welcome.” Suddenly Bianca’s ringtone went off, and she panicked, gulping down the last bit of his cum as she reached for her phone.
  17. “Professor, you’re back?” She said quickly. Jack wait for a bit and Bianca was kinda panicked. “Okay, yes Kukui. I’ll be over in ten minutes.” She said, hanging up the phone. She turned back to Jack with a grimace. “Sorry Jack...Kukui got back earlier than expected.”
  19. Jack laughed. “It’s fine, Bianca.” Bianca started to put her clothes, which was quite a struggle and a sight to behold. Her underwear was completely outmatched by Bianca’s sizable, near 300 pound form. Whenever she hung out with him and the staff, she pigged out just as much as Lillie and Misty.
  21. She had a hard time bending over to put her yoga pants on. “Ugh...” She grunted. “Mallow’s cooking has really been getting to me lately. I need to stop hanging with you all so much.” Jack chuckled at that. “But mostly I need to stop eating like the girls so much.”
  23. As Bianca was waddling out the door, jogged over to Jack. “Sure she doesn’t want any cinnamon rolls?” She asked.
  25. Jack grinned mischievously. “Bianca!” He called out. Bianca turned around suddenly, gasping for air.
  27. “What?”
  29. “Want a cinnamon roll? They’re Mallow’s specialty...” Jack teased.
  31. Bianca went red. “I really shouldn’t...” She said, then sighed. “Yeah I’ll grab one.” She said, disappointed how weak her willpower was.
  33. Mallow already had one in hand as she marched over to Bianca. The gooey, sweet pastry smelled heavenly. Bianca took a bite and swooned. “It’s so delicious!” She cried out.
  35. “Thanks...” Mallow said.
  37. Bianca swallowed quickly and took another bite. “It’s a *munch* good thing I *munch* don’t live here. I’d be immobile in a year.” She said as she waddled out the door. “Bye everyone!” She called in. Jack realized he forgot to tell her something and he went outside to the carport.
  39. “Bianca!” He called out. “With Kukui back, didn’t he want to go see the Kahuna about Nebby?”
  41. Bianca thought for a moment until it occurred to her what he was talking about. “Oh yea, I’ll ask him about it when I get there. I’ll call you.”
  43. Jack returned to inside and breakfast was waiting for him. He had a cinnamon roll and some cereal. It was a little before 9:00 as he finished his coffee when Hilda stumbled in, still groggy.
  45. “Morning all.” She groaned. He’d seen Hilda every day the past two weeks, but perhaps was the day he finally realized it. Hilda had been gaining weight pretty rapidly. Perhaps it was because she was in her same outfit from when he first met her, a tight-fitting bare midriff and booty shorts. But she certainly didn’t fit like she had two weeks ago. She had a small paunch sticking out, and when she turned around he could see how tightly her shorts clung to thickened backside. eyeballing it, he could tell she’d gained more around 20 pounds in the past two weeks alone. He wouldn’t have believed it if he wasn’t looking at how overmatched her old clothing was. She took a plate and piled two cinnamon rolls on it then retreated to her office.
  47. “Want seconds?” Mallow asked Jack.
  49. “No...” He said. He saw there were only two cinnamon rolls left. “Who else has had breakfast?”
  51. “Just Zinnia.” Mallow replied. “I’ve got another batch cooking in the oven, was wondering if I’d need another.”
  53. Jack chuckled. “If you make more they won’t go un-eaten.”
  55. Mallow nodded. “I suppose you’re right. Any idea what we’re doing for dinner tonight?”
  57. “Hm...” Jack wondered aloud. “There’s a burger place on the shore Misty wants to take me. I suppose we can all go there.”
  59. “Big Kahuna Burger?There’s also the best Malasada shop on Melemele near it too, for dessert.” Mallow replied.
  61. “Sounds perfect.” Jack said. He got up and checked on Hilda, who had a bottle of soda next to her as she was chowing down on cinnamon rolls. Jack then went back to his room, took a shower, and returned to the kitchen to see Misty and Lillie gorging themselves on Mallow’s cinnamon rolls and cereal.
  63. Mallow greeted him first upon entering. “You were right Jack, they’re almost done with the second tray.”
  65. Misty took a loud bite of a cinnamon roll and turned to Mallow. “They’re just *munch* so damn *urp* good.”
  67. Lillie couldn’t speak because of how much food she was cramming in her mouth. He was quite mesmerized by Lillie and Misty, and his eyes didn’t leave them until his phone started to ring. He saw it was Bianca calling him, and he answered.
  69. “What’s up?” He asked Bianca.
  71. “Hey Jack, you busy today?”
  73. “When?” He asked.
  75. “Like, now and for a couple hours.” Bianca said.
  77. “Is this about the Kahuna thing with Nebby?”
  79. “Yeah.” Bianca replied. “He’s in Iki Town, the professor was hoping you’d meet him there.”
  81. “Okay yeah, I’ll get on that. How far away is it?”
  83. “About 20-25 minutes probably. I don’t think I can make it, but Kukui will definitely be there.” She said.
  85. “Okay, have a good one.” Jack said, hanging up. He texted Zinnia to meet him in the office, and he went to see Hilda. Upon entering, she belched loudly. “Nice one.” He teased.
  87. “Oh, 'scuse me.” Hilda apologized. “Mallow’s cooking might be a bit too good.”
  89. Jack smiled. “Yeah, did a real good job picking her.”
  91. “And it makes me feel a bit better you haven’t fucked her.”
  93. “Oh, getting jealous?” He asked.
  95. Hilda scowled. “No, just as your agent I-”
  97. “I was kidding.” Jack said. “Bianca called, Kukui is back in town, and would like to take Nebby to Iki Town to see the Kahuna.”
  99. “Aha...” Hilda said. “Zinnia coming with?”
  101. “Obviously. Think I’ll need anyone else?” He asked.
  103. “No... I think I should come with though, hear first hand from Kukui and the Kahuna about this situation. I’ll start getting prepared...”
  105. Zinnia walked into the room with her ill fitting black shirt and straining shorts. “What’s up boss?” She asked.
  107. “We’re going to Iki Town in a few minutes. I’ll go get Lillie.” He said.
  109. Lillie was just finishing up eating an entire box of sugary cereal when Jack caught her. “Kukui’s back and wants us and Nebby to meet him in Iki Town.”
  111. “Oh... *urp* That’s good, right?” She wondered.
  113. “Good timing definitely.” Misty said, indicating Lillie’s finished bowl.
  115. Jack smiled. “Yes it is. Zinnia and Hilda are getting ready. Misty, you coming with?”
  117. Misty shook her head. “I think I’m just gonna laze around the place if you don’t mind. Get some sun, go for a swim with my Pokemon.” She mused. “Have fun, be safe.”
  119. Five minutes later, the three girls, Nebby, and Jack all piled into the luxury SUV. Because Zinnia was a very erratic driver, Lillie didn’t know how to drive, and Hilda hated it, Jack ended up driving. Zinnia sat beside him in the front seat. Lillie had a hard time fitting her bulky body into the middle row, but managed. Nebby laid on her lap. Hilda had brought an arsenal of snacks, so the girls happily munched and chit-chatted on the drive over.
  121. Iki Town was definitely quite small, there were barely 1,000 residents in it due to building restrictions around the temple. As they got into town, Nebby started getting hyperactive, peaking out the windows and making a lot more noise than usual. It was about 10:30 when they pulled up to where Kukui said to meet, a big, native-style house in the center of town. Nebby had to go in Lillie’s bag for a little bit. Jack got out and immediately helped Lillie out of the car.
  123. Hilda nonchalantly walked ahead to the entrance and swung it wide open.
  125. Jack and Zinnia were slow to help Lillie keep pace. Jack entered the building and was amazed with all the Native Alolan art and designs on the walls. From masks to instruments, and even more than he could describe coated the walls.
  127. “Oh hey Jack.” Kukui called to him. Jack immediately turned to see the Professor in his trade mark lab coat with no shirt on, showing off his chiseled physique.
  129. “Kukui! Nice to see you again.” Jack said as he went over to him shaking his hand. Next to Kukui was a very wide man about as thick as Misty but as tall as Kukui. He had white hair done up in a bun and an a golden robe with a light blue shirt on underneath.
  131. “May I introduce Hala, Kahuna of Melemele.” Kukui said. “And Hala, this is Jack, owner of Cobal Industries.”
  133. “It’s an honor.” Jack said, holding out his hand.
  135. “It’s a pleasure.” Hala said. “I hear you just moved to the island.”
  137. “Yeah, about two weeks ago. It’s wonderful here.”
  139. “Ah, good, very good. I also hear you’re watching over someone with something very important. Care to show me?” Hala asked.
  141. “Oh, yeah. Lillie?”
  143. Lillie opened her bag up more and Nebby burst out, happy to be out of the bag. It noticed the stranger and got scared, retreating behind Lillie.
  145. Hala laughed. “Ohoho, that’s a special one indeed!”
  147. “Sorry, Nebby gets a little shy around strangers.” Lillie apologized.
  149. “Oh don’t worry.” Hala said. “I’ve seen some things on it in the Malie City Library, that Pokemon is extremely powerful and needs to be protected.” He turned to Jack and Zinnia. “Are you two up to the task?”
  151. Zinnia nodded, and Jack shrugged and started saying “yeah. But I think we need to learn more about it-”
  153. “Of course.” Kukui stated. “I have a couple people I’ve been consulting with, it would be a good idea we visit them in the near future.”
  155. “It can’t be anyone with connections to Aether.” Lillie warned. “They had Nebby and were doing awful experiments with it.”
  157. Hala grimaced and shook his head. “Not good.”
  159. Kukui agreed. “Something’s always bothered me about Aether... Could never put my finger on it until this thing though. What are they up to? Any idea, Lillie?”
  161. “No clue.” Lillie replied.
  163. Jack cleared his throat. “Lusamine mentioned she wants me to get more involved with the Foundation. I could try to find out-”
  165. Hilda shook her head. “Not a chance Jack, whatever they’re doing is way too risky to have you spying on them.”
  167. Kukui turned to Lillie. “Is there anyone we could ask? Anyone who’d be willing to help us?”
  169. Lillie shook her head. “I don’t want to get her in danger... She could lose her job, or worse.”
  171. Jack turned to her. “Lillie, whoever it is, I can find another job for them if they help us with this.”
  173. “I... Maybe it could be Miss Wicke. She might be able to help us, but it’ll be extremely risky to get in contact with her. And maybe she doesn’t know much about what’s going on in the labs, it was really secret.”
  175. “Can’t hurt to ask.” Kukui noted.
  177. “We can’t call her, we’d have to talk with her directly.” Lillie said. “Aether can monitor every call and message sent through the foundation.”
  179. “And this may sound a bit ridiculous, but Lusamine told me she has a very good psychic in her employ. And I think I believe her.”
  181. “Psychic, you mean...”
  183. Lillie got tense. “Sabrina...” She squeaked. I was always scared of her.”
  185. “Lusamine knew very personal things about me, things I’d never told anyone in my life.” Jack said. He heard Hilda chuckle knowingly.
  187. “Okay...” Kukui thought heavily.
  189. “There is someone we could get in contact with who’s investigating Aether.” Hilda said. “I have a connection with them, and they could be helpful.”
  191. Hala and Kukui turned to Hilda quickly. “Really? Who? The government, the police?”
  193. Hilda shrugged uneasily. “Can’t say too much about ‘em right now. We’ve met with them before though.”
  195. Lillie remembered suddenly. “Oh yeah!”
  197. The back door of the house creaked suddenly and was swung open by a young woman who looked exhausted. “Woah that was a good training session.” She said to no one in particular and started walking. Jack suddenly realized he’d seen this girl before, and actually knew her quite well. Jack’s jaw dropped when he realized who it was.
  199. “May Maple?” Jack said, shocked.
  201. The woman gave him a weird look, but the lightbulb went on and she was just as surprised as he was. “Jack Cobal? What the hell are you doing here?”
  203. “It...” He felt the three girls with him all glaring at him, but he shook it off. “It’s been a while.”
  205. Jack’s mind got fuzzy. May was a total bombshell of a girl. He knew her from the Hoenn Training Academy. They’d been students in the same year, but she was a top student while he’d been at the bottom of the class. May didn’t have just a pretty face, she had a huge rack all through the academy days, and in the couple years since he’d last seen her, they’d only blossomed. They were enormous, at around an FF cup now. She also was very fit with a perfect hourglass body. He and every other guy in the academy had dreamed about her at least once. They’d never been very close, but he’d worked with her on a couple group projects and had gotten his ass handed to him in a couple battles with her.
  207. “Yeah.” She said, perplexed still. “Why are you here...?” She asked, suddenly seeing the group of people he was with.
  209. “I just moved to the island.” Jack said.
  211. May’s eyebrows raised involuntarily. “Wow...”
  213. “What are you doing here?” He asked.
  215. May laughed. “I’ve been apprenticing under Hala for the past few weeks.”
  217. Jack returned the laugh. “Small world... Who would’ve thought two Hoenn Academy grads would meet up in a tiny town in Alola.”
  219. “Yeah...” May said. “Still training?”
  221. Jack shook his head. “Not too much, a lot of other stuff going on.” He said.
  223. “Cool.” May said. “Sorry for interrupting, everyone.”
  225. Hala gave her a pat on the back. “No worries, it’s funny how the world does these things!” He bellowed. “I suppose I should officially introduce you, this is my apprentice May.
  227. Serious discussion was shelved after May’s entrance and subsequent exit to another part of the house. Kukui and Hala started talking privately with Lillie. Zinnia and Hilda came up to Jack with big grins.
  229. “Who the fuck is that?” Zinnia asked lasciviously.
  231. “An old classmate.” Jack said. “Nothing more.”
  233. Hilda laughed. “Yeah, I doubt she even looked your way in your pre-trust fund days.”
  235. “Yeah... Not many people looked my way then.” Jack acknowledged.
  237. Zinnia gave him a little nudge. “I’m gonna do my best to help your chances with her boss.”
  239. “Uh... That’s not necessary...”
  241. Eventually, May re-appeared and introduced herself to Hilda and Zinnia. Jack was sitting on a chair, pretending to listen to Hala and Kukui, but he was actually eavesdropping on whatever Zinnia’s scheme was.
  243. “Nice to meet you May, I’m Hilda, Jack’s agent.” Hilda replied, shaking May’s hand.
  245. “And I’m Zinnia, one of his bodyguards.” Zinnia chimed in.
  247. May giggled. “Bodyguards, agent? What’s Jack been up to since the academy?” May said half-jokingly.
  249. “You know Cobal Industries, the company in Unova?”Zinnia said.
  251. May grinned uneasily. “Yeah what about- oh.” May said , realizing Jack’s last name wasn’t just random. “You mean that Jack is..” May said, suddenly breathing heavily. “You’re not joking?”
  253. “No.” Zinnia said.
  255. Hilda laughed. “Sometimes I wish it was a joke.”
  257. “That’s crazy...” May said.
  259. “How was he at the academy?” Hilda asked.
  261. Lillie came over to him and started having a really intense heart-to-heart with him about how grateful she was about everything he and Hilda had done for herself and Nebby. He wasn’t able to keep track of what Zinnia, Hilda, and May were saying (though not for lack of trying). He Smiled, nodded, and gave Lillie a big hug as she finished up, almost in tears. She kept the embrace a bit longer than he expected, but suddenly her stomach rumbled.
  263. “Oh excuse me, Jack. I guess feeling relieved has made me hungry.” Lille said. Jack gave her a pat on her flabby back and broke off the embrace. He’d felt himself getting a bit hard as her blubbery body rubbed up against him.
  265. “Hey Hala, any good places to eat around here?” Jack called over.
  267. Hala turned and grinned. “There’s a very fine barbecue place a block down, lets go there.”
  269. “Sounds perfect!” Lillie cried out.
  271. Iko-Iki Barbecue was one of the few restaurants in town, and the only sit-down one at that. Jack took a seat at the center of the table. Kukui took a seat next to him, with Zinnia on his other side. Lillie sat with Hilda on the edge. Hala and May then sat directly opposite of him and Kukui.
  273. “So when was the last time I saw you?” May wondered aloud.
  275. Jack smiled uneasily. He knew, he could practically document every time the extremely buxom classmate had said a word to him. Letting her know he’d had such a crush on her wasn’t an option in his mind. “Uh... it was at a Pokemon Center, right?”
  277. “Oh yeah!” May said loudly. “I’d just gotten my Rustboro gym badge!”
  279. “Oh yeah... I’d just gotten there.” He said with a chuckle. “I went looking for a Slakoth and got lost in the Petalburg Woods for half a day.”
  281. May shook her head and laughed. “You always were a bit slower on the uptake when it came to being a trainer.”
  283. He shrugged. “Hence why I have the bodyguards around. We can’t all be Steven Stone.”
  285. “True, but with the right help I bet you could get much better.” May said.
  287. “Oh really? I’ll have you know I got 4 badges before I started working for my first Mauville Guild.”
  289. May smirked. “Why’d you give up on it?”
  291. “Trust fund wasn’t around yet, and I was out of cash.” Jack replied.
  293. “The trust fund, huh? You never told anyone about that, right?”
  295. “Basically.” Jack answered. “I didn’t know that my dad owned it until after the academy. He’d had a one night stand with my mom and paid for my academy tuition. I don’t think he ever intended me to run the company. Apparently he got very regretful on his death bed when he realized I was his only child and he amended his will. That happened my second year at the academy, and I wasn’t told until after I graduated.”
  297. “Oh... You never met him, right?”
  299. “Right. Felt really odd staying at his penthouse in Castelia... But anyways, enough about me, what have you been up to?”
  301. May went on to explain she’d gotten eight badges, competed in the past three Hoenn leagues. He’d always check the results for classmates, and she was one of the few who’d made it. She went to Alola to try some new things, and she’d be around for a few more months at least. During the conversation, he was sure she’d caught him peaking at her chest. Her breasts were covered up, but it was hard to hide the two mountains on her torso regardless of the angle.
  303. Food came, May had a salad with some barbecued chicken sprinkled in. He had a brisket sandwich. Hala had a pretty big dish, but Lillie, Hilda, and Zinnia had ordered a dish that size with more appetizers.
  305. May saw and spoke quietly. “You’re surrounded by pigs.”
  307. Unsure how to respond to that, Jack shrugged and continued chewing his food. Hilda was eating intensely and quite loudly, so she hadn’t heard what May said.
  309. “Eh, they’re very good at what they do. Not my business what they do on their own time.”
  311. May shrugged and went back to her salad. His staff members continued glutting themselves, greedily eating every morsel from their plates. When it came time for dessert, the table ordered a chocolate cream pie. Jack, Hala, and Kukui each had a small slice, while the three growing girls each had six total large slices. Jack paid, and went outside.
  313. He noticed Hilda unbuttoned her jean shorts and remained in her food coma. Her bloated tummy stuck out prominently, her bare midriff leaving it uncovered. Zinnia and Lillie continued burping and caressing their bellies.
  315. “I’m gonna get some fresh air.” Jack said. “No rush to leave.”
  317. May stood up and joined him. Once outside, May got pretty close to him. “If you ever want a bit of help for training, let me know.” She offered. “Want my number?”
  319. “Yeah sure.” Jack said, trying to downplay how excited he was. Never in his wildest dreams did he picture he’d be getting the academy bombshell’s personal phone number.
  321. “The black haired girl, she’s not in very good shape for a bodyguard.” May noted.
  323. “Yeah, but I’m not exactly doing any adventuring of my own at the moment.” Jack said. “Mostly just around the house and out at events, nothing too crazy. Plus she’s a very skilled trainer.”
  325. “Yeah okay, just watch out. They keep eating like that they won’t be able to walk in a couple years.”
  327. Jack laughed. “Yeah, I suppose my chef is a little too good... But if you ever need a job, I pay really well.”
  329. May smiled. “Ill definitely remember that. I’d like to take down the Hoenn league before settling for a job, but I’ll keep it in mind. You live nearby?”
  331. “Eh, around the outskirts of Hau’Oli. Got a place on the cliffs overlooking Ka’Ale Bay.”
  333. “Must be incredible.” May daydreamed.
  335. “Yeah its... gorgeous.” He said, realizing he was looking into May’s eyes a little too deeply as he said that. He turned away and across the street, he noticed some athletic girl with bright blonde hair in an odd style underneath her hat with her phone pointing directly at him.
  337. “Uh, can I help you?” He called over to the young woman.
  339. She put her phone aside and eyed him suspiciously. “What?”
  341. “The phone?” He said, energy raising up in his voice.
  343. “I was taking a picture of the Barbecue sign, sorry for the confusion.” She called back over and started walking away.
  345. May looked at him, bewildered. “What was that about?”
  347. “She had her phone pointed directly at me... The position I’m in, it’s kinda weird being out in public for too long.” He said.
  349. “Must be.” May said. “Here comes everyone else now.” Hilda staggered out, clutching her tummy. Zinnia had her hand on Hilda’s back for support. They started saying their goodbyes. Lillie saw May and gave her a hug.
  351. “It was so good to meet one of Jack’s old friends.” Lillie said.
  353. Zinnia then joined in. “And feel free to come over anytime. We’d love to hear what a dork he was as a student.”
  355. May laughed. “Yeah, I’ll have to come by for dinner one night or something.”
  357. The group said their final goodbyes, and went on their respective ways back home. Jack drove the SUV. Hilda immediately fell asleep and started snoring. Lillie played with Nebby. Zinnia cleared her throat.
  359. “So you get her number?”
  361. Jack smiled. “Actually did. She might even have been a bit jealous of you.”
  363. “Wha-really?” Zinnia asked.
  365. Jack didn’t want to hurt Lillie’s feelings so he whispered. “She made fun of you three while we were outside.”
  367. Zinnia lowered her eyebrows. “Oh... why?”
  369. “You three were pretty spirited eaters, I’ll leave it at that.”
  371. Zinnia smiled wickedly. “Well if she ever does come over, we’ll stuff her silly.”
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