

Nov 2nd, 2008
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  1. Video games are likely the most entertaining murder simulators ever conceived, and certainly a worthy alternative to actually killing someone, what with the distinct lack of blood stains on the floor from virtual murder and the jail time associated with physical murder. If one were to ask the nation of South Korea just how entertaining video games tend to be, they would not even receive a response, because South Korea as a whole is so engrossed with its murder simulators. The one game which likely accounts for most of South Korea's video gaming is likely Starcraft, developed by Blizzard Entertainment and released in 1998. Massive popularity of the game in Korea spawned a professional gaming league, currently consisting of twelve teams (one of which is sponsored by the Korean military); video gaming is such a popular activity that there are three television channels in the country devoted to video gaming.
  2. However, anyone can have fun with video games, and best way to do so is to win a game against other players. Even you can do it with proper practice, and I intend to show you one common tactic for winning in Starcraft; a tactic referred to as the 'Zerg Rush', named after one of the factions in the game. But before discussing tactics, one should become familiar with the game. Starcraft falls under the real-time strategy (RTS) genre, in which players control large armies of many units each, usually from a top-down perspective. All actions in-game happen in real time, so players must also learn to effectively manage multiple aspects of their army at once.
  3. In Starcraft, there are three races, or factions; the Zerg, insectoid aliens; the Terrans, futuristic humans; and the Protoss, a race of humanoid aliens. Each faction has a unique play style which complements it, as well. The Zerg have weaker units which are faster and cheaper to produce, Protoss are more powerful but also slow and expensive to produce, and Terran units are a middle ground between the two. Because of the speed with which Zerg players can produce units with which to destroy their enemies, rushing is a common Zerg tactic, in which the player will sacrifice development to more powerful units in favor of building a large army of cheap, weak units with which to quickly attack their opponent. A successful rush is a crushing assault, oftentimes allowing the rusher to win the game in a matter of minutes.
  4. Before performing a Zerg rush, one must of course have the requisite materials. You will need:
  5. 1.A computer capable of playing Starcraft. Most any computer bought in the last 6 or 7 years should do, even Macs.
  6. 2.A copy of Starcraft, available at many online stores such as amazon.com.
  7. 3.A friend to play against, although the game also has facilities to allow you to play against a computer-controlled enemy.
  8. 4.Basic familiarity with how to play Starcraft. Playing the single-player campaign against the computer is an excellent way to learn the basics of how to play (short overview of game UI here).
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