

Mar 18th, 2015
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  1. [12:05:08 PM | Edited 12:05:17 PM] Selim | Myles: please change ur form post to actaully have a link to channel image
  2. [1:48:42 PM] LongLiveRome: how do I change it
  3. [6:01:34 PM] Selim | Myles: go back to the form
  4. [8:23:59 PM] LongLiveRome: That does not answer my question
  5. [8:24:13 PM] Selim | Myles: yes it does
  6. [8:24:20 PM] Selim | Myles: did u go back to the form?
  7. [8:24:38 PM] LongLiveRome: How do you do that
  8. It submitted it and went away
  9. [8:24:46 PM] Selim | Myles: go to the form
  10. [8:24:50 PM] Selim | Myles: u have a the link
  11. [8:26:26 PM] LongLiveRome: You've already responded
  12. You can only fill out this form once.
  13. Try contacting the owner of the form if you think this is a mistake.
  15. See previous responses
  16. Edit your response
  17. [8:26:40 PM] Selim | Myles: read that over again
  18. [8:26:48 PM] LongLiveRome: so I click edit yes?
  19. [8:26:51 PM] Selim | Myles: primarily the last line
  20. [8:27:03 PM] LongLiveRome: Yes I read that
  21. [8:27:14 PM] LongLiveRome: Anyways I don't even know what you need changed
  22. [8:27:26 PM] Selim | Myles: edit your response u shutdown ur computer and smash it with a hammer
  23. [8:27:47 PM] LongLiveRome: cuz you know that's effective
  24. [8:27:52 PM] LongLiveRome: (y)
  25. [8:27:54 PM] Selim | Myles: please change ur form post to actaully have a link to channel image
  26. [8:28:06 PM] LongLiveRome: Yeah, I can read Selim
  27. [8:28:18 PM] LongLiveRome: How bout you answer people's questions for once
  28. [8:28:31 PM] Selim | Myles: instead of, under "Link to Channel Icon", putting "Long Live the Empire"
  29. [8:28:36 PM] Selim | Myles: i didnt think it was that hard
  30. [8:28:43 PM] LongLiveRome: If I'm asking, that means I don't understand it
  31. [8:28:43 PM] Selim | Myles: to do as i said the first time
  32. [8:28:48 PM] LongLiveRome: that's kind of how questions work
  33. [8:29:21 PM] Selim | Myles: k, then instead of saying "that doesnt answer the question", put, "i dont understand, please help"
  34. [8:29:25 PM] Selim | Myles: those two are very different
  35. [8:29:44 PM] LongLiveRome: Exactly, very different, because they had different meanings
  36. [8:30:01 PM] Selim | Myles: k
  37. [8:30:10 PM] LongLiveRome: but the "?" at the end, infers that some form of information is not being provided which is necessary to properly oblige
  38. [8:30:11 PM] Selim | Myles: then, how did i not answer ur first question
  39. [8:30:23 PM] Selim | Myles: i told u how to change it didnt i?
  40. [8:30:30 PM] LongLiveRome: No you didn't
  41. [8:30:48 PM] LongLiveRome: I figure it out with your remarks, but you never told me anything
  42. [8:30:50 PM] Selim | Myles: you: how do i change it
  43. me: you go back to the form
  44. [8:30:56 PM] Selim | Myles: how does not tell u how
  45. [8:31:03 PM] LongLiveRome: That's not telling me how to
  46. [8:31:11 PM] LongLiveRome: and also you never gave me a link
  47. [8:31:19 PM] Selim | Myles: do i have to give u a step by step instructions on how to do everyting?
  48. [8:31:34 PM] LongLiveRome: you posted it on the group chat, that I have no access to because it was too old, so I went back to history
  49. [8:31:41 PM] Selim | Myles: use this
  50. [8:31:46 PM] Selim | Myles: sent in a pm to u
  51. [8:31:57 PM] LongLiveRome: that goes to a different thing
  52. [8:32:10 PM] Selim | Myles: it does not
  53. [8:32:18 PM] Selim | Myles: it goes directly to the form
  54. [8:32:21 PM] Selim | Myles: that is why i sent it to u
  55. [8:32:34 PM] LongLiveRome: and yes, when you tell people to do something you're supposed to provide sufficient information
  56. [8:32:46 PM] Selim | Myles: but, im not gonna worry about someone that cant seem to figure something out for himself atm, i have more important things to do
  57. [8:32:46 PM] LongLiveRome: It takes me to a google doc, not a form
  58. [8:33:05 PM] LongLiveRome: Again, 'cuz you know that's efficient
  59. [8:35:55 PM | Edited 8:38:03 PM] Selim | Myles: i clicked it, brought me straight to this:
  61. [8:37:00 PM] LongLiveRome: (y)
  62. [8:37:10 PM] LongLiveRome: Didn't do that to me first time I clicked the one you sent me
  63. [8:37:47 PM] Selim | Myles: as did i
  64. [8:38:58 PM] LongLiveRome: It also didn't do that for you on the first one you sent me? Hm now that seems to contradict your point (y)
  65. [8:40:21 PM] Selim | Myles: ..."as did i" refered to "I clicked the one you sent me"
  66. [8:40:32 PM] Selim | Myles: wouldnt that make more sense?
  67. [8:40:59 PM] Selim | Myles: u would think, that if there are two possibilities for what someone is talking about, they probably mean the one that doesnt contradict their point?
  68. [8:41:01 PM] LongLiveRome: No it doesn't, because that's breaking the statement where it's unbreakable
  69. [8:41:08 PM] Selim | Myles: ???
  70. [8:42:20 PM] LongLiveRome: The statement, where it can be broken, would be right before the "first time.." but you broke it right after, which changes the meaning of the following words, which therefore is a different reference
  71. [8:42:47 PM] Selim | Myles: whatever, im just done.
  72. i cant handle people that are incapable of figuring things out for themselves, and rely on other people to give them step by step instructions, and need to be spoon fed information
  73. [8:43:09 PM] LongLiveRome: Cuz you know you helped a tone, yet I still did it
  74. [8:43:21 PM] LongLiveRome: Talk about lies (clap)
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