

Mar 30th, 2015
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  1. Chat
  2. Bhilis has joined the chat
  3. Constantin: Hello there -Looks up the garge entrance.-
  4. Constantin: Hey you there..........
  5. Bhilis: - Walking down the ramp, her heel clicking and echoing in the hollowed out underground structure. Walking towards a lone figure up ahead, she kept her mouth shut and just took in his stance, his posture, her being. Finally coming into a swath of light, she stopped just in front of him with her hand on her hip, her free hand looking held up as she looks at her nails. " You.. has a name. Im Rahne."
  6. Constantin: Hey merely grined checking her figure up and down for a second before holding his eyes agasint hers as she walked up to him. He watched her every more that made her look as sudcitve goddess walking down to him. His figure was merely taller than her but sure bigger in away. "And What does Rahne do with no clouds around here?"
  7. Bhilis: " Well, she makes her do on her own. No worries on that one." As she spoke she took in the building around her, letting her hues catch every exit, window and stair well. She wasnt one to be caught unawares very often. It was a lesson hard learned and her father had made sure that he drilled into her and her siblings from a very young age. Turning her full attention back on the man in front of her, she quirked a perfectly manicured brow. " Im supposed to be meeting a Constantin, is he around?" As she looked at him, she never thought this could be the man that her father had sent her to meet and discuss buinsness matters with. He looked like he was no more than one of her own dads lackeys. One of his errand boys, thugs, enforcers, or whatedver they wanted to call themselves.0
  8. Bhilis: -*
  9. Constantin: He watched her eyes running around the walls and exits, she never knew it was only allowed by him to lock and unlock. He Walked inside deeper in knowing her location with the voices made by her hells upon the blood stained concrete. He reached the pack of tires stacked inside with lazy steps only allowing her to keep an eye on him no matter the angle she was looking from at him. He sat there on the tires relaxing. "And who is asking about him?"
  10. Bhilis: - Following him, she kept her body language loose and unassuming. She knew that he already thought he was a king, just from his demeanor. She also knew that he knew she was taking in her surroundings and surerying the property from the inside. What he didnt know was that she and her team already knew everything was run on electronics and that she heard the faint click of the locking mechanisms when she walked in. What he also didnt know, was that all she had to do was press one of the studs on her wrist and it would send out an emp that would disable all of his gadgets and she could just walk out of there. But, she wasnt going to fill him in on all of the above. It wasnt her place to tell him that his so called security was shoddy at best. but then again, her father did employ the best of the best and it was always money well spent. " Well, if you must know. It wouldnt be who is asking about him that you need to worry about. It would be, him missing a meeting that was scheduled that should be of his utmost concern. Now, once again, where is Constantin?"=
  11. Constantin: EMP where he worest enemy in such security system, cut the power means all the magntic locks are off and all the doors arre down, good luck trying to lift 500 kgs of steal at any entrance or exit point. he realxed looking up to her as he sit lose stretching one leg front of him as the other went for his up on the tire so he can rest his elbows upon his knee and his chain on to of them. He heard her voice and give slight of a smille yet not very amused by her tone adressing him "I'm the one that cleans the world of demons." True his name was the very name of the angel god sent to clean the earth from demons for man kind to live.
  12. Bhilis: - As she looked him over, she took him in from the dark hair, to the muscles that were being show cased from the wife beater that was smoothed over his shoulders and down the rippling abs. " Fucks sake, Rahne.. get a grip" she whispered. Shaking her head she looked back to him and nodded slowly as she listened to his words. " Okay, look. Viktor Ivanova" That was all she would have to say, to get the information that she needed. Everyone in the underground knew of her father and if they knew of her father, more than likely they knew who she was as well. Well, mainly by name that is, not many had ever laid eyes on Anatayla. That was how she was able to get away with so many alias's-
  13. Bhilis: ( sorry, trying to do 5 things at once)
  14. Bhilis: (brb, got to go move my car)
  15. Constantin: Not even a twitch, Constantin was infamous of being rude blunt mother fucker who would never think twice about comminting the most stupid things only because he felt like it.....The worest kind of men, fearless daredevil, that what being black ops for 7 years does to you and get you discharged for exterm use of force against terrorists.....Amrican's killed Bin Ladin? No, it was the Russains; Butin's gift for Obama for not making another war.....Constantin was there in that team and it was a mascare. Constantin had no regard to the name even he knew well, her father and her got in argument since he wouldn't accept to work for him, and he did not go to a pre arrgend meeting since he knew it was a trap when he hack google statlite and got a photo scan of the meeting ground. Now his very daughter comes here to him like there was nothing, balls to her father and balls to the girl.....and yes she only had her balls up her chest and they looked freaken fucken amazing on her, good his eyes were covered by his shades so his eye wouldn't give how perverted he was. "And........." He asked her as he wanted her to talk this out, he was not much of a talker as doer.
  16. Bhilis: - As he sat there, she could see the aggravation roll of him in waves. Granted, he hadnt moved a muscle, but you could see the minute rapid movement of his pulse in his neck. Shrugging her shoulders she simply looked at him, " And... " sighing softly and throwing her head back to the ceiling as she let out a string of russian that would make the hardest KGB member blush. " And.. you are obviously him. So, now that I know that I have just walked into some bullshit that my father has set up, and rather blindly at that. Why dont you tell me why the hell I am actually here, Constantin."
  17. Bhilis: ( shit, brb again. Im sorry. Before you leave .. save this rp somewhere.. brb)
  18. Constantin: "Knowing you father, I think he is trying to make sure of a certine guess he had in his mind which for I missed a meeting with him" What should he do to her? rage at her father's insulance of sending her here as it was nothing to worry about, and just her, was she followed by some? Was she a walking biological trap? does she have recording device on her? "Please step in the center of the garage........I need to check you for weapons and such." He said as the door behind him was poped open so two women step ot fo it holding guns, they ere close to female gorillas than woman....Just Constantin's figure if he had boobs.
  19. Bhilis: - She quirked a brow at him and laughed as she did. " You have obviously lost your fucking mind. I mean other than that, seriously? Look at me, look at what I am wearing... and think about htis carefully, do I look like I could hide a weapon anywhere than up my pussy? If I wanted you dead, I would have already done it. How long have we been standing next to each other? Furthermore, if you want your ... " she stopped for a second as she looked over the transvestites in the middle of the rooms... barely containing her laughter she turned back to him and almost fell over from the sheer hilarity of it. " I mean, if you wanted to see me with another woman, all you had to is ask. But those... I mean, come on now. I wont judge you for the people you keep in your bed, but at least let me choose the toys that I play with." What she failed to mention was that if either of them laid a finger on her, they would not last long enough to draw another breath. He couldnt honestly think that she was stupid enough to go somewhere alone and not be able to defend herself. I mean, who knows.. from all the intel she had been given on the man, maybe he had taken one too many pieces of shrapnel to the head.-
  20. Bhilis: ( come in the shop with me)
  21. Constantin: [Sure.]
  22. Bhilis: Youre in DND babe
  23. Constantin: Not any longer.
  24. Constantin: He chuckled at the comment of chosing who is sharing the bed with, if she only knew this monster who is freaken Moscow Streets for the past three monthes was a virgin "Hey, Watch out you may hurt their feelings." He anrrowed his eyes behind his glasses " And I never knew that the infamous daughter of Viktor Ivanova was into girls". "There are two ways to do this" He uttered the words as he landed his ankel upon his other leg's knee. "You do as I say and then you can really enjoy a very wonderful nasty story about this so called you father." His other words became very dark in tone "Or leave this place............But I'm no sure about you conidation?"
  25. Bhilis: - She shrugged and turned around while tossing her hair over her shoulder, " No need to swap horror stories about the famous Viktor Ivanova. I assure you, I know them all and more that noone else does. So, we will just leave it as we are both being fucked by my father and go on our merry ways." She headed toward the twin she hulks and walked between the two of them with a look that has made men bigger than them cry. " Touch me. I dare you" She harshly whispered to the two of them, make no mistake.. they would die. -
  26. Bhilis has left the chat
  27. Whispering to
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