

Jun 26th, 2015
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  1. CorExitProcess
  2. FlsAlloc
  3. FlsFree
  4. FlsGetValue
  5. FlsSetValue
  6. InitializeCriticalSectionEx
  7. CreateSemaphoreExW
  8. SetThreadStackGuarantee
  9. CreateThreadpoolTimer
  10. SetThreadpoolTimer
  11. WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks
  12. CloseThreadpoolTimer
  13. CreateThreadpoolWait
  14. SetThreadpoolWait
  15. CloseThreadpoolWait
  16. FlushProcessWriteBuffers
  17. FreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns
  18. GetCurrentProcessorNumber
  19. GetLogicalProcessorInformation
  20. CreateSymbolicLinkW
  21. SetDefaultDllDirectories
  22. EnumSystemLocalesEx
  23. CompareStringEx
  24. GetDateFormatEx
  25. GetLocaleInfoEx
  26. GetTimeFormatEx
  27. GetUserDefaultLocaleName
  28. IsValidLocaleName
  29. LCMapStringEx
  30. GetCurrentPackageId
  31. MessageBoxW
  32. GetActiveWindow
  33. GetLastActivePopup
  34. GetUserObjectInformationW
  35. GetProcessWindowStation
  36. Sunday
  37. Monday
  38. Tuesday
  39. Wednesday
  40. Thursday
  41. Friday
  42. Saturday
  43. January
  44. February
  45. March
  46. April
  47. June
  48. July
  49. August
  50. September
  51. October
  52. November
  53. December
  54. MM/dd/yy
  55. dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
  56. HH:mm:ss
  57. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
  59. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
  60. InstallerEx
  61. CreateFileMappingW
  62. MapViewOfFileEx
  63. KERNEL32.dll
  64. HeapAlloc
  65. GetCommandLineA
  66. EncodePointer
  67. DecodePointer
  68. GetLastError
  69. InterlockedDecrement
  70. ExitProcess
  71. GetModuleHandleExW
  72. GetProcAddress
  73. MultiByteToWideChar
  74. GetStdHandle
  75. WriteFile
  76. GetModuleFileNameW
  77. GetProcessHeap
  78. SetLastError
  79. InterlockedIncrement
  80. GetCurrentThreadId
  81. GetFileType
  82. InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
  83. DeleteCriticalSection
  84. GetStartupInfoW
  85. GetModuleFileNameA
  86. QueryPerformanceCounter
  87. GetCurrentProcessId
  88. GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
  89. GetEnvironmentStringsW
  90. FreeEnvironmentStringsW
  91. WideCharToMultiByte
  92. UnhandledExceptionFilter
  93. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
  94. GetCurrentProcess
  95. TerminateProcess
  96. TlsAlloc
  97. TlsGetValue
  98. TlsSetValue
  99. TlsFree
  100. GetModuleHandleW
  101. EnterCriticalSection
  102. LeaveCriticalSection
  103. IsDebuggerPresent
  104. IsProcessorFeaturePresent
  105. HeapFree
  106. Sleep
  107. LoadLibraryExW
  108. IsValidCodePage
  109. GetACP
  110. GetOEMCP
  111. GetCPInfo
  112. OutputDebugStringW
  113. LoadLibraryW
  114. RtlUnwind
  115. HeapSize
  116. HeapReAlloc
  117. LCMapStringW
  118. GetStringTypeW
  119. FlushFileBuffers
  120. GetConsoleCP
  121. GetConsoleMode
  122. SetStdHandle
  123. SetFilePointerEx
  124. WriteConsoleW
  125. CloseHandle
  126. CreateFileW
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