

Nov 30th, 2014
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  2. +-[ +SHEET: Aaron Starr (AS) ]------------------------------------------------+
  4. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  5. Full Name: Aaron James Starr Gender: M
  6. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Age: 25 Ht: 6'1'' Build: Muscular
  8. Eyes: Green Hair: Blond Skin: Green
  9. +------------------------ Short Desc -------------------------+
  10. | A tall, muscular man with green eyes, skin, and blond hair, |
  11. | and a golden aura around him. |
  12. +-------------------------------------------------------------+
  13. Nationality: American Citizenship: US Citizen
  14. Occupation: Pop Star
  15. Claim to Fame: Famous teen idol-turned famous singer/songwriter turned mutant
  16. superhero.
  17. Reputation: In the music world, Aaron is considered to have been a spoiled
  18. brat during his early teens, and a rather spoiled but
  19. extremely talented singer/songwriter in his twenties. While
  20. most people considered him incapable of an altruist act, his
  21. recent turn as Sundog has some people speculating that Aaron
  22. Starr may have finally woken up from his narcissitic dream.
  24. Or maybe he's just found a new way to get even more attention.
  25. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. Abilities:
  27. * Flight Aura * Golden Aura
  28. * Singer/songwriter * Strange Immortality
  29. * Tractor Aura
  30. Use +abil/view <item|all> to view.
  32. Advantages:
  33. * Fame Monster * Personal Wealth
  34. * Representation
  35. Use +adv/view <item|all> to view.
  37. Disadvantages and Flaws:
  38. * Cocky Little Bugger * Cosmic Battery
  39. * Fame Monster * Golden Aura
  40. * Shine In The Limelight
  41. Use +disadv/view <item|all> to view.
  42. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. See Also: +bg AS, +per AS, +info AS
  44. [OC] Character Currently Unapproved
  45. +-------------------------------------------------------------------[ CoMUX ]-+
  48. +-[ Abilities: Aaron Starr ]--------------------------------------------------+
  52. Aaron can convert himself into a being comprised mostly of energy and travel
  53. in the air. He cannot reach lightspeed, since he still possesses some mass in
  54. this form, but he can reach hypersonic flight speeds. Aaron possesses no
  55. strength in this form and has no access to any of his other powers. He cannot
  56. carry any other person or organic material, although inanimate objects (or
  57. completely synthetic life forms) that are in contact with him that are not
  58. larger than himself become part of him for the duration of the flight.
  61. Aaron is constantly surrounded by the aura. As its name suggests, it consists
  62. of an aura of deep golden light that engulfs Aaron's body. He can manipulate
  63. the aura in several ways, and he can vary its intensity from a bright glare
  64. to a soft glow, but he can //never// fully extinguish it. It provides him
  65. with constant illumination.
  68. Aaron may have started off as the heart-throb of a boy band in his teens, but
  69. there is real talent there. Once the bubblegum days were over, Starr showed
  70. the world that he was a serious talent with something to say through his
  71. music. His more mature work is known for being introspective and often quite
  72. touching. Those who have met Aaron Starr, though, often find it difficult to
  73. believe that the cocky celebrity could be capable of introspection at all.
  76. Aaron is not exactly immortal- in the fullness of time, he will die of old
  77. age. However, since his transformation, his body is immune to most ailments,
  78. and although toxins and the more severe of diseases can take hold of his
  79. body, the regenerative nature of his powers will allow him to recover
  80. anywhere between a week and a month, depending on the gravity of the disease
  81. or toxin. Should his body become damaged enough that death is imminent, he
  82. will turn into energy and apparently dissipate. His body will reconstitute
  83. itself after a week or so. This may take longer if there is some impediment
  84. such as a magical curse or the use of energy-draining powers or equipment.
  87. Aaron can extend and manipulate his aura to form a tractor beam. This beam
  88. can levitate and manipulate objects up to 50 tons (for example: a tank, a
  89. locomotive.) The tractor aura can move objects, but cannot perform tasks of
  90. fine manipulation (like untying knots) on anything larger than a person.
  91. Objects weighing the maximum carrying capacity of the aura move at 5 feet per
  92. second. Lighter objects move much faster. Tractor beams cannot inflict damage
  93. directly, they merely lift and carry. The range of the tractor beam is 30
  94. feet (or half the length of a Bowling lane.)
  96. +-------------------------------------------------------------------[ CoMUX ]-+
  99. +-[ Advantages: Aaron Starr ]-------------------------------------------------+
  103. Aaron had quite a lucrative career before his very public transformation. His
  104. outing as a mutant divided his group of admirers, but there is still quite a
  105. sizable number of fans who stick by him, along with new fans who are drawn to
  106. the heroic persona he's adopted. He was recognizable before, with the aura he
  107. is simply impossible to miss.
  110. Aaron Starr has been a successful popular singer/songwriter for about ten
  111. years now. He possesses considerable wealth from his record deals and the
  112. sales of merchandise and royalties. At the height of his career, he used to
  113. rake in several million dollars a year (especially during the Boy Band
  114. years), but his income has diminished from his glory days due to the split in
  115. his fan-base. On good years, he does manage to round out a million or two,
  116. most of the time slightly under a million. He has a rather posh apartment in
  117. New York City, but has sold his three sports cars- what use is a car to
  118. someone who can fly?
  121. Aaron is still being represented by Amanda Dyers, his agent and her firm,
  122. seeing an interesting potential in another public figure turning out to be a
  123. mutant. Should Aaron ever turn 'toxic', Dyers will drop him like a hot
  124. potato, but for the meantime there may be good prospects in representing a
  125. musician who is also a self-identified hero. Sundog has been amenable to mix
  126. his old career and his new one several times- by staging public appearances
  127. where he speaks of tolerance towards mutants and metas, and performs pieces
  128. he's written precisely for the occasion. So far, the 'Singing Hero' has
  129. turned out well for the agency, but nobody knows what's in store in the
  130. future.
  132. +-------------------------------------------------------------------[ CoMUX ]-+
  135. +-[ Disadvantages: Aaron Starr ]----------------------------------------------+
  139. Aaron can be extremely arrogant and self-assured. Having grown up as a teen
  140. idol and then a successful musician adored by millions, he has somewhat come
  141. to believe the hype. He is often convinced he is the sexiest person in the
  142. room as well as the most talented. When he is not in Diva mode, he can be an
  143. extremely warm and caring individual, but there are times when the silver
  144. spoon shows. He takes personal rejection as an insult and his feelings are
  145. easy to bruise, although he doesn't hold grudges for long.
  147. Well, not //too// long.
  150. Aaron's body is constantly converting cosmic energy to fuel his powers, and
  151. as such he is essentially a cosmic battery. This means that he is susceptible
  152. to powers or equipment that meddle with someone's ability to process energy,
  153. even to the point of cutting him off from his source of power! If he is
  154. severed from his energy source, Aaron will have no recourse to any of his
  155. powers and could even die permanently without his ability to reconstitute
  156. himself.
  159. As a mutant who can't help but be open about his identity in the wake of his
  160. career, Aaron is a prime target for groups such as the Friends of Humanity
  161. and similar anti-mutant groups. The fact that he cannot hide his identity
  162. (due to the aura) puts family and friends at risk.
  165. While the Golden Aura is helpful in providing illumination, it makes it
  166. impossible for Aaron to be stealthy without external help. At its lowest
  167. setting, the aura extends ten inches away from his body and thus he would
  168. have to be covered or obscured by something that covered that much distance,
  169. as any item of clothing or armor that he wears is econmpassed by the aura's
  170. limit. He can be hidden by means of magic, illusion or power nullification,
  171. although he posseses none of these talents himself.
  174. Because of the toxic environment that surrounds popular music and the top ten
  175. Billboard world, Aaron has come to think of his own self-worth as being
  176. dependent on the opinions of others. This does not extend to all parts of his
  177. personality- after all, he is very aware that the anti-mutant prejudice is
  178. only bigotry, no matter how large a number of the population were to accept
  179. it as a core belief, but when it comes to his talents and own personal worth,
  180. if nobody admires what he is doing, then he must not be doing it right. This
  181. will lead Aaron to push himself and desperately seek approval- whether it be
  182. from a crowd, from the media, or from someone he admires, loves or respect.
  183. At times, this may lead him to make desperate and foolish decisions.
  185. +-------------------------------------------------------------------[ CoMUX ]-+
  189. +-[ Background: Aaron Starr ]-------------------------------------------------+
  190. Aaron Starr was born into your typical fame-mongering family where the
  191. parents, failed actors themselves, tried to live vicariously though the life
  192. of their children. Out of all of his siblings (four total), Aaron was the one
  193. who made it. At ten, he was part of a kids-oriented live television show for a
  194. certain notable network, where his natural musical talents were observed and
  195. noted by some of the execs. He remained on the show until the age of fourteen,
  196. when he 'aged out' of the program's slot- but the company had plans for Aaron,
  197. and after a year of extensive coaching and training, he debuted in the boy
  198. band Beta Burn, where he quickly became the band's 'teen heartthrob' due to
  199. his good looks, his excellent dancing ability and his distinctive, clear
  200. voice.
  202. The band lasted four years, which is about the standard shelf-life of
  203. pre-fabricated bands of this sort. Aaron was the only member of the band to
  204. continue his music career with a high profile, and after a strange transition
  205. period he was able to cast his more juvenile influences aside for a solid
  206. career as a solo performer. He continued to top the charts for several years,
  207. until one sold-out concert in the summer of 2013 saw the unwitting
  208. manifestation of his mutant powers- fortunately no injuries came from it, but
  209. the unexpected manifestation of the aura and the uncontrolled energy blasts
  210. destroyed a good part of the stage and equipment.
  212. The public reaction resulting from this very public outing was the usual mix
  213. of support, criticism and anti-mutant sentiment and Aaron spent the next few
  214. months in seclusion and depression. Amanda Dyers, who had represented Aaron
  215. for many years, finally convinced him to make a public statement and to
  216. embrace his new status. At first, Aaron was hesitant to do so, fearing
  217. rejection, and while many of his fans did not return, he was heartened by the
  218. fact that there were also many who never left. Still, he was now a different
  219. man- his mutant powers caused him to convert Cosmic energy into the aura
  220. effect that now surrounded him permanently. For weeks he experimented with
  221. manipulating this aura and he came to realize that his powers had great
  222. potential- far more potential than special effects.
  224. THen it dawned on him that superheroes were far more beloved and admired than
  225. mere pop stars. Always someone to make a decision on impulse alone, a brief
  226. discussion with his costume designer, a few days of brainstorming names, and
  227. Sundog was ready for public consumption!
  229. +-------------------------------------------------------------------[ CoMUX ]-+
  232. +-[ Personality: Aaron Starr ]------------------------------------------------+
  233. Flirtatious, extremely self-confident and often brash and impulsive, Aaron
  234. can be equal parts charmer, equal parts annoyance, it depends on the day of
  235. the week. He often acts as if the entire world is watching and is prone to
  236. favor spectacle over substance sometimes. This is not to say that he is not a
  237. good person- far from it, but his positive attributes are often hard to see
  238. beneath the smooth public persona he has cultivated over the years.
  239. +-------------------------------------------------------------------[ CoMUX ]-+
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