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a guest
Jul 5th, 2017
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  1. Log: Log file open, 05/07/2017 20:45:53
  2. Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
  3. Log: ... running in INSTALLED mode
  4. Warning: Warning, Unknown language extension . Defaulting to INT
  5. Init: Language extension: INT
  6. Init: Language extension: INT
  7. DevConfig: GConfig::LoadFile associated file: ..\..\TAGame\Config\TAUI.ini
  8. Init: Version: 170622.61291.163525
  9. Init: Compiled (32-bit): Jun 12 2017 18:14:41
  10. Init: Command line:
  11. Init: Base directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rocketleague\Binaries\Win32\
  12. [0001.07] Init: Computer: ISRAELBALBOA
  13. [0001.07] Init: User: israel
  14. [0001.07] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=2
  15. [0001.07] Init: High frequency timer resolution =1.461524 MHz
  16. [0001.07] Init: Memory total: Physical=3.7GB (3GB approx) Pagefile=6.8GB Virtual=4.0GB
  17. [0001.24] Log: Steam Client API initialized 1
  18. [0001.82] Log: Steam Game Server API initialized 1
  19. [0001.82] Init: Presizing for 0 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
  20. [0001.83] Init: Object subsystem initialized
  21. [0007.67] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: Intel(R) HD Graphics
  22. [0007.67] Log: Adapter has 224MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 872MB of shared system memory
  23. [0008.15] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 1: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
  24. [0008.15] Log: Adapter has 0MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 872MB of shared system memory
  25. [0008.69] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM3
  26. [0008.70] Log: Using Secure UDP
  27. [0022.75] Log: 97618 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
  28. [0022.75] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
  29. [0022.75] Log: Initializing Engine...
  30. [0022.75] Log: BuildID: -1827511639 from GPsyonixBuildID
  31. [0022.78] SystemSettings: Loading PC Settings
  32. [0023.12] DevAudio: Allocated 32 sources
  33. [0023.12] DevAudio: CommonAudioPoolSize is set to 0 - disabling persistent pool for audio data
  34. [0023.13] Log: Wwise(R) SDK Version 2016.2.0 Build 5972. Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Audiokinetic Inc. / All Rights Reserved.
  35. [0042.75] DevOnline: Created named interface (RecentPlayersList) of type (Engine.OnlineRecentPlayersList)
  36. [0042.75] Log: Initializing Steamworks
  37. [0042.76] DevOnline: Steam ID: 76561198053151233
  38. [0042.76] DevOnline: Steam universe: PUBLIC
  39. [0042.76] DevOnline: Steam appid: 252950
  40. [0042.76] DevOnline: Steam IsSubscribed: 1
  41. [0042.76] DevOnline: Steam IsLowViolence: 0
  42. [0042.76] DevOnline: Steam IsCybercafe: 0
  43. [0042.76] DevOnline: Steam IsVACBanned: 0
  44. [0042.76] DevOnline: Steam IP country: BR
  45. [0042.76] DevOnline: Steam official server time: 1499298392
  46. [0042.76] DevOnline: Steam Cloud quota: 99772864 / 100000000
  47. [0042.76] DevOnline: Steam original app owner: 76561198053151233
  48. [0042.76] DevOnline: Logged in as 'Twotakeoff'
  49. [0043.76] VoiceChat: The desired playback sample rate is 11000.
  50. [0043.76] PsyNet: Using environment DBE_Production Prod
  51. [0043.76] DevOnline: Logged in as 'Twotakeoff'
  52. [0043.76] Auth: OnlinePlayerAuthentication_TA_0 HandleLocalPlayerLoginStatusChanged Name=Twotakeoff LoggedIn=True SendingLogin=False RequiresAuth=True AuthStatus=AUS_NotStarted
  53. [0043.76] DevOnline: Issuing request for auth session ticket
  54. [0043.76] DevOnline: Issuing request for encrypted app ticket
  55. [0043.76] DevOnline: Successfully set the friend join URL:
  56. [0043.88] Party: HandleLocalPlayerLoginStatusChanged PlayerName=Twotakeoff PlayerID=Steam|76561198053151233|0 LoginStatus=LS_LoggedIn IsPrimary=True IsInParty=False
  57. [0043.88] SaveGame: Savedata Load ControllerId=0 File=..\..\TAGame\SaveData\DBE_Production\
  58. [0044.07] SignIn: Profile OnLoaded LocalID=0
  59. [0046.28] SignIn: Profile OnLoaded LocalID=1
  60. [0046.29] SignIn: Profile OnLoaded LocalID=2
  61. [0046.29] SignIn: Profile OnLoaded LocalID=3
  62. [0046.29] ScriptLog: GetDLCProducts, UnlockedDLCList=SuperSonic,Revenge,GreyCar,DarkCar,Body_NeoBike,Body_Aftershock,body_gilliam,body_bone,body_scallop,body_charged
  63. [0046.30] SignIn: SetProfile Profile=Profile_TA_0 ProfileName=Twotakeoff
  64. [0046.36] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  65. [0046.43] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  66. [0046.43] Log: LoadMap: MENU_Main_p
  67. [0047.80] Log: Fully load package: ..\..\TAGame\CookedPCConsole\GameInfo_GFxMenu_SF.upk
  68. [0052.91] Log: Game class is 'GameInfo_GFxMenu_TA'
  69. [0053.06] Log: Bringing World menu_main_p.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2017.07.05-20.46.45
  70. [0053.06] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.137786
  71. [0053.25] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  72. [0053.70] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  73. [0055.08] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_Fonts.Fonts_EFIGS': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_Fonts.Fonts_EFIGS'
  74. [0055.08] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_Fonts.Fonts_EFIGS': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_Fonts.Fonts_EFIGS'
  75. [0062.81] DevOnline: Set rich presence to: Main Menu data: Menu
  76. [0063.15] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 16.719080 seconds
  77. [0064.97] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  78. [0077.06] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  79. [0077.06] Log: Initializing Engine Completed
  80. [0077.06] Log: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 77.06s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  81. [0088.35] DevOnline: Obtained steam user stats, user: 76561198053151233
  82. [0107.00] Log: FSaveDataExportTask(0) wrote 547624 bytes to memory
  83. [0107.01] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_StartMenu.StartMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_StartMenu.StartMenu'
  84. [0117.64] Log: Deleting old save file ..\..\TAGame\SaveData\DBE_Production\
  85. [0117.64] Log: SaveDataExport(0): Finished - File:[(null)] Result:[819902720]
  86. [0117.64] DevAudio: UAudioDevice::ApplySoundMode(): Default
  87. [0142.85] Log: RPC Error: Service=Auth/AuthPlayer, Type=PlatformAuthError, Code=-1, Message=
  88. [0146.61] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  89. [0147.11] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  90. [0147.61] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  91. [0205.37] Log: RPC Error: Service=Metrics/RecordMetrics, Type=NotLoggedInToPsynet, Code=-1, Message=Timed out waiting for login to Psynet
  92. [0210.84] DevOnline: Set rich presence to: Main Menu data: Menu
  93. [0211.07] Log: FGFxRegisterSingletonCallback: Could not find GFxDataSingleton_X subclass 'GFxData_TourEvent_TA'
  94. [0211.10] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_MainMenu.MainMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_MainMenu.MainMenu'
  95. [0217.69] DevOnline: Issuing request for auth session ticket
  96. [0217.74] DevOnline: Issuing request for encrypted app ticket
  97. [0220.84] Log: FJsonStructReader - could not find property SlotsCustomized in struct AchievementSave_TA.
  98. [0220.84] Log: FJsonStructReader - cannot find property bBody because Struct has not been set.
  99. [0220.84] Log: FJsonStructReader - cannot find property bSkin because Struct has not been set.
  100. [0220.84] Log: FJsonStructReader - cannot find property bWheel because Struct has not been set.
  101. [0220.84] Log: FJsonStructReader - cannot find property bBoost because Struct has not been set.
  102. [0220.84] Log: FJsonStructReader - cannot find property bHat because Struct has not been set.
  103. [0220.84] Log: FJsonStructReader - cannot find property bAntenna because Struct has not been set.
  104. [0220.84] Log: FJsonStructReader - could not find property AddProperties in struct OnlineSaveData_TA.
  105. [0220.84] Log: FJsonStructReader - could not find property SetProperties in struct OnlineProfile_TA.
  106. [0226.68] ScriptLog: GetAppPriceInfo Transient.GFxData_DLC_TA_0.HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete
  107. [0227.46] ScriptLog: HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete AppName:'body_charged' Price:'BRL 4.29'
  108. [0227.46] ScriptLog: HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete AppName:'body_scallop' Price:'BRL 4.29'
  109. [0227.46] ScriptLog: HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete AppName:'body_bone' Price:'BRL 4.29'
  110. [0227.46] ScriptLog: HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete AppName:'body_gilliam' Price:'BRL 4.29'
  111. [0227.46] ScriptLog: HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete AppName:'Body_Number6' Price:'BRL 4.29'
  112. [0227.46] ScriptLog: HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete AppName:'body_cannonboy' Price:'BRL 4.29'
  113. [0227.46] ScriptLog: HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete AppName:'Body_Aftershock' Price:'BRL 4.29'
  114. [0228.06] ScriptLog: HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete AppName:'Body_Marauder' Price:'BRL 4.29'
  115. [0228.07] ScriptLog: HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete AppName:'Body_NeoBike' Price:'BRL 4.29'
  116. [0228.07] ScriptLog: HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete AppName:'Body_NeoCar' Price:'BRL 4.29'
  117. [0228.07] ScriptLog: HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete AppName:'NBA' Price:'BRL 4.29'
  118. [0228.07] ScriptLog: HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete AppName:'DarkCar' Price:'BRL 4.29'
  119. [0228.07] ScriptLog: HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete AppName:'Wasteland' Price:'BRL 8.39'
  120. [0228.07] ScriptLog: HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete AppName:'GreyCar' Price:'BRL 4.29'
  121. [0228.07] ScriptLog: HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete AppName:'Revenge' Price:'BRL 8.39'
  122. [0228.07] ScriptLog: HandleGetAppPriceInfoComplete AppName:'SuperSonic' Price:'BRL 8.39'
  123. [0233.27] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  124. [0263.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_TrainingMenu.TrainingMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_TrainingMenu.TrainingMenu'
  125. [0265.61] ScriptWarning: ScriptWarning, Accessed None 'Actor'
  126. GFxData_Training_TA Transient.GFxData_Training_TA_0
  127. Function TAGame.GFxData_Training_TA:OnShellSet:00C3
  128. Script call stack:
  129. Function TAGame.GFxData_Training_TA:OnShellSet
  131. [0272.80] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  132. [0272.84] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  133. [0272.84] Log: LoadMap: CS_P?Game=TAGame.GameInfo_Tutorial_TA?FreePlay?
  134. [0272.84] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFx_LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFx_LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen'
  135. [0272.85] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFx_LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFx_LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen'
  136. [0283.24] Log: Fully load package: ..\..\TAGame\CookedPCConsole\GameInfo_Tutorial_SF.upk
  137. [0286.96] Log: Game class is 'GameInfo_Tutorial_TA'
  138. [0287.23] Log: Bringing World cs_p.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2017.07.05-20.50.39
  139. [0287.24] MatchBroadcast: Init bBroadcastMatch:'False' MatchLog:'None' MatchRPC:'None'
  140. [0287.24] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.278572
  141. [0288.29] Muting: Twotakeoff ServerSetVoiceFilter VoiceFilter_None
  142. [0288.29] Muting: Twotakeoff ServerSetChatFilter VoiceFilter_All
  143. [0288.48] Loadout: PRI_TA_0 Twotakeoff ServerSetLoadout
  144. Params=(Title="XP",Loadouts[0]=(Products=((ProductID=23),(SlotIndex=1,ProductID=306),(SlotIndex=2,ProductID=359),(SlotIndex=3,ProductID=67),(SlotIndex=7,ProductID=275),(SlotIndex=12,ProductID=274),(SlotIndex=13,ProductID=1798),(SlotIndex=14,ProductID=2001,OnlineProduct=OnlineProduct_TA'Transient.OnlineProduct_TA_673'),(SlotIndex=15,ProductID=1903)),TeamPaint=(TeamFinishID=275,CustomFinishID=274,TeamColorID=26,CustomColorID=90)),Loadouts[1]=(Products=((ProductID=23),(SlotIndex=1,ProductID=306),(SlotIndex=2,ProductID=359),(SlotIndex=3,ProductID=67),(SlotIndex=7,ProductID=275),(SlotIndex=12,ProductID=274),(SlotIndex=13,ProductID=1798),(SlotIndex=14,ProductID=2001,OnlineProduct=OnlineProduct_TA'Transient.OnlineProduct_TA_673'),(SlotIndex=15,ProductID=1903)),TeamPaint=(TeamFinishID=275,CustomFinishID=274,Team=1,TeamColorID=26,CustomColorID=90)))
  145. [0288.48] Loadout: PRI_TA_0 Twotakeoff SetLoadouts
  146. Loadouts=(TeamPaint=(TeamFinishID=275,CustomFinishID=274,TeamColorID=26,CustomColorID=90),Title="XP",OnlineProducts=(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1365274319,0),Products=(23,306,359,67,0,0,0,275,0,0,0,0,274,1798,2001,1903))(TeamPaint=(TeamFinishID=275,CustomFinishID=274,Team=1,TeamColorID=26,CustomColorID=90),Title="XP",OnlineProducts=(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1365274319,0),Products=(23,306,359,67,0,0,0,275,0,0,0,0,274,1798,2001,1903))
  147. [0288.49] DevOnline: Set rich presence to: In Training data: Tutorial
  148. [0288.49] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 15.647428 seconds
  149. [0288.52] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  150. [0297.22] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  151. [0297.22] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  152. [0297.22] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  153. [0299.33] ScriptLog: Shot Info -- Difficulty==D_Easy WaveIndex==0 RandomIndex==0 BallVelocity==0.0000 BallRotationType==Rot_Auto
  154. [0301.61] Log: FGFxRegisterSingletonCallback: Could not find GFxDataSingleton_X subclass 'GFxData_TourEvent_TA'
  155. [0301.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_Hud.Hud': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_Hud.Hud'
  156. [0316.77] Achievements: IncrementStat 2 1853
  157. [0317.45] DevOnline: Failed to store stat entry; key: 1_2, bGameServerStats: 0
  158. [0317.73] Achievements: UpdateStat DistanceDrivenKm 1
  159. [0317.94] DevOnline: Stored steam user stats.
  160. [0332.99] Achievements: UpdateStat BoostTimeMinutes 1
  161. [0372.76] DevAudio: UAkDevice::PlaySound - SourceActor is NULL (sound Tires_Rolling_Loop)
  162. [0383.07] Warning: ParticleSystemComponent_0 (template: CS_FX.FX.Team_FireWorks_Score_PS) needs update but can't be because it's in TG_DuringAsnycWork and indirectly attached!
  163. [0383.07] Warning: ParticleSystemComponent_0 (template: CS_FX.FX.Team_FireWorks_Score_PS) needs update but can't be because it's in TG_DuringAsnycWork and indirectly attached!
  164. [0383.07] Warning: ParticleSystemComponent_0 (template: CS_FX.FX.Team_FireWorks_Score_PS) needs update but can't be because it's in TG_DuringAsnycWork and indirectly attached!
  165. [0383.07] Warning: ParticleSystemComponent_0 (template: CS_FX.FX.Team_FireWorks_Score_PS) needs update but can't be because it's in TG_DuringAsnycWork and indirectly attached!
  166. [0383.07] Warning: ParticleSystemComponent_0 (template: CS_FX.FX.Team_FireWorks_Score_PS) needs update but can't be because it's in TG_DuringAsnycWork and indirectly attached!
  167. [0383.07] Warning: ParticleSystemComponent_0 (template: CS_FX.FX.Team_FireWorks_Score_PS) needs update but can't be because it's in TG_DuringAsnycWork and indirectly attached!
  168. [0383.07] Warning: ParticleSystemComponent_0 (template: CS_FX.FX.Team_FireWorks_Score_PS) needs update but can't be because it's in TG_DuringAsnycWork and indirectly attached!
  169. [0383.07] Warning: ParticleSystemComponent_0 (template: CS_FX.FX.Team_FireWorks_Score_PS) needs update but can't be because it's in TG_DuringAsnycWork and indirectly attached!
  170. [0387.04] ScriptLog: Shot Info -- Difficulty==D_Easy WaveIndex==0 RandomIndex==0 BallVelocity==0.0000 BallRotationType==Rot_Auto
  171. [0406.88] Achievements: UpdateStat BoostTimeMinutes 1
  172. [0424.49] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_MidGameMenu.MidGameMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_MidGameMenu.MidGameMenu'
  173. [0482.29] Achievements: UpdateStat BoostTimeMinutes 1
  174. [0530.29] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_MidGameMenu.MidGameMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_MidGameMenu.MidGameMenu'
  175. [0536.22] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_MidGameMenu.MidGameMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_MidGameMenu.MidGameMenu'
  176. [0537.10] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_OnlinePlaylistMenu.OnlinePlaylistMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_OnlinePlaylistMenu.OnlinePlaylistMenu'
  177. [0537.64] Log: FSaveDataExportTask(0) wrote 547688 bytes to memory
  178. [0539.53] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  179. [0543.76] Log: Deleting old save file ..\..\TAGame\SaveData\DBE_Production\
  180. [0543.76] Log: SaveDataExport(0): Finished - File:[(null)] Result:[1514651136]
  181. [0543.76] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  182. [0543.99] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  183. [0544.06] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  184. [0544.19] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  185. [0544.37] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  186. [0544.50] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  187. [0544.61] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  188. [0549.83] Matchmaking: All Regions Pinged: ASC (0.4686), EU (0.3666), JPN (1.0000), ME (0.4333), OCE (0.4352), SAM (0.1000), USE (0.2000), USW (0.2667)
  189. [0555.31] Log: FSaveDataExportTask(0) wrote 547576 bytes to memory
  190. [0555.71] Log: Deleting old save file ..\..\TAGame\SaveData\DBE_Production\
  191. [0555.91] Log: SaveDataExport(0): Finished - File:[(null)] Result:[1514649984]
  192. [0556.46] Log: FSaveDataExportTask(0) wrote 547592 bytes to memory
  193. [0556.69] Log: Deleting old save file ..\..\TAGame\SaveData\DBE_Production\
  194. [0556.79] Log: SaveDataExport(0): Finished - File:[(null)] Result:[1514649984]
  195. [0559.56] Online: HandlePrivilegeCheckFinished PrivilegeCheck.bHasRestriction:'False'
  196. [0559.56] Online: HandlePrivilegeCheck PrivilegeCheck.bHasRestriction:'False'
  197. [0559.56] Matchmaking: StartMatchmaking at 2017-07-05 23:55:10 in SAM for playlists 2 on game server 0
  198. [0561.56] Achievements: UpdateStat BoostTimeMinutes 1
  199. [0573.04] CheckReservation: Received game server SAM703958 2
  200. [0573.04] JoinGame: StartJoin JoinSettings.PlaylistID:'2' JoinSettings.bFriendJoin:'False' JoinSettings.bMigration:'False' JoinSettings.MatchType:'JMT_Public'
  201. [0573.24] DevOnline: Successfully set the friend join URL: -SteamConnectID=76561198053151233
  202. [0573.24] Online: HandlePrivilegeCheckFinished PrivilegeCheck.bHasRestriction:'False'
  203. [0574.58] Log: FJsonStructReader - could not find property bServerKey in struct RPC_GenerateKeys_X.
  204. [0574.58] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  205. [0582.69] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  206. [0588.14] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  207. [0588.14] Log: LoadMap: JoinGameTransition?game=TAGame.GameInfo_Transition_TA?FreePlay?
  208. [0588.49] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFx_LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFx_LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen'
  209. [0589.16] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  210. [0594.57] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  211. [0615.92] Log: No archetype specifies for game class GameInfo_Transition_TA, make sure it's added to the GameArchetypes list in DefaultEngine.ini
  212. [0615.92] Log: Game class is 'GameInfo_Transition_TA'
  213. [0619.29] Log: Bringing World joingametransition.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2017.07.05-20.56.11
  214. [0619.29] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 3.367116
  215. [0619.29] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 31.145833 seconds
  216. [0619.90] NetComeGo: Close TcpNetDriver_0 TcpipConnection_0 05/07/2017 20:56:12 'NMT_Failure'
  217. [0619.90] Log: Pending connect to '' failed; No reservation found (Error: 58) (Error: 43)
  218. [0619.90] JoinGame: Forcing return to main menu. FailReason=No reservation found (Error: 58)
  219. [0620.16] Log: Failed; returning to Entry
  220. [0620.20] Log: LoadMap: MENU_Main_p?closed
  221. [0620.20] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFx_LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFx_LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen'
  222. [0620.30] Exit: TcpNetDriver_0 shut down
  223. [0623.00] Log: Fully load package: ..\..\TAGame\CookedPCConsole\GameInfo_GFxMenu_SF.upk
  224. [0624.12] Log: Game class is 'GameInfo_GFxMenu_TA'
  225. [0626.13] Log: Bringing World menu_main_p.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2017.07.05-20.56.18
  226. [0626.13] JoinGame: FailedJoin OnNewGame, PendingFailMessage=No reservation found (Error: 58)
  227. [0626.13] JoinGame: OnJoinGameComplete bSuccess:'False' FailReason:'No reservation found (Error: 58)' BugItReason:''
  228. [0626.13] DevOnline: Successfully set the friend join URL:
  229. [0626.13] Matchmaking: StartMatchmaking at 2017-07-05 23:56:16 in SAM for playlists 2 on game server 0
  230. [0626.13] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 2.003339
  231. [0627.31] DevOnline: Set rich presence to: Main Menu data: Menu
  232. [0627.31] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 7.113567 seconds
  233. [0627.31] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  234. [0630.77] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  235. [0631.64] Log: FGFxRegisterSingletonCallback: Could not find GFxDataSingleton_X subclass 'GFxData_TourEvent_TA'
  236. [0631.65] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_MainMenu.MainMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_MainMenu.MainMenu'
  237. [0674.34] Matchmaking: (OnlineGameMatchmaking_X_0) OnlineGameMatchmakingBase_X::Searching:Cancel
  238. [0674.35] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_OnlinePlaylistMenu.OnlinePlaylistMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_OnlinePlaylistMenu.OnlinePlaylistMenu'
  239. [0675.09] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  240. [0675.31] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  241. [0675.55] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  242. [0675.56] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  243. [0675.68] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  244. [0675.68] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  245. [0675.85] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  246. [0676.05] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  247. [0676.40] Log: FSaveDataExportTask(0) wrote 547576 bytes to memory
  248. [0676.52] Log: Deleting old save file ..\..\TAGame\SaveData\DBE_Production\
  249. [0676.56] Log: SaveDataExport(0): Finished - File:[(null)] Result:[232222592]
  250. [0679.80] Log: FSaveDataExportTask(0) wrote 547592 bytes to memory
  251. [0679.95] Log: Deleting old save file ..\..\TAGame\SaveData\DBE_Production\
  252. [0679.95] Log: SaveDataExport(0): Finished - File:[(null)] Result:[232224768]
  253. [0680.92] Matchmaking: All Regions Pinged: ASC (0.4739), EU (0.3730), JPN (0.3666), ME (0.4390), OCE (0.4352), SAM (0.1090), USE (0.2000), USW (0.2740)
  254. [0682.29] Online: HandlePrivilegeCheckFinished PrivilegeCheck.bHasRestriction:'False'
  255. [0682.29] Online: HandlePrivilegeCheck PrivilegeCheck.bHasRestriction:'False'
  256. [0682.29] Matchmaking: StartMatchmaking at 2017-07-05 23:57:12 in SAM for playlists 2 on game server 0
  257. [0689.25] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_StatsMenu.StatsMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_StatsMenu.StatsMenu'
  258. [0699.30] CheckReservation: Received game server SAM713220 2
  259. [0699.30] JoinGame: StartJoin JoinSettings.PlaylistID:'2' JoinSettings.bFriendJoin:'False' JoinSettings.bMigration:'False' JoinSettings.MatchType:'JMT_Public'
  260. [0699.30] DevOnline: Successfully set the friend join URL: -SteamConnectID=76561198053151233
  261. [0699.30] Online: HandlePrivilegeCheckFinished PrivilegeCheck.bHasRestriction:'False'
  262. [0699.60] Log: FJsonStructReader - could not find property bServerKey in struct RPC_GenerateKeys_X.
  263. [0699.60] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  264. [0703.53] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  265. [0703.97] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  266. [0703.97] Log: LoadMap: JoinGameTransition?game=TAGame.GameInfo_Transition_TA
  267. [0704.00] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFx_LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFx_LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen'
  268. [0704.27] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  269. [0706.85] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  270. [0708.45] Log: No archetype specifies for game class GameInfo_Transition_TA, make sure it's added to the GameArchetypes list in DefaultEngine.ini
  271. [0708.45] Log: Game class is 'GameInfo_Transition_TA'
  272. [0708.71] Log: Bringing World joingametransition.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2017.07.05-20.57.41
  273. [0708.71] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.255422
  274. [0708.71] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 4.737677 seconds
  275. [0713.00] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  276. [0713.20] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  277. [0713.20] Log: LoadMap:
  278. [0713.39] Log: Fully load package: ..\..\TAGame\CookedPCConsole\GameInfo_Soccar_SF.upk
  279. [0727.28] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  280. [0727.37] Log: Bringing World Stadium_P.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2017.07.05-20.57.59
  281. [0727.37] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.104438
  282. [0727.37] JoinGame: OnJoinGameComplete bSuccess:'True' FailReason:'' BugItReason:''
  283. [0728.79] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 15.589296 seconds
  284. [0728.80] Log: FGFxRegisterSingletonCallback: Could not find GFxDataSingleton_X subclass 'GFxData_TourEvent_TA'
  285. [0728.81] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_Hud.Hud': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_Hud.Hud'
  286. [0735.62] Log: Failed; returning to Entry
  287. [0735.62] Log: LoadMap: MENU_Main_p?failed=OnlineErrors.OnlineServerConnectionErrors.ReservationTimedOut?Name=Twotakeoff
  288. [0735.62] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFx_LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFx_LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen'
  289. [0736.06] DevOnline: Send Reconnect Message to
  290. [0736.06] NetComeGo: Close TcpNetDriver_1 TcpipConnection_1 05/07/2017 20:58:08 'Control channel cleanup'
  291. [0736.10] Exit: TcpNetDriver_1 shut down
  292. [0741.18] Log: Fully load package: ..\..\TAGame\CookedPCConsole\GameInfo_GFxMenu_SF.upk
  293. [0750.59] Log: Game class is 'GameInfo_GFxMenu_TA'
  294. [0750.61] Log: Bringing World menu_main_p.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2017.07.05-20.58.23
  295. [0750.62] DevOnline: Successfully set the friend join URL:
  296. [0750.62] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.025697
  297. [0751.33] DevOnline: Set rich presence to: Main Menu data: Menu
  298. [0751.33] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 15.703581 seconds
  299. [0751.33] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  300. [0759.29] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  301. [0760.24] Log: FGFxRegisterSingletonCallback: Could not find GFxDataSingleton_X subclass 'GFxData_TourEvent_TA'
  302. [0760.25] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_MainMenu.MainMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_MainMenu.MainMenu'
  303. [0769.35] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_OnlinePlaylistMenu.OnlinePlaylistMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_OnlinePlaylistMenu.OnlinePlaylistMenu'
  304. [0771.00] Online: HandlePrivilegeCheckFinished PrivilegeCheck.bHasRestriction:'False'
  305. [0771.00] Online: HandlePrivilegeCheck PrivilegeCheck.bHasRestriction:'False'
  306. [0771.96] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  307. [0772.12] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  308. [0772.23] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  309. [0772.27] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  310. [0772.38] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  311. [0772.46] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  312. [0772.54] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  313. [0772.62] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  314. [0776.58] Matchmaking: All Regions Pinged: ASC (0.4791), EU (0.3792), JPN (0.3730), ME (0.4446), OCE (0.4409), SAM (0.1179), USE (0.2080), USW (0.2813)
  315. [0776.58] Matchmaking: StartMatchmaking at 2017-07-05 23:58:47 in SAM for playlists 2 on game server 0
  316. [0783.92] Log: FSaveDataExportTask(0) wrote 547736 bytes to memory
  317. [0784.01] Log: Deleting old save file ..\..\TAGame\SaveData\DBE_Production\
  318. [0784.08] Log: SaveDataExport(0): Finished - File:[(null)] Result:[232213120]
  319. [0789.42] Log: FSaveDataExportTask(0) wrote 547832 bytes to memory
  320. [0789.60] Log: Deleting old save file ..\..\TAGame\SaveData\DBE_Production\
  321. [0789.60] Log: SaveDataExport(0): Finished - File:[(null)] Result:[232213760]
  322. [0793.90] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_SettingsMenu.SettingsMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_SettingsMenu.SettingsMenu'
  323. [0796.50] CheckReservation: Received game server SAM719928 2
  324. [0796.50] JoinGame: StartJoin JoinSettings.PlaylistID:'2' JoinSettings.bFriendJoin:'False' JoinSettings.bMigration:'False' JoinSettings.MatchType:'JMT_Public'
  325. [0796.50] DevOnline: Successfully set the friend join URL: -SteamConnectID=76561198053151233
  326. [0796.50] Online: HandlePrivilegeCheckFinished PrivilegeCheck.bHasRestriction:'False'
  327. [0796.84] Log: FJsonStructReader - could not find property bServerKey in struct RPC_GenerateKeys_X.
  328. [0796.84] Log: Using Secure Websockets
  329. [0799.28] Log: FSaveDataExportTask(0) wrote 547832 bytes to memory
  330. [0799.71] Log: Deleting old save file ..\..\TAGame\SaveData\DBE_Production\
  331. [0799.78] Log: SaveDataExport(0): Finished - File:[(null)] Result:[232215808]
  332. [0801.01] Log: LoadMap: JoinGameTransition?Name=Twotakeoff?game=TAGame.GameInfo_Transition_TA
  333. [0801.02] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFx_LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFx_LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen'
  334. [0801.24] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  335. [0811.30] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  336. [0811.58] Log: No archetype specifies for game class GameInfo_Transition_TA, make sure it's added to the GameArchetypes list in DefaultEngine.ini
  337. [0811.58] Log: Game class is 'GameInfo_Transition_TA'
  338. [0811.83] Log: Bringing World joingametransition.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2017.07.05-20.59.24
  339. [0811.83] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.252430
  340. [0811.83] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 10.820124 seconds
  341. [0813.18] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  342. [0813.93] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  343. [0813.93] Log: LoadMap:
  344. [0814.06] Log: Fully load package: ..\..\TAGame\CookedPCConsole\GameInfo_Soccar_SF.upk
  345. [0818.57] Log: Octree Warning (AddPrimitive): StaticMeshActor_SMC_475 (Owner: Park_Night_P.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.MeshCollector0) Outside World.
  346. [0818.57] Log: Octree Warning (AddPrimitive): StaticMeshActor_SMC_722 (Owner: Park_Night_P.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.MeshCollector0) Outside World.
  347. [0821.30] Log: Bringing World Park_Night_P.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2017.07.05-20.59.33
  348. [0821.30] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 2.739384
  349. [0821.30] JoinGame: OnJoinGameComplete bSuccess:'True' FailReason:'' BugItReason:''
  350. [0822.12] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 8.187307 seconds
  351. [0822.15] Log: FGFxRegisterSingletonCallback: Could not find GFxDataSingleton_X subclass 'GFxData_TourEvent_TA'
  352. [0822.15] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_Hud.Hud': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_Hud.Hud'
  353. [0827.43] MatchBroadcast: Init bBroadcastMatch:'False' MatchLog:'None' MatchRPC:'None'
  354. [0828.45] DevOnline: Set rich presence to: Doubles in Beckwith Park (Midnight) data: Playlist-2
  355. [0828.53] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  356. [0828.83] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  357. [0829.70] Muting: ClientMutePlayer Twotakeoff uMascarello_NeX bAddToMuteList=False
  358. [0829.70] Muting: ClientMutePlayer Twotakeoff NeX_Raccoon bAddToMuteList=False
  359. [0835.01] ScriptWarning: ScriptWarning, Accessed None 'BodyAsset'
  360. Car_TA Park_Night_P.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Car_TA_3
  361. Function TAGame.Car_TA:OnDemolished:00B3
  362. Script call stack:
  363. Function TAGame.Car_TA:ReplicatedEvent
  364. Function TAGame.Car_TA:OnDemolished
  366. [0835.02] Log: Could not find a skeletal mesh component with socket or bone named 'chassis_jnt'
  367. [0841.60] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  368. [0842.45] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  369. [0843.07] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  370. [0843.58] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  371. [0844.04] ScriptWarning: ScriptWarning, Accessed None 'BodyAsset'
  372. Car_TA Park_Night_P.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Car_TA_5
  373. Function TAGame.Car_TA:OnDemolished:00B3
  374. Script call stack:
  375. Function TAGame.Car_TA:ReplicatedEvent
  376. Function TAGame.Car_TA:OnDemolished
  378. [0844.05] Log: Could not find a skeletal mesh component with socket or bone named 'chassis_jnt'
  379. [0905.21] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  380. [0905.60] Muting: ClientMutePlayer Twotakeoff TNK | Micro bAddToMuteList=False
  381. [0908.72] Log: Could not find a skeletal mesh component with socket or bone named 'chassis_jnt'
  382. [0956.25] DevOnline: Gamepad text: not running in big picture mode.
  383. [0962.53] DevOnline: Gamepad text: not running in big picture mode.
  384. [0967.48] DevOnline: Gamepad text: not running in big picture mode.
  385. [0973.61] Achievements: UpdateStat FirstTouch 1
  386. [0979.73] Achievements: UpdateStat Clear 1
  387. [1005.32] Achievements: UpdateStat Loss 1
  388. [1005.32] Achievements: UpdateStat FewestBallTouches 1
  389. [1005.32] Achievements: UpdateStat TimePlayed 136
  390. [1005.33] Achievements: IncrementStat 11 5402
  391. [1005.40] DevOnline: Failed to store stat entry; key: 1_11, bGameServerStats: 0
  392. [1005.40] Achievements: UpdateStat MatchComplete 1
  393. [1005.44] DevOnline: Stored steam user stats.
  394. [1005.44] Log: FSaveDataExportTask(0) wrote 547832 bytes to memory
  395. [1005.55] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Texture None.null': Failed to find object 'Texture None.null'
  396. [1005.55] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_WinnerMenu.WinnerMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_WinnerMenu.WinnerMenu'
  397. [1007.48] Log: Deleting old save file ..\..\TAGame\SaveData\DBE_Production\
  398. [1007.48] Log: SaveDataExport(0): Finished - File:[(null)] Result:[232209664]
  399. [1007.48] Rewards: Season Rewards
  400. [1007.48] Rewards: Match Complete Body Rewards
  401. [1007.49] Rewards: Random Unlock ProductID:'1946'
  402. [1007.49] Achievements: UpdateStat ItemCollected 1
  403. [1007.49] Products: (GFxData_ItemDrops_TA_8) GFxData_ItemDrops_TA::None:AddDrop (Uid=76561198053151233,Platform=OnlinePlatform_Steam) Twotakeoff DropID=1946
  404. [1007.51] Rewards: ClientGenerateItemDrop Twotakeoff RewardId:'1946'
  405. [1007.60] Log: FSaveDataExportTask(0) wrote 547848 bytes to memory
  406. [1009.00] Log: Deleting old save file ..\..\TAGame\SaveData\DBE_Production\
  407. [1009.00] Log: SaveDataExport(0): Finished - File:[(null)] Result:[232242688]
  408. [1009.05] DevAudio: UAkDevice::PlaySound - SourceActor is NULL (sound Tires_Rolling_Loop)
  409. [1009.14] Log: FSaveDataExportTask(0) wrote 548024 bytes to memory
  410. [1009.51] Log: Deleting old save file ..\..\TAGame\SaveData\DBE_Production\
  411. [1009.51] Log: SaveDataExport(0): Finished - File:[(null)] Result:[1514652288]
  412. [1013.35] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_EndGameMenu.EndGameMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_EndGameMenu.EndGameMenu'
  413. [1017.34] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  414. [1018.65] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  415. [1018.68] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_UnlockMenu.UnlockMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_UnlockMenu.UnlockMenu'
  416. [1028.29] ScriptLog: (GFxData_ItemDrops_TA_8) GFxData_ItemDrops_TA::None:OnDropsHandled (Uid=76561198053151233,Platform=OnlinePlatform_Steam) Twotakeoff DropID=1946
  417. [1028.87] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  418. [1029.39] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  419. [1031.47] Log: FSaveDataExportTask(0) wrote 548024 bytes to memory
  420. [1032.05] Log: Deleting old save file ..\..\TAGame\SaveData\DBE_Production\
  421. [1032.18] Log: SaveDataExport(0): Finished - File:[(null)] Result:[1514613504]
  422. [1035.37] DevOnline: Gamepad text: not running in big picture mode.
  423. [1042.76] DevAudio: UAkDevice::PlaySound - SourceActor is NULL (sound Tires_Rolling_Loop)
  424. [1059.60] Log: Failed; returning to Entry
  425. [1059.61] Log: LoadMap: MENU_Main_p?closed?Name=Twotakeoff
  426. [1059.61] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFx_LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFx_LoadingScreen.LoadingScreen'
  427. [1081.26] DevOnline: Send Reconnect Message to
  428. [1081.26] NetComeGo: Close TcpNetDriver_2 TcpipConnection_2 05/07/2017 21:03:53 ''
  429. [1081.26] Exit: TcpNetDriver_2 shut down
  430. [1089.87] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  431. [1089.87] Log: Fully load package: ..\..\TAGame\CookedPCConsole\GameInfo_GFxMenu_SF.upk
  432. [1111.98] Log: Game class is 'GameInfo_GFxMenu_TA'
  433. [1113.93] Log: Bringing World menu_main_p.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2017.07.05-21.04.26
  434. [1113.93] DevOnline: UnregisterLocalTalker(0) returned 0x00000000
  435. [1114.40] DevOnline: Successfully set the friend join URL:
  436. [1114.40] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 2.419533
  437. [1119.87] DevOnline: Set rich presence to: Main Menu data: Menu
  438. [1119.87] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 60.266076 seconds
  439. [1119.87] Log: Flushing async loaders.
  440. [1149.95] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  441. [1149.95] Log: Flushed async loaders.
  442. [1150.80] Log: FSaveDataExportTask(0) wrote 548024 bytes to memory
  443. [1153.30] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  444. [1153.30] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  445. [1153.30] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  446. [1153.30] Log: Deleting old save file ..\..\TAGame\SaveData\DBE_Production\
  447. [1153.30] Log: SaveDataExport(0): Finished - File:[(null)] Result:[819910528]
  448. [1153.40] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  449. [1154.01] Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms)
  450. [1154.51] Log: FGFxRegisterSingletonCallback: Could not find GFxDataSingleton_X subclass 'GFxData_TourEvent_TA'
  451. [1154.51] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'SwfMovie GFX_MainMenu.MainMenu': Failed to find object 'SwfMovie GFX_MainMenu.MainMenu'
  452. [1196.13] Log: Closing by request
  453. [1196.13] Log: appRequestExit(0)
  454. [1196.54] Auth: OnlinePlayerAuthentication_TA_0 HandleLocalPlayerLoginStatusChanged Name= LoggedIn=False SendingLogin=False RequiresAuth=True AuthStatus=AUS_Authenticated
  455. [1196.58] Party: HandleLocalPlayerLoginStatusChanged PlayerName= PlayerID=Steam|76561198053151233|0 LoginStatus=LS_NotLoggedIn IsPrimary=True IsInParty=False
  456. [1196.59] Exit: Preparing to exit.
  457. [1197.85] Exit: Game engine shut down
  458. [1234.56] Exit: Windows client shut down
  459. [1236.50] Exit: XAudio2 Device shut down.
  460. [1240.12] Exit: AK Audio shut down.
  461. [1243.05] Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
  462. [1254.36] Exit: Exiting.
  463. [1254.39] Log: Log file closed, 05/07/2017 21:06:46
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