
Supermarket Fun

Sep 18th, 2018
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  1. Victor stood in the aisle of the supermarket staring intently at two different bags of candy while some kid further down was crying for some reason or another. “Tootsie Pops or Blow Pops?” He mused to himself like he was contemplating the mysteries of the universe.He took a bag in each hand and lifted them up and down, trying to see which one was heavier. As he did, Opal came around the corner with the shopping cart filled with actual groceries. She was quite a few months pregnant with their first child as evident by her stomach and some of the stranger items in the cart.
  2. “Just pick one already.” She huffs, she runs a hand across her face and puts it on her back.
  3. He looks between the two bags franticly for a moment before putting the Blow Pops in the cart and giving her a peck on the cheek. “Sorry, you know how I am about this stuff.”
  4. She smiles softly and laughs a little, "you can over think candy for so long it could be hours from now."
  5. He chuckles and smiles. “Can’t really argue with you there. At least I only had to struggle between two choices this time. That’s what I call progress.”
  6. She snorts and covers her mouth, "Fair enough, " she looks at the shopping list, "what else do we need?" She makes a check on the paper and looks back up at him.
  7. He takes a glance over the cart and thinks for a moment. “Looks like we still need to figure out what we’re having for dinner. Anything sound particularly good to you?”
  8. She thinks for a moment, rubbing her stomach, "I have been craving steak with cream cheese," her eyes light up, "Oh! Or maybe pancakes with jelly and fried pickles!" She beams at the thought
  9. He laughs. “If that’s what you want we can have breakfast for dinner… with a few strange addons for you.”
  10. She grins, "What? Not a fan of fried pickles?" She grabs two more bags of candy as she continues down the isle. "Is there anything else you want, sweetie?"
  11. He makes a so-so motion with his hand. “You know how I am with stuff like that. Prefer sweet. I have no problem making sure my little guinea pig gets what she wants though.” He pinches her cheek and grins, still talking at full volume in the crowded store.
  12. She turns deep red and looks around at the women standing close by and whispering. She grabs Victor's wrist and drags him to another isle. Her grip is strong, as she gives him a look. "Jesus christ Victor!" She says quietly. "You don't call me that in public."
  13. He looks confused. “What? I don’t see what’s wrong with it.”
  14. She glares, giving him that soul piercing stare, she takes a deep breath and collects herself. " just..meant for private." Her face is flush and hot.
  15. He tilts his head a bit. “So… it was fine to say it last night but not fine here right?” He has still not gotten the hint to whisper.
  16. Her eyes narrows, and her forehead has small beads of sweat form. She speaks through gritted teeth and tries to be polite, "j-just lower your voice please!"
  17. He shrugs. “Alright, I still don’t see what the problem is though.” He isn’t quite whispering yet, but he’s not at normal volume anymore at least.
  18. She looks around at the staring people, she lowers her head in a mixture of shame and rage. She grinds her teeth and sighs whispering to him, "Calling someone your ' guinea pig' isn't exactly what most people would call each other." Her rage slowly boils.
  19. Victor’s complete inability to notice the people staring at them is obvious. “Why not? I think it’s cute.”
  20. She looks at him with that deadpan stare, he knows something bad is coming.
  21. He takes a small step backwards subconsciously. “That, um, was the wrong thing to say wasn’t it?”
  22. She nods and rolls up her sleeves, "You think?!" She ties back her hair into a bun and huffs.
  23. He laughs nervously. “Opal, what are you doing?”
  24. "I swear, we have been over this too many times." She ignores the looks and stares, as the idle chatter in the store grows. "I will give something for people to talk about rather than that pet name." She is obviously, overwhelmed with hormonal rage.
  25. He looks at his bare wrist for a moment. “Oh good heavens would you look at the time! We better check out and get home so I can make you dinner and beg for forgiveness.” He looks frantic.
  26. She steps up close to him, pressing her pregnant belly into his guts and glares. She then grabs him under the arms, and one quick swoop she throws him over her shoulder, lifting him like he is nothing. " We are leaving!" She hisses as she begins to carry him off.
  27. He yelps a bit from getting picked up. He considers mentioning the groceries but decides it’s probably not a good idea and resigns himself to his fate. “Alright then. Sorry.” He meets eyes with a child trying to decide between a lollipop and a chocolate bar and points to the lollipop and gives him a thumbs up.
  28. She stomps away and curses under her breath, before noticing he motioning to the child. "don't talk to strangers!" She glares at a few women on the way out.
  29. He opens his mouth to say that no one is going to kidnap him before realizing that’s more or less what’s happening. He’s carried to the car and sits down in the driver’s seat. “Sorry, I just didn’t realize what’s wrong with that. Still don’t, but now I know I shouldn’t call you that in public.” He is in damage control mode
  30. She gets into the car, holding her back as she sits down. Her face is still bright red, as she huffs and crosses her arms, resting them on her stomach. "That kind of name is meant for us, in private!" She looks like she is on the verge of tears she is so angry. " And now we should probably move, because you know how those women can get! They will talk and talk and talk! Oh god the rumors!" She holds her face in shame.
  31. Realization crosses his face and you can see he feels awful. He pats her back to try and comfort her. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think it was bad, I feel terrible. They’ll probably move onto to something else though, so don’t cry.”
  32. She shoots him a look, "Nothing ever happens in this town! That's why we moved here!" She flails her hands a little. "Uggghh! Just.." she holds her stomach and winces a little, "And this little shit just loves to play kickball with my kidneys." She takes a few deep breaths, and calms herself a little.
  33. He brings her into a hug. “Do you hate any of them? I could always start rumors about them.”
  34. She wipes her eyes and hugs him, "Some of them, just because..." She stops herself and pulls back, giving him a deadpan stare. "Don't put terrible ideas in my head. You know i will do them." She says flatly as she stares.
  35. “Well yeah, you’re upset that they’ll start rumors about us so I thought if we started worse rumors about them no one will talk about us.”
  36. She puts a hand on his shoulder, "We can't do that. As much as i would love to, we cant."
  37. “Fine. Is there anything else I can do to make you feel better then?”
  38. She leans back in her seat a bit, "I really could go for some ice cream." She shifts a little and holds her side, "or a hot shower...God she's kicking my organs like its game now."
  39. He puts an arm around her and puts a hand on her stomach. “Then we’ll go get you some ice cream.” He leans down and puts his face level with her stomach. “What flavor do you want little guy or girl?”
  40. He can feel the strong, but small feet move below her skin. She places her hand on top of his and smiles softly at him. Tears start to stream down her face, "why does ice cream have to be so cold?"
  41. He smiles and wipes away some of her tears. “It’s the price we pay for it’s deliciousness.”
  42. She cries, and laughs. "Can...can we share?" She wipes her nose with her sleeve as she lets out a pathetic laugh, "I have no idea why i am crying about that. Why don't we go then?" She kisses him gently, and smiles.
  43. He gives her a small hug and starts the car. “Of course.” And he starts to drive, dreading the conversation they’ll no doubt have when she realizes they forgot dinner at the store.
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