
Serperior's Vine Whip Seduction

Jan 27th, 2013
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  1. Serperior's Vine Whip Seduction
  2. -A Pokemon FapFic- FSerperiorxMTrainer
  4. Now this was beyond weird.
  6. I couldn’t really describe it as weird. It was… beyond… I couldn’t put it into words. Here I was, relaxing, minding my own business, tidying up the assortment of items inside my bag, ready to sell or toss a few things when I felt something slither up my back. My first thought was that it was an Ekans or something… but whatever was crawling up my back was a lot thinner than any Ekans before. I turned around, seeing my Serperior there, lying back against a tree beneath some shade but she wasn’t simply lying back, oh no.
  8. Her white underbelly was on display to me, scaling reflecting sunlight off her body, not like water or gel would but she had a more toned-down sheen to her body that was still quite admirable. She was sometimes able to stop her opponent with a simple glare. But this time her face looked slightly flushed. I wasn’t used to this; she normally had a colder, calmer, more refined emotion played across her face, even whilst battling but… her mouth was open slightly, her forked-tongue hanging loosely, just poking out from her mouth.
  10. I stood up and rushed over to her, putting my hands on her underbelly, stroking up and down, checking if she was alright. “Serperior… what’s wrong? Are you too hot, or…?” I asked her, my eyes running up and down her body. Her red-orange eyes were half lidded and she gazed back up at me. I ran my fingers up her flushed body; of course, she couldn’t sweat –she had no sweat glands as a snake- but her body was hot… quite warm, even beneath he shade.
  12. I felt the thing slither and slide up and along my spine once again and I turned, catching a vine rising up of its own accord before lunging at me, wrapping tightly around my middle, trapping my arms by my side like a little toy soldier. I gasped, trying desperately to flail out but I couldn’t. My hat slipped from my head to the ground and my brown hair was let loose, blowing around as the vine managed to raise me higher, more and more appearing. Another Pokémon was doing this! Vines didn’t –couldn’t- do this by themselves!
  14. “Serperior…! Help me! I’m… u-uh!” I stammered. The vines only wound up and around my body, two moving like arms and hands to my trousers, starting to tug at my belt, undoing it and allowing the ends to flop to the sides. I bit my lip, my body tensing as I shook my head wildly, kicking my legs out. The vines at my belt began working at my trousers, tugging them down my hips to around my knees. I shivered and shook my head weakly, closing my eyes. I glanced at my Serperior again helplessly but I still didn’t get anything from her. She only stared at me half-lidded, mouth half-open.
  16. It then hit me that it was her that was doing it.
  18. I writhed again, feeling the vines run up my inner-thigh, to them hem of my underwear, trailing back down after they circled mid-way up my thighs. They ran back down before pushing back up and underneath my boxers, under the fabric around my legs, tracing lightly around my still-soft member. I tensed up and bit my lip hard, shaking my head. One shifted up a little more and wrapped around my flaccid member, stroking softly back and forth, trying to get me hard. I couldn’t… it felt too weird…
  20. But, it was so hot and my mind was reeling and the vine was so cold and the sensations were so good and… and… I groaned against my will, feeling my cock slowly get harder. I was lifted a few good few feet from the ground, maybe two or three, being held up by the vines of my Serperior. Her vines worked up and down my cock and shamefully, I felt the blood start to rush beneath my underwear.
  22. “No… d-don’t, Serperior… I-I…” I stammered. I sounded like a fucking schoolgirl begging like this but what else was I supposed to do? I was trapped, and my cock was being touched… maybe it was inevitable that I would get turned on. She withdrew her vine from out of boxer-leg and tugged my underwear down quickly and hastily. She moved a little, letting me down to the ground again, free now but with my trousers hanging around my ankles, whilst my cock stuck up straight like a flagpole. Heat rushed to my face with shame.
  24. My Serperior pushed herself up from her position and slithered around me, almost coiling around my body. I froze with my arms by my side with hands clenched into white fists as I waited for something –anything- to happen. Her body went around mine but not too tightly. She left enough space for my arms to move as well as about a foot all around me. My cock, admittedly, not huge but a nice length throbbed in the heat against the cool wind blowing.
  26. My Serperior’s head was level with mine, maybe a bit higher up and her forked tongue flicked out at me, brushing against my face. She was taking in my scent me; smelling the cold sweat on my neck, the sweat on my brow and I was pretty sure she could smell my arrival. Her vines appeared once again, running up and down my body, brushing against my cheeks but I was more focused on the one wrapping around my erect cock yet again.
  28. It was slow and teasing with a grip that barely touched my, only serving to drag my foreskin back and forth. I groaned, leaning back against my Serperior’s body, my fingers clutching at her scales, fingernails digging in but doing nothing and merely pressing against her. The vine tightened around me too much and I yelped out, high-pitched in pain. Serperior nuzzled her head against mine and then softened slightly, now applying the perfect pressure, going at a steady pace to please me.
  30. “Ser… perior…” I whimpered. Her vine began to quicken moving up and down my cock, going faster than before and squeezing softly and occasionally, my balls beginning to tighten up. My hands desperately wanted anything to cling onto and squeeze but I only found her soft-scaled skin. I hugged onto it tightly with my palm, the sun bearing and beaming down on us as my sweet climax was being brought to me sooner with each passing moment. I tilted my head back, saliva threatening to spill over my parched lips, my throat dry from my ragged breathing.
  32. My Pokémon’s head leaned down to me again, nuzzling and rubbing against my skin. I could feel her scales lifting a little, lightly nipping at my cheek and collarbone. I trembled, gasping as my hips began moving and pumping into the vine at my dick, going quicker and a little tighter. My voice gave out and I shuddered, pushing my hips forward once more, my fingers pressing into her hot scales hard as I climaxed.
  34. Cum shot out of my dick all over her tail and body, creamy-white contrasting against light and dark green. My orgasm racked through my entire body as my balls emptied themselves out over Serperior’s body. It cried out softly in surprise, hissing lightly, and I felt her tongue flicker against my hot skin once again. Her vine slowed but kept going with a good pressure, milking every drop of cum from my pulsating cock. I groaned and swallowed with difficulty, tilting my head back up.
  36. “Serperior… you… I’m sorry, I couldn’t h-hold back…” I apologised. She only shook her head and smiled at me. She mewled and hissed quietly again, uncoiling from around me to shift back beneath the tree in the shade. I thought it was all done and over with after my climax… but my Serperior thought otherwise.
  38. She laid back against the tree with her underbelly showing to me once again, her tail flicking back and forth, pointing at a certain area more than once. I didn’t know what she meant at first and so I moved closer to her, tugging up my trousers in the process. She shook her head and put her tail in between my legs, catching the fabric and pushed it back down to the ground when I was right up against her. She pointed a few times at the end of her stomach and start of her tail and I frowned, confused.
  40. “What? What do you want me to do?” I asked.
  42. Serperior hissed quietly and softly, crying out quietly and pointed directly at herself there. Maybe she was hurt after all… I leaned down and used my fingers to glance at her, prying her scales up slightly and gently. I came across one and gasped, immediately letting go. Thick liquids coated my fingers. They were slimy and wet, of course but thicker and had a different scent to anything I’d ever smelled before; more… nature-esque, earthy yet with some sweetness in it.
  44. “I-I can’t! You’re a Pokémon! And your… entrance is, uh… b-bigger than my cock… I wouldn’t be able to p-please you…” I said, hanging my head. Wait… I was worried I wasn’t going to please her? I was actually going to go through with this? Well, after cumming, there was no going back… I just had to continue on now and give her what she –actually, we- wanted.
  46. I swallowed hard and stepped closer, exhaling softly beneath my breath. I unzipped my blue jacket, throwing it aside and lifted my shirt up and over my head. No, I didn’t have to best body ever but, I was pretty thin with a decent bit of muscle on me to keep me from looking weak and like I was just bones. I took her tail and hefted it up over my shoulder; it wasn’t that heavy to support at all, despite looking that thick.
  48. Taking my cock in my shaking hand, I looked at where her entrance was once again, now a lot more visible with thick, leaking liquids and fluids. I took my cock, steadying myself and I exhaled before pushing it slowly. Her scales scraped against my cock and I winced, using my hands then to raise them up so my cock pushed in with more ease. The first I noticed was a different sensation, as if everything inside of her had been rotated ninety-degrees. Her genitalia were instead horizontal instead of vertical. It still felt pretty damn good.
  50. Her vagina was a little bigger than my cock so it wasn’t all that tight but, I still felt her inside muscles around me. I felt dirty… but it felt too fucking good to stop now. I swallowed and braced myself, drawing out before slamming back in, pushing as far as I could in one go. Serperior cried out in pleasure, her orange eyes closing in pleasure before opening and looking back at me. She seemed to at least find pleasure in this… and that was all that mattered to me.
  52. Keeping her scales raise so not as to hurt me, I began pumping my dick in and out of her wet sex, thick fluids coating me, making sliding in and out a lot easier. Her tail flicked back and forth in pleasure over my shoulder, brushing against the back and side of my neck. It tickled a little and felt good. She moaned and mewled, hissing in pleasure whenever my dick magically struck that special place inside of her. I never thought I’d be doing this… ever, but fuck, I’d do it again and again if I could.
  54. “Serperior… is it g-good?” I panted, looking up at her. Here I was, completely naked, fucking my Serperior senseless. She looked back at me and nodded, understanding me. Her fork-tongue hung out of her mouth in pleasure as if losing her own mind in the state of pleasure. This normally elegant, regal and somewhat arrogant Pokémon was now moaning and panting beneath me, my cock pounding into her as if there were no tomorrow.
  56. “I don’t think I can last much longer…” I groaned. Sweat rolled down my body and I groaned again. “Fuck… c-can I…?” I didn’t even finish my sentence before Serperior nodded and coiled her tail around my middle, drawing me closer, taking away to option to even pull out now. My knees began to grow weak as my second climax began approaching. I couldn’t hold back any longer and I cried out loudly, cumming harder than before, my eyes closing tightly, a loud moan coming from between my lips.
  58. My cock throbbed inside of Serperior’s sweet entrance and my seed shot out into her deeply, my back arching, my body almost going rigid. The snake almost hissed and mewled beneath me as she reached her own climax, seconds after my own. Her entrance released thick juices all over my thighs and cock and I slid out of her as she climaxed, her muscles tightening up.
  60. “Fuck… I… oh my God, did I really just…?” I asked myself. I felt dirty. Was it wrong that I enjoyed it? Was I now a Poképhile? My Serperior slithered up to me and rubbed her body against me, coiling around me too to reassure me. A soft smile came across my face and I caressed her smooth scaled body with my hand, smiling back at her. “Maybe… but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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