
Yolzek's Answer

Aug 10th, 2018
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  2. How well Matty played her part. She could hardly tell it wasn't the ambitious hunter she helped grow into a fine warrior, but the hardened man of steel that held the lines as their Kin attempted to trample the last hopes of the budding City. Her eyes watched, and her orifices listened. Yes, her words were right, --or his rather. The City was their last home, the last place for Humanity. She might be able to count the scratch marks and shrapnel blasts left by her kind. But the term refugee made her reconsider her wordings. There was as a small adjustment to her cloak, lowering her head, to make sure she was still neat, then back up.
  4. "The City is yours. These walls are made by Humanity's hands. And yet, you call the citizens that live within this place refugees. Pardon my words, but that is a very Kell thing to say." Houses belittled and hung rank up upon banners and markings. A dreg was nothing, was that what humans were to Guardians? Still, she adjusted her stance and stood tall once more. "It is not shelter we seek. Nor is it the effort to integrate ourselves into these walls. It is too sudden, to even consider Eliksni intermingling with the Citizens of your City." A claw lifted up, and gestured to the wooded pastures, as if the sparkling city was present out a window to the rear flank.
  6. Her claw then retreated back into her cloak, the lower talons stretching then adjusted back to their grasp in each other's gaps. She took a moment's pause, something she knew she would not have within the chambers of this meeting. There was so much to say, so many ways to plea for help. But these people were leaders for a reason. A strong leader is not forgiving, nor are they lenient. She lifted her claw up, letting the Light construct her Ghost before her, letting it over before her face, before floating beside her shoulder. "But I would not of requested audience if the situation was something our small House could accomplish. We are tens, to your thousands. I risk everything by standing before you three today. I am not fearful for my life, I am fearful for the Traveler's. I was not alive to witness the Twilight Gap, but my fa-" A slip of her tongue, eyes flicking downwards for a moment before reconstituting herself, "My Kell remembers it quite well. He died by Guardian hands, but it seems that the Traveler's Light seeks more than just Humanity. In a way, this Light we carry lifts us with its blessing, and weighs us down by its curse. There was a phrase I read among the literature of your old world scattered among the debris. 'Rome was not built in a day'. And we are well-aware of this."
  8. She wasn't attempting to be cheeky, or clever. Yolzek was a guest, and she already felt she had spoke too much of her own mind. But her displaying her ghost held purpose other than to prove she had the Light. It was gesture of trust, the sword to the heart. Any of them could pull out their weapon and snuff out her Light. It was risk, but she already stated, she had everything to lose by even standing among them. But even beyond the little roleplaying session, she wanted to give Matty hope. That her 'bigger' sister was capable of something this big. She was not the Kell sitting upon the Throne at this time, but she still strived to be great, to be what their Father saw within them. "Zevala, Cayde-6, Ikora. I humble myself before you. The pillars of the city. You all have done your part to build this amazing place, to show your strength, your honor, your courage. But the great must start small. Even the mighty walls were only blocks to be built. And what we wish to build is a bridge, to connect two separate motes of Light together. To bring an end to one war, to find our redemption for our sins. But should you feel this to be a threat. Then strike me down where I stand."
  10. Was she crazy? Possibly, but her eyes narrowed, and her chest puffed out, a solid clicking coming from her, as if trying to put on her best game face. "I understand the risks, and I am asking for your most precious resource; your trust. Your Guardians prove the impossible, and continue to strike down the threats that plague this world and your system. It is what we do in secret. But this threat discovered to us is something we do not have the manpower, nor capability of demolishing alone. We need you. We need the Guardians. Trust us, for just this moment. And should we fail, then strike us down. Think not of the scarred past, but the recovered future." Her claw had subconsciously rose into a fist, a small, nervous quiver in her muscles causing the twitching spasms. But her eyes carried only the truth. Not the whole truth, but the truth of the situation. She so desperately wanted to walk among the City, to see and feel the Traveler's Light so close. But, it was a tall order. But Matty's break in character made her nervous twitching stop, her serious little look fading away back to a more neutral state. And for a moment, she took in the little quip of a smile shot her way. "Thank you, Matty." Her form bowed, and she slowly approached after letting her pattering heart slow down.
  12. It would be brief, but her lower talons reached up to carefully take and pull her metallic hand closer. Something given to her, after losing the original so long ago. It was undoubtedly Fallen, but she hoped she wore it with pride. "I feel you are the one dragging me from a cave today." He cackled, talons clicking and dancing among the crevices and joints of fingers and wrist, before tilting her head up at her. "A Kell is always strong. Just as I am." Her maw parted to reveal her fangs again, but let her hand slowly move away, "I would ask you to be there. But, perhaps a visit home would ease the Son's soul. If I do not contact you by this day's end, then assume the answer was no." It was simple enough to assume that, but she steeled herself for the worst. She wondered how far she might be able to escape to, if it was even possible. But she couldn't show the fear outwardly anymore. She had to put on a show, even if the veil was as see-through as a plastic lining. But the fire was dying, and she broke away from the brunette to trot back over to the fire, and stoke the flames while retrieving her helmet --Eliksni, multi-taskers at their finest. She wanted this moment to be more merry, but it seems the Captain might of only made it worst. She could only hope Matalyn could believe that the Vanguard would take her words to heart.
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