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Sep 20th, 2017
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  1. i don't care about the words. i don't care about progressive, liberal, conservative, left, right, center, up, down, spiralways, dem, rep, or any of that bullshit. i haven't for some time. the truth of the matter is that humans are humans. I believe that the system we're using right now is not working. Why? because several households of indiscriminate race, age, gender, sexual orientation, education level, whatever you want to measure by suffer through days of unstable actions. They don't have the money for food, housing, education, clothing, medicine, or other necessities. What i do see is those pencil pushers sitting in their comfy offices raising their paychecks because it's so hard to be hated. it's so hard to write their name on something so that they can get richer and we can get poorer. You think i WANT to use FAFSA? you think i WANT to live in a shelter? or WANT to live off of food stamps? That may very well be my future. and it's nobody's fault but those old people sitting behind those damn desks.
  2. 14 minutes ago · Like · 1 person
  4. i respect opinions. i do. i respect that people can change their opinions as well. but when people fight over their opinions i see a hopeless battle. So I will support the people i call friends. because in this uncertain world the only thing we really have is each other.
  5. 12 minutes ago · Like · 1 person
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