

Feb 9th, 2020
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  1. Outside, the prowling cat's attention had been caught by something near the end of the driveway. A
  2. small globule of blue light hovered in the air, darting between the trees, heading toward the lot next
  3. door. Motionless, the cat waited behind a neatly trimmed Japanese cherry tree, its eyes glinting with
  4. anticipation.
  5. The blue light moved closer, and the cat leaped from its hiding place, one paw reaching up to slash it
  6. with unsheathed claws. As the cat connected with its prey, the globule pulsated suddenly and pain shot
  7. up the animal's leg. The cat gave an indignant screech, men turned tail and bounded back up the drive.
  8. As if satisfied, the light bobbed and continued on its way.
  9. St. James's Church had stood on this spot for a century and a half, long before the street had a name
  10. and the mansions were built. It was a small, compact building with barely enough space to hold the
  11. Sunday congregation, but its graveyard was immense.
  12. The blue light zigzagged between some maple saplings, then arced over the wooden panel fence that
  13. separated the garden from the cemetery. As it hovered six feet above the neatly dipped grass between
  14. the sea of tombstones, lines of force began to emanate from its interior, like tiny streaks of lightning,
  15. the energy lines darted through the burial ground, homing in on the graves.
  16. As the light touched each grave marker it expanded and brightened, causing a tracery of fine blue
  17. veins to sparkle and spread across the tombstones. An eerie silence fell, broken only by the hooting of
  18. a nearby owl and the occasional muffled peal of laughter from the party next door.
  19. Suddenly, the lawn in front of one tombstone began to ripple slightly, as if something was trying to
  20. force its way up from below. A skeletal hand burst through the surface with sudden force, knocking a
  21. long-dried bunch of flowers off the grave. The ground heaved and buckled as, a hundred years after it
  22. had been laid to rest, a corpse began to hoist itself out of the ground.
  23. Throughout the graveyard, the scene was repeated a score of times and more. Long-dead bodies,
  24. festooned with scraps of moldering grave-clothes, hauled themselves out of what should have been
  25. their final resting place. Their bony limbs jerked and shuddered spastically as they rose to their feet,
  26. eye sockets empty and sightless.
  27. Responding to some unseen signal from the still-hovering globule of light, the zombie corpses turned
  28. as one and began to shuffle toward the mansion next door.
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