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Dec 10th, 2019
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  1. DEALLOCATE all;PREPARE loggedQuery AS (with "unavailability" as (select distinct "product_id" from "product_unavailability" where "unavailability_period" && $1), "product_price_period_list" as (select "product_price_period"."product_id", "product_price_period"."id" as "period_id", "product_price_period"."is_premium", "product_price_period"."price_mode_id", "product"."max_child_age" from "product_price_period" inner join "product" on "product_id" = "product"."id" left join "unavailability" on "product_price_period"."product_id" = "unavailability"."product_id" where "unavailability"."product_id" is null and "product"."status" = $2 and "price_period" && $3), "product_price_per_period" as (select "product_id", "period_id", "price_mode_id", "is_premium", "product_price_period_list"."max_child_age", sum((upper((price_sub_period * $4)::daterange))::date -lower ((price_sub_period * $5)::daterange)) as "numberOfDaysInPeriod", JSON_AGG((price_sub_period * $6)::daterange) as listOfDaysInPeriod from "product_price_sub_period" inner join "product_price_period_list" on "period_id" = "product_price_period_id" where "price_sub_period" && $7 group by "product_id", "period_id", "price_mode_id", "is_premium", "product_price_period_list"."max_child_age"), "duplicated_product_price_per_period_and_room" as (select "product_id", "period_id", "price_mode_id", "is_premium", "numberOfDaysInPeriod", listOfDaysInPeriod, $8::integer as room,$9::integer as adults, CAST(array[] AS int[]) as ages,
  2. CASE
  3. WHEN COALESCE (max_child_age,
  4. 0) = 0 THEN $10::integer
  5. WHEN COALESCE (max_child_age,
  6. 0) < ANY(CAST(array[] AS int[])) THEN
  7. (SELECT $11::integer + COUNT(*) FILTER (
  8. WHERE child_age > COALESCE (max_child_age, 0))
  9. FROM unnest(CAST(array[] AS int[])) child_age)
  10. ELSE $12::integer
  11. END AS total_adults from "product_price_per_period"), "valid_products_per_room" as (select "product_id", "room", "is_premium" from "duplicated_product_price_per_period_and_room" group by "product_id", "room", "is_premium" having sum("numberOfDaysInPeriod") <= $13::date - $14::date), "product_price_per_period_and_room" as (select "product_id", "period_id", "price_mode_id", "is_premium", "numberOfDaysInPeriod", listOfDaysInPeriod, "room", "adults", "ages", "total_adults" from "duplicated_product_price_per_period_and_room" where (product_id, room) in (select product_id,room from valid_products_per_room)), "product_price_classic" as (select "product_id", "room" from "product_price_per_period_and_room" ,LATERAL (
  12. SELECT
  13. CASE
  14. WHEN price_mode_id = 4 THEN
  15. (SELECT json_build_object('unitPrice', sum(fit_price))
  16. FROM unnest(array_cat(CAST(ages AS int[]), array_fill(18, ARRAY[adults]))) age
  17. ,lateral (
  18. SELECT fit_price
  19. FROM price_per_age
  20. where price_per_age.product_price_period_id = period_id
  21. and age <@ age_range
  22. order by price_per_age.age_range desc
  23. limit 1
  24. ) max_price
  25. having count(*) = adults+coalesce(array_length(ages, 1),0))
  26. WHEN price_mode_id = 3 THEN
  27. (SELECT json_build_object('unitPrice', fit_price * (adults + coalesce(array_length(ages, 1),0)))
  28. FROM price_per_pax
  29. where price_per_pax.product_price_period_id = period_id
  30. and (adults + coalesce(array_length(ages, 1), 0)) <@ pax_range
  31. order by price_per_pax.pax_range desc
  32. limit 1)
  33. WHEN price_mode_id = 2 THEN
  34. (SELECT json_build_object('unitPrice', fit_price)
  35. FROM fixed_price
  36. where fixed_price.product_price_period_id = period_id)
  37. WHEN price_mode_id = 1 THEN
  38. (SELECT json_build_object('unitPrice', price ,'occupation_type_id', occupation_type_id)
  39. FROM price_per_occupation
  40. where price_per_occupation.product_price_period_id = period_id
  41. and occupation_type_id = any(
  42. case when total_adults = 2 then ARRAY[2,3]
  43. when total_adults > 2 then ARRAY[total_adults + 1]
  44. else ARRAY[1] END)
  45. order by occupation_type_id
  46. limit 1 )
  47. END AS "fit_price"
  48. ) max_price where "is_premium" = $15 and ("fit_price" is not null and not "price_mode_id" = $16) or "price_mode_id" = $17 group by "product_id", "room"), "product_availabilities" as (select "allotment"."product_id", case when sum((upper((allotment_period * $18)::daterange))::date -
  49. lower ((allotment_period * $19)::daterange)) <> upper($20::daterange)::date -lower ($21::daterange)
  50. then -1
  51. else SIGN(min(
  52. COALESCE(initial_stock,0) + COALESCE(reassort,0) - COALESCE(maxQuantity,0)))
  53. end as balance from "allotment" inner join "product" on "product"."id" = "allotment"."product_id" and "product"."qty_in_inventory" = $22 left join (SELECT distinct product_id
  54. FROM product_retrocession
  55. where retrocession_period && $23 = true
  56. and now()::date > lower(retrocession_period * $24) - retrocession
  57. ) productretrocession on
  58. productretrocession.product_id = allotment.product_id LEFT JOIN LATERAL (
  59. select SUM(coalesce(quantity,0)) OVER (PARTITION BY consumption_date ORDER BY consumption_date) AS maxQuantity
  60. from product_allotment_usage
  61. where product_allotment_usage.product_id = allotment.product_id
  62. and allotment.allotment_period::daterange @> consumption_date
  63. order by maxQuantity desc
  64. limit 1
  65. ) allotment_usage on TRUE where allotment_period && $25 = true and "productretrocession"."product_id" is null group by "allotment"."product_id") select "establishment_id", "establishment_name", "latitude", "longitude", "category_id", "balance" from (select "product"."establishment_id", "establishment"."name" as "establishment_name", "establishment"."category_id", ST_X(ST_Transform (establishment.coordinate, 4326)) as longitude, ST_Y(ST_Transform (establishment.coordinate, 4326)) as latitude, (ST_Distance("establishment"."coordinate"::geography, "establishment:city"."coordinate"::geography) / 1000)::numeric(10,2) as distance, max(coalesce(balance, -1)) as balance from "product" inner join "establishment" on "establishment"."id" = "product"."establishment_id" inner join "geoname" as "establishment:city" on "establishment:city"."geonameid" = "establishment"."city_id" inner join "provider" on "provider"."id" = "establishment"."provider_id" inner join "product_price_classic" on "product"."id" = "product_price_classic"."product_id" left join "product_availabilities" on "product_availabilities"."product_id" = "product_price_classic"."product_id" where ST_DWithin("establishment"."coordinate"::geography, "establishment:city"."coordinate"::geography , $26) and "establishment"."city_id" = $27 and "establishment"."status" = $28 and "provider"."status" = $29 group by "product"."establishment_id", "establishment"."id", "establishment"."coordinate", "establishment:city"."coordinate" having count( > 0) as "establishments_list" order by balance desc , category_id asc);EXECUTE loggedQuery('[2019-12-20,2020-01-09)',true,'[2019-12-20,2020-01-09)','[2019-12-20,2020-01-09)','[2019-12-20,2020-01-09)','[2019-12-20,2020-01-09)','[2019-12-20,2020-01-09)',1,2,2,2,2,'2020-01-09','2019-12-20',false,7,7,'[2019-12-20,2020-01-09)','[2019-12-20,2020-01-09)','[2019-12-20,2020-01-09)','[2019-12-20,2020-01-09)','','[2019-12-20,2020-01-09)','[2019-12-20,2020-01-09)','[2019-12-20,2020-01-09)',50000,6077243,true,true);
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