
Intellectual Generator v1

Feb 7th, 2018
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  1. $name : Whomst Generator
  2. $author : Ethan Kendrick
  3. $button : increase intelligence
  4. $amount : 1
  5. $description : I do not deserve to live. Suffixes from
  7. $suffix
  8. 'ability
  9. 'able
  10. 'ably
  11. 'ac
  12. 'acal
  13. 'aceous
  14. 'acharya
  15. 'acious
  16. 'acity
  17. 'ad
  18. 'ade
  19. 'adelic
  20. 'adenia
  21. 'adic
  22. 'ae
  23. 'aemia
  24. 'age
  25. 'agog
  26. 'agogue
  27. 'agogy
  28. 'aholic
  29. 'aire
  30. 'al
  31. 'algia
  32. 'algy
  33. 'ality
  34. 'all
  35. 'ally
  36. 'ambulist
  37. 'amic
  38. 'amine
  39. 'amundo
  40. 'an
  41. 'ana
  42. 'ance
  43. 'ancy
  44. 'and
  45. 'ander
  46. 'andrian
  47. 'androus
  48. 'andry
  49. 'ane
  50. 'aneous
  51. 'angle
  52. 'angular
  53. 'ant
  54. 'anth
  55. 'anthropy
  56. 'ar
  57. 'arch
  58. 'archy
  59. 'ard
  60. 'arian
  61. 'arium
  62. 'ary
  63. 'ase
  64. 'ass
  65. 'assed
  66. 'ast
  67. 'aster
  68. 'astic
  69. 'ate
  70. 'athlon
  71. 'athon
  72. 'atim
  73. 'ation
  74. 'ative
  75. 'ator
  76. 'atory
  77. 'ay
  78. 'bie
  79. 'bility
  80. 'biont
  81. 'biosis
  82. 'biotic
  83. 'blast
  84. 'blastic
  85. 'born
  86. 'boro
  87. 'borough
  88. 'bot
  89. 'bound
  90. 'burg
  91. 'burger
  92. 'burgh
  93. 'bury
  94. 'by
  95. 'cade
  96. 'caine
  97. 'cardia
  98. 'care
  99. 'carp
  100. 'carpic
  101. 'carpous
  102. 'ce
  103. 'cele
  104. 'cene
  105. 'centesis
  106. 'centric
  107. 'centrism
  108. 'cephalic
  109. 'cephalous
  110. 'cephaly
  111. 'ception
  112. 'cha
  113. 'chan
  114. 'chezia
  115. 'chore
  116. 'choron
  117. 'chory
  118. 'chrome
  119. 'cidal
  120. 'cide
  121. 'cin
  122. 'clase
  123. 'clast
  124. 'clinal
  125. 'cline
  126. 'clinic
  127. 'cocci
  128. 'coccus
  129. 'coel
  130. 'coele
  131. 'colous
  132. 'core
  133. 'corn
  134. 'cracy
  135. 'craft
  136. 'crasy
  137. 'crat
  138. 'cratic
  139. 'crete
  140. 'cy
  141. 'cycle
  142. 'cyte
  143. 'd
  144. 'dar
  145. 'derm
  146. 'derma
  147. 'dermatous
  148. 'diene
  149. 'dipsia
  150. 'dom
  151. 'drome
  152. 'dromous
  153. 'dynia
  154. 'ean
  155. 'ectomy
  156. 'ed
  157. 'èd
  158. 'ee
  159. 'een
  160. 'eer
  161. 'eh
  162. 'el
  163. 'elect
  164. 'elle
  165. 'eme
  166. 'emia
  167. 'en
  168. 'ence
  169. 'enchyma
  170. 'ency
  171. 'end
  172. 'ene
  173. 'ennial
  174. 'ent
  175. 'enyl
  176. 'eous
  177. 'er
  178. 'er
  179. 'ergic
  180. 'ergy
  181. 'ern
  182. 'ers
  183. 'ery
  184. 'es
  185. 'esce
  186. 'escence
  187. 'escent
  188. 'ese
  189. 'esque
  190. 'ess
  191. 'est
  192. 'et
  193. 'eth
  194. 'etic
  195. 'ette
  196. 'ex
  197. 'exia
  198. 'ey
  199. 'facient
  200. 'faction
  201. 'fag
  202. 'ferous
  203. 'fest
  204. 'fication
  205. 'fier
  206. 'fix
  207. 'fold
  208. 'ford
  209. 'form
  210. 'free
  211. 'fu
  212. 'fugal
  213. 'ful
  214. 'furter
  215. 'fy
  216. 'gamous
  217. 'gamy
  218. 'gasm
  219. 'gate
  220. 'gaze
  221. 'geddon
  222. 'gen
  223. 'genesis
  224. 'genic
  225. 'genin
  226. 'genous
  227. 'geny
  228. 'gerous
  229. 'glot
  230. 'gnathous
  231. 'gon
  232. 'gonal
  233. 'gony
  234. 'gram
  235. 'gramme
  236. 'graph
  237. 'grapher
  238. 'graphical
  239. 'graphy
  240. 'grave
  241. 'gyny
  242. 'head
  243. 'hedra
  244. 'hedral
  245. 'hedron
  246. 'henge
  247. 'holic
  248. 'holism
  249. 'hood
  250. 'i
  251. 'i
  252. 'ia
  253. 'ial
  254. 'ian
  255. 'iana
  256. 'iasis
  257. 'iatric
  258. 'iatrician
  259. 'iatrics
  260. 'iatry
  261. 'ibility
  262. 'ible
  263. 'ibly
  264. 'ic
  265. 'ica
  266. 'ical
  267. 'ice
  268. 'ician
  269. 'icide
  270. 'icism
  271. 'icity
  272. 'ick
  273. 'icle
  274. 'ics
  275. 'id
  276. 'ide
  277. 'idine
  278. 'ie
  279. 'ienne
  280. 'ier
  281. 'ies
  282. 'iety
  283. 'iferous
  284. 'ific
  285. 'ification
  286. 'iform
  287. 'ify
  288. 'ile
  289. 'illion
  290. 'ily
  291. 'imundo
  292. 'in
  293. 'in'
  294. 'inda
  295. 'ine
  296. 'ing
  297. 'ïng
  298. 'ino
  299. 'ion
  300. 'iot
  301. 'iour
  302. 'ious
  303. 'isation
  304. 'ise
  305. 'ish
  306. 'ism
  307. 'ismus
  308. 'ist
  309. 'ista
  310. 'istic
  311. 'istical
  312. 'istically
  313. 'ite
  314. 'itis
  315. 'itol
  316. 'itude
  317. 'ity
  318. 'ium
  319. 'ive
  320. 'ization
  321. 'ize
  322. 'izer
  323. 'izzle
  324. 'ja
  325. 'ji
  326. 'k
  327. 'kin
  328. 'kin
  329. 'kind
  330. 'kinesis
  331. 'kini
  332. 'kins
  333. 'kun
  334. 'lalia
  335. 'land
  336. 'landia
  337. 'latry
  338. 'le
  339. 'lect
  340. 'lepsy
  341. 'lept
  342. 'leptic
  343. 'less
  344. 'let
  345. 'licious
  346. 'like
  347. 'lin
  348. 'ling
  349. 'lings
  350. 'lingual
  351. 'lite
  352. 'lith
  353. 'lock
  354. 'log
  355. 'logic
  356. 'logical
  357. 'logist
  358. 'logs
  359. 'logue
  360. 'logues
  361. 'logy
  362. 'lol
  363. 'long
  364. 'loquy
  365. 'ly
  366. 'lysis
  367. 'lytic
  368. 'm
  369. 'mab
  370. 'machy
  371. 'mageddon
  372. 'malacia
  373. 'man
  374. 'mance
  375. 'mancer
  376. 'mancy
  377. 'mane
  378. 'mania
  379. 'maniac
  380. 'mans
  381. 'manship
  382. 'mantic
  383. 'mas
  384. 'max
  385. 'meal
  386. 'megaly
  387. 'meister
  388. 'men
  389. 'ment
  390. 'mentum
  391. 'mer
  392. 'mere
  393. 'merous
  394. 'meter
  395. 'metre
  396. 'metric
  397. 'metry
  398. 'micin
  399. 'mo
  400. 'mobile
  401. 'mony
  402. 'more
  403. 'morph
  404. 'morphic
  405. 'morphism
  406. 'morphous
  407. 'morphy
  408. 'most
  409. 'mycete
  410. 'mycin
  411. 'n
  412. 'nado
  413. 'nap
  414. 'nasty
  415. 'naut
  416. 'nazi
  417. 'nd
  418. 'nema
  419. 'ness
  420. 'nik
  421. 'nom
  422. 'nomics
  423. 'nomy
  424. 'n't
  425. 'nym
  426. 'nymy
  427. 'o
  428. 'oate
  429. 'ock
  430. 'ocracy
  431. 'ode
  432. 'odont
  433. 'odontia
  434. 'oecious
  435. 'off
  436. 'ogony
  437. 'oholic
  438. 'oi
  439. 'oic
  440. 'oic acid
  441. 'oid
  442. 'ol
  443. 'ola
  444. 'ole
  445. 'ologist
  446. 'ology
  447. 'oma
  448. 'omas
  449. 'omata
  450. 'ome
  451. 'ometer
  452. 'ometry
  453. 'omics
  454. 'on
  455. 'one
  456. 'onium
  457. 'onomics
  458. 'onomy
  459. 'onym
  460. 'onymy
  461. 'oon
  462. 'opia
  463. 'opsia
  464. 'opsy
  465. 'or
  466. 'orama
  467. 'ory
  468. 'os
  469. 'ose
  470. 'osin
  471. 'osis
  472. 'osity
  473. 'ostomy
  474. 'oth
  475. 'otic
  476. 'otomy
  477. 'ous
  478. 'ov
  479. 'oxy
  480. 'oyl
  481. 'pants
  482. 'parous
  483. 'partite
  484. 'path
  485. 'pathic
  486. 'pathy
  487. 'pause
  488. 'pedia
  489. 'penia
  490. 'people
  491. 'person
  492. 'petal
  493. 'pexy
  494. 'phage
  495. 'phagia
  496. 'phagous
  497. 'phagy
  498. 'phasia
  499. 'phil
  500. 'phile
  501. 'philia
  502. 'philiac
  503. 'philic
  504. 'philous
  505. 'phily
  506. 'phobe
  507. 'phobia
  508. 'phobic
  509. 'phone
  510. 'phonic
  511. 'phony
  512. 'phor
  513. 'phore
  514. 'phoresis
  515. 'phrenia
  516. 'phyl
  517. 'phyll
  518. 'phyte
  519. 'plasia
  520. 'plast
  521. 'plasty
  522. 'ple
  523. 'plegia
  524. 'plegic
  525. 'plex
  526. 'plinerved
  527. 'pnea
  528. 'pnoea
  529. 'pod
  530. 'poeia
  531. 'pœia
  532. 'poiesis
  533. 'polis
  534. 'polises
  535. 'poly
  536. 'pounder
  537. 'preneur
  538. 'proof
  539. 'pter
  540. 'pteran
  541. 'pterous
  542. 'ptile
  543. 'punk
  544. 'rama
  545. 'rd
  546. 'red
  547. 'rel
  548. 'ren
  549. 'ress
  550. 'ric
  551. 'rices
  552. 'ridden
  553. 'riffic
  554. 'rix
  555. 'rrhagia
  556. 'rrhaphy
  557. 'rrhea
  558. 'rrhexis
  559. 'rrhoea
  560. 'rrhœa
  561. 'ry
  562. 's
  563. 'safe
  564. 'sama
  565. 'san
  566. 'sauce
  567. 'saur
  568. 'saurus
  569. 'scape
  570. 'scope
  571. 'scopic
  572. 'scopy
  573. 'self
  574. 'selves
  575. 'sexual
  576. 'ship
  577. 'shire
  578. 'sicle
  579. 'side
  580. 'sies
  581. 'sion
  582. 'sis
  583. 'ski
  584. 'sky
  585. 'soft
  586. 'sol
  587. 'some
  588. 'something
  589. 'son
  590. 'sophy
  591. 'speak
  592. 'sphere
  593. 'splain
  594. 'sploitation
  595. 'sson
  596. 'st
  597. 'stan
  598. 'stasis
  599. 'stat
  600. 'static
  601. 'statin
  602. 'ster
  603. 'stock
  604. 'stomy
  605. 'strophy
  606. 'style
  607. 'styly
  608. 't
  609. 'tacular
  610. 'tainment
  611. 'tard
  612. 'tastic
  613. 'teen
  614. 'tene
  615. 'terol
  616. 'th
  617. 'therm
  618. 'thermal
  619. 'thermic
  620. 'thermy
  621. 'thon
  622. 'tide
  623. 'tinib
  624. 'tion
  625. 'tobe
  626. 'tome
  627. 'tomy
  628. 'ton
  629. 'topia
  630. 'topic
  631. 'tort
  632. 'town
  633. 'treme
  634. 'tron
  635. 'trope
  636. 'troph
  637. 'trophic
  638. 'trophy
  639. 'tropic
  640. 'tropism
  641. 'tropy
  642. 'tude
  643. 'tuple
  644. 'ty
  645. 'type
  646. 'ual
  647. 'ule
  648. 'um
  649. 'uous
  650. 'ure
  651. 'uret
  652. 'uretic
  653. 'urgy
  654. 'uria
  655. 'valent
  656. 'verse
  657. 'ville
  658. 'vir
  659. 'vore
  660. 'vorous
  661. 'wad
  662. 'ward
  663. 'wards
  664. 'ware
  665. 'way
  666. 'ways
  667. 'wear
  668. 'wich
  669. 'wick
  670. 'wide
  671. 'wise
  672. 'woman
  673. 'women
  674. 'work
  675. 'worth
  676. 'worthy
  677. 'x
  678. 'xeny
  679. 'xor
  680. 'y
  681. 'yearold
  682. 'yer
  683. 'yl
  684. 'ylene
  685. 'ylidene
  686. 'yne
  687. 'z
  688. 'zilla
  689. 'zoan
  690. 'zoic
  691. 'zygous
  692. 'zza
  694. $phrase
  695. whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es[suffix,x1000]
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