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Feb 24th, 2017
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  2. Chapter 1: The awakening.
  3. Have you ever had that feeling where it feels like your floating? Like when you were a little kid just drifting off to sleep, Everything would feel as if it were spinning then came the floaty feeling. Yeah.. That's exactly what I feel right now. I can't move my body like I am no longer in control.. Heh even my eyes wont open perhaps its for the best.. I have a bad feeling in my gut, "Yikes Kaine what mess did you get into this time?" I can imagine Nina saying that right now shaking her head like always.. what did she expect? I am the 'Bad' twin after all no matter I do I'm just destined to screw things up.
  4. I felt myself sinking deeper.. Slowly being engulfed into the darkness that surrounded me, A rushing sound filling my ears making every thought unclear.. Man what's happening? Where am I?..
  6. Little by little memories started to play before my eyes of Nina and I when we were kids, Good and the bad.. As a kid I don't think I was given a fair chance no one ever wanted to hear my side of the story all they'd ever see was me in the wrong. "Kaine what did you do?!" Nina was always favored over me she was the good egg, Heh perfect attendance, Excellent grades. What about me? Detentions, Fights, Fuck I was even kicked out of middle school. I never meant to be a bad kid but as I got older I took on the role, Acting out for attention because negative attention was better than none at all, Being a twin is harder than you would expect honestly.. People almost forget that you each have a separate personalities despite being identical.
  8. Suddenly mid-thought I fell hitting the ground with a hard thud, My eyes finally opening.. It was blurry almost like looking at static image, Rubbing them I regained focus slowly getting to my feet.. I looked myself over, Nothing seemed wrong with me but my surroundings were..Weird. I wasn't sure if my vision was failing me but everything seemed to be in a dull sepia tone and it was just deserted.. Literally dead. In the distance I could see a path only wide enough for people to walk in single file it looked like it went on for miles with dead over grown flowers crowding around it, Then on either side a huge void of nothingness. Step by step I followed it with no clue where I would end up, The further I got I saw outlines of others also following the path "Hey!" I called out with no reply, Can't they hear me? Running I caught up to one of the figures in front. "Hello?" Nothing, Not even a look.. The fuck is going on here.. As the path went on objects started to appear from the darkness, Abandoned train carriages.. Did they crash? Or is this a graveyard for train parts.. I had stopped paying attention to what was in front of me as came to halt bumping into the person in the front, Looking behind me a line was forming.. I shuddered as a feeling of fear creeped up my spine.. All those vacant stares, No emotion, No anything.
  9. As the line moved our destination became apparent, Finally I could see an old decrepit train station.. I guess the carriages make sense now but why would I be here? Step by step we entered the building aimlessly following the tracks, It was so quiet.. Frighteningly quiet, No footsteps.. Not even a breathe echoed around us.. Am I the only one thinking this? I can't be. Frantically looking around again I hoped for some sort of emotion on any of the faces in the crowd.. Any sign of anyone being home in there.. nothing, Facing forward again I saw it.. A colossal humanoid creature, Its stature alone was terrifying but its appearance was far worse.. Different colored flesh sewn together, Skeletal wings protruding from behind and a putrid gaping mouth with strings of flesh fusing it.. Jesus that things ugly, It was standing in front of two huge iron gates as each figure moved forward I still couldn't make out what was going on, They'd 'Talk' to that thing then just disappear.. then at last it was my turn.
  11. A deep stomach churning growl emitted from its throat as the creature asked, "Name?" I stood in complete terror as its menacing eyes looked straight at me.. I exhaled shakily trying to keep what composure I had left. "W-what?" My voice cracked. "Name.." "Why do you need my name?.." I tried not to look at it.. Up close its appearance was even more frightening. "Sell it or Keep it?" Sell what? My name? "Err its Kaine.. I'll keep it" I swallowed back my fear as a lump formed in my throat, With a grunt the thing turned around grasping what looked like a branding iron, "Arm" I looked up at it with a questioning stare "What.." It grunted again only louder this time as its huge body lunged forward grabbing my arm, Twisting it around exposing my wrist. "HEY! Let go of- Ahh" before I could spit my words out a searing pain shot up my arm, I could hear and smell my skin sizzling under the heat of the iron.. the only thing that would come out of my mouth was a agonizing scream.. "District 12 beat it mutt" It threw my arm away shoving me against the gates.. I looked down at my wrist at the newly burned flesh reading. 'XII', Crossing through the gate my surroundings changed once again.
  12. The dull sepia had faded away into a murky black.. I couldn't see anything.. But I could hear everything.. Inhuman groans, Distant screams, Just absolute chaos and terror carried on the howling wind, This wasn't like home.. or even anywhere I have been before. My eyes slowly adjusted as I stepped out into the moonlight, The sky was empty with no stars, The moon was clouded over with green hue emitting from it, I glanced around me.. Above ground level it was almost like a destroyed city left in absolute ruin but below in the depths it looked like an underground swamp like wasteland.. It felt like I was being watched who knew what lurked in the shadows watching in wait, Taking another step closer to the ledge I looked down at the deathly drop below me.. There's no way I'd make that heck even if I did my legs would break from the impact then suddenly..
  14. My legs buckled beneath me with a mighty crack.. I arched my back screaming out.. The pain was unbearable and intensifying by the second, My legs felt like they were being crushed it was like I could feel each ligament snapping beneath my skin, Hot tears spilled down my cheeks, Digging my nails into the ground desperately I tried to force my body up.. “No.. no no no!” I whimpered loudly burying my face into the dirt, Kaine get up - You have to get up. Slowly with all the strength I had left I managed to drag myself to the ledge looking over once again “I don’t want to die here..” I sniffed back my tears feeling embarrassed despite there being no one around me, Weak - I feel very weak. My eyes were heavy and beginning to lose focus the only thing keeping me conscious right now is my damn stubbornness then without warning I felt my spine contort feeling every bone splinter, Each disc being forced out of place.. My lower back caved inwards like it had collapsed... I felt myself go numb - Head spinning in a haze of lightheadedness. With each breath growing shallower I let my eyes close.. I couldn't fight it anymore..
  16. Chapter 2: Mr. Ashida.
  17. I found myself awoken by a sound that I was all too familiar with, It echoed through the district -A deafening siren capable of stopping anything in its tracks, I took a few footsteps to the window pressing my weight down on the sill as I peered out onto the district below. Hm, I wonder.
  19. "A newcomer, How excitin' eh?" I turned on my heels staring at the man in front of me. "Oh Val, I couldn't agree more" I clapped my hands together feeling a rush of excitement. "Do you think we could find them?" "Find 'em? Huh maybe but the district aint exactly small now". Vals tone wasn't convincing, "Aye ya, Here I thought you'd be more confident.." I rolled my eyes as I reached for my jacket. "Where you headed darlin'?" "I'm going to find them of course, Afterall its scary place out there" I smirked slipping my arms into the jacket, One had to look smart now first impression is key. "Exactly it isn't safe, You aint goin' alone.." I cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "I'm scarier than you think now, Baka". I closed the door behind me and swiftly made my way downstairs, Hearing Val call out. "Izu!, C'mon".
  21. I had to make haste, There's no telling where they are or who might get to them before me. The main gate would be my best option, Lets hope they haven't strayed far I don't feel like searching the underground alone. I closed my eyes listening for a moment perhaps the wind tonight could tell me something. Nothing out of the ordinary filled my ears until.. "East" I blinked my eyes then headed off quickly, Not wasting another second. Above ground would be my best option like Val mentioned the district isn't small, Its also far more complex than it appears to the eye at first glance.. Its a bit much to take in.
  22. Underground trails that lead up from the sewers, Swamps and Maze like paths that fool you if you do not pay close attention to your surroundings, I hate this place personally.. Others love it, Power hungry, Twisted beings who relish in their sadistic desires. I'm no saint, Not at all but I wouldn't say I deserve the title of a sinner either, An icy chill brushed over my face as I continued on my hunt, My eye's scanning the area's beneath me like a hawk looking for anything out of place.. With main gate in sight I lowered myself onto the ground.
  23. "Now, Where are you?", I looked around me.. There was no sign of anyone being here, No footsteps, Not a trace. Taking a few steps forward I stared down over the ledge. Again.
  25. Nothing.
  27. With disappointed huff I crossed my arms, Taking a moment to think. "Come now, You couldn't have got that far already" Tsk. I pinched my nose in annoyance, I wanted to avoid even taking a step down there.. But it appears I no longer have a choice in the matter, I took the leap dropping to the ground below gracefully. It was dark though my eyes adjusted quickly, I can't waste anymore time than I have, I also want to steer clear of any run in's.. I wouldn't want to deal with unwanted guests. The mud was thick making it difficult to traipse through not to mention the smell of rancid swamp water filling my nostils, It was very quiet.. Too quiet. Hm, Thats not very comforting. I had no idea of how much time had passed but it felt like I was getting no where, Perhaps I was foolish for thinking I could find them.. I should have brought Val with me but I didn't want to hear his "I told you so" attitude. I looked down at my mud covered shoes pondering, Then from the corner of my eye I noticed tracks, Well drag marks. "Someone was here! Hai!" But where.. I certainly couldn't see them.
  29. I turned around slowly walking backwards to gain a better view. When without warning I tripped. "Oof.. Aye ya what now". I looked at my foot which was tangled in something.. A dead root maybe? I free'd my foot giving whatever it was a swift kick.. Where it emitted a groan. "HUA!" It wasn't a root at all.. It was something.. Someone. Those were legs. I crawled up the now apparent figure giving them a firm shake.. They didn't respond, I turned them over.. "Ah, A male.." I checked him over.. His clothes were ripped, Bloodstained.. I glanced down. His legs were completely soaked in blood, contorted and his breathing was shallow. "I'm awfully sorry about the kick there, friend". I double checked for his district mark, It was still fresh and sticky to the touch, I ripped some fabric from my sleeve wrapping it around the males wrist tightly. "Alright, Lets get you home".
  30. I must hurry.
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