

Jun 2nd, 2018
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  2. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Fuck I'm tall.
  3. Iso: So, now that we got the nasty tidbits overwith.
  4. Iso: I know. I like it. 8]
  5. Iso: Tell me a bit about your character.
  6. Iso: He is a metahuman, yes?
  7. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Yep.
  8. Iso: He fights for justice?
  9. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Justice is a broad term. He fights for what he views is right, but he follows a rather light-hearted moral compass.
  10. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Doesn't kill either, just incapacitates. Either to the knockout, or just dampening cuffs.
  11. Iso: /me pokes at the bubble over his head
  12. XxLaughingSpiritxX: He has reason to value life of even the depraved as when he was younger he and his sister were rescued by a member of a raider gang who pillaged and murdered through his hometown. But he took them under his wing and made them crew members over time, even taught Jack a form of fighting. But once Jack displayed two abilities, the leader decided to try and kill him premtively. His sister put up a fight using her telekinetic abillities but the leader was far more durable and too heavy for her to throw, so the raider "Dean", fought him one on one (his ability was explosion generation but he required mediums to do so), Dean nearly won but the leader threw a jagged sign pole at Jack which Dean instead lept in the way of, dying. This...set Jack off and he for a small period became enraged, and his powers spiked in strength, even his physical strength and basically beat the leader brutally; throwing him into a gas rig with a "Flare Rifle". His sister, waking up seeing the leader stuck in it, shot the truck causing it to explode killing the leader.
  13. XxLaughingSpiritxX: This gave him a strong understanding of the value of life, seeing even those who were considered "criminals" as not being exempt from the same sort of justice and rights as other people. Meaning he will even try to save those who are trying to kill him.
  14. XxLaughingSpiritxX: It wasn't until a few days of wandering his grandmother found the two.
  15. XxLaughingSpiritxX: I'm paraphrasing a much longer story might I add.
  16. Iso: Don't you think that he would clash with the setting of hell? Being evil surroundings and what-not?
  17. Iso: Our characters may not necessarily be the devil incarnate, but they aren't the nicest folks.
  18. XxLaughingSpiritxX: It's no better than the wasteland he lives in.
  19. Iso: Very well. His abilities?
  20. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Jack was born a metahuman with a rare trait of possessing two abilities. Like most metas he was more durable than the average human and possesed enhanced strength being able to lift (press) about 5 tons, though thanks to his work and regular indulgence in training he was able to acheive about 7 tons. His unique abilities however were his terrakinetic and calokinetic abilities. As a terrakinetic Jack could psionically manipulate different types of earth (rocks, sand, stone, lava, dirt, ink, metal) for various purposes. These included; Reshaping rock into different forms, such as weapons like hammers, maces, blades, barriers, shields, giants hands, etc. He usually fired the weapons at opponents from a distance or ecapsulated his hands and or feet in them to augment the damage of his blows. He was also capable of transmuting the minerals themselves so long as he was able to understand the composition and inner-workings of what he was creating and it was comprised of equal mass, even being able to control it's consistency from either making the earth component wiggly or firm, soft or hard, smooth or rough, etc. Jack through this was also capable of creating small earthquakes though it was rather hard to control as well as stop due to his lack of experience. To escape danger or in most cases move around quicker, Jack was also capable of moving the earth around and beneath him to propell himself forward though this was most effective underground to set-up for surprise attacks. Jack has also exhibited a form of ferrorkinesis, to manipulate metal at the atomic level and make it take different forms by manipulating metallic objects via metal ores they may contain, for example a car thrown at him Jack was able to levitate briefly due to the iron ore that was therein, though this tends to require focus for him to perform depending on the object in question. This has also allowed Jack to control the traces of iron within organic matter and can manipulate the iron-enriched blood-flow to one's brain to potentially induce very limited healing effects. There are only 2.5 grams of iron in the bloodstream of a healthy human body and perhaps a gram at most in the rest of the body, he has used this at times to augment his strength and stamina or slightly increase the rate in which his body heals from most smaller injuries. As for his Calokinetic abilities allowed him to increase or decrease the molecular movement of oxygen particles. By accelerating oxygen molecules, he is able to cause fire to spontaneously ignite. This effectively also allowed him to instantly heat or cool the elements which he psionically controlled. By accelerating oxygen molecules, he is able to cause fire to manifest. Though he has shown varied control over this ability due to lack of experience, namely when using it as a projectile. Instead Fontaine used it in the form of miniature jets around his limbs to propell the force of his strikes. This ability has also been used to increase his mobility such as manifesting these jets in the form of streams to slow his descent from high places, or in other cases, creating small controlled explosions at his feet to launch him or provide a second "jump" of sorts. As an added boon through natural adaption that came with his abilities, his skin and bones were much denser than the average human, to compensate to his increased muscle mass as well as to render him virtually fire-proof and more resistant to smaller firearms and blunt force. Though many times this ability has gone out of control or literally backfired.
  21. XxLaughingSpiritxX: So as not to rely solely on his abilities Jack weilded a pair of custom synthium-alloy tonfas with 30-Gigawatt batteries located within the handles to give a stun function in the tips. The tonfas were also fitted with small vents across the guards to allow Jack to manifest his flames through with greater ease allowing him to not only increase the damage of his blows but also control the weapons themselves so long as they are ignited. Holstered to his person were a pair of standard M-16 pistols with exploding mecury bullet clips or optional non-leathal rubber bullet clips. The tip is coated with a black lubricant and has a hollow point possessing six prescored serrations designed rapidly to open outwards upon impact. The jacket of the mercury bullet is thickest at its tip, unlike most hollow point bullets, to provide support for the claw-like petals as the bullet passes through the body. The result is a wider permanent cavity created by a single projectile, thus increasing the likelihood of damage to a vital structure before exploding.
  22. Iso: So, a psionic. Good.
  23. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Well, psionic is more the term to describe how one controls elements beyond magically.
  24. XxLaughingSpiritxX: He's a Pyrokinetic/Pyrogenesis, and Terrakinetic.
  25. Iso: Psionic energy is mental energy, mental energy that is applied in kinetics.
  26. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Ah.
  27. Iso: The most popular 'psionic' ability, being telekinesis / psychokinesis.
  28. Iso: Arguably, one could define the psionic energy as energy based off of core Living Psyche Energy. But that is very high level psionics, and another topic entirely. And I am tired.
  29. Iso: His abilities are thorough, I can appreciate that.
  30. Iso: How would he access Hell?
  31. QnDebShadow: Ummm Josh, I think he needs to fill out another app, i cant find his or Tearz
  32. Iso: It is getting late, and you seem to have your attention on multiple things. I multitask as well, so I'm not holding that against yo--
  33. Iso: I wonder if it was the same thing that deleted a couple of our spreadsheets.
  34. Iso: Fuck.
  35. Iso: Well, I guess this is a window of opportunity.
  36. Iso: Laughing, I'm going to give you a positive vote for now. However I would like to continue this tomorrow, if you could fill out another application.
  37. Iso:
  38. Iso: Don't worry about making it as thorough as last time. We just need one on record for you.
  39. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Nah, I'm fine.
  40. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Sweet.
  41. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Top one was for another chat.
  42. Iso: LOL.
  43. QnDebShadow: -messages Tearz to have her refill hers-
  44. XxLaughingSpiritxX: As to how, he's rivals with the metahuman terrorist Breach and sometimes they work together.
  45. XxLaughingSpiritxX: She can make portals.
  46. Iso: That is acceptable.
  49. Iso: I believe we left off after discussing your character's abilities.
  50. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Yyyyep.
  51. Iso: Oooooookay.
  52. Iso: I liked his abilities, and you seem to have him well thought out.
  53. Iso: Do you have any enemies we should know about? OOC or IC.
  54. Iso: If you join us, we have your back just as we'd expect you to have ours. So your enemies will be adopted into our enemies, within reason.
  55. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Nah, OOC I killed them all off years ago.
  56. XxLaughingSpiritxX: IC, he stops metahuman threats and general threats to the populace. Maybe a shadow orginization of metahumans I'm working on writing up. Breach is a metahuman criminal yes, but she sees what she does as genuinely good but IS willing to kill.
  57. Iso: Very well.
  58. Iso: Were you made aware of the trial period following this interview, assuming you pass?
  59. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Yep.
  60. Iso: I'm checking your re-completed (lol) application for which job you chose.
  61. Iso: Ah, just a guard than. I think you would fit in well. Especially with the many upcoming story arcs we have planned.
  62. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Oh?
  63. Iso: Indeed. I believe we explained that Kaz'geroth is at war with all of the other circles of hell? Soon we will begin taking more circles.
  64. Iso: Which would provide boss fights, mini-bosses, and war-type RP sessions.
  65. Iso: As we are a closed RP, we do not go to war with other groups, so we create pockets of story arcs that can accumulate toward 'war' as though we were at war with an opposing organization.
  66. Iso: Since the idea of war is such a 'personal' thing nowadays anyway, we would rather not deal with the mess of involving outside organizations.
  67. XxLaughingSpiritxX: It's a shame nobody ever got this simply concept right. Always had to add to it..
  68. Iso: Ah well.
  69. Iso: I'm going to go over a few rules that were listed on the application, some of which are not. Just to ensure you have acknowledged them.
  70. Iso: As I say them, please acknowledge them, or ask if you have any questions about them.
  71. Iso: First) We do not allow dramatics. If you have a problem with another member, you are expected to be an adult and talk to that other person in an attempt to resolve it first. If that did not work, then you may consult a Sin. Your last resort should be King Saitoka. Seeing as he helps to oversee everything, he has enough on his plate.
  72. Iso: (You are having delayed responses, is now a bad time?)
  73. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Nah, just contemplating ANY thoughts I may have.
  74. XxLaughingSpiritxX: But nah, got it.
  75. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Aknowledged.
  76. Iso: Second) Your attendance is expected to not exceed more than three day absences during your trial period. If you fear you may be gone more than a couple of days, there is an "Away" thread on our Discord group chat. If you feel you will be away for more than 7 days, please contact myself or Saitoka (who willl likely divert you back to me), as I am working on an extended leave program. That way you dont have to choose between having a life AND roleplaying.
  77. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Aknowledged.
  78. Iso: Third) Our mods, myself included, work diligently to keep the group afloat, and our members consistent. As well as handle incoming new members. The mods are the "Lord Sins" You saw as options in the application you filled out. We are not only 'lords' IC, and we are expected to help manage the group responsibly. As well as protect it. That is why you will see that we are greeted with Lord, or Lady respectively. It is expected for members to refer to Mod / Sins as Lord or Lady upon greeting them. After that, you can be informal.
  79. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Aknowledged.
  80. Iso: The rest are not particularly important rules that should be pointed out.
  81. Iso: Do you have any questions about our RP?
  82. XxLaughingSpiritxX: Noooot at the moment.
  83. Iso: Well, you're always welcome to ask as you feel the need.
  84. Iso: I will send this log over to another Sin to see what they think, then let you know if you passed or if they have any other questions. (which is usually why there's another one in here with me).
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