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Jul 4th, 2017
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  1. # =============== PixelVip Configuration Options ================
  2. #
  3. # This is the default configuration and some information about some configurations.
  4. #
  5. # In "groups" on "commands" and "cmdChances"(Lists) you can use this placeholders:
  6. # - {p} = Players Name
  7. # - {vip} = Vip Group
  8. # - {playergroup} = Player Group before Vip activation
  9. # - {days} = Days of activated Vip
  10. #
  11. # In "groups" > "cmdChances"(List) you can add commands to run based on a % chance.
  12. # Use numbers below 0-100 like the example on "vip1".
  13. #
  14. # In "configs" > "cmdOnRemoveVip"(String) you can use this placeholders:
  15. # - {p} = Player Name
  16. # - {vip} = Name of Vip Removed
  17. #
  18. # In "configs" > "commandsToRunOnChangeVip"(List) you can use this placeholders:
  19. # - {p} = Player Name
  20. # - {newvip} = Name of Vip the player is changing to
  21. # - {oldvip} = Name of Vip the player is changing from
  22. #
  23. # In "configs" > "commandsToRunOnVipFinish"(List) you can use this placeholders:
  24. # - {p} = Player Name
  25. # - {vip} = Name of Vip
  26. # - {playergroup} = Player Group before Vip activation
  29. groups:
  30. vip1:
  31. essentials-kit: vip1
  32. commands:
  33. - broadcast &aThe player &6{p} &ahas acquired your &6{vip} &afor &6{days} &adays
  34. - give {p} minecraft:diamond 10
  35. - eco give {p} 10000
  36. cmdChances:
  37. '50':
  38. - give {p} minecraft:diamond_block 5
  39. '30':
  40. - give {p} minecraft:mob_spawner 1
  41. configs:
  42. database:
  43. type: file
  44. mysql:
  45. host: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/
  46. db-name: pixelvip
  47. username: user
  48. password: pass
  49. keys:
  50. table-name: pixelvip_keys
  51. columns:
  52. key: col_key
  53. group: col_group
  54. duration: col_duration
  55. uses: col_uses
  56. cmds: col_cmds
  57. info: col_info
  58. comments: col_comments
  59. vips:
  60. table-name: pixelvip_vips
  61. columns:
  62. uuid: col_uuid
  63. vip: col_vip
  64. playerGroup: col_playerGroup
  65. duration: col_duration
  66. nick: col_nick
  67. expires-on-exact: col_expires
  68. active: col_active
  69. kits: col_kits
  70. comments: col_comments
  71. transactions:
  72. table-name: pixelvip_transactions
  73. columns:
  74. idt: col_idt
  75. nick: col_nick
  76. key-size: 10
  77. useVault-toChangePlayerGroup: true
  78. cmdToReloadPermPlugin: pex reload
  79. cmdOnRemoveVip: ''
  80. commandsToRunOnVipFinish:
  81. - nick {p} off
  82. commandsToRunOnChangeVip: []
  83. queueCmdsForOfflinePlayers: false
  84. worldCmdsAllowed:
  85. - world
  86. - world_nether
  87. - skyworld_nether
  88. - pvp
  89. - skyworld
  90. bungee:
  91. enableSync: false
  92. serverID: server1
  93. apis:
  94. pagseguro:
  95. use: false
  96. email:
  97. token: yourtoken
  98. ignoreOldest: 22/06/2017
  99. paypal:
  100. use: false
  101. commandIds:
  102. '1': darvip {p} Vip1 15
  103. '2': silk give {p} iron_golem 2
  104. '3': eco give {p} 10000
  105. strings:
  106. _pluginTag: '&7[&6PixelVip&7] '
  107. noPlayersByName: '&cTheres no players with this name!'
  108. onlyPlayers: '&cOnly players ca use this command!'
  109. noKeys: '&aTheres no available keys! Use &6/newkey &aor &6/newikey &ato generate
  110. one.'
  111. listKeys: '&aList of Keys:'
  112. listItemKeys: '&aList of Item Keys:'
  113. vipInfoFor: '&aVip info for '
  114. playerNotVip: '&cThis player(or you) is not VIP!'
  115. moreThanZero: '&cThis number need to be more than 0'
  116. keyGenerated: '&aGenerated a key with the following:'
  117. invalidKey: '&cThis key is invalid or not exists!'
  118. vipActivated: '&aVip activated with success:'
  119. usesLeftActivation: '&bThis key can be used for more: &6{uses} &btimes.'
  120. activeVip: '&b- Vip: &6{vip}'
  121. activeDays: '&b- Days: &6{days} &bdays'
  122. timeLeft: '&b- Time left: &6'
  123. totalTime: '&b- Days: &6'
  124. timeKey: '&b- Key: &6'
  125. timeGroup: '&b- Vip: &6'
  126. timeActive: '&b- In Use: &6'
  127. infoUses: '&b- Uses left: &6'
  128. activeVipSetTo: '&aYour active VIP is '
  129. noGroups: '&cNo groups with name &6'
  130. days: ' &bdays'
  131. hours: ' &bhours'
  132. minutes: ' &bminutes'
  133. and: ' &band'
  134. vipEnded: ' &bYour vip &6{vip} &bhas ended. &eWe hope you enjoyed your Vip time
  135. &a:D'
  136. lessThan: '&6Less than one minute to end your vip...'
  137. vipsRemoved: '&aVip(s) of player removed with success!'
  138. vipSet: '&aVip set with success for this player!'
  139. sync-groups: '&aGroup configs send to all servers!'
  140. list-of-vips: '&aList of active VIPs: '
  141. vipAdded: '&aVip added with success for this player!'
  142. item: '&a-- Item: &b'
  143. itemsGiven: '&aGiven {items} item(s) using a key.'
  144. itemsAdded: '&aItem(s) added to key:'
  145. keyRemoved: '&aKey removed with success: &b'
  146. noKeyRemoved: '&cTheres no keys to remove!'
  147. cmdNotAllowedWorld: '&cThis command is not allowed in this world!'
  148. 'true': '&atrue'
  149. 'false': '&cfalse'
  150. pagseguro:
  151. waiting: '&cPagSeguro: Your purchase has not yet been approved!'
  152. codeused: '&cPagSeguro: This code has already been used!'
  153. expired: '&cPagSeguro: This code has expired!'
  154. noitems: '&cPagSeguro: No items delivered. Contact an administrator to help you!'
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