
Full but not Satisfied 2

Jan 28th, 2018
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  1. With her eye closed, Twilight ran her tongue slowly over the curve of Rarity’s butt cheek, gathering the divine taste of her coat; a shiver of delight washing over her as the flavor dominated her sense. Opening her eyes and pressing her cheek against the plush, soft surface Twilight gazed upon the expanse of ass that Rarity was allowing her to worship today while Rarity hummed a soft tune and completed work orders.
  3. It had been a month, by Twilight’s account, since Rarity had devoured and digested Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. The two former friends turned flank fat were good little meals and filled out Rarity’s form in just the right way;her hips, muffin topping at the top before melting in a gentle slope to her ass, two broad pancakes made from the fluffiest batter and invitingly warm to the touch and plump, juicy thighs that Twilight was half-convinced she could lavish with her tongue and never stop for the rest of her days.
  5. “Well, darling,” Rarity said, looking over her shoulder and catching that smitten look on Twilight’s face “You have certainly adjusted to your new role quickly!”
  7. Twilight grunted an affirmative, caressing Rarity’s thigh and giving her ass cheek a kiss.
  9. Rarity spun around on her work stool, presenting Twilight with her belly. A distended, shifting globe where their two friends had gone.
  11. “It was awfully generous of you to bring little Spikey wikey by as a afternoon snack, Twilight. Unfortunately he doesn’t seem to be taking his new role as quickly,” Rarity said, patting her belly “Be a darling and show me what my little gut-slut of a princess can do, will you?”
  13. Twilight needed no further cajoling, crawling up to that plush, hanging gut and cradled it with a fore hoof before pressing her muzzle to it and taking in that vanilla and cream scent of Rarity's coat. Twilight couldn't bring herself to separate her muzzle from Rarity’s midriff, even as she began stroking it with her hoofs; the silky smooth coat and soft belly fat feeling divine on the bottom of her hooves. It was incredible to Twilight that some pony as depraved as her would be given the privilege of experiencing this.
  15. In the fleshy globe of Rarity’s belly Spike struggled weakly, in only a few hours he would be fully digested and become another layer of fat and nutrients for the one he loved. Twilight kneaded the softening mass that was her assistant gently, helping the gurgling belly along with Rarity's afternoon snack. Rarity sighed with contentment and watched with a devilish smirk at a blushing princess of Equestria worshipping her plump figure as if the sun wouldn't rise tomorrow. Rarity suddenly hiccuped, followed by a burp which brought a gout of green flame from the mare's mouth. Twilight looked from her spot, just as shocked as Rarity.
  17. “Well, well, I suppose that was Spike’s last hurrah. Tell me Twilight, what do you plan to do for dinner?” Rarity asked, shooing Twilight away gently.
  19. Twilight gave Rarity her space and understood the subtext of Rarity’s question.
  21. “Depends on what you’re hungry for Rarity,” Twilight began before Rarity chimed in.
  23. “Miss Rarity, darling” Rarity corrected.
  25. “Right…Sorry,” Twilight said “Miss Rarity, you have a variety of options I can get you; Apple Pie maybe? How about some Buttershy? Bonbon flambé? Muffins?”
  27. With the last suggestion of serving herself up, Twilight felt a throb of excitement run through her body, a drip of excitement making its way down her leg.
  29. “Wonderful list Twilight...I’ll take some Apple Pie,” Rarity said spotting her friends drip and stroking her soft belly.
  31. Twilight nodded and without another word she was down the flight of steps and out the front door, she was a mare on a mission and she would be damned before she failed to deliver her mistress her next meal. Twilight took to the sky, flying above the town and towards Sweet Apple Acres.
  33. Applejack was exhausted. Sitting under a tree, Applejack looked at the barrels of apples she had harvested while she rubbed her shoulders; trying to work a knot in her back out when she saw Twilight flying down to her. With a weary smile, Applejack waved.
  35. “Howdy, Twilight! How’re ya’ll doin?” Applejack greeted.
  37. “I'm fantastic! You look like you could be better, though,” Twilight said.
  39. “Yeah...timber wolves were being pests and hasslin the cattle all last night and with cider season right around the corner, I've been going non-stop on the farm.” Applejack explained stretching her limbs “Speaking of cider...any word on Rainbow or Pinkie?”
  41. “Nothing...substantial, I'm sure they’re just taking their know how Friendship problems can be,” Twilight said, her voice trailing off “Hey! You know what you need? A relaxing spa trip,”
  43. “...Nah, I got equipment to clean, apples to sort, animals still need to be fed...lots to do yet and little time to do it,” Applejack said picking up her hat and putting it on.
  45. “Oh, Applejack. We’ve been through this before, you need to get your rest!” Twilight said, following after her friend.
  47. “I know, I know but business is business and I gotta make sure I have my bases covered and the farm is set,” Applejack responded walking around the barrels of apples.
  49. Twilight bit her lip, she needed to get Applejack to follow her to Rarity’s but her stubborn nature was making it exceedingly difficult. Looking at Applejack’s stetson hat, an idea came to Twilight and she smiled, she would simply steal a page from Starlight’s playbook. Twilight’s horn lit up as she mentally recited the spell. Tendrils of magic laced with runes and dripping with incantations reached through the air as if imitating a spiderweb blown free from its perch. Gracefully, surreptitiously, the magic brushed it's target, Applejack's hat, and it seeped in.
  51. The surface of the hat glittered with enchantment as Twilight's spell settled in. Applejack stopped loading barrels and stood still for a moment, a moment of dizziness overcoming her and the edges of her vision darkened, her thoughts died to just a whisper and her body refused to move by her will. Soon Twilight had finished her incantations and Applejack's hat glowed with a soft purple hue that faded, leaving behind a scintillation when the rays of sunlight hit it just right.
  53. “Hey Applejack…” Twilight said.
  55. “Yes, Twi?” Applejack responded.
  57. “You and I should go to the spa,” Twilight stated, keeping her order short and simple.
  59. “Yes,” Applejack answered, turning and following Twilight.
  61. Twilight smiled, seeing the blank look of complacency on Applejack's face and without another word Twilight marched Applejack through Ponyville, the citizens none the wiser that the next time they would see Applejack she would be flank fat. Twilight arrived at Rarity's home and guided Applejack in, closing the door, locking it and making sure the sign was turned to say closed.
  63. “Welcome to the spa Applejack! Let's get you all...prepped to relax,” Twilight said,
  65. “Whatever you say Twi,” Applejack answered.
  67. Twilight took Applejack to the washroom and began filling Rarity's luxurious tub with steamy warm water. Twilight knew Rarity loved a tasty pony, but Applejack's hooves were covered in dirt and muck and Twilight refused to feed Rarity anything less than a meal fit for a princess. The bath was only half full when Twilight shut it off.
  69. “Get into the bath and scrub those hooves clean, I'm gonna get the massage table ready for you,” Twilight said.
  71. “Whatever you say, Twi,” Applejack answered.
  73. Applejack followed the orders given to her and when Twilight was assured that her order was received correctly she raced downstairs to Rarity’s kitchen and pulled two whole cucumbers, some dry seasoning and pepper from the pantry. Twilight then mixed the dry seasoning and pepper together in a bowl and set it all on the countertop and cleared the table, using a quilt to pad the surface before she went to check on Applejack. Applejack had finished her task and sat in the warm water, clearly enjoying the soothing heat.
  75. “All clean Applejack?” Twilight asked.
  77. “Yes Ma’am” Applejack answered, lifting her front hooves out of the water and pushing them into Twilight's face.
  79. Twilight backed away but was satisfied with the cleanliness, she hoped Rarity would be too. Twilight guided Applejack once again to the kitchen and onto the covered kitchen table. A flash of magic sliced the cucumbers into varying sizes, two of which were settled onto Applejack’s eyes.
  81. “Now close your eyes and relax Applejack,” Twilight said softly.
  83. Applejack did just that, spreading out on the table just as Twilight dumped a generous amount of the dry rub on Applejack’s back, covering her coat all the way up to the base of her tail. Gentle hooves pressed into Applejack's body, massaging and spreading the seasoning around her coat from the mid of her back, to her apple marked flank and of course her sides. Twilight pushed, pulled, kneaded and stroked Applejack's muscles, doing her best to get the mares muscles to relax so later she would slide down Rarity’s gullet with no trouble. The session was a labor of love for Twilight, her brow beaded with sweat and her fore hooves grew tired but still she persisted until she heard Rarity.
  85. “Twilight!” Rarity’s voice came from her work room upstairs, the voice sing-song and sweet.
  87. Twilight stepped away from the table and washed her hooves before placing several cucumbers all over Applejack's body.
  89. “Alright Applejack, let's finish our spa day with a quick trip to the “sauna”,” Twilight said, keeping Applejack blinded with the cucumbers.
  91. “Sounds good Twilight,” Applejack said, her voice dreamy and tired.
  93. Twilight carefully guided Applejack upstairs, giving her a helping hoof all the way to Rarity’s room. Rarity was sitting proudly in front of her days workload, her belly a soft paunch as opposed to early this afternoon when Spike occupied it.
  95. “Ta-dah! I present Applejack, Miss Rarity,” Twilight announced.
  97. “Oh my! Another willing meal? Am I the only one among our friends who wasn't destined to be food?” Rarity asked, giving Applejack a once over look.
  99. “well...she isn't exactly here because she wants to be, her hat is feeding her my suggestions and dulling her thoughts,” Twilight explained “If I leave her alone too long she acts on her own, so a simple order every so often is ideal,”
  101. “Fascinating Twilight, you can tell me more about it as I enjoy my meal,” Rarity said, opening her mouth.
  103. Twilight smiled widely and lifted Applejack up and guided her in, rear hooves first. Rarity's mouth made short work of Applejack's legs, a slow, steady series.of gulps funneled the strong appendages from the warm wetness of her salivating maw into the tight confines of her throat, a pronounced bulge marking how far down Applejack was.
  105. Applejack’s flanks were next, the firm and shapely rump was choked down in only a few greedy swallows Twilight giggled, amazed at how easy Rarity made it look and wondered briefly at how full she must feel after every meal. Rarity’s tongue came upon the zesty cucumbers and dry rub, Applejack's sweat providing the salt needed to complete the taste, and moaned in approval, her mouth salivating more heavily.
  107. Twilight was proud to hear every wet, sloppy gulp from Rarity, her hold on Applejack never failing to give her mistress just the right amount to swallow whole next. Applejack began laughing as Rarity’s tongue stroked across her toned belly and hearty sides., her legs shifting about in Rarity’s gut.
  109. “Now Applejack, calm down. Just relax and enjoy the ‘sauna’,” Twilight said.
  111. “Whatever you say, Twi,” Applejack said, trying to restrain her laughter.
  113. Applejack stared ahead blankly, her face cracking with a smile whenever Rarity’s tongue ran across a ticklish spot; the feeling of each swallow rippling across her body pulling her deeper to what would be her doom and not once did she struggle or call for help though her thoughts ran wild with alarm, unable to shake herself from her complacent stupor and do something about being eaten alive, until Rarity’s soft, wet lips eclipsed the top Applejack’s head and knocked her hat to the ground. The mental barriers released and Applejack’s mind and body flooded with panic.
  115. “S-Sweet Celestia! Rarity, Twilight, stop! We’re friends! Please! I’ll give you whatever you want off my farm, just please spit me out!” Applejack pleaded before her mouth was snapped shut by Twilight’s magic.
  117. “Applejack, Applejack. It’s nothing personal,” Twilight said, kissing the farm pony on her forehead “Trust me, you’re becoming apart of something greater,”
  119. With a gentle push against her nose Applejack felt another gulp echo in her ears and Twilight’s smile and her flushed cheeks before Rarity swallowed and closed her lips. Applejacks muffled screams could be heard all the way down Rarity’s throat as the smooth coat flattened, squeezing the bulge in her throat into her belly. Rairty covered a burp with her hoof and Twilight took to her duty of stroking the huge wriggling mass that was now Rarity’s belly. The pleas for help could still be heard but fell on deaf ears as Twilight stroked and rubbed the soft belly, lavishing it with words of worship and kissing it tenderly.
  121. “Oh Applejack, it’s okay to be prey! In fact, I’ll be joining you and the girls as soon as Rarity will have me,” Twilight coo’d, cradling the stuffed belly in her lap.
  123. “Well of course darling! I fully intend on adding all of you girls to my glorious figure.” Rarity said, laying back and letting out another burp “One meal at a time...and when I do get to you darling I expect you to be a most filling meal; meaning that you had better pack on some pounds by then, darling” Rarity said, stretching out on her bed and giving Twilight a better position to massage her meal away.
  125. Within the hour, Applejack had fallen quiet, leaving behind a gurgling white noise that assured Twilight the farm mare was being churned up quite nicely. Rarity had fallen asleep as the sun set but Twilight stayed up late, feeling and loving every minute that the gut went from lumpy to soft and shrank in size as it went from soft to sloshy; just right to lay her head on and listen and catch a little sleep herself. Laying her head down on Rarity’s belly, Twilight was lulled to sleep by the sounds in Rarity’s belly as it worked through the night, melting Applejack into nutrition that went right where Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie went; her belly, her hips, her thighs and her ass. Twilight woke up. Her head laying on an empty bed and her mistress missing, Twilight could guess where Rarity might be and made her way to the bathroom and knocked on the door.
  127. “Miss Rarity?” Twilight asked.
  129. “Good Morning Twilight, Come in darling! You simply must be present for your handy work,” Rarity said.
  131. Twilight nudged the door open and saw her mistress in all her curvaceous glory. Applejack had certainly added to her, her chub overhanging the edges of her toilet and her belly still large enough to spread her soft thighs apart and keep her loins unseen. Rarity beckoned Twilight over and patted her jiggly belly and Twilight giddily sat down in front of Rarity on the toilet. Twilight stroked the expanse of the belly, feeling the soft, plush fat and the firmness in her lower gut and smelling the earthy smell of Rarity’s meals as a wet fart echoed in the bowl and a series of wet plops followed soon after, a new wave of stink assaulting Twilights senses.
  133. “Think Spike would smell any better if I had him take a bubble bath beforehand?” Twilight asked, peppering the inside of Rarity’s thighs with kisses.
  135. “I highly doubt it,” Rarity answered placing a hoof on the back of Twilight’s head and guiding her to the spots she wanted attention paid.
  137. Twilight’s switched back and forth between kissing Rarity’s chub and licking it, looking up at her mistress with loving eyes and listened intently, her heart pounding as Rarity dumped what was left of her assistant and their friend into the toilet, flushing occasionally to avoid any clogs. After an hour of disposing what was left Rarity shooed Twilight away and cleaned up before flushing one last time. Washing her hooves Rarity looked down at Twilight and smacked her lips; Twilight knew that predatory look and pinned her ears back, imitating Fluttershy’s demure puppy dog eyes. Was this it? Would she be breakfast for this gorgeous mare?
  139. “A look that would give Fluttershy a run for her money...speaking of which…” Rarity said, trailing off and letting Twilight connect the dots.
  141. Twilight let out a whimper, the teasing was almost unbearable but she knew her destiny was something worth waiting for.
  143. “When would you like your next meal, Miss Rarity?” Twilight asked.
  145. “Sometime this weekend...Gotta let Applejack settle in with Rainbow and Pinkie after all,” Rarity said, giving her plump rear a nice “Till then Twilight, how about you take a little time and enjoy a few ponies yourself?”
  147. Twilight smiled and excused herself, giving Rarity’s cutie mark a kiss before leaving. Outside Twilight looked at Ponyville and knew the first thing she had to do; make a checklist.
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