

Dec 26th, 2020
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  1. raised the head, to the Yabe­miya vi­sion, looked like to make the mis­take im­me­di­ately the child in gen­eral stand of mat­ter, looks that Miya fa­cial ex­pres­sion some nat­u­rally did not say: „I...... I want......”
  2. Miya looks at his re­sponse, in the heart finds it in­ter­est­ing, such big per­son, did come restau­rant to order food for the first time? How­ever said in a soft voice: „Menu, you can choose the food that one­self want to eat here.”
  3. Lan­caster read a menu, the fa­cial ex­pres­sion was tran­quiler, said: „On that all veg­etable/dish.”
  4. „Your words, should un­able to eat so many veg­eta­bles/dishes, in Mamy Restau­rant, waste not, there­fore I can­not give you to order all veg­eta­bles/dishes.” Miya puts down the small book in hand, se­ri­ous looks at Lan­caster say­ing: „Grain is very pre­cious, but my fam­ily Boss time is pre­cious, many guests must wait to eat meal.”
  5. Lan­caster looks at a Miya rigid the­o­riz­ing the ap­pear­ance, at heart fun­nily an­noyed, is this girl, gath­er­ing most im­por­tant on her Boss? The king of his solemn frost giant dragon, aren't 0.1 ta­bles of veg­eta­bles/dishes good?
  6. „The miss you said that I should order food am good? I first time, does not un­der­stand.” Lan­caster sits down, the smile looks at Yabe­miya to ask.
  7. In prin­ci­ple, Mag does not make them give the guest to rec­om­mend the dish.
  8. To the guest more in­de­pen­dent op­tions, re­duce their work loads.
  9. How­ever this uncle gives her feel­ing to be some­what spe­cial, pos­si­bly is the ap­pear­ance that he alone eats meal, looks a lit­tle lonely? Also or was he just the ap­pear­ance that hur­ried to set out made her feel that funny a lit­tle felt sad?
  10. She pon­dered, points at that Bud­dha Jumps Over the Wall say­ing: „If you think nu­tri­tious body, can 0.1 Bud­dha Jumps Over the Wall, ultra de­li­cious, did not have late.”
  11. Lan­caster looked at eye that to price-mark the prices of 10,000 cop­per coin, com­pared with nearby dish price high a big trun­ca­tion, the cor­ners of the mouth twitched.
  12. This may re­ally be the trea­sure bi­o­log­i­cal daugh­ter.
  13. How­ever he nods with a smile: „Good, I take Bud­dha Jumps Over the Wall, then?”
  14. „Your taste is light, can eat hotly?” Miya also asked.
  15. „But all.”
  16. „That can come salty sweet soft gluti­nous red braised pork again, com­ing one to get food down de­li­cious "fish-fla­vored" egg­plant in gar­lic sauce, comes be­yond one in again the cake ten­der Beg­gar's Chicken, was sim­i­lar.” Miya looks at Lan­caster, said: „Can be too many?”
  17. „Doesn't mat­ter, if in­suf­fi­cient, I se­lect again.” Lan­caster nods to say.
  18. Re­gard­ing giant dragon, this food is not com­pletely many.
  19. „okay, please wait a bit.” Miya nods, turns to the next guest.
  20. Lan­caster sees the Miya busy form, the vi­sion is grad­u­ally gen­tle, the cor­ners of the mouth showed sev­eral points of old fa­ther's smile.
  21. „Elder Sis­ter Annie, you looked that uncle stares at Elder Sis­ter Miya to look ma­li­ciously.” Amy builds the head on the head of Ugly Duck­ling, stretches out the small fin­ger to point at Lan­caster to say low voice.
  22. „Lsp?” An­gela just passed by, looked fol­low­ing the Amy’s hand fin­ger/refers to Lan­caster.
  23. For­tu­nately, is uncle who seems like very up­right, the vi­sion is not evil aura, in­stead also very gen­tle ap­pear­ance, likely elder.
  24. „spicy river snail, seems like also good, today Georgina saw her pa­ter­nal grand­mother, we just can drink two cups, the rum, but good thing.” Har­ri­son with a laugh looks at George to say.
  25. „You can drink two cups, I must ac­com­pany my fam­ily Chris small Princess to sleep in the evening, can­not drink.” George shakes the head say­ing that but in the tone is ac­tu­ally pass­ing slightly self-sat­is­fied.
  26. „, I ac­com­pany small Princess to rest tonight, I am de­fend­ing her.” Har­ri­son is strik­ing one's chest to say.
  27. „You do not match.” George re­jec­tion with­out hes­i­ta­tion.
  28. „Snort, has waited for two years, I live one.” Har­ri­son gas chan­nel/an­grily said, en­vy­ing real.
  29. Which young­ster be­fore looked at his fam­ily/home is, did not envy, but also some­what took plea­sure in oth­ers' mis­for­tunes.
  30. But since the Chris small trea­sure was born, looks that she grows up day-by-day, looks more and more lov­able full of life, but also called the fa­ther in a baby voice time, some of his in­deed acids.
  31. „When do you and Georgina plan to get mar­ried?” George asked fol­low­ing the topic.
  32. „Must wait till next year, she said that after a pe­riod of time leads me to see her fa­ther, what to do do I a lit­tle fear?” Har­ri­son is a bit like afraid.
  33. „Feared that his fa­ther and your broth­ers are sym­met­ric?” George ridicules.
  34. „Go away! Is the labor so old?!”
  35. „Hehe, how say­ing that you also looked for a lit­tle lovely wife, is re­ally the man wants dili­gently, wife also not grown.”
  36. „Georgina was grown! The birth­day of cou­ple of days ago just cel­e­brat­ing!” Har­ri­son se­ri­ous say/way.
  37. „Yo, can that han­dle mat­ters?”
  38. „Go away!”
  39. Lan­caster looked at the eye to sit in his side two human fat peo­ple, he thinks that can a per­son sit idly eats meal, has not thought that also had other three peo­ple to put to­gether the table, two words dis­cussed.
  40. „My Lan­caster life does not put to­gether the table......”
  41. His words have not said even­tu­ally, be­cause the fourth per­son is Miya guides to sit down.
  42. The Mamy Restau­rant cus­tom, the guest tac­itly ap­proves to allow to put to­gether the table.
  43. Oth­ers elf and demon sat on the same table, he and human col­lected one table, prob­a­bly also had noth­ing greatly.
  44. „Ac­tu­ally this does restau­rant have what charm? Can make so many guests so obey un­ex­pect­edly obe­di­ent? Looks at that Boss strength not?” In the Lan­caster heart whis­pered, the vi­sion has swept on restau­rant sev­eral waiter, re­vealed sev­eral points of being as­ton­ished color.
  45. Miss who that side that can­not see the race, un­ex­pect­edly is 9th Rank water dis­ci­pline Magic Caster, so the age, so the strength, in Nolan con­ti­nent is also the ab­solute God's fa­vored one.
  46. That stands by the counter, miss who uses space magic to serve food, is 8th Rank Magic Caster, more­over is very rare space Magic Caster.
  47. Among that man­ners, small suc­cubus of ob­se­quious at­ti­tude as if made by Heaven, also has the 8th Rank strength.
  48. That sits after the counter, is hold­ing half elf lit­tle miss of or­ange fat cat...... 7th Rank!!!
  49. Lan­caster eyes al­most stares from the eye socket.
  50. This lit­tle miss seems like also on the 3~4 years old ap­pear­ance, un­ex­pect­edly is 7th Rank Magic Caster!
  51. It is not right, from the magic fluc­tu­a­tion of her within the body, she soon has even bridged over 8th Rank Magic Caster that thresh­old.
  52. This is the fear­ful tal­ent!
  53. In small restau­rant, lets 9th Rank water dis­ci­pline Magic Caster and 8th Rank space Magic Caster and 8th Rank suc­cubus, when waiter, but also has tal­ent half elf Magic Caster, makes him size up Mag.
  54. Ac­tu­ally is he who? Why can gather them in this, and makes stay­ing be­hind that they are will­ing work as base and low waiter?
  55. Mag does not know the Lan­caster this time in­ner­most feel­ings idea, oth­er­wise he def­i­nitely wants to tell Lan­caster, is not only the sur­face seems like this.
  56. Now Wind For­est leader Sally and beast­man race big chief Con­nie and Vam­pire clan new pa­tri­arch Camilla and Moon Coun­try Princess Bar­bara, Mer­man clan Princess Sally, your trea­sure daugh­ter Eliz­a­beth and Yabe­miya......
  57. Princess har­vester, name will fol­low re­al­ity.
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