
Endtown RPG Session #9

Sep 22nd, 2015
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  1. 15:55] == GM_utt [~qwebirc@8AA67166.C028DC5B.84971BD0.IP] has joined #EndtownRPG
  2. [16:05] -Global- [Logon News - May 21 2011] First time on Rizon? Be sure to read the FAQ!
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  4. [16:05] -Global- [Random News - Mar 20 2009] Idle on Rizon a lot? Why not play our idlerpg game, you can check it out at #RizonIRPG for more information visit the website -Rizon Staff
  5. [16:11] == KingCheetah [] has joined #EndtownRPG
  6. [16:11] <KingCheetah> Howdy
  7. [16:14] <GM_utt> Hey, how's it going!
  8. [16:15] <GM_utt> Now you wanted to join the game today, right?
  9. [16:16] <GM_utt> That avid avian aviation character
  10. [16:19] <KingCheetah> Yes and no
  11. [16:19] <KingCheetah> I'm busy watching the kids tonight, but I'll probably just sit in and give moral support
  12. [16:20] <GM_utt> That's great too.
  13. [16:20] <KingCheetah> I'm going to be running back and forth so I can't commit
  14. [16:20] <KingCheetah> sorry
  15. [16:20] <GM_utt> No prob.
  16. [16:21] <GM_utt> Tell you the truth once a party gets over 5 or 6 it becomes alittle daunting.
  17. [16:38] == Kazen [~qwebirc@98A4AEB6.E6015E1C.D9710B1E.IP] has joined #EndtownRPG
  18. [16:39] <GM_utt> hey!
  19. [16:42] <Kazen> Hey there!
  20. [16:43] <GM_utt> Are you going to join today or just watch?
  21. [16:43] <GM_utt> I lose track of who is who once we get to the chatroom names.
  22. [16:45] <Kazen> I'd have to write up a sheet, that and I'd like to see what the existing party needs/etc
  23. [16:45] <GM_utt> Honestly the party needs a healer.
  24. [16:45] <GM_utt> Which is basically someone who knows first aid 3.
  25. [16:46] <GM_utt> Go ahead and make the character you want, I'd say.
  26. [16:47] <Kazen> Alrighty
  27. [16:48] == An_Artist [] has joined #EndtownRPG
  28. [16:49] <GM_utt> Howdy!
  29. [16:50] <An_Artist> Hello
  30. [16:50] <An_Artist> (don't mind me, I'm here to lurk :v)
  31. [16:51] <GM_utt> Cool.
  32. [16:51] <GM_utt> I'm just finishing up the details for the plot today.
  33. [16:52] <GM_utt> Some GMs, they work a big story out and wiggle the players around in it. I'm the kind of GM that doesn't really have a plan until like the morning of the game.
  34. [16:53] <Kazen> Aahh
  35. [16:53] <An_Artist> Awesome, looking forward to seeing one of these sessions in real-time. In the moment I think will give me a feel for how this run, and let me figure if it's for me on another session
  36. [16:53] <GM_utt> Awesome.
  37. [16:54] <GM_utt> I hope I represent the system well.
  38. [16:54] <An_Artist> But honestly from the scenarios I've seen I think the RPGs so far have looked like fun
  39. [16:55] <GM_utt> You mean from the play tests we've been running?
  40. [16:57] <An_Artist> Mmmhm
  41. [16:57] <GM_utt> Well thank you.
  42. [16:58] <GM_utt> Most of the plots have been things that get mentioned in the comic and don't get fleshed out.
  43. [16:58] <GM_utt> The black market, security, what characters actually do when they go scavenging etc.
  44. [17:02] <GM_utt> I don't know why but I try to be accurate to the setting as possible.
  45. [17:02] <An_Artist> They're pretty solid scenarios; I could see them fitting in with Endtown so immersion isn't that hard to pull off
  46. [17:03] <GM_utt> Yeah, but it's kind of limiting.
  47. [17:03] <GM_utt> Endtown is kind of a fixed setting in the colony.
  48. [17:04] <GM_utt> Two different kinds of law enforcement, a detailed system for everything.
  49. [17:04] <GM_utt> It feels like the primary thing you can do there is crime scenarios
  50. [17:05] <GM_utt> I guess I shouldn't say that.
  51. [17:05] <GM_utt> Really it's what you feel like doing.
  52. [17:06] <GM_utt> You're like, "Okay, what happens in endtown that would be a good adventure."
  53. [17:07] <GM_utt> You can't have players get drunk and then go to the movie theater.
  54. [17:08] <GM_utt> Gotta make them get caught in a riot or something on the way.
  55. [17:10] <GM_utt> Welp, patience is out.
  56. [17:11] <GM_utt> Who wants to make a new campaign?
  57. [17:12] <GM_utt> I can help roll up characters, questions, whatevs.
  58. [17:12] <Maels> Well. I'm here already. I'll continue being here a while. I can just keep playing Max.
  59. [17:12] <GM_utt> True.
  60. [19:13] == Martin_Baron [~qwebirc@31523F6C.B9D706B3.24415153.IP] has joined #EndtownRPG
  61. [19:14] <GM_utt> Wait, hold up, the day might be saved.
  62. [19:14] <Martin_Baron> Could've sworn you said 8 EST.
  63. [19:14] <GM_utt> Yes.
  64. [19:15] <Martin_Baron> What did I miss, what might be saved?
  65. [19:15] <GM_utt> Ah, I was just joking to start a new campaign since we were having afew people late
  66. [19:16] <Martin_Baron> Ah, good. Thought you started an hour early.
  67. [19:16] <GM_utt> Although I wasn't kidding, character creation takes like five minutes and "a GM is always ready."
  68. [19:16] <Martin_Baron> Was studying for an exam tomorrow, thought nothing would happen till 7:30
  69. [19:16] <GM_utt> Nah, I show up an hour early to field questions and get new guys ready.
  70. [19:17] <Martin_Baron> Anyway, if you are serious, then I can whip up another character. Actually put a story on it instead of just saying he likes hurting other people.
  71. [19:18] <GM_utt> Nah, we're 50% there.
  72. [19:19] <GM_utt> But we do have enough people lurking today to run something.
  73. [19:21] <GM_utt> So, last minute updates to the system: Shotguns, Sheep, started the beastiary.
  74. [19:23] <Martin_Baron> Beastiary? Is that the thing with the different types of mutants?
  75. [19:26] <GM_utt> Sorry, went aft there.
  76. [19:26] <GM_utt> Anyway, yeah.
  77. [19:27] <GM_utt> I've got a write up on it and Aaron wants to do the fluff.
  78. [19:27] <GM_utt> The "Madness made Flesh" bit is just temporary text.
  79. [19:28] <GM_utt> Bestiary are sections in these games more for GMs and rules lawyers.
  80. [19:28] <GM_utt> You want monsters, pull it from that section.
  81. [19:29] <Martin_Baron> Eeugh, had a nasty thought. Imagine a conjoined person, with one awake and one asleep when they get hit with the mutagen.
  82. [19:29] <GM_utt> I asked Aaron about the mutants. Like do they shoot anything or what have you.
  83. [19:30] <GM_utt> That's... Actually I don't know what would happen.
  84. [19:30] <GM_utt> Either it would be a monster connected to a fluffy rabbit by their liver or maybe it would be a double monster.
  85. [19:31] <GM_utt> Maybe the healing factor would cure their malformation and they'd just break off from eachother full formed.
  86. [19:31] <GM_utt> And then the monster twin would probably eat the other guy...
  87. [19:31] <Martin_Baron> Like quelaag or something. Or worse, the monster side would kill off the other, unknowingly killing itself.
  88. [19:32] <GM_utt> That's ironic enough to work.
  89. [19:33] <GM_utt> Rule of thumb for writing Endtown stuff: Irony is gold.
  90. [19:33] <Martin_Baron> Ooh, that'd be a neat encounter. Giant monster with a person "trapped". Players think it's just carrying it, not thinking it's attached. Then they got to decide to either kill them or leave them be.
  91. [19:34] <GM_utt> Well, if you got a crack shot you could kill the monster.
  92. [19:34] <GM_utt> And a crack surgeon.
  93. [19:35] <GM_utt> You'd just have a guy with this big monster liver or monster legs.
  94. [19:35] <GM_utt> However he's joined up.
  95. [19:35] <GM_utt> ...That's horrorific but the stats would be awesome.
  96. [19:36] <Martin_Baron> Yeah, but they'd be half a body. They wouldn't last a day surviving, and not many shelters would want to take one in since they can't carry their own weight. They'd just sap resources.
  97. [19:37] <GM_utt> Sapping resources is kind of what conjoined twins do.
  98. [19:38] <Martin_Baron> Yeah, except he can't do work like conjoined. They may be a total of one unit's worth of work for technically two people, but the one cut out would be missing a few limbs most likely.
  99. [19:39] <Martin_Baron> Anyway, it'd be a neat topic for players to encounter and decide on what to do.
  100. [19:39] <GM_utt> Yeah, probably.
  101. [19:41] == BeaverGray [] has joined #EndtownRPG
  102. [19:42] <GM_utt> Heeey!
  103. [19:42] <BeaverGray> Sorry for being late, on the phone with post office, theyve been holding my package for 2 days
  104. [19:42] <BeaverGray> I wanna know why
  105. [19:42] <BeaverGray> gimme like 2 minutes
  106. [19:42] <GM_utt> Yeah yeah.
  107. [19:42] <BeaverGray> Also, is that mother flipping sean howell?
  108. [19:43] <Martin_Baron> Your stuff is too cool, so they kept it for themselves.
  109. [19:43] <GM_utt> Yeah.
  110. [19:43] <GM_utt> He's watching his kids so he's lurking today.
  111. [19:43] <BeaverGray> Its a video card
  112. [19:44] <BeaverGray> But yeah, theyre gunna look for it
  113. [19:44] <BeaverGray> AKA someone stole it and theyre trying to figure out how to keep me as a customer
  114. [19:44] <BeaverGray> Im redy to go
  115. [19:44] <GM_utt> Oof, those can be expensive.
  116. [19:45] <Martin_Baron> Ouch, that sucks.
  117. [19:45] <BeaverGray> Yeah its only a matter of time
  118. [19:45] <BeaverGray> I get a bunch of gear sent to me
  119. [19:45] <BeaverGray> working as an audio engineer
  120. [19:46] <BeaverGray> every once in a while a mic goes missing, no matter what service I use
  121. [19:46] <BeaverGray> I always get the thing but holy shit, I order in bulk, one cant just go missing
  122. [19:46] <GM_utt> Bummer!
  123. [19:46] <Martin_Baron> Hope you get it soon, man.
  124. [19:47] <GM_utt> I'm giving Stones 3 minutes and then we start, sound good?
  125. [19:48] <Martin_Baron> Alright. I know moglog will probably be here, and if not soon, then within ten to thirty minutes.
  126. [19:48] <GM_utt> Okay, ten minutes then. I'm going on a stretch break.
  127. [19:48] <Martin_Baron> So you can put focus on Gray and DJ
  128. [19:49] <GM_utt> Good point.
  129. [19:50] <GM_utt> Yeah Let's start and Mog will be here by then.
  130. [19:51] <Martin_Baron> Plus, I can put a bit more focus on writing down terms and junk, so no harm on me waiting. I'll still be collecting the log, so don't worry about me messing up.
  131. [19:51] <BeaverGray> So there was no game yesterday?
  132. [19:51] <GM_utt> Err, no sorry.
  133. [19:51] <GM_utt> I meant today.
  134. [19:51] <BeaverGray> psh
  135. [19:51] <BeaverGray> I was hear for a whole minute
  136. [19:52] <BeaverGray> how am I gunna get that time back
  137. [19:52] <GM_utt> In the mail?
  138. [19:52] <GM_utt> Okay. Shifting gears.
  139. [19:52] <GM_utt> Game start. Session 8.
  140. [19:52] <GM_utt> Operation: Sandy trouser.
  141. [19:52] <BeaverGray> haha
  142. [19:52] * Maels transforms.
  143. [19:53] == Maels has changed nick to DJ-Max
  144. [19:53] <GM_utt> Current Doc:
  145. [19:53] <GM_utt> Quick Start Guide:
  146. [19:54] <Martin_Baron> Who else is here or supposed to be coming, GM?
  147. [19:54] <GM_utt> Mog is supposed to be here.
  148. [19:54] <GM_utt> As well as a new player who has not shown up.
  149. [19:55] <Martin_Baron> Is that Boxy or another? I remember there being a kiwi character.
  150. [19:56] <GM_utt> That's Cheetah's he's just lurking today.
  151. [19:56] <GM_utt> Boxy isn't here yet.
  152. [19:57] <Martin_Baron> He said it'd take an hour or more to get back to his computer. So he might show soon.
  153. [19:57] <GM_utt> Let's get going then.
  154. [19:58] * GM_utt takes a moment to get in narration.
  155. [19:58] == Box-O-Rocks [] has joined #EndtownRPG
  156. [19:58] <GM_utt> We join...
  157. [19:58] <GM_utt> I swear to go this is some fung xi quote about patience.
  158. [19:59] <GM_utt> Okay, Hey BoR.
  159. [19:59] <Box-O-Rocks> Hey
  160. [19:59] <GM_utt> We are starting now.
  161. [19:59] <GM_utt> Right now we focus on Gray and DJ's expedition.
  162. [20:00] <Box-O-Rocks> Cool. Am I rolling to see which group I wind up with?
  163. [20:00] <Martin_Baron> Snaps isn't here, so you're probably gonna find the rodent group.
  164. [20:00] <GM_utt> Actually.
  165. [20:01] <GM_utt> Yeah. That's what I had down anyway.
  166. [20:01] <Martin_Baron> If he's a complete no show, Kiwi can also bump into them. I wont mind sitting this session out if it comes to that.
  167. [20:01] <GM_utt> We'll see.
  168. [20:02] <GM_utt> For now let's roll.
  169. [20:02] <GM_utt> We join DJ as he sifts through the ruins after a nasty battle.
  170. [20:03] <Box-O-Rocks> (BTW... What are the roll commands?)
  171. [20:03] <GM_utt> You have dispatched three mutants and you're loaded down with Mallard's gear and his package.
  172. [20:03] <GM_utt> just type ".d"
  173. [20:03] <Martin_Baron> (GM, me and Snaps had the muties. They had the hot dog van)
  174. [20:03] <Box-O-Rocks> (Thanks)
  175. [20:03] <Martin_Baron> (Or taco, info van.)
  176. [20:04] <GM_utt> Since we use d10s it's ".d xd10+y"
  177. [20:04] <GM_utt> Sorry.
  178. [20:05] <GM_utt> Okay. We join Martin as he sifts through the ruins with the many things he has to do.
  179. [20:05] <Martin_Baron> (Also, if you want to a descriptive text like *NAME flipped a rock and started humming, type /me.)
  180. [20:05] <GM_utt> (I am actually sorry. I keep mixing your characters up. I keep thinking, "The short melee guy.")
  181. [20:06] <Martin_Baron> (Heh, everyone except Snaps is the short melee guy)
  182. [20:06] <GM_utt> True.
  183. [20:06] <GM_utt> ANYWAY. You have just won over three mutants.
  184. [20:07] <Martin_Baron> (Anyway, if you're cutting to my group, I guess I'll look for a stable spot to set up the relay while Snaps "cleans up".)
  185. [20:07] <GM_utt> You are in a ruins. By your estimate it's a blased city block.
  186. [20:07] <GM_utt> (Snaps? Who is snaps? You went out there alone, for some reason!)
  187. [20:07] <Martin_Baron> (THEY GOT SNAPS!)
  188. [20:08] <Martin_Baron> (Anyway, roll perception to find a spot or just slap it down somewhere?)
  189. [20:08] <GM_utt> Slap it like it's hot.
  190. [20:08] <GM_utt> This is the listening device.
  191. [20:08] <GM_utt> You have to consult your card to find the drop off point.
  192. [20:09] <GM_utt> (It's mallard Tech, odds are it's indestructible and moves independently.)
  193. [20:10] <Martin_Baron> (I'll find a stable roof to set it up. I don't want mutants to chew on it if I leave it on the ground.)
  194. [20:10] <Martin_Baron> (Oh, moves independently. Didn't read that.)
  195. [20:10] <GM_utt> Alright.
  196. [20:10] <GM_utt> .d 1d100
  197. [20:10] <Internets> :: Total 49 / 100 [49%] :: Results [49] ::
  198. [20:11] <GM_utt> You find afew bricks up to a destroyed rooftop.
  199. [20:11] <GM_utt> Nothing bad happens.
  200. [20:11] <Martin_Baron> (Yet)
  201. [20:11] <GM_utt> You are actually in a good vantage point here to scout the place out.
  202. [20:12] <Martin_Baron> (Alright, I'll roll perception while the device gets situated.)
  203. [20:12] <Martin_Baron> .d 1d100+15
  204. [20:12] <Internets> :: Total 74 / 115 [64%] :: Results [59] ::
  205. [20:12] <GM_utt> Ah, something is moving around the ruins.
  206. [20:13] <GM_utt> Humanoid it looks.
  207. [20:13] <GM_utt> But that could be anything.
  208. [20:13] <Martin_Baron> (I'd like to take the moment to charge up the blaster, just in case.)
  209. [20:13] <GM_utt> *wind wind wind*
  210. [20:14] <GM_utt> Roll perception again.
  211. [20:14] <Martin_Baron> .d 1d100+15
  212. [20:14] <Internets> :: Total 19 / 115 [16%] :: Results [4] ::
  213. [20:14] <GM_utt> Your character is a rabbit, right?
  214. [20:14] <Martin_Baron> (Welp. Yeah.)
  215. [20:15] <GM_utt> You see a wall of sand blowing its way to you.
  216. [20:15] <GM_utt> Some might call this a sandstorm.
  217. [20:15] <KingCheetah> hmmmm
  218. [20:15] <Martin_Baron> (We talking Mad Max sand storm?)
  219. [20:15] <GM_utt> It looks alittle off, maybe it'll hit in an hour.
  220. [20:16] <GM_utt> (If we're talking about thunderdome, yeah.)
  221. [20:16] <Martin_Baron> (Ok, that's not too bad.)
  222. [20:17] <GM_utt> Boxy!
  223. [20:18] <GM_utt> (I think Box o rocks is DC'd.)
  224. [20:18] <Box-O-Rocks> (Sorry. I didn't realize you were talking to me)
  225. [20:18] <GM_utt> (Okay.)
  226. [20:19] <GM_utt> Box o Rocks!
  227. [20:19] <GM_utt> You have been wandering the wastes, as you've been accustomed to do, and you've been taking refuge in a ruin as you are also accustomed to do.
  228. [20:20] <GM_utt> You have heard shrieking in these ruins today.
  229. [20:20] <GM_utt> And now you see a rabbit put some mechanical piece on a roof.
  230. [20:20] <GM_utt> You think he might have seen you.
  231. [20:21] <Box-O-Rocks> (I roll perception right. I think I have a bit of stage fright. )
  232. [20:21] <GM_utt> In this case let's call it a freebie.
  233. [20:21] <GM_utt> You saw the rabbit. He doesn't look as dust-covered as normal waste wanderers usually do.
  234. [20:22] <GM_utt> And it looks like he's carrying alot of stuff.
  235. [20:22] <GM_utt> Okay, now roll your perception. (.d 1d100+[mind bonus]
  236. [20:22] * Box-O-Rocks Clayton arches an eyebrow and keeps an eye on the approaching rabbit
  237. [20:22] <Box-O-Rocks> (oh, my bad)_
  238. [20:23] <Box-O-Rocks> .d 1d100+30
  239. [20:23] <Internets> :: Total 61 / 130 [46%] :: Results [31] ::
  240. [20:23] <Martin_Baron> (Oh and hey, there's a command so you can change your nickname like Maels did. Can't remember it though.)
  241. [20:23] <GM_utt> You hear the wind picking up and... Jingling.
  242. [20:24] <GM_utt> "/nick [name]"
  243. [20:24] == Box-O-Rocks has changed nick to Clayton_R
  244. [20:25] * Clayton_R shrugs and jogs back into the ruins as the storm approaches, no point in staying out in the open
  245. [20:25] <GM_utt> You have taken shelter.
  246. [20:25] <GM_utt> Martin!
  247. [20:26] <GM_utt> You have a thing running around the ruins and a storm approaching!
  248. [20:27] * Martin_Baron is wary of the... thing, he saw before it got out of sight. Not wanting a repeat of the previous encounter, he descends from the roof and keeps the blaster ready before entering one of the nearby buildings to scavenge.
  249. [20:28] <GM_utt> You can roll scavenging.
  250. [20:28] <Martin_Baron> (Right, forgot to mention, I wanted to scavenge. See if there's any stuff to bring back for good boy points or whatever it is they reward.)
  251. [20:28] <Martin_Baron> (It's rank 1)
  252. [20:28] <Martin_Baron> .d 1d100
  253. [20:28] <Internets> :: Total 50 / 100 [50%] :: Results [50] ::
  254. [20:29] <GM_utt> You find bits of rusted metal, pretty useless.
  255. [20:29] <GM_utt> THE STORM IS HERE.
  256. [20:30] <Martin_Baron> (Heh, I still have that rubber mask. Could put it on to prevent Martin from eating a bucket of sand)
  257. [20:30] <GM_utt> Wind and sand combine and whip through the alleys of the ruins.
  258. [20:30] <GM_utt> (Yes it would)
  259. [20:31] <Martin_Baron> (I'll put on the rubber, rabbit mask then.)
  260. [20:31] <GM_utt> Make a roll for hiding to prevent sand sheer.
  261. [20:31] <Martin_Baron> .d 1d100
  262. [20:31] <Internets> :: Total 73 / 100 [73%] :: Results [73] ::
  263. [20:31] <GM_utt> (Oh god that thing.
  264. [20:31] <Martin_Baron> (Yes, that absolutely retarded, joke of a item.)
  265. [20:32] <GM_utt> You roll up against a wall and curl, the sand is abrasive but isn't cutting into your skin.
  266. [20:32] <GM_utt> (You roll too, Clay)
  267. [20:33] <GM_utt> (And while we are waiting for that.)
  268. [20:33] <GM_utt> .d 2d100
  269. [20:33] <Internets> :: Total 123 / 200 [61%] :: Results [54, 69] ::
  270. [20:33] <Clayton_R> .d 1d100
  271. [20:33] <Internets> :: Total 72 / 100 [72%] :: Results [72] ::
  272. [20:34] <Clayton_R> (that was for shelter right?.. or was it just my turn?)
  273. [20:34] <GM_utt> You do as well. By chance, a ball of lightening shoots down and contacts near you. just missing!
  274. [20:34] <GM_utt> (That was for shelter. Yeah, my rolls was for chance.)
  275. [20:34] * Clayton_R curses under his breath
  276. [20:34] <GM_utt> (Both of you have a 10% chance of static lightening.)
  277. [20:35] <GM_utt> Martin!
  278. [20:35] <GM_utt> .d 2d100
  279. [20:35] <Internets> :: Total 102 / 200 [51%] :: Results [85, 17] ::
  280. [20:35] <Martin_Baron> (Aw crap, I thought this was misty-sand storm. This is near Fury Road bad. Just needs a tornado)
  281. [20:35] <Martin_Baron> .d 1d100
  282. [20:35] <Internets> :: Total 38 / 100 [38%] :: Results [38] ::
  283. [20:35] <GM_utt> Bolts fly near you and hit a nearby wall, making it more ruined.
  284. [20:36] <GM_utt> The ground shakes.
  285. [20:36] <GM_utt> Roll perception!
  286. [20:36] * Martin_Baron yells out in surprise, "$)%@ !"
  287. [20:36] <GM_utt> Both of you.
  288. [20:36] <Martin_Baron> .d 1d100+15
  289. [20:36] <Internets> :: Total 58 / 115 [50%] :: Results [43] ::
  290. [20:36] <Clayton_R> .d 1d100+30
  291. [20:36] <GM_utt> Made it.
  292. [20:36] <Internets> :: Total 65 / 130 [50%] :: Results [35] ::
  293. [20:36] <GM_utt> Made it.
  294. [20:37] <GM_utt> Pretty obvious. Amidst the storm is a giant bipedal creature.
  295. [20:37] <GM_utt> Some 40ft high, it walks clear over you in the ruins and continues on.
  296. [20:38] <GM_utt> .d 2d100
  297. [20:38] <Internets> :: Total 115 / 200 [57%] :: Results [99, 16] ::
  298. [20:38] * Clayton_R has a brief moment where his heart sinks
  299. [20:38] <GM_utt> .d 2d100
  300. [20:38] <Internets> :: Total 76 / 200 [38%] :: Results [71, 5] ::
  301. [20:38] <GM_utt> Oh, Martin.
  302. [20:38] <Martin_Baron> (O fuck)
  303. [20:38] <GM_utt> A bolt strikes your person.
  304. [20:38] <GM_utt> .d 3d10+30
  305. [20:38] <Internets> :: Total 48 / 60 [80%] :: Results [6, 9, 3] ::
  306. [20:39] <GM_utt> 48 damage.
  307. [20:39] <Martin_Baron> (Ohohoh fuck)
  308. [20:39] <GM_utt> Did you die again?
  309. [20:39] <Martin_Baron> (No, at full health. Just at 60 or 70 left)
  310. [20:39] <Martin_Baron> (If I did, I wouldn't even curse, I'd just laugh.)
  311. [20:40] <GM_utt> Wait, I miss rolled.
  312. [20:40] <Clayton_R> (oh)
  313. [20:40] <GM_utt> .d 2d10
  314. [20:40] <Internets> :: Total 12 / 20 [60%] :: Results [9, 3] ::
  315. [20:40] <GM_utt> Err, yeah. Let's say you got hit with 48
  316. [20:40] <Martin_Baron> ( :\ )
  317. [20:41] <GM_utt> Anyway, when the smoke clears the storm has passed.
  318. [20:41] * Martin_Baron screams out in agony as the lightning bolt hits his body, trying to stifle the noise to prevent himself from being noticed any further.
  319. [20:41] <GM_utt> There is a thick new layer of dust on the ruins. The sound of jingling and bad singing fills the air.
  320. [20:42] <Clayton_R> (can I roll to investigate the source of the scream?)
  321. [20:44] <GM_utt> Eh, no roll is needed, just follow the noise.
  322. [20:44] <GM_utt> You walk to the other side of the ruins there you find a rabbit-mutant.
  323. [20:45] <GM_utt> He looks lightly armored and has a strange gun on his hip.
  324. [20:45] <GM_utt> He carries a bag.
  325. [20:45] <GM_utt> He isn't happy.
  326. [20:46] * Clayton_R Clayton crouches down over the rabbit. "You still alive?"
  327. [20:46] <GM_utt> Martin, you see a Human. He wears a gas mask. He seems to have some weird weapon strapped on his back.
  328. [20:47] <GM_utt> Clearly, he must be some sort of topsider.
  329. [20:48] <Martin_Baron> (Wait, I thought it was just a gas mask?)
  330. [20:48] <Clayton_R> (oh boy)
  331. [20:48] <Martin_Baron> (Then again, 3 int and I just got hit by Thor's wang)
  332. [20:48] <GM_utt> Clearly, he must be some sort of summer-wear topsider!
  333. [20:49] <GM_utt> Okay okay, I'm joking.
  334. [20:49] <GM_utt> But the gas mask is abit... Weird.
  335. [20:50] <Clayton_R> (BTW, I have a couple sketches of Clayton DK did for me if you wanna get a look at him...)
  336. [20:50] <GM_utt> (That's cool)
  337. [20:50] <Martin_Baron> (Oh nice. I would like to see them.)
  338. [20:50] <Martin_Baron> (But I was just about to finish Martin pulling the gun with his vision blurry, so let me type out something else.)
  339. [20:51] <Kazen> (Quick question GM, sheet's basically written up, want it emailed to you, or...?)
  340. [20:51] <Clayton_R> (It's funny too. His first sketch of Clayton was a bit off because he thought my ref sheet said he could lift 410 lbs )
  341. [20:52] <KingCheetah> He can lift 140 Pound Sterling
  342. [20:53] <Clayton_R> (more like 40 lbs actually.)
  343. [20:53] * Martin_Baron 's vision blurs, unsure what the speaker is wearing alongside the small visibility the mask eye-holes have. Still relieved it wasn't a mutant, he groans out what appears to be a yes.
  344. [20:53] <GM_utt> Yeah sure Kazen. Email it to
  345. [20:53] <Martin_Baron> (You can post it here too and I can put it on the pastebin that I'll put on /co/ tomorrow)
  346. [20:54] <GM_utt> Yeah that's a good way too.
  347. [20:54] <GM_utt> That way we can find it in the logs.
  348. [20:54] <Martin_Baron> (Same for you Cheetah, if you want.)
  349. [20:56] <GM_utt> So, Martin, you gonna blast this honkey or what?
  350. [20:56] * Clayton_R chuckles, "You sure? It looks like they forgot to wet the sponge." He joked, he didn't take the rabbit as much of a threat, not with the crisp smell...
  351. [20:56] <GM_utt> Roll perception!
  352. [20:56] <Martin_Baron> (Well, I did just got hit by a bolt of lightning. I don't think I can be quickdraw-mcgee here.)
  353. [20:56] <Martin_Baron> .d 1d100+15
  354. [20:56] <Internets> :: Total 79 / 115 [68%] :: Results [64] ::
  355. [20:56] <GM_utt> He smells delicious
  356. [20:57] <Martin_Baron> (Pfft)
  357. [20:57] <KingCheetah> I'm drawing a silver fox librarian
  358. [20:57] <KingCheetah> I'll pipe wise as I can
  359. [20:57] <GM_utt> Cool!
  360. [20:58] * Martin_Baron still in pain from the lightning bolt, slowly sits up and takes off the sand blasted, rubber mask, trying to get a better look at who's talking.
  361. [20:58] <Martin_Baron> (Sounds baller, man)
  362. [20:59] <GM_utt> Still the guy. Upon clearer inspection his weapon looks to be a flamethrower, you'd guess.
  363. [21:00] <Clayton_R> (Here's DK's sketches. )
  364. [21:00] <Martin_Baron> (Sheeeit)
  365. [21:00] <GM_utt> (That doesn't look threatening at all!)
  366. [21:01] <Martin_Baron> "Get out of here, Stalker."
  367. [21:01] <Martin_Baron> (Kidding)
  368. [21:01] <DJ-Max> (Fallout soon.)
  369. [21:01] <Martin_Baron> (When? NOW)
  370. [21:02] <DJ-Max> [Fallout intensifies]
  371. [21:02] <Clayton_R> "Stalker? That hardly seems appropriate. I was scavenging here first you know..."
  372. [21:02] <Martin_Baron> "I'm pretty sure God himself wants me dead at this point."
  373. [21:03] * Clayton_R just stands back to his full height
  374. [21:03] <GM_utt> At this point you both hear the jingling get louder.
  375. [21:04] <Martin_Baron> ( )
  376. [21:04] <KingCheetah> WOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  377. [21:04] <Kazen> (Pastebin'd )
  378. [21:04] <GM_utt> (Good times. good times.)
  379. [21:05] * Clayton_R glances around, searching for the source of the encroaching jingling. (roll perception?)
  380. [21:07] <Martin_Baron> (Nice story you got for her. And GM?)
  381. [21:08] <Kazen> (There's also art of her by DK and myself on the booru)
  382. [21:08] <GM_utt> Neat!
  383. [21:08] <GM_utt> DK just works and works.
  384. [21:09] <Martin_Baron> (Yeah, I saw that a few weeks back. Was pretty cool.)
  385. [21:11] <Martin_Baron> (I guess just go ahead and roll perception.)
  386. [21:11] <Martin_Baron> .d 1d100+15
  387. [21:11] <Internets> :: Total 98 / 115 [85%] :: Results [83] ::
  388. [21:11] <Clayton_R> .d 1d100+30
  389. [21:11] <Internets> :: Total 92 / 130 [70%] :: Results [62] ::
  390. [21:11] <GM_utt> Okay!
  391. [21:13] <GM_utt> You see a man riding a bicycle pass through a doorway, headed to the main alley in the ruin.
  392. [21:13] <GM_utt> He had an umbrella tied to his back.
  393. [21:13] * Martin_Baron mumbles under his breath, wondering if the bolt is causing hallucinations.
  394. [21:14] * Clayton_R arches an eyebrow. What was he looking at here? Regardless, he readies his flamethrower.
  395. [21:15] <GM_utt> You hear the man shout, "Free readings!" from around the corner.
  396. [21:15] <Martin_Baron> (I'll bite, let's go meet Marry Poppin's)
  397. [21:16] <Martin_Baron> "I'm just making sure since I'm still a bit woozy after that hit, but... you seeing a paperboy?"
  398. [21:16] <GM_utt> You go around the corner. There is the man. Human, haggard, and clearly having been in the sun to long.
  399. [21:17] <GM_utt> "I'm a sootsayer" he shouts.
  400. [21:18] <Clayton_R> "I am.I recommend not interfering. This... isn't normal."
  401. [21:19] * Martin_Baron keeps one hand on the blaster on his hip, disregarding Clayton's warning and shouts back "Soothsayer?"
  402. [21:19] <KingCheetah> WHOOPS
  403. [21:19] <GM_utt> "Sootsayer! Soot-Sayer."
  404. [21:19] <KingCheetah> The Endtown thread just got archived
  405. [21:20] <GM_utt> (Because we're all here!)
  406. [21:20] <GM_utt> "I read soot!"
  407. [21:20] <Martin_Baron> (It'll be back for tomorrow's comic.)
  408. [21:21] * Clayton_R backs a bit behind the rabbit, stopping a comfortable ten feet behind him.
  409. [21:21] <GM_utt> "The dust talks to me... And... Well I can't really talk back to it."
  410. [21:21] <Martin_Baron> "Riiiight... Um... What is it exactly that you're hearing?"
  411. [21:21] <GM_utt> "But it says things!" He dangles his arms in the air wildly.
  412. [21:22] <GM_utt> "I'd like some food and water." He extends his hands.
  413. [21:22] * Martin_Baron is visibly confused over the deranged man, knowing that he's not exactly sound of mind.
  414. [21:23] <GM_utt> "It's called payment in goods."
  415. [21:23] <Martin_Baron> (We got 6 days left in both after that one day trip, right? Just making sure.)
  416. [21:23] <GM_utt> "I'll read the soot, you give me some drinky drink."
  417. [21:23] <GM_utt> (Yep.)
  418. [21:24] <GM_utt> (Incidently, your body absorbed the full voltage saving your rations.)
  419. [21:24] <Clayton_R> "Fine... What does the soot say?" Clayton asked, pulling out a bottle of water from his backpack. Maybe the best way getting rid of him was to just go along... probably better off not agitating loose screws anyway.
  420. [21:24] <Martin_Baron> (I'll share the electricity to give him power.)
  421. [21:24] <GM_utt> "...And some food?"
  422. [21:25] <GM_utt> "I mean, I suppose I could give a half-saying."
  423. [21:26] * Martin_Baron pulls out one of the rations from his backpack, tossing it to the strange man like Clayton. Perhaps he has valuable information.
  424. [21:26] <GM_utt> (No martin! Sanity might destroy his powers!)
  425. [21:26] <GM_utt> Alright. Sit down.
  426. [21:26] == Kazen [~qwebirc@98A4AEB6.E6015E1C.D9710B1E.IP] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  427. [21:26] <GM_utt> My name is jasper.
  428. [21:27] <GM_utt> What are your names?
  429. [21:27] <Clayton_R> "Clayton."
  430. [21:27] <Martin_Baron> "Erm, Martin. Nice to meet you?"
  431. [21:27] <GM_utt> "I'm gonna call you Marclay for efficiency."
  432. [21:28] <GM_utt> "Okay Marclay." He grabs dust off the ground and filters it through his hands.
  433. [21:28] * Clayton_R groans
  434. [21:28] <GM_utt> "There is... A storm rider."
  435. [21:28] <GM_utt> "It smells blood."
  436. [21:29] <Martin_Baron> "And... That would be?" he asks, occasionally looking behind him and around for any potential attackers in nervousness.
  437. [21:30] <GM_utt> "I also see, a pig... It sleeps in the west." He points to the other side of the ruins.
  438. [21:30] <GM_utt> "Aaand, liars. Liars who walk the roads."
  439. [21:31] <GM_utt> "That's it!" He waves his hands.
  440. [21:31] <Clayton_R> "I can't believe I paid for that."
  441. [21:32] <GM_utt> "If you have anything chard or whatever I can read that too."
  442. [21:32] <GM_utt> "Well, it's dust. It's bored alot so it likes to be confusing!"
  443. [21:33] <Martin_Baron> "I dunno, that pig he mentioned might be another survivor... Don't want to leave anyone dead out here."
  444. [21:33] <Clayton_R> "Perhaps... but look your source." Clayton says, standing back up after the madman finished raving.
  445. [21:33] <GM_utt> "Oh yeah, all we got out here is eachother. Well... Ciao!" The man readies his bike.
  446. [21:34] <Clayton_R> "Fair thee well."
  447. [21:35] <Martin_Baron> "Thanks for the info, I guess."
  448. [21:35] <GM_utt> The man rings his bike bell and waves as he peddles off.
  449. [21:35] <GM_utt> Next course of action?
  450. [21:35] <Martin_Baron> "So... Clayton, right?"
  451. [21:36] * Clayton_R sighs, "Yep. Did you actually believe that garbage?"
  452. [21:37] <Martin_Baron> "Not entirely. I think he just politely robbed us. I'm still thinking of finding that pig he mentioned, but I'm not sure..."
  453. [21:38] <GM_utt> (I feel it's time to shift over to the other group.)
  454. [21:39] <Clayton_R> "Are you in any condition to be wandering around?"
  455. [21:39] <Martin_Baron> "Hey, I'm from one of the nearby colonies, it's a full days walk from here. If you want, I can bring you back there after I finish up one last thing up here."
  456. [21:40] * Martin_Baron nods. "I got a big black spot on my back, but I don't think I'll be keeling over any time soon."
  457. [21:40] <Martin_Baron> (Eh, we can just jump over to the other group and just say he agrees to tag along if you want)
  458. [21:41] * Clayton_R shrugged. "I'm not sure about that shelter either. I don't like crowded spaces... but maybe I'll be able to stock up at the very least.... Don't push yourself too hard, eh?"
  459. [21:41] <GM_utt> That's a good spot to stop.
  460. [21:41] <GM_utt> If that's okay.
  461. [21:41] <Clayton_R> (Alright with me)
  462. [21:42] <GM_utt> MEANWHILE!
  463. [21:42] <GM_utt> Gray and DJ! You have just bid adeu to the traders in their taco van!
  464. [21:43] <GM_utt> They pointed you the way to the next colony and you got 60$ worth of candy out of the exchange!
  465. [21:43] <GM_utt> Regardless, your mission remains: Put the thing on the thing.
  466. [21:44] <GM_utt> What is your course of action?
  467. [21:45] * DJ-Max stretches a bit. "Still more walking to do, so lets get to it. We gotta dump this thing and all."
  468. [21:45] <GM_utt> You keep walking (-1food and water)
  469. [21:45] <KingCheetah> Hold up!
  470. [21:46] <BeaverGray> Im back
  471. [21:46] <KingCheetah> Sorry to interrupt, but I have to go
  472. [21:46] <GM_utt> Okay.
  473. [21:46] <DJ-Max> Alright! Sleep well.
  474. [21:46] <GM_utt> Thanks for hanging out!
  475. [21:46] <DJ-Max> Or...whatever it is you'll do after, nice haging you here.
  476. [21:46] <KingCheetah> This was a lot of fun, so I want to do my bit the support the RPG
  477. [21:46] <BeaverGray> THats good to hear mang
  478. [21:46] <KingCheetah> SO THEN
  479. [21:46] <BeaverGray> too bad you wont hear our epic tale
  480. [21:47] <KingCheetah> Everyone present, drop me an e-mail at
  481. [21:47] <KingCheetah> I'll do everyone here a sketch of your characters
  482. [21:47] <Martin_Baron> (Have a good one man)
  483. [21:48] <BeaverGray> wow thanks a lot friend. take care
  484. [21:48] <Martin_Baron> (Oh wow, that's nice of you man. Yeah, I'll e-mail you after the game)
  485. [21:48] <KingCheetah> G'night!
  486. [21:48] == KingCheetah [] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
  487. [21:48] <Martin_Baron> (How nice of him.)
  488. [21:48] <BeaverGray> word
  489. [21:49] <GM_utt> (Very cool!)
  490. [21:49] <Martin_Baron> (Want me to send him Snapper's character sheet so he doesn't get left out?)
  491. [21:49] <GM_utt> (Wish I had a character for him to draw :'( )
  492. [21:49] <Martin_Baron> (It could be Feesh)
  493. [21:50] <Martin_Baron> (A bloody, holed Feesh, but you know.)
  494. [21:50] <DJ-Max> (Feesh is a good idea.)
  495. [21:51] <GM_utt> (I shouldn't have laughed, but I did.)
  496. [21:51] <GM_utt> Back on track.
  497. [21:51] <Martin_Baron> (Ooh, it could be the gang of them. It'd be a bit much, but it'd be cool to see a picture with Bronco, Feesh, Dawg, and one of the rats.)
  498. [21:52] <GM_utt> (I'm glad I made such distinct characters.)
  499. [21:54] <GM_utt> (Maybe I could use that for illustrations for the game.)
  500. [21:56] <BeaverGray> anyway
  501. [21:56] <BeaverGray> onward we go
  502. [21:56] <GM_utt> (You're all typing up character descriptions for him, aren't you?)
  503. [21:56] <GM_utt> RIGHT!
  504. [21:56] <DJ-Max> (...ER.... I WILL EVENTUALLY.)
  505. [21:56] <GM_utt> BG, DJ! You're now 2 days out.
  506. [21:57] <Martin_Baron> (Heh, I will after this. I'll put in a bit more than just a rabbit in a hockey jersey)
  507. [21:57] <GM_utt> Scanning the horizon, like you have been for the last two days you find, a ruin!
  508. [21:57] <BeaverGray> Time for binoculars
  509. [21:57] <GM_utt> (I keep picturing him as a David Young from D4. Not even a rabbit, just that guy.)
  510. [21:58] <GM_utt> Use: Binocs!
  511. [21:58] <BeaverGray> im having MGSV flashbacks
  512. [21:58] <GM_utt> You see that it is a singular brick tower, broken on top and slanted.
  513. [21:58] <DJ-Max> (Make sure you scan for any good people to fulton.)
  514. [21:59] <GM_utt> Zoom in?
  515. [21:59] <Martin_Baron> (Topsiders approaching! Quick! Hide in your desert-camo box!)
  516. [21:59] <GM_utt> (Equip the girly picture thing!)
  517. [22:00] <GM_utt> Anyway, there is the ruin.
  518. [22:00] <BeaverGray> yeah I wanna know what Im looking at
  519. [22:00] <BeaverGray> whats the appropriate roll again?
  520. [22:00] <GM_utt> Zooming in, you see what looks like signs hammered into the tower. Also there appear to be 5 robed individuals.
  521. [22:01] <GM_utt> They appear to be just hanging out in the shade.
  522. [22:02] <BeaverGray> "We got five guys in robes. They don't look like topsiders. Can't really make out what those signs say though. You wanna approach?"
  523. [22:03] <DJ-Max> "Hmmm...Migh' be trouble eitha' way...may wanna hide ou' a lil' bit."
  524. [22:04] <GM_utt> Course of action?
  525. [22:05] * DJ-Max looks to Beaver "Ya' good wit' a Blasta' right? I'm good at dodgin' I migh' as well cross pathes and do the talkin'."
  526. [22:07] <BeaverGray> "Let's do it then, try to be friendly"
  527. [22:07] <GM_utt> You approach the tower.
  528. [22:07] <DJ-Max> "A'ways am."
  529. [22:08] <GM_utt> The tower is decorated with street signs, apparently choosen for their name.
  530. [22:08] <GM_utt> "Trade pt." "Spring ct." "Pacific hwy."
  531. [22:08] <GM_utt> To name Afew.
  532. [22:09] <DJ-Max> (The robed dudes are just in the shade of the tower right?)
  533. [22:09] <GM_utt> There are five people in robes. 3 look to be small anthros and 2 about human sized.
  534. [22:09] * BeaverGray attempts to introduce himself
  535. [22:09] <GM_utt> (Yeah.)
  536. [22:09] <GM_utt> A small robed one approaches.
  537. [22:10] <GM_utt> In a very gravelly voice, "Greeting."
  538. [22:10] * DJ-Max offers a wave of sorts and says "How ya' doin'? Sup'?" he does his best not to say 'Shorty.'
  539. [22:10] <GM_utt> It waves.
  540. [22:10] <GM_utt> "Greeting."
  541. [22:10] <Martin_Baron> (Just don't mention the greater good, and y'all be fine)
  542. [22:10] <GM_utt> "We are mutants."
  543. [22:10] <GM_utt> "Which way to your colony?"
  544. [22:11] <BeaverGray> "Ah hold on there. Why do you want to know?"
  545. [22:11] * DJ-Max looks to Grey and says "Uhh... Long story on that one. Can't really say." he notes, not wanting to give that away.
  546. [22:11] <GM_utt> "But"
  547. [22:11] <GM_utt> "We are mutants"
  548. [22:12] <GM_utt> The figure takes off it's hood. It's a feline mutant.
  549. [22:12] * BeaverGray looks to DJ
  550. [22:12] <GM_utt> She has abit of a glassy expression.
  551. [22:12] * BeaverGray hopes DJ can read his "wtf" face
  552. [22:13] <BeaverGray> "Uh yeah, I can see that. Im afraid I cant mention where we're from. Safer that way."
  553. [22:14] <GM_utt> "OH." She pauses awhile.
  554. [22:14] <GM_utt> "Can you direct us to a colony?"
  555. [22:15] <DJ-Max> 1d100
  556. [22:15] <DJ-Max> oop.
  557. [22:15] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100
  558. [22:15] <Internets> :: Total 48 / 100 [48%] :: Results [48] ::
  559. [22:15] <GM_utt> Something is not right with her face.
  560. [22:15] <GM_utt> It's very dry and expressionless.
  561. [22:16] == moglog [] has joined #EndtownRPG
  562. [22:16] * DJ-Max blinks a bit. Hmm... "Jus' bein' careful is all. If nothin' else...we can...ask wheneva' we go back there an' if'n you'll be by here a while we can jus' come back an' bring ya' in all good like, ya'feel?"
  563. [22:16] <BeaverGray> hmm
  564. [22:16] <GM_utt> She pauses.
  565. [22:16] <GM_utt> "Can you direct us to a colony?"
  566. [22:16] <BeaverGray> What are the other folks doing?
  567. [22:16] * DJ-Max makes a sort of swaying shrug as he does this. His tail gently taps against Beaver's leg and he looks over with a smile that says 'Dude. No.'
  568. [22:17] <moglog> so. Shit came up. sorry, I didn't even get a chance to warn you guys. sorry about that.
  569. [22:17] <GM_utt> "Timeout expired. Invalid response."
  570. [22:17] <GM_utt> (No worries mog)
  571. [22:17] <DJ-Max> "Erk."
  572. [22:17] <BeaverGray> Wait, does she really say that
  573. [22:18] <GM_utt> She whips out her hand, she has a small crossbow on her wrist.
  574. [22:18] <GM_utt> ROLL INITIATIVE!
  575. [22:18] <BeaverGray> we fallout now
  576. [22:18] <DJ-Max> Truly.
  577. [22:18] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100+30
  578. [22:18] <Internets> :: Total 87 / 130 [66%] :: Results [57] ::
  579. [22:18] <Martin_Baron> (Cheeki Breeki I V Damki)
  580. [22:18] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100+20
  581. [22:18] <Internets> :: Total 84 / 120 [70%] :: Results [64] ::
  582. [22:19] <GM_utt> .d 1d100+35
  583. [22:19] <Internets> :: Total 74 / 135 [54%] :: Results [39] ::
  584. [22:19] <Martin_Baron> (It's fine. I'll pass you the link to the paste after this if you want mog)
  585. [22:19] <GM_utt> (Oh yeah. Mog, King Cheetah wants to doodle up your characters.)
  586. [22:20] <GM_utt> (It was awesome.)
  587. [22:20] <moglog> (thanks baron)
  588. [22:20] <Martin_Baron> (Yeah, I was offering to give him your character alongside mine if you didn't make it)
  589. [22:20] <Martin_Baron> (Descriptions of)
  590. [22:20] <DJ-Max> (DJ's kinda simple all things told. He's just a cross between DJ and a Rat)
  591. [22:21] <DJ-Max> (Er. Deejay*)
  592. [22:21] <GM_utt> (What a session, eh?)
  593. [22:21] <moglog> (That sounds great. I'd love to see a doodle of Snaps.)
  594. [22:21] <BeaverGray> So who is fighting with us? Just the drone cat?
  595. [22:21] <GM_utt> Gray, your turn.
  596. [22:21] <GM_utt> The weird cat has just gone cra cra.
  597. [22:22] <BeaverGray> I go for the tail slap, trying to break the device on her wrist
  598. [22:22] <GM_utt> Okay. -30 to hit.
  599. [22:23] <GM_utt> I guess that is a disarming strike.
  600. [22:23] <BeaverGray> wait, i forgot the normal modifiers to hit
  601. [22:23] <GM_utt> Your speed*5
  602. [22:24] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100
  603. [22:24] <Internets> :: Total 72 / 100 [72%] :: Results [72] ::
  604. [22:24] <BeaverGray> my speed cancels out the penalty
  605. [22:24] <BeaverGray> woo
  606. [22:24] <GM_utt> Hit
  607. [22:24] <GM_utt> Roll damage
  608. [22:24] <BeaverGray> .d 2d10+14
  609. [22:24] <Internets> :: Total 23 / 34 [67%] :: Results [2, 7] ::
  610. [22:25] <GM_utt> The device is trashed.
  611. [22:25] <GM_utt> You have one action.
  612. [22:26] <BeaverGray> Ill pass
  613. [22:26] <BeaverGray> save myself to defend
  614. [22:26] <GM_utt> DJ!
  615. [22:26] <GM_utt> Look 4D!
  616. [22:26] <BeaverGray> ?
  617. [22:27] <GM_utt> Very obscure joke, I'm sorry.
  618. [22:27] * DJ-Max will attempt to attempt to kick this cat girl in the head! If she really is a cat...which he doubts.
  619. [22:27] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100
  620. [22:27] <Internets> :: Total 53 / 100 [53%] :: Results [53] ::
  621. [22:27] <GM_utt> Shoot!
  622. [22:28] <GM_utt> +speed?
  623. [22:28] <DJ-Max> Plus speed which is 35.
  624. [22:28] <DJ-Max> SO 88.
  625. [22:28] <GM_utt> So hit
  626. [22:28] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100
  627. [22:28] <Internets> :: Total 5 / 100 [5%] :: Results [5] ::
  628. [22:28] <DJ-Max> Wait. no
  629. [22:28] <DJ-Max> 1d10
  630. [22:28] <BeaverGray> 100 damage
  631. [22:28] <BeaverGray> you kick her head off
  632. [22:28] <GM_utt> (1d10+8
  633. [22:28] <DJ-Max> .d 1d10+8
  634. [22:28] <Internets> :: Total 11 / 18 [61%] :: Results [3] ::
  635. [22:29] <GM_utt> +str
  636. [22:29] <DJ-Max> I literally just looked down at the sheet. And the str is 20
  637. [22:29] <GM_utt> Maybe he has a golden leg.
  638. [22:29] <GM_utt> That's probably your bonus.
  639. [22:29] <DJ-Max> (Wanananna)
  640. [22:30] <BeaverGray> oh whoop, I didnt do my damage right. Ill remember next time
  641. [22:31] <GM_utt> What his your stats, dj?
  642. [22:31] <DJ-Max> For str? 20, for speed? 35, for Mind? 20.
  643. [22:31] * DJ-Max can link his whole sheet if that's needed.
  644. [22:32] <GM_utt> I'm just trying to figure your strength here.
  645. [22:32] <DJ-Max> AH.
  646. [22:32] <GM_utt> I think it's 4-7-2
  647. [22:33] <GM_utt> Sorry 4-7-4
  648. [22:33] <GM_utt> So your damage would be +8
  649. [22:33] <DJ-Max> RIGHT.
  650. [22:33] <GM_utt> So it's
  651. [22:33] <GM_utt> 8+1d10+8
  652. [22:34] <GM_utt> or...
  653. [22:34] <GM_utt> .d 1d10+16
  654. [22:34] <Internets> :: Total 24 / 26 [92%] :: Results [8] ::
  655. [22:34] <GM_utt> That's abit better than 11.
  656. [22:35] <DJ-Max> It is indeed.
  657. [22:35] <GM_utt> (When I make a character sheet its going to have a move index with damage summaries)
  658. [22:36] <GM_utt> (Kind of hard to track without it being in front of you, huh?
  659. [22:36] <GM_utt> So, your next action.
  660. [22:36] <GM_utt> Incidently, you have kicked her face sideways
  661. [22:36] <DJ-Max> He'll switch his feet a bit and do a kick to her body.
  662. [22:37] <GM_utt> Hop and a skip
  663. [22:37] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100+35
  664. [22:37] <Internets> :: Total 78 / 135 [57%] :: Results [43] ::
  665. [22:37] <GM_utt> hit
  666. [22:37] <DJ-Max> .d 1d10+16
  667. [22:37] <Internets> :: Total 24 / 26 [92%] :: Results [8] ::
  668. [22:37] <DJ-Max> ...Same roll.
  669. [22:38] * DJ-Max will after that end his turn. "' lookin' gir' yo."
  670. [22:38] <GM_utt> You biff her in the torso!
  671. [22:39] <GM_utt> 'Their' turn.
  672. [22:39] <GM_utt> One of the robed individuals firs at Gray!
  673. [22:39] <BeaverGray> no pls
  674. [22:40] <GM_utt> .d 1d100
  675. [22:40] <Internets> :: Total 73 / 100 [73%] :: Results [73] ::
  676. [22:40] <GM_utt> hit
  677. [22:40] <GM_utt> .d 20+2d10
  678. [22:40] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  679. [22:40] <GM_utt> .d 2d10+20
  680. [22:40] <Internets> :: Total 39 / 40 [97%] :: Results [9, 10] ::
  681. [22:40] <BeaverGray> cant I make a tumble
  682. [22:40] <GM_utt> You mean dodge?
  683. [22:40] <BeaverGray> ye
  684. [22:41] <GM_utt> Not this time.
  685. [22:41] <GM_utt> The bolts are too fast to react to.
  686. [22:41] <GM_utt> 39 and you have a bolt in your armor.
  687. [22:41] * BeaverGray is pretty badly wounded
  688. [22:42] <GM_utt> ...Did you remember to add 10 hp from a day's rest?
  689. [22:42] <GM_utt> I didn't even think you were wounded
  690. [22:42] <BeaverGray> oh no, Im wounded now
  691. [22:42] <BeaverGray> is what im saying
  692. [22:42] <GM_utt> Ah okay.
  693. [22:42] <GM_utt> Oh right, yeah that's nasty.
  694. [22:43] <GM_utt> Anyway, another shortie shoots shot at DJ.
  695. [22:43] <GM_utt> .d 1d100
  696. [22:43] <Internets> :: Total 81 / 100 [81%] :: Results [81] ::
  697. [22:43] <GM_utt> .d 2d10+20
  698. [22:43] <Internets> :: Total 31 / 40 [77%] :: Results [6, 5] ::
  699. [22:43] <GM_utt> You take 31
  700. [22:44] <DJ-Max> "Oof"
  701. [22:44] <BeaverGray> Whats being shot at us? cross bolts/
  702. [22:44] <BeaverGray> ?
  703. [22:44] <GM_utt> Cross bow bolts, yes.
  704. [22:45] <GM_utt> The two men spend their turns running to your location, about halfway there.
  705. [22:45] <GM_utt> It's now Gray's turn!
  706. [22:45] <DJ-Max> "...Those two guys...They don't seem like these ones..."
  707. [22:46] <BeaverGray> whats the geography? Just the tower?
  708. [22:46] <GM_utt> There is some rubble on the other side, it looks.
  709. [22:46] <GM_utt> About a foot high stone wall in poor condition
  710. [22:47] <BeaverGray> does the tower have any entrances?
  711. [22:47] <GM_utt> None visible.
  712. [22:47] <GM_utt> It could very well be a smoke stack to a factory.
  713. [22:47] <GM_utt> You have no idea.
  714. [22:48] <BeaverGray> fug
  715. [22:48] <BeaverGray> Im gunna try and run behind the thing, to get some cover. I yell out to DJ and advise the same
  716. [22:48] <GM_utt> Okay.
  717. [22:49] <GM_utt> (And since I didn't state and distances this time)
  718. [22:49] <GM_utt> After a sprint you're hugging the tower wall for cover.
  719. [22:49] <GM_utt> DJ's turn!
  720. [22:50] * DJ-Max nods to Beaver, but he has something to do first. He grabs for the CAT and attempts to throw them at the one who crossbowed him before!
  721. [22:50] <GM_utt> Make a melee action to wrestle
  722. [22:51] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100+35
  723. [22:51] <Internets> :: Total 60 / 135 [44%] :: Results [25] ::
  724. [22:51] <GM_utt> (Finally someone wrestles
  725. [22:51] <GM_utt> .d 1d100+25
  726. [22:51] <Internets> :: Total 73 / 125 [58%] :: Results [48] ::
  727. [22:51] <GM_utt> She has resisted.
  728. [22:51] * DJ-Max got teched! Well then. Does getting behind the tower take 1 action or 2?
  729. [22:52] <DJ-Max> If one, I'll punch her in the face before running to where Beaver is.
  730. [22:52] <GM_utt> What's your speed?
  731. [22:52] <DJ-Max> 35
  732. [22:52] <BeaverGray> hah
  733. [22:53] <GM_utt> 7, so you can move 21ft per action.
  734. [22:53] * DJ-Max is fast.
  735. [22:53] <GM_utt> So I guess one.
  736. [22:53] <DJ-Max> Cool. Well I'll punch her and leave for the tower.
  737. [22:53] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100+35
  738. [22:53] <Internets> :: Total 46 / 135 [34%] :: Results [11] ::
  739. [22:54] <GM_utt> hit
  740. [22:54] <GM_utt> She won't pary.
  741. [22:54] <DJ-Max> .d 1d10+13
  742. [22:54] <Internets> :: Total 21 / 23 [91%] :: Results [8] ::
  743. [22:54] <GM_utt> That's actually a hard punch
  744. [22:55] <GM_utt> She has a pretty solid chest.
  745. [22:55] <BeaverGray> >solid chest
  746. [22:55] <GM_utt> You scamper to cover.
  747. [22:55] <BeaverGray> Yeah I bet
  748. [22:55] <GM_utt> (I only realized that after typing.)
  749. [22:55] * DJ-Max shakes out his hand once he gets there.
  750. [22:55] <GM_utt> (I am Sorry)
  751. [22:56] <DJ-Max> "Tha' racks killer on the hands."
  752. [22:56] <GM_utt> Their turn.
  753. [22:56] <GM_utt> C, L, D, are reloading.
  754. [22:56] <GM_utt> The men pull out machetes and continue to move.
  755. [22:57] <GM_utt> Your running has kept them from getting in melee range this turn.
  756. [22:57] <BeaverGray> "What do you think they want?"
  757. [22:57] <GM_utt> Gray's turn!
  758. [22:57] <GM_utt> (To know where your colony is, obviously!)
  759. [22:58] <DJ-Max> "They wan' the hood man. We can't go reppin' o'...." he trails off realizing Gray probably has no idea what he's saying,
  760. [22:58] <DJ-Max> "They wan' Endtown, we gotta bounce outta' here."
  761. [22:59] * BeaverGray hesitates for a moment
  762. [22:59] <BeaverGray> I wanna blast a hole in the tower
  763. [23:00] <GM_utt> Completely doable.
  764. [23:00] <GM_utt> Let me test something.
  765. [23:01] <GM_utt> .d 2d10*20
  766. [23:01] <Internets> Error: invalid format
  767. [23:01] <BeaverGray> "DJ, get away from the wall."
  768. [23:01] <GM_utt> (Blaster damage: 150+2d10*2)
  769. [23:02] <GM_utt> (Blaster damage: 150+2d10*10 sorry.)
  770. [23:02] <GM_utt> So in this case it would be 20d10+150
  771. [23:02] <BeaverGray> .d 20d10+150
  772. [23:02] <Internets> :: Total 260 / 350 [74%] :: Results [7, 4, 2, 3, 7, 4, 10, 8, 9, 10, 6, 3, 5, 3, 1, 2, 3, 9, 4, 10] ::
  773. [23:02] <BeaverGray> zow
  774. [23:03] * DJ-Max gets behind Gray.
  775. [23:03] <GM_utt> Zow indeed!
  776. [23:03] <DJ-Max> "Jeez."
  777. [23:03] <GM_utt> Enough to blow up a motor cycle or half a car.
  778. [23:04] <GM_utt> There is a Short size hole blown through a foot of concrete.
  779. [23:04] <GM_utt> Inside, darkness.
  780. [23:04] <BeaverGray> Ill scamper inside
  781. [23:04] <BeaverGray> unless its like, full of acid or something
  782. [23:05] <GM_utt> Just run in or look first?
  783. [23:05] <BeaverGray> whats illuminated by the sun?
  784. [23:06] <GM_utt> There appears to be a ledge 15feet below the hole.
  785. [23:06] <GM_utt> (2d10 damage if you just flop in there.)
  786. [23:06] <BeaverGray> welp, Ill slowly lower myself down
  787. [23:07] <GM_utt> Could roll tumbling but sure, that works.
  788. [23:07] <GM_utt> DJ!
  789. [23:08] * DJ-Max will follow Gray's lead!
  790. [23:09] <GM_utt> No dynamic jumping?
  791. [23:09] * DJ-Max instead though will just jump to the lower platform.
  792. [23:09] * DJ-Max is an acrobat after all.
  793. [23:09] <BeaverGray> DJ is like, roleplaying me irl
  794. [23:09] <GM_utt> You land on Gray.
  795. [23:09] <DJ-Max> "HNNNG"
  796. [23:09] <GM_utt> haha, no.
  797. [23:09] <BeaverGray> oof
  798. [23:09] <GM_utt> You land find.
  799. [23:10] <BeaverGray> wot
  800. [23:10] <GM_utt> *Fine
  801. [23:10] <GM_utt> Not ten seconds later an arm jets out the hole flailing wildly with a blade.
  802. [23:11] <GM_utt> It's actually extending enough to reach you!
  803. [23:11] <GM_utt> Roll to dodge or whatever!
  804. [23:11] <BeaverGray> 15 feet?
  805. [23:11] <BeaverGray> im gunna call shenanigans
  806. [23:11] <DJ-Max> Him or me?
  807. [23:11] <GM_utt> 15 feet as abraham sits!
  808. [23:11] <Martin_Baron> (He's an octopus mutant)
  809. [23:11] <GM_utt> Both of you, it's flailing.
  810. [23:11] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100+35
  811. [23:11] <Internets> :: Total 53 / 135 [39%] :: Results [18] ::
  812. [23:12] * DJ-Max makes the attempt
  813. [23:12] <GM_utt> .d 1d100-30
  814. [23:12] <Internets> :: Total -23 / 70 [-33%] :: Results [7] ::
  815. [23:12] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100+30
  816. [23:12] <Internets> :: Total 111 / 130 [85%] :: Results [81] ::
  817. [23:12] <GM_utt> Yeah, waiving around in the dark isn't the best for accuracy, apparently.
  818. [23:12] <GM_utt> Roll percept, this is actually important.
  819. [23:12] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100+20
  820. [23:12] <Internets> :: Total 27 / 120 [22%] :: Results [7] ::
  821. [23:13] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100+30
  822. [23:13] <Internets> :: Total 49 / 130 [37%] :: Results [19] ::
  823. [23:13] <BeaverGray> wow
  824. [23:13] <GM_utt> Target is 50
  825. [23:13] <DJ-Max> So close.
  826. [23:13] <GM_utt> Let's roll again since I didn't say the target until after
  827. [23:13] <DJ-Max> Kay.
  828. [23:14] <DJ-Max> .d 1d100+20
  829. [23:14] <Internets> :: Total 110 / 120 [91%] :: Results [90] ::
  830. [23:14] <DJ-Max> WELL>
  831. [23:14] <BeaverGray> .d 1d100+30
  832. [23:14] <Internets> :: Total 106 / 130 [81%] :: Results [76] ::
  833. [23:14] <BeaverGray> eat it
  834. [23:14] <GM_utt> Read a license plate on mars...
  835. [23:14] <GM_utt> Alright.
  836. [23:14] <GM_utt> The man's sleeve has been torn as is his arm.
  837. [23:15] <GM_utt> His hand is holding a machete but its a false hand, rubber.
  838. [23:15] <GM_utt> It's connected to a long metal tendril.
  839. [23:15] <GM_utt> And that goes into the man's sleeve.
  840. [23:15] <GM_utt> He's a mutt, a mutt in a mansuit.
  841. [23:16] <BeaverGray> scared.jpg
  842. [23:16] <GM_utt> (I wouldn't reveal that much if you didn't get +100
  843. [23:16] * BeaverGray holds onto to DJ like this
  844. [23:16] <GM_utt> After abit of limp, blind flailing the machine slinks back out of the hole. with a metalic screech of frustration.
  845. [23:17] <BeaverGray>
  846. [23:18] <GM_utt> Alright, I think that's a time to stop.
  847. [23:18] <GM_utt> Let's do XP!
  848. [23:18] <BeaverGray> wait
  849. [23:18] <Martin_Baron> And then they swooce right in
  850. [23:18] <GM_utt> Sure.
  851. [23:18] <BeaverGray> did we get XP for taco stand?
  852. [23:18] <BeaverGray> fug
  853. [23:18] <GM_utt> Yes.
  854. [23:19] <BeaverGray> I have not recorded
  855. [23:19] <BeaverGray> for taco night
  856. [23:19] <GM_utt> You got +10
  857. [23:19] <BeaverGray> thanks
  858. [23:19] <GM_utt> Didn't walk away with much.
  859. [23:19] <Martin_Baron> Here's the paste so you can find the xp
  860. [23:19] <BeaverGray> gotcha
  861. [23:19] <Martin_Baron>
  862. [23:19] <GM_utt> But you did walk away with more.
  863. [23:20] <BeaverGray> and for this sesh?
  864. [23:20] <GM_utt> Let's break it down.
  865. [23:21] <GM_utt> Storm: major thread using a skill: +10
  866. [23:21] <GM_utt> And that's Clay and Martin.
  867. [23:22] <GM_utt> Talking to the weird guy.
  868. [23:22] <GM_utt> no xp! haha!
  869. [23:22] <Martin_Baron> :(
  870. [23:22] <GM_utt> But some goo hints.
  871. [23:22] <GM_utt> Nah, +5 for actually being generous and paying attention.
  872. [23:23] <Martin_Baron> Cool. I'm guessing the blood-smelling thing is one of those stomper-mutants?
  873. [23:23] <GM_utt> Yep.
  874. [23:23] <GM_utt> He was in the storm.
  875. [23:24] <GM_utt> Jasper does not give -timely- information.
  876. [23:24] <Martin_Baron> I like hobo mary poppins. What a nice guy.
  877. [23:24] <BeaverGray> Marx?
  878. [23:24] <GM_utt> I'd make you roll a mind roll if it was marx.
  879. [23:26] <GM_utt> Anyway.
  880. [23:26] <GM_utt> Gray and Dj
  881. [23:26] <GM_utt> Encountering the Mimutts.
  882. [23:26] <GM_utt> I guess that counts.
  883. [23:26] <GM_utt> +10 xp for a major threat.
  884. [23:27] <GM_utt> +5 for the idea to escape.
  885. [23:27] <GM_utt> I really didn't expect you guys to escape that way.
  886. [23:27] <DJ-Max> Haha. Really?
  887. [23:27] <BeaverGray> Dat engineering
  888. [23:28] <GM_utt> Well I thought you'd figure they were mutts and shoot them.
  889. [23:28] <GM_utt> There you go.
  890. [23:29] <DJ-Max> I must now sleep. Goo night you all.
  891. [23:29] <BeaverGray> seeya DJ
  892. [23:29] <GM_utt> Hold on a sec
  893. [23:29] <GM_utt> If you would.
  894. [23:29] <DJ-Max> Peac-holding.
  895. [23:29] <GM_utt> Who gets the MVP award?
  896. [23:29] <moglog> can I get the paste for this session?
  897. [23:30] <BeaverGray> Clay cus hes a new guy
  898. [23:30] <GM_utt> Yeah sure.
  899. [23:30] <Martin_Baron> Yeah, I'll paste it. And I vote Clay too.
  900. [23:30] <GM_utt> Clay +10
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