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a guest
Jul 18th, 2017
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  1. <?php
  2. $wikilang_welkome = 'Welcome';
  3. $wikilang_unread_messages = 'unread messages';
  4. $wikilang_upload_new = 'Upload a new subtitle';
  5. $wikilang_forum = 'Forum';
  6. $wikilang_faq = 'wiki/FAQ';
  7. $wikilang_logout = 'Log out';
  8. $wikilang_new_account = 'Create a new account';
  9. $wikilang_login = 'Log in';
  10. $wikilang_downloaded_subtitles = 'downloaded subtitles';
  11. $wikilang_users = 'users';
  12. $wikilang_completed_files = 'completed files';
  13. $wikilang_explore_by_show = 'Browse by shows';
  15. $wikilang_top_uploaders = 'Top uploaders';
  16. $wikilang_most_downloaded = 'Top downloads';
  17. $wikilang_activity_log = 'Activity log';
  18. $wikilang_my_downloads = 'My downloads ';
  19. $wikilang_delete_show = 'Delete shows';
  20. $wikilang_connected_users = 'Connected users';
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  24. $wikilang_quick_search = 'Quick search';
  25. $wikilang_select_a_show = '[Select a TV Show]';
  26. $wikilang_site_news = 'Site news';
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  28. $wikilang_last_uplodaded_movies = 'Latest uploaded movies';
  29. $wikilang_last_translated = 'Latest translations completed on wikisubtitles';
  30. $wikilang_last_fversion = 'Latest new versions';
  31. $wikilang_last_finishing = 'Finishing translations';
  32. $wikilang_last_started = 'Latest started translations';
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  49. $wikilang_join_translation = "Join translation";
  50. $wikilang_view_edit = "view & edit";
  51. $wikilang_translated_by = 'Translated on wikisubtitles by';
  52. $wikilang_upload_new_version = 'Upload a new version';
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  68. $wikilang_listing ='Viewing';
  69. $wikilang_register_alert = 'Log in or create an account to edit';
  70. $wikilang_summary = "summary";
  71. $wikilang_return_to = "Return to";
  72. $wikilang_view_most_updated = "View only the <b>most updated version</b>";
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  74. $wikilang_none = '[None]';
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  95. $wikilang_translation = "Translation";
  96. $wikilang_untraslated = 'Untranslated';
  97. $wikilang_translated = 'Translated';
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  99. $wikilang_releaseAll = 'Release all';
  100. $wikilang_users_translatings = 'Tokened sequences';
  101. $wikilang_save = 'Save';
  102. $wikilang_cancel = 'Cancel';
  103. $wikilang_currently_translating = 'is currently translating this sequence.';
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  121. $wikilang_ep_not_exists = 'Episode does not exist';
  122. $wikilang_ep_already_exists = 'already exists. Please, return to the file summary and select "Upload a new version"';
  123. $wikilang_not_enough_chars = 'Not enough characters';
  124. $wikilang_user_available = 'User is available';
  125. $wikilang_user_taken = 'User is taken';
  126. $wikilang_select_season = '[Select a season]';
  127. $wikilang_select_episode = '[Select an episode]';
  128. $wikilang_rollback_delete = 'Rollback and delete';
  129. $wikilang_dont_delete_original = 'Don\'t delete original lines';
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  132. $wikilang_total_lines_version0 = 'Total lines as version 0';
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  142. $wikilang_new_show_name = 'New show\\\'s name (in original version)';
  143. $wikilang_must_epnumber = 'Please, write an episode number';
  144. $wikilang_must_language = 'Please, select a language';
  145. $wikilang_must_movie = 'Please, enter the movie title';
  146. $wikilang_must_season = 'Please, enter a season';
  147. $wikilang_must_show = 'You must select a show';
  148. $wikilang_must_year = 'You must write the film\'s year';
  149. $wikilang_show = 'Show';
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  151. $wikilang_is_episode = 'It\'s and episode';
  152. $wikilang_is_movie = 'It\'s a movie';
  153. $wikilang_add_new_show = 'Add a new show';
  154. $wikilang_update = 'Update';
  155. $wikilang_join = 'Join';
  156. $wikilang_need_compound_by = 'New file need to be compound by';
  157. $wikilang_only_times = 'only times will be used';
  158. $wikilang_srt_file = 'SRT file';
  159. $wikilang_upload = 'upload';
  160. $wikilang_error = 'Error';
  161. $wikilang_error_filetoolong = 'File is too long';
  162. $wikilang_error_less5 = 'Less than 5 sequences found, maybe the file has a wrong format';
  163. $wikilang_error_notuploaded = 'Don\'t uploaded propertly';
  164. $wikilang_error_sequences = "Amount of sequences doesn't match between the two files. Please, use 'Upload a new version' instead.";
  165. $wikilang_error_unknow = "Unknow error";
  166. $wikilang_error_uploading = "Error uploading the file";
  167. $wikilang_problem = 'Problem';
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  173. $wikilang_user_notexists = 'User doesn\'t exist';
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  182. $wikilang_msg_reply = 'Reply';
  183. $wikilang_msg_forward = 'Forward';
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  186. $wikilang_website = 'Web site';
  187. $wikilang_hide_status = 'Hide my online status';
  188. $wikilang_hide = 'Hidden';
  189. $wikilang_myaccount_info = 'Here you can change your personal information and password';
  190. $wikilang_view_profile = 'View my profile';
  191. $wikilang_passwords_match = 'Passwords match';
  192. $wikilang_passwords_dontmatch = 'Password don\'t match';
  193. $wikilang_user_desc = '20 characteres m&aacute;x, 4 min. No spaces or special characters';
  194. $wikilang_website_desc = 'You web site';
  195. $wikilang_password_desc = 'MD5 Hash is stored on the server';
  196. $wikilang_email_desc = 'Only used on password recovery';
  197. $wikilang_error_shortuser = 'Username is too short';
  198. $wikilang_select_a_language = '[Select a language]';
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  202. $wikilang_error_pass_4char = 'Password has less than 4 characters';
  203. $wikilang_error = 'Error';
  204. $wikilang_password_reset_action = 'Send an e-mail with a new password';
  205. $wikilang_password_reset = 'Reset password';
  206. $wikilang_password_reseted = 'Password reseted';
  207. $wikilang_email_sent_to = 'An e-amil has sent to ';
  208. $wikilang_password_reseted_info = 'Please, log in the sent parameters and then you can change the password';
  209. $wikilang_email_notfound = ' not found';
  210. $wikilang_index = 'Index';
  211. $wikilang_results_found = 'results found';
  212. $wikilang_are_looking = 'Are you looking for ';
  213. $wikilang_account_creation = 'Account creation';
  214. $wikilang_files_create = 'Files created';
  215. $wikilang_files_edited = 'Files edited';
  216. $wikilang_translate = 'Translate';
  217. $wikilang_language_to = 'Language to:';
  218. $wikilang_files = 'files';
  222. ?>
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