

Nov 30th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Brad had set up shop in the cafe because he was sick of working from his room today. He'd occupied an entire booth to himself with papers strewn about everywhere, his laptop open and his notebook on the seat beside him. He was frantically rustling through a mess of papers in a desperate attempt to find the specific one he was looking for, frustrated with his lack of organization and how everything was taking double the amount of time he felt it should be.-
  2. Covet: Kelsey walked in having finished her last midterm of the week. She was breathing a sigh of relief at this point and kind of wanted to celebrate to some extent or another. Not finding Brad at the dorms, nor the studio she came to the next logical place for him to be. Where there was food. Seeing him looked rather tense she walked up to the counter to order two slices of the sugar free hotchocolate cream pie with marshmallows and peppermint bark on it. After paying and then recieving them she brought them over to the table and sat them down. "You look like you need help. Take a break and eat some of this and I'll help try to make some sense of all this. What are you looking for?"
  3. Alexithymiaa: -He looked over at her when she sat down with the slices of pie, breathing a little sigh of relief. "The day three call sheets. I found one. And two. And four. Where the hell is day three?" He asked frantically as he pushed papers around the table.-
  4. Covet: "I will hunt it down, get some pie in you, it will make you feel better I promise." She said to him with a soft smile, and started to look through this things, organizing what she knew could go together. She wasn't really all that familiar with this side of stuff.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Wait wait wait!" He said, reaching over to take one of the papers she'd collected and gently sliding it from her hands as to not mess up anything else she was holding. He rubbed his sleeve over the wet ring in the middle of it where his cup had been sitting before looking it over. "Okay, you can put this one with that stuff in your hand."-
  6. Covet: She watched him and sighed deeply. "So... can I ask you a question..." She asked him looking at him as she took the paper from his hand and continued to look through the papers making neat stacks.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Hmmm?" He asked, scooping some pie into his mouth before returning to shuffling through his papers. He pulled another from the mess, passing it over to her to file with what she was holding.-
  8. Covet: Kelsey set another paper down, then put her hands on his. "Stop. I've got it. I appreciate your help, but I will hand page three to you as soon as I find it. " She grabbed the plate of pie and the fork and held it out to him. "Why are you trying to do all of this yourself? Why haven't you hired a new assistant?"
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Because that whole process takes forever. I don't have the time right now to weed through resumes and hold interviews. Maybe after I finish Anna and Liz's videos, I'll have a decent chunk of time to sit down and do that again." He took another bite of pie, fully enjoying it this time.-
  10. Covet: "It didn't take that long to find Evan. You only went through one other person before finding him." Kelsey said pleased that he was focusing on the pie. She went back to working through everything he had. "Wouldn't that be better than all of this stress. Especially working on two back to back videos. Think of all the work that's going to pile on between then and now." '
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Yes it did. I read like thirty resumes and interviewed like ten different people. Hired the wrong one for a week or whatever and THEN found Evan. And even that didn't work out. I don't have time to start that all over again." More pie in the mouth. "It doesn't matter how much I need help, I just dont have time to do it right now."-
  12. Covet: "Then re-hire Evan." Kelsey told him. "It would save you time, and stress. Stop punishing him for my mistake." She said flatly, then handed him over the page he was looking for, "That it?"
  13. Alexithymiaa: "He lied to me. And he stole from me. He's not a trustworthy employee." He said flatly before focusing his eyes on the sheet she was holding. "Yes! Thank you." He slipped it from her fingers, starting to look it over. "Wait a minute... they told me day three was supposed to be scheduled with the body painter, not all the extras. What the hell is going on?"-
  14. Covet: "He lied to you by ommision, and stole from you because I told him to. I took advantage of him, because it was convenient and I know you would have given me shit over it. He was loyal to you and you know he made all of this chaos, much easier, and you had plenty of time to focus on the things about your career that you love. The only reason why he messed up was because he assumed I was loyal to you and didn't want to bother you with all this. None of this is fair to him."
  15. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : -He settled the paper down on top of his computer with a frustrated sigh, staring across the table at her. "None of that matters. The kind of trust I need to have in someone that Im literally letting handle my life is astronomical and I don't trust him anymore. How can I expect him to work for me and do a good job, if I can't trust him with any of the things I really need help with?"-
  16. Covet: "The only thing he messed up with was helping me. He was still able to do that and make sure you had EVERYTHING you needed to make your life easier. Wasn't he?" She argued with him. "I will limit my interaction with him to polite greetings and nothing more. Pay him a little less, for a probationary period and if you're not happy you can let him go when you're done with these videos, OR, if you are happy with him you can bump his pay back up."
  17. Alexithymiaa: -He moved his hand to rub at his face, a little too scattered to think clearly about this topic right now. "If I tell you I'll consider it, will you stop justifying his behavior?"-
  18. Covet: "I'm not justifying his behavior. I'm taking responsibility for it. He never would have done any of that if I didn't coherce him into it. He's a victim here, not the murderer. He's been punished enough for it. I'm the one who really broke your trust, and you're still willing to keep me around. He does even more for you than I do, to help you with your job. I doubt he would ever risk anything like this again."
  19. Alexithymiaa: "It's different. You're different. I love you. He's just an employee. And you were chemically addicted. He just made bad decisions. You know it's not the same at all." He leaned back in his seat, dropping his hands on top of the computer and opening a few files. "I don't want to keep beating a dead horse. I told you I'd consider it."-
  20. Covet: "He is a valuable asset, and the only thing he ever did wrong, wasn't his fault." Kelsey said. "You say chemically addicted like I didn't make a bad decision to take it to begin with. My bad decision was way worse than his. You're kind of forgiving me.. I think? I hope.. eventually? You're the one who said the other day that everyone deserves a second chance. You can't preach that, then not practice it, Hypocrite."
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Did I not literally JUST say I would consider it?" He asked, getting a little frustrated that she was still on this and badgering him.-
  22. Covet: "You said you'll tell me that if I stop justifying his behavior. Which I wasn't doing. I don't want to hear that you'll consider it, I want to see it actually happen so that we can at least try to enjoy these next few weeks together without you having to stress over work, especially with the holidays, as a family...before we take our Time Out." Kelsey told him staring right at him.
  23. Alexithymiaa: -Her last statement hit him hard, looking up from his computer and looking across the table at her. "We're going to have plenty of family time for the holidays and before you leave for New York. I promise."-
  24. Covet: "We'll have even more time if you aren't spending who knows how long, trying to find something that could already be organized for when you need it." She said trying not to get emotional because that's all she did lately. "We haven't even put up the tree we said we would, because I got busy...and things with my dad."
  25. Alexithymiaa: -He frowned, reaching out across the table to take her hand. "I know we haven't, I'm sorry. How about we go this weekend and get a nice tree and we can decorate it next week?" He said in a soft tone, feeling guilty.-
  26. Covet: She squeezed his hand, "You don't have to be sorry, that wasn't on you, or anyone really. It just was." Kelsey did her best to blink back her tears, "Are we going to have the time?" She asked looking around at all of his mess.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Of course we're going to have the time. I'm almost done prepping and then I'll have some time to spare until we shoot next weekend. We'll make time for this because it's important family activities."-
  28. Covet: Kelsey nodded her head, "Okay, now think about what sort of family activities we could be doing right now, if all of this was taken care of." She said looking down at the half scattered mess. "You promise you'll actually consider it. Don't just tell me that to pacify me."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "Yesssss I'll actually consider it." He whined, throwing his head back with a groan. "You repeating it doesnt change anything though, just so we're clear."-
  30. Covet: "I know. I can only say so much on his behalf, it's up to him to follow through with it. But I won't get involved, this time. When he's working it's professional, anything outside of that and then it's polite friends. No personal favors from me. Because despite all of this, He and Holly are going to still be around for things, when we invite her along." Kelsey said as she went back to organizing his papers.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, but even if it didnt work out with him working for me again, it's not like she would just bring him around. That's awkward and kind of weird if she does that. I don't care if they're dating." He he pushed his computer closed, looking at her without it in his way for the first time all night.-
  32. Covet: "Why wouldn't she bring him around? I wouldn't just invite her and not him. Maybe it would be right now, but if it doesn't work out, if you can't possibly trust him to work for you, I don't see why you would have to end it on bad terms. I'm sure at that point Evan would understand, and it would just be us, hanging out with another couple." Kelsey said to him. "He deserves a second chance.. without me meddling or messing it up for him."
  33. Alexithymiaa: "I think he already understands. He says he does." He said with a shrug. "It's not that you wouldn't extend the invitation to him also, it's that it would be weird all just hanging out and trying to pretend there isn't a bunch of bad blood."-
  34. Covet: "Bad Blood...really?" Kelsey said with a smirk then shook her head, " I don't want there to be bad blood. I just want you to see that he isn't this untrustworthy person. He's a nice person that was taken advantage of. Where they are similar in action, they aren't in intent."
  35. Alexithymiaa: "What?" He asked with a grin, knowing what he did. "Well I dont want there to be any bad blood either, but that doesnt mean shit didnt go down the way it did. That can't just be erased."-
  36. Covet: "No it can't, but we've all learned from it. So we can move on and grow from it. No need for it to be a constant negative thing. Right?" Kelsey asked him.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "Er.... right." He spoke, reluctant to agree with her because everything bites him in the ass eventually. "Can I just get through this weekend and then I'll decide what I'm doing?"-
  38. Covet: "I can compromise with that." Kelsey said with a nod. "Maybe Evan knows someone he can recomend if it doesn't work out so you're not without an assistant for too long. You do your best work when you're not stressed over the little stuff." She told him. "Want to pack all this up and take it home, I can finish organizing it in my underwear so you have a decent veiw while you work."
  39. Alexithymiaa: "What makes you think I'd be able to get any work done if you were organizing my paperwork in your underwear?" He asked her with a laugh, starting to stuff things, crumpled and all, into his backpack that was sitting on the seat with him.-
  40. Covet: "You'll get it done quicker at least." Kelsey said with a grin. "Because once you're finished even the underwear can come off." She winked and helped him get things packed up so they could leave, getting a togo box for her pie, which Brad will probably eat later. Post work, Post sex midnight snack.
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