
Kamijirushi Rebirth

Jun 4th, 2017
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  1. ==== Legend of the Godmarked / 神印物語 / 하나님 기호의 이야기 / 神印故事 ====
  2. Collaborative Storytelling Campaign
  4. The apocalyptic disaster seven centuries ago ruined all civilizations, bringing multitude of dark energies that created and mutated humans and natural beasts into savage monsters who kill one another. No one knows what happened before the event; the tales of time before have long forgotten, and no records survived the ordeal.
  6. It has been several decades since humanity re-established civilizations by helping each other. Very few trade routes are connecting well-defended towns, and single path connects the three nations, bastion of humanity. Alas, recently there have been increased attacks from the untamed wilderness and uncharted areas. Mutated and blighted creatures emerged, disrupting the already few and sparse trade routes, as well as attacking struggling caravansaries, or laying siege on the dotted settlements, cutting the lifelines of rural folks.
  8. Further, there have been some omens, regarding weird occurrences of strange creatures with peculiar mark. Usually these creatures are more savage and more brutal, always showing an extraordinary level of cunning and leadership in the beasts of the wilderness; and always hostile towards humanity. These accursed 'godmarked' creatures have been a bane of humanity, and all of the humanity been wary of such 'godmarked' creatures.
  10. What humanity does not know, such runes or marks have appeared at a handful of the humans as well...
  14. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  20. It was only around 30 years since the three nations of Tang, Joson, and Yamato established secure connections after the apocalypse five centuries ago ruined civilizations of the world. The connections came in the form of a quite safe trade route; albeit these roads and paths are prone to savage and oucast banditry and monsters, it already connected the capitals of the nations. This so called 'Intercontinental Highway' is promoting safer travel and trade, as well as cultural interactions between the new humanity nations. It is formed of three distinct paths: a major wide road and rivers connect Tang and Joson; a safe sea route connects Tang and Yamato, and a narrow strait and rivers connect Yamato and Joson.
  22. As the interconnection of nations was the most important of the recent advances, the time of its first official use became the new setting of calendar of the land, to be used by all three nations.
  25. -- LAND OF TANG
  27. The land of Tang Dynasty, the largest of the three nations, is a land of extremes. Vast plains stretches over the horizon, tall and imposing mountains jutting around, deep ravines and wide rivers with fast currents clawed the rest, while thick forest often covered with fogs can be found scattered all around.
  29. Aside the capital metropolitan of Chang'an, there are also cities connected by network of roads not well patrolled. Martial and spiritual monasteries occasionally can be found taking shelter at an extreme region such as deep in the forest, above tall mountains, or carved at a cliff.
  31. The race of Han dominated the land, with the nomadic Liao and barbaric Xiong controlled some parts of the vast steppe.
  34. -- LAND OF JOSON
  36. The Joson Kingdom has become a symbol of creativity, art, curious technology, as well as sorcery and arcane study. They invented armored wagons and ships to pass through dangerous areas of the wide peninsula kingdom. Several rivers and large lakes decorated the otherwise flat peninsula, and occasional deep forests and shallow marshes sprouted here and there.
  38. Aside the capital metropolitan of Hanseong, there are only several cities at the kingdom, but each of them is protected by strong fortification and solid reinforced stone wall. Solitary University Pagodas often found acting as learning centers of the people of Joson, a bit secluded from the busy metropolis.
  40. The race of Goryeo dominated the land, with Han, Yue, Liao, and Ainu can be found as minorities.
  45. Across the sea lies an archipelago under the rule of Yamato Empire, where honor and martial prowess are revered, as well as metallurgy and weapon craftsmanship. The many islands of the empire has thick jungles and cliffs, with small rivers made their way connecting the mountainous area and their inner seas.
  47. Aside the capital metropolitan of Kyo where the Tenno and Shogun reside, there are many small settlements ruled by local Daimyos. A convoluted code of martial honor is pervasive at this nation.
  49. The race of Ainu dominated the land, but they are quite xenophobic thus there are only a handful of other races can be found at some of the settlements.
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  56. RACES
  58. There is effectively only one "race" as in species in this world: Human. However, there are several races with varied characteristics (and often weird powers or mystical abilities). Some of the humans are so small statured, while some others can reach massive height and weight.
  60. There are also a handful of Cursed-Ones (Half-Orc) and the Insidious-Ones (Tiefling), but they are quite rare, and either offspring of tragedy with the wilderness, or tragedy with infernalisms.
  62. All of the races can communicate using Common language, but they have local dialects (Han dialect, Liao dialect, etc.). Also, due to only recently opened inter-cultural exchange, a mixed racial lineage (or even society) is still extremely rare, even unheard of yet.
  64. -- Han (Human / Half Elf)
  65. Dubbed as the most daring race, they have the most 'average' build of the humans. Mostly found at the Tang Dynasty.
  66. Gain proficiency in Persuasion or Deception, and on short sword or rapier.
  67. Gain Observant feat.
  68. Starts with a Jian (short sword or rapier) and fine clothing.
  69. Sample Name: Huang, Li, Zhou, Chang.
  71. -- Liao (Human / Wood Elves)
  72. These nomads have rugged build but still slender, with swift gaits. Their skintone tend to be darker. Mostly found at the Tang Dynasty and Joson Kingdom.
  73. Gain proficiency in Nature or Animal Handling and longbow.
  74. Gain Athlete or Mobile feat.
  75. Starts with a horse or longbow.
  76. Sample Name: Kokur, Wangyen, Honglieh.
  78. -- Xiong (Human / Dragonborn)
  79. The barbaric Xiong are tall and muscular, with coarse hair. They are tough like most rustic people, with some possess innate magical powers.
  80. Gain proficiency in Survival or Animal Handling, and a martial weapon.
  81. Gain Durable or Toughness feat.
  82. Starts with a great axe, great sword, or Longbow.
  83. Sample Name: Kubilai, Muhuali, Borche.
  85. -- Goryeo (Human / Gnome / Halfling / High Elves)
  86. The Goryeo race has the biggest eyes and tend to have cheerful yet inquisitive attitude, despite their very low height; barely five feet tall and most only around four feet.
  87. Gain proficiency in one tools or Investigation, and hand crossbow or crossbow.
  88. Gain Keen Mind feat.
  89. Starts with a tool of your choice or hand crossbow or crossbow.
  90. Sample Name: Won, Seoyon, Haseo.
  92. -- Yue (Human / Elves / Halfling / Half Elf)
  93. Elegant and graceful, small frame and lithe, with fair skins and enchanting silk black hair; rumors said many of them have natural body fragrance. It is a minority race of beauty living at Tang Dynasty and Joson Kingdom.
  94. Gain proficiency in Performance or Acrobatics, and one musical instrument.
  95. Gain Skulker feat.
  96. Starts with Fine Clothing and a musical instrument.
  97. Name similar with Han or Goryeo, depends on where they live.
  99. -- Ainu (Human / Dwarf / Halfling / Gnome)
  100. Short but stout people of the Yamato Empire, and seldom found outside their home. The ladies tend to be much slimmer than the gentlemen, and has paler complexion.
  101. Gain proficiency in one artisan tools or Insight, and bastard sword or longbow or halberd.
  102. Gain Alert feat.
  103. Starts with Daisho (A bastard sword and a Dagger) or Daikyu (Longbow) or Naginata (Halberd).
  104. Sample Name: Nobutaro, Yamagata, Shirayuki.
  106. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  112. 1. Far East / Wuxia Fantasy: Dynasty Warrior, Sengokumusou, Romance of Three Kingdoms, Impeccable Twins, TonyWong comics, Wuxia in general, Blade&Soul, TianLongBaBu. Far East Fantasy with weapons and mystics, against monsters roaming around, and early 'guns' (stat-wise refer to crossbows)
  114. 2. Cosmetics for Appearance: As long as the mechanics remained the same, and not significantly altering the appearance, then it should be alright; to represent this, all of the playable race are 'human' in the appearance, yet might take different 'race' in terms of DnD.
  116. 3. Highlander Effect: the PCs are the *only* godmarked 'humans', thus whenever they meet each other at certain distance, they are aware immediately, or even see through any concealment or covers towards the mark. Likewise, godmarked 'monsters' can aware of them too, and the PCs always aware of the godmarked 'monsters'. The godmark cannot be erased nor concealed in any matter from the perceptions of godmarked creatures.
  118. 4. Humanity vs Monstrosity: There is only one 'species' of Humanity (and two cursed bloodlines), so everyone is 'human'. The races are various, but each race may refer to several possible basic 5e races for stats. The enemies are monstrosities (basically anything else) who have been actively attacking and slaughtering and destroying humanity since time memorial.
  120. 5. Abstract Hit Points but Gritty System: Hit Points are 'how good your character in receiving damages'. It could means magical energies protecting your PC, defensive Chi to withstand blows, extraordinary agility to avoid killing blows (but took out lots of energy and breath), or simply blocking otherwise lethal blow into a glancing or scratch only. However, upon being knocked unconscious due to hp drop to 0hp, the character receive a [Wound].
  122. 6. Mystical Magic Items: There is no such thing as 'magic items', and daily applications of simple magic are very rare. However, godmarked creatures can somehow contact 'Spirits' or 'gods', and bind them (willing-fully or forcefully sealing) into an item revered by the wielder.
  124. 7. Three Worlds Only: Unlike usual fantasy, there are only three worlds in this setting: Real World, Spirit/Astral World, and Hell/Dark World/Dark Dimension/Limbo/Evil/Abyss/Chaos/External Outer Plane.
  126. 8. Far East Storytelling: Session is started by narrating the 'Current Stage'; the immediate location where characters will gather, conditions about the place, and what the PCs know about the situation of the area. Then, the Players narrate, why the PC somehow arriving at the 'Stage'. Then the narration and 'mission' starts, and ends with every PCs leaving the 'Stage', towards where-ever they need to go to continue their quest.
  128. 9. [Group]-based: Everything is depending on [Group]; players enter the campaign as a [Group] with their own Influence (Wealth, Land, Members), consisted of Main Character and Supporting Characters, to propel [Group Agenda] and gain Prestige (Honor, Valor, Astute).
  130. 10. Collaborative Storytelling: This will be a multi-DM, multi-player campaign. A [Global Goal] that will be updated regularly based on the results of the sessions. Each Player can enter as a [Group], with their own [Group Agenda], and use the [Group] for running a session (as GM-NPCs) or joining sessions using a PC (or at DM's discretion, NPC) from the [Group].
  136. 1. Western. Europe, American, Cowboy, Greek, Skyrim, Tolkien, and the likes, especially names and distinct/peculiar flavor, as humanity and enemies and monsters, at the whole three worlds available at the setting (no, there is no multiverse, just real world, spirit world, and somewhere-else) at any given time, ever.
  138. 2. Futuristic. Robots (please use karakuris / wooden golems), Mechas, Hi-tech, Time Travels, Modern Conveniences.
  140. 3. Future West / Western Future. Nuff said.
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  147. 1. Variant (Heavily) 5e:
  148. - Wound system
  149. - Rank system (each skill, each weapon, each spell, each save)
  150. - Variant Multiclassing: No prerequisites
  151. - Monk's HD is increased to d10 (similar to Fighter)
  152. - Basic Martial Arts: Humanity characters who wear no armor and do not wield shield gains +1 bonus to AC.
  153. - Cumbersome Armor: Heavy Armors impose disadvantage to all Dexterity-based rolls.
  154. - Limited options of Magic Items.
  155. - Banned Spells and Classes (Ban: Cleric and Wizard, their spell list; Magic Initiate and Ritual Caster cannot select Cleric and Wizard; long list of banned spells, especially any spells that have expensive Material component)
  156. - Half items' HP and Hardness, rounded up.
  157. - Personal Bags can only contain very few items (barely the size of handbag); Traveler's Luggage can store many but inflict -6 to AC, Reflex save, and Dex-based checks (including Initiative), with 3 full rounds to safely put on/off. Any kind of artisan tools need to be put at traveler's luggage. Some saddlebags can be treated as traveler's luggage.
  159. 2. Godmarked:
  160. - From the Humanity Races, only MC can have Godmarked
  161. - Gain Magic Initiate feat
  162. - Gain an additional feat of choice
  164. 3. Background:
  165. - Select one Humanity-Race and one Background for the whole [Group]
  166. - Background General Selections: Ascetic, Martial, Arcane, Nobility, Artisan, Entertainer, Criminal, Scholar, Mercantile
  168. 4. [Group]
  169. - Influence: how is the general 'power' of the [Group]. Represented with three: Wealth, Land, and Members. Promotions/Demotions is based on Campaign Manager's adjudications, depending on the sessions of the [Group].
  170. - Prestige: how is the general 'fame' of the [Group]. Represented with three: Honor (kind-hearted, good-deeds, trustworthy, fairness, mannerism), Valor (courage, bravery, leadership, perseverance, decisive), and Astute (wits, intelligence, brilliance, cunning, well-prepared). Promotions/Demotions is based on players' subjectivity (DM promote/demote each other player, while each other player may promote/demote DM, if applicable/DM's [Group] is used).
  174. As the background represent the whole [Group], there are more options to select. However keep in mind as well to chose the Background for the [Group] to be inline with [Group Goal] and your characters' goal, otherwise the lack of purpose might inhibit your experience in playing or running sessions.
  176. 1. Ascetic: Monastic Order, Hermits, Spiritual Seeker, Righteous Youxia
  177. Select two of: Medicine, Insight, Religion, Perception, Herbalism Kit
  179. 2. Martial: Mercenaries, Bodyguards, Warrior Order, Kung Fu School
  180. Select two of: Vehicle, Intimidation, Athletics, Acrobatics, Smith's Tools
  182. 3. Arcane: Sorcerers, Wizards Group, Artefact Hunter, Loremasters
  183. Select two of: Arcana, History, Investigation, Calligrapher's Supplies, Alchemy Supplies
  185. 4. Nobility: Princes, Merchant Princes, Wealthy and Privileged
  186. Select two of: Intimidation, Persuasion, Deception, Insight, Gaming Set
  188. 5. Artisan: Guild Artisans, Crafters Guild, Mercenary
  189. Select two from any tools
  191. 6. Entertainer: Troupe, Minstrel
  192. Select two of: Deception, Acrobatics, Performance, Musical Instrument, Gaming Set
  194. 7. Criminal: You don't want to know about it
  195. Select two of: Stealth, Thieves' Tools, Poisoner's Tools, Forgery Kit, Disguise Kit
  197. 8. Scholar: Academic School, Loremaster, University Lector, Historian, Poet
  198. Select two of: Arcana, Nature, History, Religion, Calligrapher's Supplies
  200. 9. Mercantile: Explorer, Merchant, Sailor, Caravanmaster, Investor
  201. Select two of: Persuasion, Insight, Navigator's Tools, Cartographer's Tools, Vehicles
  204. --- GROUP DETAILS
  205. You enters the Campaign as a Group, with a single Main Character (MC) and a handful of Supporting Characters (SC). Your MC is the one with godmark, and the one with stories resolving around them. Your SC can act as intermediaries to propel your story forward, optional characters, NPC, or alternative means to play at other DM (with DM's permission beforehand); they can be subordinates, superiors, colleagues, families, etc.
  207. [Group] has a few stats to represent their general 'power' and 'fame', which are [Influence] and [Prestige], respectively. [Prestige] is promoted/demoted by peer (players) from running/playing sessions (or by CGM from DowntimeActivities), while [Influence] is promoted/demoted by CGM / Main Narrator every chapter.
  209. 1. Influence - Each [Group] starts with 3, distributed freely, minimum of 0 and maximum of 4. Please keep in mind to treat this as Storytelling tools.
  210. - Wealth: General monetary power of [Group] members, ranging from barely sufficient (0), personally adequate (1), never troubled (2), rich (3), and affluent (4).
  211. - Land: Represents landholding privilege on the frontiers, ranging from owning estate/HQ at existing cities according to wealth (0), has a small land at the frontier (1), large land at the frontier (2), whole are at the frontier (3), very vast area at the frontier and beyond (4).
  212. - Members: Represent the average loyal member's quality and quantity, ranging from a small gang of not so powerful individuals (0) up to wide range of numerous powerful individuals (4).
  214. 2. Prestige - Represents the fame (positive) or infamy (negative) of [Group] in general / global view. Each [Group] can have one aspect at +1 or -1, representing initial fame/infamy.
  215. - Honor: Selfless kindness, Just, Trustworthy, Fairness, Manners
  216. - Valor: Courage, Bravery, Leadership, Perseverance, Decisiveness
  217. - Astute: Wits, Brilliance, Intelligence, Cunning, Well-prepared
  219. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  223. - [Days] will be used to keep track; 28 days per month, 12 months per year, 4 seasons per year.
  224. - Each Session could take one to two weeks (despite only one or two days of 'action', due to the widely stretched area)
  225. - Players who skipped Session (not playing nor running) can narrates about their group activities, and might earn Prestige and/or Influence.
  226. - Crafting specific item can be done at session (with DM's permission) or during narrating skipped session.
  227. - Planned 6 chapters, one chapter per 2 weeks, level cap 3-5-7-9-11-13
  228. - EXP is not used; instead MC levels up every 2 sessions (or 1 session if their level is below previous level cap)
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