

Jun 29th, 2013
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  1. <Cpt_High_Tide> Cher, do you know how to open a private conversation on the IRC?
  2. <Chinook__> It's in the options
  3. -*- Cherenkov-Light grumbles
  4. <Cpt_High_Tide> open one up with me
  5. <Chinook__> menu -> options -> open pm window
  6. <Honey_Rose> Pffft I guess I'm here too
  7. <FeatherDuster__> I just click the name on the right hand side and click pm
  8. <Cpt_High_Tide> Because, for the second half of this miniadventure, and for the subsequent adventures ran by me for this miniplot, you are to be the de-facto party leader
  9. <Chinook__> Which is always nice
  10. <Cherenkov-Light> I'm using Quassel for my client, so it's a bit different
  11. <Cpt_High_Tide> if you CANNOT attend a session, just name someone else who can fill in for you
  12. <Cpt_High_Tide> now excuse me while I drop a few pieces of info on cher
  13. <Cherenkov-Light> Don't know if I can run all weekend, High. I've got some IRL stuff to do as well
  14. <Chinook__> That, might be me.
  15. <Cpt_High_Tide> oh no, see, the point is I am gone all weekedn
  16. <Chinook__> yeah same, i'm at my friends
  17. <Cpt_High_Tide> we'll do this adventure, then you have to all wait until next week before starting it for real
  18. <Cherenkov-Light> Okay
  19. <Cpt_High_Tide> because I am an ass
  20. --> GreenHoof (webchat@ has joined #FourCannonPnP
  21. <Chinook__> >back in work next week
  22. <Cherenkov-Light> If it gets too large, though I could drop out
  23. <slowdive_> actually i wont play but find some seeds and plants for me. especially of the drug kind
  24. <Cherenkov-Light> I want to give others the chance to play as well
  25. <Chinook__> I'd better drop out, I can't guarantee i'd be in attendance
  26. <Bob[MU]> [I'm gonna be brushing up on everyone's OC pages until this starts]
  27. <GreenHoof> I'm not gonna participate but just watch
  28. <Honey_Rose> Thank god greenhoof won't be there
  29. <Honey_Rose> oh man
  30. <Honey_Rose> now we can enjoy this
  33. <FeatherDuster__> Ladies, please, you're both beautiful
  34. <GreenHoof> what did I ever do to you!!!!!!!????!??!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!111111111
  35. <Bob[MU]> wat
  36. <GreenHoof> lol
  37. <Honey_Rose> Just kidding me and greenhoof are like the best of friends
  38. <Honey_Rose> right?
  39. <Honey_Rose> buddy?
  40. <GreenHoof> THAT'S RIGHT YOU SKANK!
  41. <Chinook__> Whoa there
  42. <Chinook__> like, whoa
  43. <Honey_Rose> ;_;
  44. <GreenHoof> relax I was joking
  45. <GreenHoof> IT'S HAPPENING
  46. <Honey_Rose> Ha so was I I wasn't even sad you...
  47. <Cherenkov-Light> captain's setting up. give it a few until THE HAPPENING
  48. <Honey_Rose> you fagget
  49. <FeatherDuster__> Honey, why aren't you in the OC dump? Get to it!
  50. <Honey_Rose> the oc dump
  51. <Honey_Rose> uh
  52. <Chinook__>
  53. <Chinook__> Just a bit about yourself.
  54. <Bob[MU]> >Dat feel when erasing the line about being bald
  55. <FeatherDuster__> And when you describe yourself, do it in detail!
  56. <Honey_Rose> Oh god
  57. <Chinook__> WHY I AM SO BALD
  58. <FeatherDuster__> ( and you should be pink because goddamit there are no pink ponies )
  59. <GreenHoof> yeah lists your like, dislikes, skills, weaknesses, etc
  60. <FeatherDuster__> mane style, color, eyes, body type,
  61. <Chinook__> Don't worry, most of us used pony creator
  62. <Chinook__> because I ain't got an ice cube's hope in hell of drawing
  63. <GreenHoof> Yeah there's only like two people that didn't use pony creator lol
  64. <Bob[MU]> It's surprisingly easy if you look up color hex codes
  65. <Honey_Rose> a-am I being hazed?
  66. <Bob[MU]> Nope
  67. <GreenHoof> nope it's standard op
  68. <Bob[MU]> Take a look, we're all in there
  69. <Chinook__> Think of it as customs
  70. <Chinook__> wait
  71. <Chinook__> no don't
  72. --> Rain_Drop ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  73. <Bob[MU]> Yo Rain Drop!
  74. <Cherenkov-Light> Hi rain
  75. <Chinook__> sup rain
  76. <FeatherDuster__> raaain my main maaare
  77. <Rain_Drop> Alright whats going on I got shanghaied by High Tide
  78. <Cherenkov-Light> You sure the raft will hold all of us, High Tide?
  79. <Cpt_High_Tide> OK
  80. <Cpt_High_Tide> ONE LAST ROLL CALL
  81. <Chinook__> Rain, you can take my spot. I probably won't be able to make it
  82. <Bob[MU]> AWWW YEAH
  83. <GreenHoof> How many people are already in this adventure?
  84. <FeatherDuster__> >6 horses floating on a raft
  85. <Cpt_High_Tide> Everybody sound off by telling me your race
  86. <Chinook__> (spectating)
  87. <FeatherDuster__> Earth
  88. <Rain_Drop> Pegasus Master Race of course
  89. <Rain_Drop> Hey Feather!
  90. <GreenHoof> (wait, is this a continuation of our adventure a few days ago?)
  91. <Cpt_High_Tide> (no)
  92. <Cpt_High_Tide> (better)
  93. <Honey_Rose> Earth
  94. <Cherenkov-Light> I AM UNICRON (I hat you so much Cap)
  95. <Honey_Rose> (going to do the oc stuff later if that's k. Should be done by the end of tomorrow"
  96. <Honey_Rose> ) even
  97. <Chinook__> cool
  98. <Bob[MU]> Aight
  99. <GreenHoof> (how many are in this one? If it's more than 5 I'll just sit out)
  100. <Cpt_High_Tide> Is that everyone?
  101. <Cpt_High_Tide> I have four participating so far
  102. <GreenHoof> Ok I'll join in
  103. <GreenHoof> EARTH
  104. <Cpt_High_Tide> Five
  105. <FeatherDuster__> earth power
  106. <Chinook__> (It's I'm gonna sign off, catch you guys later)
  107. <Cpt_High_Tide> Last call! Where is Slow Dive?
  108. <FeatherDuster__> ( night )
  109. <Rain_Drop> Nite Chin
  110. <GreenHoof> later Chinook
  111. <Cherenkov-Light> Sleep tight, Chin
  112. <FeatherDuster__> She said she's out and asked to find plants for her
  113. <Chinook__> 'night, don't forget to have fun
  114. <GreenHoof> See Honey Rose? You get the honor of being on an adventure with me again!
  115. <Bob[MU]> HEART
  116. <Cpt_High_Tide> ok then
  117. <GreenHoof> GO PLANET
  118. <Cpt_High_Tide> I have three earth poni, a pegasus and a unicorn
  119. <GreenHoof> (Earth Pony master race just sayin)
  120. <Cpt_High_Tide> Here are the few personal rules I can remember of mine when I run a game
  121. <Bob[MU]> I'm the only Unicorn?
  122. <Cpt_High_Tide> Don't worry about rolling for everything. In fact, usually if a roll is called fore, I will ASK you for it
  123. <Cherenkov-Light> I don't think he saw you, bob
  124. <Cpt_High_Tide> Oh, herp, I missed you
  125. <Cherenkov-Light> Your bald was showing
  126. <Bob[MU]> ( ._.)
  127. <Bob[MU]> >Bald
  128. <Cpt_High_Tide> ALSO, don't worry too much about racial bonuses, HOWEVER
  129. <Bob[MU]> Not anymore!
  130. <Cherenkov-Light> Indeed
  131. <Cpt_High_Tide> if you think you are especially beefy or your earth pony strength is important to you, bring it up when you roll, but do not modify your roll in any way
  132. <GreenHoof> Roger that, Captain
  133. <Cpt_High_Tide> I will be doing a lot of the work behind the GM screen, as it were
  134. <Rain_Drop> Alrihgt
  135. <Cpt_High_Tide> now let's get started
  136. <-> Cpt_High_Tide is now known as Captain
  137. <Rain_Drop> Aye aye Solid Captain!
  138. <FeatherDuster__> ( wait question!)
  139. <-> Captain is now known as Captain_GM
  140. <Captain_GM> Shoot
  141. <-- Chinook__ ( has quit (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
  142. <FeatherDuster__> ( For furture refrences, is there anyway I can include flexability into my dexterity or something like it? )
  143. <Captain_GM> You are the only pegasus, correct?
  144. <Cherenkov-Light> Rain is
  145. <Cherenkov-Light> Feather's an earth
  146. <Captain_GM> ahh
  147. <FeatherDuster__> If not that's fine
  148. <Captain_GM> Okay well, I will make a mental note now
  149. -*- Rain_Drop waves her wings at Captain
  150. <Bob[MU]> lel
  151. <FeatherDuster__> Carry on
  152. <Cherenkov-Light> (a lot smaller than the clusterfuck I ran)
  153. <Captain_GM> I will let you decide right now, thanks to Earth Pony's physical versatility, if you want, you can be more 'agile' as it were than strong, and I will remember that when deciding who hits who with whatever
  154. <Rain_Drop> (Oh hey Chere saw your oc glad I could get a image to go with it for the big pic)
  155. <Captain_GM> sounds good?
  156. <GreenHoof> Aye Aye, Cap'n
  157. <Captain_GM> Anyone else?
  158. <FeatherDuster__> Yea, sounds great
  159. <Cherenkov-Light> (no problem. Feather drew a new one if you didn't see)
  160. <Rain_Drop> Nope ready to go lets see what we can see see see god damn patty cake games....
  161. <Bob[MU]> Wh are all the other unicorns?
  162. <Captain_GM> FANTASTIC. From this point on, I want to see an obvious difference of when you are all talking in character and when you are talking out of character
  163. <Rain_Drop> (Holy crap really?)
  164. <Cherenkov-Light> Just you and me, Bob
  165. <Cherenkov-Light> Besides, High of course
  166. <GreenHoof> (roger that)
  167. <Captain_GM> That can be through brackets or quotations, I don't care, as long as I don't have to ask
  168. <FeatherDuster__> ( got it )
  169. <Captain_GM> If no one has anything else to add, I will begin
  170. <GreenHoof> (I'm ready)
  171. <Captain_GM> Last call?
  172. <Cherenkov-Light> (inb4 the chat doubles]
  173. <Bob[MU]> Lez do this
  174. <Captain_GM> Okay then.
  175. <-- slowdive_ ( has quit (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
  176. <Captain_GM> You are all at the docks, standing before the river. On the river is the resident one-eyed, blue unicorn and self proclaimed sea captain, High Tide. He stands atop The Last Saskatchewan Pirate, a raft constructed by the Cap'n and friends during Four Cannon's earlier days.
  177. <Cherenkov-Light> (dear god this sweet tea vodka is horrible. good thing I only paid 10 for it)
  178. <Captain_GM> You are all here because High Tide has recently recovered from a violent magical buildup, and to celebrate he wants to take you all upriver on the raft for another quick adventure. He still claims to have seen many amazing things on his personal adventures upriver, but so far none of them can be confirmed.
  179. <Rain_Drop> (Tea and alcohol? Sounds nasty)
  180. <Rain_Drop> "Hows the horn High Tide?"
  181. <Cherenkov-Light> (it is)
  182. <GreenHoof> "What's on tap, Captain?"
  183. <Cherenkov-Light> So what are you trying to do this time?
  184. -*- Cherenkov-Light looks at High inquistivly
  185. <GreenHoof> (lol Cap'n?)
  186. <Captain_GM> "Everyone- er, everypony onboard!" The Captain shouts merrily. "I am glad to say that I'm feeling all better now, thank you. Today, we're going to hunt hydras!"
  187. --> Bob[MU]_ ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  188. <Rain_Drop> "Wait, WHAT!"
  189. <GreenHoof> "Hydras!?"
  190. <FeatherDuster__> " Hydras? Whoa whoa, are you insane? "
  191. <Cherenkov-Light> ...I'm pretty certain that we are not ready for this
  192. <-- Bob[MU] ( has quit (Quit: Web client closed)
  193. <Rain_Drop> "Dont those grow back in twice as many number everytime you cut off one of its head?"
  194. <Cherenkov-Light> Especially if There are more than one
  195. <Bob[MU]_> What exactly do we have in terms of weaponry?
  196. <Cherenkov-Light> Yes
  197. -*- Honey_Rose grimmaces "This won't be pretty"
  198. <GreenHoof> "Okay I'm bringing my bow and arrow for this"
  199. <FeatherDuster__> " Yea, how are we supposed to take on that? "
  200. <Bob[MU]_> Because all I have are my fists, beginner's magic and charm
  201. <Cherenkov-Light> Well, I have my knife, but I don't want to go all Ullyssies on it
  202. -*- Rain_Drop checks her saddlebag. "Uh...All I got is a old knife I picked up from Old Town."
  203. <Cherenkov-Light> It's going to suck until we have access to fire spells
  204. <Captain_GM> The Captain's face crunches before loosing a laugh. "Okay, okay, fine, just a joyride, then. I promise."
  205. -*- FeatherDuster__ cringes, bringing nothing as usual.
  206. <Captain_GM> "Mark my words, though, I'll make great men- er, ponies out of you yet!"
  207. -*- Cherenkov-Light brings dagger and arrows along with some food and a small pot in his saddlebags
  208. <Rain_Drop> "That...Is a bad joke Capt."
  209. <GreenHoof> "I don't think there's such thing as 'just a joy ride' in the 4cannon Equestrian wilderness..."
  210. -*- Cherenkov-Light and the standard firestarting kit
  211. <Rain_Drop> "Oh theres a ride it just has no joy."
  212. <Bob[MU]_> Wait no I have a couple bedrags!
  213. <Cherenkov-Light> Someone want to get some rope from the dock as well?
  214. <Captain_GM> "There's a first time for everything." The Captain taps a hoof beside two five-foot long poles used to propel and steer the raft. "That is... unless you're all afraid of the water?|
  215. -*- Bob[MU]_ fetches rope
  216. <GreenHoof> "I love water!"
  217. <Honey_Rose> "What's int he water?"
  218. <Cherenkov-Light> Not afraid, just cautious. Especially after the last river experience
  219. -*- Rain_Drop rolls her eyes "I can swim if thats what your implying High Tide."
  220. <Bob[MU]_> !roll 1d20 to make a water-related pun
  221. <GameServ> 19 == 19
  222. -*- Cherenkov-Light mumbles "Cheeky little wisp"
  223. <Bob[MU]_> "Me and water get along swimmingly!"
  224. <Rain_Drop> (DOnt waste good rolls!)
  225. -*- FeatherDuster__ rolled his eyes, making his way onto the raft. e gives the navy stallion a side glare, "If we die, I blame you "
  226. -*- Cherenkov-Light says a prayer to the Emperor knowing where this is going
  227. <GreenHoof> [praise kek]
  228. <Honey_Rose> [pls no]
  229. -*- Rain_Drop splashes Bob with water. "Great, love at first sight then."
  230. -*- Cherenkov-Light gets in
  231. -*- Rain_Drop hops aboard the raft
  232. -*- Bob[MU]_ does a kissing face, followed by a spit take after inhaling some wate
  233. -*- Bob[MU]_ gets in the raft
  234. -*- Honey_Rose grabs a rock and climbs on to the raft carefully
  235. -*- GreenHoof gets on raft, with bow and arrow strapped onto back
  236. <Rain_Drop> "What are you doing with a rock Rose?"
  237. -*- Captain_GM gives a wink. "Everyone onboard! We're heading out right away!"
  238. <Honey_Rose> "I didn't bring anything else and I really don't like the sound of a 'joy' ride"
  239. <Honey_Rose> "So I brought a rock"
  240. <Bob[MU]_> [tfw saved Silver from bleeding out by a last-resort magic attempt, leaving before horsesex is initiated in the clinic]]
  241. -*- Rain_Drop blinks in surprise before rummaging through her bags. "Here take my rusty dagger its not the greatest thing but its better than an old rock."
  242. -*- FeatherDuster__ gives a smirk to rose, " Nice job princess. "
  243. -*- Bob[MU]_ stares longingly "No one else happens to have a dagger, right?"
  244. <Bob[MU]_> *extra dagger
  245. <Cherenkov-Light> I just have one, Bob, sorry
  246. <Rain_Drop> "Sorry Bob thats all I had as a spare weapon..."
  247. -*- Honey_Rose takes the dagger "Oh, uh, thanks? You're right, it is better than this. Here Bob, you can have this." Honey tosses Bob her rock
  248. <FeatherDuster__> " Don't worry Bob, I'll bury you properly. "
  249. <Rain_Drop> "By the by what happened to all the weapons we found in old town?"
  250. -*- Cherenkov-Light laughs
  251. <Bob[MU]_> "Welp, it's better than nothing! Thanks!"
  252. <Cherenkov-Light> Whoever has them took them
  253. <Bob[MU]_> !roll 1d20 to catch the rock
  254. <GameServ> 5 == 5
  255. <Cherenkov-Light> .....
  256. -*- Bob[MU]_ the rock hits my chest, bouncing off
  257. -*- Rain_Drop sees the rock plop over the raft and sink into the water
  258. -*- Bob[MU]_ is speechless
  259. <Rain_Drop> "Theres always another rock?"
  260. <Captain_GM> The Captain gathers up the two poles and turns to the group once everyone is on. "Alright! Who's paddling?"
  261. <Cherenkov-Light> Some where
  262. <GreenHoof> "I'll paddle!"
  263. <Honey_Rose> "I won't!"
  264. <Bob[MU]_> "I'm not the strongest, but I can paddle!"
  265. -*- GreenHoof takes paddle
  266. <Rain_Drop> "I'll paddle if you want."
  267. -*- Bob[MU]_ takes other paddle
  268. <Honey_Rose> "Oh fine if someone gets tired I can paddle"
  269. <Cherenkov-Light> Same.
  270. -*- Honey_Rose mumbles about team spirit
  271. -*- Bob[MU]_ hums Teen Spirit
  272. <Rain_Drop> "Yay Team Spirit!"
  273. <Cherenkov-Light> [nirvana? really?]
  274. <Rain_Drop> (I dont know lol)
  275. <Honey_Rose> [better than nickleback rite?]
  276. <Bob[MU]_> [If there's a pun/play on words I WILL find it]
  277. <Cherenkov-Light> [proven neckbear right, THANK you very much]
  278. -*- FeatherDuster__ staring off into the distance then snaps back to reality, " What? Huh, oh yea, yaaay, go team! " He says in a creepily cheery voice with a hint of sarcasm.
  279. <Bob[MU]_> [what]
  280. <Cherenkov-Light> [oh can't read tonight lol]
  281. <Bob[MU]_> Everything okay Feather?
  282. -*- Cherenkov-Light says "Go team." deadpan
  283. <Captain_GM> "Good enough!" The Captain walks over to the edge of the raft where a thick vine is keeping it tied to the wharf. With a heavy slam, he sends a hoof down and breaks the vine, freeing the raft from the docks. He turns to the group. "GreenHoof! Bob! Push us off and let's get started!"
  284. <FeatherDuster__> ( >crack open a neckbear )
  285. <Bob[MU]_> 3
  286. <Bob[MU]_> 2
  287. <Bob[MU]_> 1
  288. -*- Bob[MU]_ pushes off, motioning to GreenHoff to do so as well
  289. -*- GreenHoof shoves off
  290. <Rain_Drop> "This is kind of fun, never been in a boat before..."
  291. -*- FeatherDuster__ shakes with the movement of the make-shift raft, wishing he had hands to hang on.
  292. <Captain_GM> Don't worry about rolling for this. We've all been in Four Cannon long enough so that the simple tasks are starting to come together in these awkward pony bodies. Everyone shares a silent victory, that the time where we all used to stumble over ourselves everytime we took a step is long gone.
  293. <Cherenkov-Light> Everyone know there port and starboard, right? Port is left and as the same letters. Starboard is right.
  294. <GreenHoof> "Yup I got that"
  295. <Bob[MU]_> Now I know! Thanks.
  296. <Rain_Drop> "Port and Starboard got it..."
  297. <FeatherDuster__> " Now I know. "
  298. -*- Honey_Rose sits down on the raft, not caring for the jerking movement overly much "Knowledge is power"
  299. -*- Bob[MU]_ hums while rowing
  300. <Bob[MU]_> "When you're rife with devastation"
  301. -*- Cherenkov-Light takes in the scenery as we drift down the river
  302. <Captain_GM> The Captain nods with a smile to Cherenkov in silent thanks as the raft begins its way upriver with Hoof's and Bob's efforts. It's midday, and so far the river seems calm, about as peaceful as anything in Four Cannon can get. The Captain trots towards the front of the raft and eyes the river ahead, smiling to himselv.
  303. -*- GreenHoof starts quietly humming the Soviet anthem to himself while rowing for some reason
  304. -*- Bob[MU]_ swithces to humming Marche Slav on the small chance GreenHoof gets the reference
  305. <FeatherDuster__> " You enjoyin yourself there boss? "
  306. <Rain_Drop> "I forgot that nest bit of that, something like You know your a toy makers creation?"
  307. <Cherenkov-Light> Sure am. It's good to get out of the inn. Especially after last night
  308. <GreenHoof> "YES, COMRADE BOB!"
  309. <Bob[MU]_> :D
  310. <Cherenkov-Light> Hope you enjoyed your present, by the way
  311. <Honey_Rose> (>you know you're a toy maker's creation)
  312. -*- Rain_Drop laughs at everyones shenanigans. "Kind of nice hanging out with you guys. Even if we got forced here for some random reason..."
  313. <Honey_Rose> (>we're ponies made by hasbro)
  314. -*- FeatherDuster__ a chill immediently went up his spine at the mention of it, " I have no idea what you're talking about. And yea, thanks. "
  315. <Bob[MU]_> (>tfw trapped inside an RP session)
  316. <Rain_Drop> (Is that a bad thing?)
  317. <GreenHoof> "Sometimes I still wonder if this is all some dream or something but it feels too real"
  318. <Bob[MU]_> (No, so long as we remain resilient)
  319. <GreenHoof> [inb4 hugbox]
  320. -*- Cherenkov-Light smirks. "Sure you don't. No problem. Anything catch your eye along the banks that we can farm, Rain?"
  321. -*- Bob[MU]_ pinches himself, and Green Hoof
  322. <Captain_GM> High Tide smiles to FeatherDuster and slaps her on the back with a massive hoof. "More than enjoying myself! Pretty soon, I'll have a real navy for Four Cannon, and thinks are looking up for the Cap'n!" He chuckles to himself and hums a tune, while GreenHoof and Bob roll 20's for perception.
  323. <Bob[MU]_> "Yay"
  324. <Honey_Rose> (>pinching with hooves)
  325. <Bob[MU]_> [Welp]
  326. <GreenHoof> !roll 1d20
  327. <GameServ> 19 == 19
  328. <Bob[MU]_> !roll 1d20
  329. <GameServ> 9 == 9
  330. <Bob[MU]_> [:/]
  331. <FeatherDuster__> ( >her *snort )
  332. <GreenHoof> [:)]
  333. <Rain_Drop> "Not much, theres a few wild crops near the bank of the river wild onions see?"
  334. -*- FeatherDuster__ yelps at the sudden slap
  335. <Cherenkov-Light> (he doesn't know yet)
  336. <Cherenkov-Light> Sure do
  337. <Captain_GM> This is easy for Bob. Whether he's had experience over water before or not, managing a multiple-pony raft using a pole, only able to hold it with hooves or even teeth is easier than expected.
  338. <Bob[MU]_> >Not based arm-it hold technique
  339. <Rain_Drop> "I dont think the tops of them can be used for eating but then again we're not exactly Humans right now huh?"
  340. <Bob[MU]_> *Arm-pit
  341. <Cherenkov-Light> We will have to test them later on. Don't want anyone to get sick
  342. <Captain_GM> For GreenHoof, however, it's a tad frustrating. His paddle keeps bumping into solid things and even gets caught a few times, almost making him lose balance. The river doesn't seem to like him, as if it's just fucking with him.
  343. <GreenHoof> "bitch ass river"
  344. <GreenHoof> (but wtf i rolled 19 lol)
  345. <Bob[MU]_> [neighing intensifies
  346. <Bob[MU]_> [>Not getting what's happening]
  347. <Captain_GM> And Bob rolled much worse
  348. <Captain_GM> strange, innit
  349. -*- Rain_Drop face scrunchies at the mention of sick ponies. "Bleh I hate having an upset stomach espically when you have to void your stomach, I always had trouble with that when it needed to be done..."
  350. <FeatherDuster__> ( har har )
  351. -*- Bob[MU]_ hums, blissfully unaware
  352. <Captain_GM> The Captain turns his head, walking over to GreenHoof. "Everything alright? Y'seem distracted."
  353. <Cherenkov-Light> Someone will have to be the guinnie pig when we get back
  354. <Rain_Drop> "Hm...think Silver would do it if I paid him?"
  355. <GreenHoof> "I'm fine, Captain. River's not too kind to me today. And I can't shake the feeling something's amiss."
  356. -*- FeatherDuster__ notices how quiet Honey rose was and steps over to her, "You okay there princess? "
  357. <Cherenkov-Light> He sure does love his money
  358. <Rain_Drop> "And his mares holy crap I can understand liking more than just one but he just pinballs all over the place!"
  359. <GreenHoof> "I grew up in Louisiana. I spent most of my life fishing in lakes, swamps and the Gulf. But this place... is so different. I can't quite pin what it is though."
  360. <Cherenkov-Light> He's a playa. I think he's the male equivalent to Nova in that department
  361. -*- Honey_Rose looks up "Hmm? Yeah I'm fine. A bit groggy I suppose"
  362. -*- Honey_Rose rolls her neck and shakes "Just enjoying the sun too"
  363. <Cherenkov-Light> Is your back feeling better, by the way?
  364. -*- Bob[MU]_ stares quizzically. "Whatcha talking bout Green?"
  365. -*- Rain_Drop snrks a little. "Chere! Nova isnt that bad shes, just...amourous? Yeah thanks for that I feel a lot better since then."
  366. <Captain_GM> "The river acting up, huh? Aw, that happens sometimes." He stays beside GreenHoof, listening to him talk. After a moment, he seems pretty distracted from what Hoof is saying, until he bumps GreenHoof. "Hey, y'hear that?"
  367. -*- Cherenkov-Light glances at the river ahead, checking the conidtions
  368. -*- GreenHoof ears perk up
  369. <GreenHoof> "Yeah... yeah I do..."
  370. <Captain_GM> Aaand GreenHoof can roll for me again, and so can anyone else who is especially quiet.
  371. -*- FeatherDuster__ looked toward the sky, " Yea, it is a nice day. "
  372. <GreenHoof> !roll 1d20
  373. <GameServ> 9 == 9
  374. <GreenHoof> (schett)
  375. <Bob[MU]_> [Honey this means you]
  376. <Honey_Rose> (wait I'm espeiciallyu quiet)
  377. <Rain_Drop> (Which is basically means no one can roll ahaha)
  378. <Honey_Rose> !roll d20
  379. <GameServ> 17 == 17
  380. <Bob[MU]_> :D
  381. <Captain_GM> (And Cherenkov if he sees fit)
  382. -*- GreenHoof strains his eyes and ears, looking around
  383. <Cherenkov-Light> !roll 1d20
  384. <GameServ> 17 == 17
  385. <FeatherDuster__> !roll 1d20
  386. <GameServ> 7 == 7
  387. <FeatherDuster__> " I don't hear anything...."
  388. <GreenHoof> "I knew it! Something's watching us... I can feel it!"
  389. -*- Honey_Rose furrows her brow, and turns her head, still not used to the idea of moving ears
  390. <Captain_GM> So, to GreenHoof and Feather it doesn't sound like much, aside from the group talking, it's just the calm of the river. To Cherenkov and Honey, it's almost as if the river is so calm, it's singing you a bedtime lullabye
  391. <Honey_Rose> "What is that?"
  392. <Cherenkov-Light> bloody hell.
  393. -*- Bob[MU]_ stares at GreenHoof
  394. <Cherenkov-Light> Is that what I think it is?
  395. <Bob[MU]_> "What's what?"
  396. -*- Honey_Rose resets her jaw, yawning
  397. <Cherenkov-Light> Fucking sea pones
  398. -*- Cherenkov-Light yawns
  399. <FeatherDuster__> " hold up, what's going on? "
  400. <Bob[MU]_> Honey?
  401. <Honey_Rose> "Whatever they are it's nice"
  402. <Bob[MU]_> What's nice?
  403. <Rain_Drop> "Huh?"
  404. -*- Honey_Rose groggily turns her head "Hmm? You said something?"
  405. -*- Cherenkov-Light puts his front hooves and tries to block the noise
  406. <Rain_Drop> "Chere you alright?"
  407. <Cherenkov-Light> Fucking SIRENS man. Didn't think they were real
  408. <Cherenkov-Light> No, I'm not
  409. --> Bob[MU] ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  410. -*- Honey_Rose sniffs and hangs her head, mumbling to herself
  411. <Rain_Drop> "I dont hear anything?"
  412. -*- Cherenkov-Light becomes groggy
  413. <-- Bob[MU]_ ( has quit (Quit: Web client closed)
  414. -*- Bob[MU] pales "S-sirens?"
  415. <FeatherDuster__> " Sirens? But I don't hear anything, Shit....Honey! Boss! "
  416. <Rain_Drop> "Chere, wake up!"
  417. <Bob[MU]> !roll 1d20 to snap Honey out of it
  418. <GameServ> 5 == 5
  419. <Rain_Drop> "Feather! Whats going on?"
  420. <Captain_GM> The group's discussion seems to amuse the Captain as he turns back to the river. "Hah! You all remember the stories I tell. Not so silly now, are th-" His boasting is cut short as on the other side of the raft, the water-line explodes as something launches out of the river, something big. Everyone can roll me a balance check.
  421. <Cherenkov-Light> !roll d20
  422. <GameServ> 1 == 1
  423. <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20
  424. <GameServ> 1 == 1
  425. <Bob[MU]> !roll 1d20
  426. <GameServ> 6 == 6
  427. <Cherenkov-Light> lol
  428. <Captain_GM> If anyone is particularily agile, you can say so when rolling and I will take note.
  429. <Rain_Drop> (FUCK)
  430. <GreenHoof> !roll 1d20
  431. <GameServ> 3 == 3
  432. <Bob[MU]> [AUGH]
  433. <GreenHoof> (SHIT)
  434. <Captain_GM> PFFFFHAHAHA
  435. <FeatherDuster__> !roll d20
  436. <GameServ> 20 == 20
  437. <Honey_Rose> !roll d20
  438. <GameServ> 14 == 14
  439. <Bob[MU]> Can't help but laugh Cap'n.
  440. <Honey_Rose> (>14 while sleeping)
  441. <Cherenkov-Light> (it's the wisp all over again)
  442. <Captain_GM> Okat, this'll take me a sec to get together. I hope you all can swim. Standby
  443. <Bob[MU]> (At least I can't lose my hair)
  444. <Cherenkov-Light> (I can find a way)
  445. <Honey_Rose> (What if they eat it)
  446. <Rain_Drop> ( I know how to dog paddle....)
  447. <Bob[MU]> ( ._.)
  448. <FeatherDuster__> ( >swim shit. )
  449. <Cherenkov-Light> (what if your hair became spiders?)
  450. <Honey_Rose> (what if it was spiders all along?)
  451. <Bob[MU]> >Not having spider-bro hair
  452. <GreenHoof> (I can swim)
  453. <Honey_Rose> (also what happens to us poor sods who are all groggy and/or sleeping)
  454. <Honey_Rose> (pls sav)
  455. <Bob[MU]> (I can swim)
  456. <Bob[MU]> (I'm guessing negative modifiers?
  457. <FeatherDuster__> ( I can barely swim irl. I'm fucked )
  458. <Cherenkov-Light> (can we swi in these bodies though?)
  459. <Bob[MU]> (We can horsie paddle)
  460. <Cherenkov-Light> (of course I can swim)
  461. <Rain_Drop> (I dont know and knowing my luck I get bonked on the head by the raft or a rock...)
  462. <Bob[MU]> Look that horse from Neverending Story or whatever it was
  463. <Bob[MU]> *Like
  464. <Captain_GM> So, as it turns out, the thing emerging from the water was in fact, not a seapony. Cherenkov and Raindrop take the brunt of this punishment as they are launched off the raft and sent into the river. They are both barred from taking action until I say so. Everyone else hold up on chat so I can get this scene described.
  465. <GreenHoof> (kk)
  466. <Cherenkov-Light> (oh dear, it seems like we're together again Rain. More shipping fuel)
  467. <Honey_Rose> (screenshotted, edited, posted on the thread. I've already got a story being written about the two of you)
  468. <GreenHoof> (speghetti.jpg)
  469. <Captain_GM> Whether Bob and GreenHoof are any luckier is up to debate. The shaking causes them both to clonk themselves on their paddles, onto each other and onto the raft as they are knocked on their asses, a little dazed.
  470. <Rain_Drop> (XD ah damn it here we go agin..)
  471. <Bob[MU]> !roll 1d20 for appropriate pun
  472. <GameServ> 12 == 12
  473. -*- GreenHoof shakes head, trying to get bearings back
  474. <Honey_Rose> (Bob you got clonjked, probably on the head. Your hair is going to fall outnow)
  475. <Bob[MU]> (nonononononononononno)
  476. <Bob[MU]> !roll 1d20 to get bearings back
  477. <GameServ> 5 == 5
  478. -*- Bob[MU] sits dazed
  479. <Captain_GM> Honey, when sleeping you are a very stable pony. The shock wakes you right up and you are on your hooves, staring face to face with a gigantic green snake, its head as big as you, poking up out of the river.
  480. <Captain_GM> Please refrain from rolling until I get this all described, because this is all happening in a very short timeframe
  481. <Bob[MU]> [Terribly sorry]
  482. <Captain_GM> FeatherDuster, you may very well end up kicking yourself for this later, as you have the honour of seeing everything unfold, as if in slow motion. You see the serpent rise out of the river, nearly sending the raft overturned. You see Cher and Rain go flying helplessly as they end up in the river, no more than five feet from the raft, not too dangerously far away from aid, if they need assistance swimming. You also see the Capta
  483. <Captain_GM> (Don't beat yourself up, Bob. Almost done here)
  484. <Honey_Rose> (You also see the Capta - and then it cut off for me)
  485. <Captain_GM> Just as intended, then
  486. <Honey_Rose> (haker)
  487. <Captain_GM> Something in the edge of your vision catches your attention, and you see the Captain spot the beast and begin to turn from the river to face off the serpent, but a pair of delicate fins hold him by the cheeks, turning his head back to the river, and come snout-to-snout with a real, honest to goodness seapony.
  488. <Captain_GM> The Captain's attention is very easily taken away from the serpent, especially when the aquatic equine embraces him, whispers something in his ear, and pulls him off the raft, under the water and out of sight.
  489. <GreenHoof> "Holy shit, CAPTAIN!"
  490. <Honey_Rose> (green w8)
  491. <Rain_Drop> "Glurble burble"
  492. <GreenHoof> (ok)
  493. -*- Cherenkov-Light spits water out of his mouth
  494. <Captain_GM> Cher, Rain, you are a bit dazed as you are knocked into the river, but as you come to your senses you notice two things. One, the Captain is hugging something while wearing a stupid grin on his face as it pulls him down into the darkness. Two. You are underwater. You both frantically resurface, to see Honey staring down a big-ass serpent.
  495. <Captain_GM> Now, finally, everyone can roll initiative
  496. <Cherenkov-Light> !roll 1d20
  497. <GameServ> 17 == 17
  498. <GreenHoof> !roll 1d20
  499. <GameServ> 3 == 3
  500. <FeatherDuster__> !roll d20
  501. <GameServ> 14 == 14
  502. <GreenHoof> (damn)
  503. <GreenHoof> (praise kek)
  504. <Bob[MU]> !roll 1d20
  505. <GameServ> 15 == 15
  506. <Bob[MU]> :D
  507. <Honey_Rose> !roll d20
  508. <GameServ> 14 == 14
  509. <Captain_GM> Honey and Feather get a +1 and +2 bonus to their initiative respectively, for not getting knocked around by the river upsetting.
  510. <Honey_Rose> (hashtag it)
  511. <Captain_GM> #upsetrivers
  512. <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20
  513. <GameServ> 17 == 17
  514. <Captain_GM> I get the feeling that I am missing one person
  515. <GreenHoof> (whome?)
  516. <Honey_Rose> I think I need to reroll with bob because we both have 15, right?
  517. <Cherenkov-Light> (ikea's not with us, high]
  518. <Captain_GM> Ok
  519. <Rain_Drop> (Nah I think you just go one after the other Rose)
  520. <Honey_Rose> k
  521. <Captain_GM> !roll d20 for the serpent
  522. <GameServ> 16 == 16
  523. <Honey_Rose> (fuuuuu)
  524. <Honey_Rose> (it's going to eat me)
  525. <Bob[MU]> !roll 1d20
  526. <GameServ> 1 == 1
  527. <Rain_Drop> (Well try to help you?)
  528. <Captain_GM> Cher and Rain, please roll to decide who of you goes first
  529. <Bob[MU]> WELP Good thing this is only for initiative between Honey and myself.
  530. <Cherenkov-Light> !roll d20
  531. <GameServ> 11 == 11
  532. <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20
  533. <GameServ> 15 == 15
  534. <Rain_Drop> (I go first I guess?)
  535. <Captain_GM> Rain, among all you have seen, you also see Bob and GreenHooves trying to snap out of their daze. What do?
  536. -*- Rain_Drop looks over to Chere "Chere you head back down and try to get the captain if you can. I'll help Rose."
  537. <Rain_Drop> "Hey Mr. Serpant!"
  538. <Captain_GM> That your turn?
  539. <Rain_Drop> (Pretty much, swimming to the raft while attracting the serpants attention)
  540. <Captain_GM> Oh and quick note, during combat and other intense situations, please only talk on your turn
  541. <Captain_GM> Aaand, that would mean it is Cherenkov's turn.
  542. <Rain_Drop> (Alright)
  543. -*- Cherenkov-Light nods and tries to go after the captain
  544. <Cherenkov-Light> !roll d20
  545. <GameServ> 4 == 4
  546. <Captain_GM> Cherenkov takes a deep breath and dives. You think you can still see the Captain as he is pulled deeper and deeper. However determined you may be, you curse your pony body as you are unable to keep up with whatever is dragging the Cap down. You start to run out of breath, and are forced to resurface.
  547. <Captain_GM> Feather, with your bonus you will need to roll against the serpent to see who goes first.
  548. <Captain_GM> !roll d20 for gonna eat you all up
  549. <GameServ> 16 == 16
  550. <FeatherDuster__> !roll d20
  551. <GameServ> 16 == 16
  552. <Captain_GM> Oh you're good.
  553. <Captain_GM> I'll give you this one.
  554. <Cherenkov-Light> [loling intesifies]
  555. <Captain_GM> It's big, and you were unfazed by the raft almost overturning, so take your turn.
  556. <FeatherDuster__> ( Can I try to attack at this point or just move? )
  557. <GreenHoof> (I think it's lagging for me. There's like 2 minute gaps with noone saying anything)
  558. <Honey_Rose> (happening for everyone)
  559. <Honey_Rose> (because no one is talking)
  560. <FeatherDuster__> ( lol )
  561. <Cherenkov-Light> (indeed)
  562. <Bob[MU]> (Nothing's lagging, Feather's just taking his time)
  563. <GreenHoof> (ah)
  564. <Cherenkov-Light> (he's waiting for High to respond to his question)
  565. <Cherenkov-Light> (I would say that you could attack, but it's not up to me)
  566. <Rain_Drop> (>tfw you dont know what to do about the big bad)
  567. <Captain_GM> Given your great reaction time, you have the chance to try and attack. Out of the corner of your eye you see Cher take a deep breath and dive, while RainDrop splash loudly towards the raft, shouting at the serpent.
  568. -*- FeatherDuster__ stands in shock at the massive beast before them, watching everything happen at once and tries to force himself to snap out of it and act. Quickly runs up to the serpent, jumping up and aiming for a kick.
  569. <FeatherDuster__> !roll d20
  570. <GameServ> 8 == 8
  571. <FeatherDuster__> (pfft)
  572. <Captain_GM> Roll me another d20 for something real quick
  573. <FeatherDuster__> !roll d20
  574. <GameServ> 20 == 20
  575. <FeatherDuster__> (....the shit? )
  576. <Bob[MU]> Welp
  577. <Captain_GM> Attaboy
  578. <Rain_Drop> (Nice Feather!)
  579. <Captain_GM> So, the serpent turns its attention to RainDrop, splashing around in the water, but before it can even consider eating her, the beast feels the slight touch of marshmellow hooves against the side of it's head.
  580. <Captain_GM> It turns to stare FeatherDuster down right in the eyes, and suddenly it snaps at him, with a bite big enough to swallow him whole!
  581. <Bob[MU]> [You into vore, Feather?]
  582. <Cherenkov-Light> [great. now we have to fight the thing]
  583. <Captain_GM> Fortunately, FeatherDuster is very quick, and manages to scramble away just in time, causing the sea serpent to bonk its snout against the raft, upsetting it dearly.
  584. <Bob[MU]> [Fuck yeah Feather!]
  585. <FeatherDuster__> ( NOPE. )
  586. <Captain_GM> Bob and Honey, you both need to roll to see who goes next
  587. <Bob[MU]> !roll 1d20
  588. <GameServ> 9 == 9
  589. <Honey_Rose> !roll d20
  590. <GameServ> 12 == 12
  591. <Honey_Rose> Do I also get to attack?
  592. <Captain_GM> Honey, you are woken to stare face to face with a big ass snake. It turns to the water, and so do you, to see Rain [SPLASHING INTENSIFIES]. You also see it get distracted by and try to eat FeatherDuster, only to goof it up.
  593. <Captain_GM> What do?
  594. <Honey_Rose> Stab it with my trust rusty dagger
  595. <Honey_Rose> repeatedly
  596. <Honey_Rose> until it's dead
  597. <Honey_Rose> (prefereably)
  598. <Captain_GM> roll to poke
  599. <Captain_GM> you are earth pone, yes?
  600. <GreenHoof> (mfw still dazed on raft?)
  601. <Captain_GM> (yfw)
  602. <Honey_Rose> yes I am earth pone
  603. <Honey_Rose> !roll d20
  604. <GameServ> 5 == 5
  605. <Honey_Rose> fUCK
  606. <Bob[MU]> (Earth pony means stats get buffed a bit, so it's not a fail I think)
  607. <Rain_Drop> (Hopefully...)
  608. <Honey_Rose> (it'sw fucking ogre)
  609. <Captain_GM> You're right
  610. <GreenHoof> (check yourself before you shrek yourself)
  611. <Captain_GM> If you weren't an Earth Pony it wouldn't even notice you
  612. <Captain_GM> but you at least managed to make it angry
  613. <Captain_GM> Bob, you're up
  614. <Captain_GM> roll to snap out of daze
  615. <Bob[MU]> !roll d20
  616. <GameServ> 6 == 6
  617. <Bob[MU]> ...
  618. <Captain_GM> Unfortunately, your turn this round is spent rousing yourself. You are unaware of the situation, aside from, you know, big angry watersnake, and you cannot act until next turn.
  619. <Captain_GM> GreenHooves, you will also need to roll
  620. <GreenHoof> (roll now?)
  621. <Captain_GM> sure
  622. <GreenHoof> !roll 1d20
  623. <GameServ> 1 == 1
  625. <FeatherDuster__> ( oh my )
  626. <Honey_Rose> (what the fuck is even going on)
  627. <Bob[MU]> [Someone didn't praise kek enough]
  628. <Cherenkov-Light> [top kek]
  629. <Honey_Rose> [kek pls]
  630. <Bob[MU]> KEK MIND
  631. <Rain_Drop> (kek?)
  632. <Captain_GM> Nigga you high
  634. <Captain_GM> You dead high
  635. <Honey_Rose> [I'm still waiting on shoo be doo to save us please]
  637. <Honey_Rose> [FUUUUUUU]
  638. <Captain_GM> Raindrop, it is your turn. You can reach the raft now, but given your poni body, you'll need to roll to see if you can take any other action after getting back on the raft.
  639. <Honey_Rose> [Why didn't we see this sooner fuck]
  640. <GreenHoof> (what happened to me?)
  641. <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20 Lift! LIFT DAMN YOU!
  642. <GameServ> 19 == 19
  643. <Honey_Rose> [thank kek]
  644. <Rain_Drop> (neat)
  645. <FeatherDuster__> ( nice)
  646. <Cherenkov-Light> (The Emperor PROVIDES)
  647. <GreenHoof> [Praise kek in the highest]
  648. <Bob[MU]> [:D]
  649. <Honey_Rose> [now raindrop jump back in and call upon the sea ponies]
  650. <Captain_GM> The exact same thing happened to is the same thing that happened to bob, Green
  651. <Captain_GM> Rain, you hoist yourself onto the raft and can act however you please.
  652. <Rain_Drop> ( I dont speak sea pony! )
  653. <Honey_Rose> [ahh well we tried]
  654. <Captain_GM> (oh, and side note, hey Cherenkov)
  655. <Cherenkov-Light> (yes?)
  656. <Captain_GM> (Astartes-pattern condoms. The Emperor protects.)
  657. <Cherenkov-Light> (ROFL)
  658. -*- Rain_Drop draws old knife from saddle bag. "Alright Mr. Serpant can you please not eat us? If you do try to eat us, it'll be far more trouble than what its worth just to eat a few teeny miny ponies."
  659. <Rain_Drop> (Its a warning and a plea thing if its alright in your game Capt)
  660. <Captain_GM> Hrmm.
  661. <Captain_GM> If you're feeling lucky, you can roll for animal empathy. If not, then it will process your request and you will have no idea if it was effective or not.
  662. <Captain_GM> So, the safe road? Or the mystery box?
  663. <Rain_Drop> (Eh which one is the mystery box?)
  665. <Captain_GM> rolling
  666. <Rain_Drop> (Too late I think...)
  667. <Captain_GM> Up to you
  668. <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20 Come on ol animal empathy
  669. <GameServ> 14 == 14
  670. <Rain_Drop> (Jeez Dives and animal related rolls I just seem to do well in, its crazy...)
  671. <Captain_GM> You have it's attention at the very least. Whether you managed to convince it or not is still to be discovered. The fact that no one has managed to cause it any lasting harm yet is a plus.
  672. <Captain_GM> Who is next? Cher?
  673. <Cherenkov-Light> Yes
  674. -*- Cherenkov-Light shouts to raind, "No luck! He's too far away! Let's get this raft to shore!"
  675. <Cherenkov-Light> !roll d20
  676. <GameServ> 3 == 3
  677. <Cherenkov-Light> (tries to get back on raft)
  678. <Captain_GM> I see
  679. <Captain_GM> You scramble to get on the raft, unfortunately you have to take your time in doing so, and can take no further action.
  680. <Captain_GM> Feather, I believe it is your turn
  681. -*- FeatherDuster__ tries to give it another kick
  682. <FeatherDuster__> !roll d20
  683. <GameServ> 6 == 6
  684. <Rain_Drop> (Gah feather! Pissing it off is not in our best intrests!)
  685. <Captain_GM> That means you're going to have to roll one more time for me
  686. <FeatherDuster__> !roll d20
  687. <GameServ> 4 == 4
  688. <FeatherDuster__> ( I...have displeased the gods... )
  689. <Rain_Drop> (Quick Praise Kek it worked last time!)
  690. <GreenHoof> (PRAISE KEK)
  691. <FeatherDuster__> ( suck a fat one kek )
  692. <Captain_GM> You know how in the cartoon, spike's tongue shoots out and grabs gems like it was a frog tongue?
  693. <Cherenkov-Light> (heritic)
  694. <Rain_Drop> (yeah...)
  695. <FeatherDuster__> ( oh god... )
  696. <GreenHoof> (PLEASE KEK SPARE US)
  697. <Rain_Drop> (Is Vore your Fetish Feather?)
  699. <Captain_GM> That is exactly how it grabs you. It's mouth opens up an it's tongue shoots out. You are trapped like a fly, and it is starting to pull you in. Honey's turn?
  700. <FeatherDuster__> ( I-I'm sorry kek, ;_; )
  701. <GreenHoof> (IT'S HAPPENING!)
  702. <Rain_Drop> (Oh god its like watching one of those 2 hour hentai flicks)
  703. <Captain_GM> We can only hope Feather has seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
  704. <Honey_Rose> (so)
  705. <Cherenkov-Light> (damn you pones and your wild adventures. no sleep for us pones tonight. goona stay up on the internet and look at cool stuff)
  706. <Captain_GM> So, Honey you are free to act
  707. <Captain_GM> Because unless I am mistaken it is your turn.
  708. <Honey_Rose> Ok uhm
  709. <FeatherDuster__> ( And he has. He has... )
  710. <Honey_Rose> stab him again
  711. <Captain_GM> Roll dat earth pone strength
  712. <Honey_Rose> !roll d20
  713. <GameServ> 19 == 19
  714. <Honey_Rose> fuck yeah
  715. <FeatherDuster__> ( YES )
  716. <Bob[MU]> [:D]
  717. <FeatherDuster__> ( Blessed Princess! )
  718. <Honey_Rose> (>d20 + buff oh yes)
  719. <GreenHoof> (THE EMPEROR PROTECTS!)
  720. <Cherenkov-Light> [the Emperor protects]
  721. <Honey_Rose> (based kek)
  722. <Rain_Drop> (Based Earth Pone)
  723. <Rain_Drop> (Aim for dat tounge give him tetnaus! And get Feather loose!)
  724. <Captain_GM> Okay, great. You roll so high that rather than just poking a hole in it`s leathery snake hide, you leap over and make a rather nasty cut on it`s tongue. It releases Feather, but unfortunately now it is irredeemably pissed off.
  725. <Captain_GM> Bob? You're up.
  726. <Rain_Drop> (Well so much for diplomacy)
  727. <Honey_Rose> (CALL UPON THE SEA PONIES)
  728. <Cherenkov-Light> (you did warn it)
  729. <GreenHoof> (TO BATTLE, GENTS)
  730. --> Bob[MU]_ ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  731. <Captain_GM> heh
  732. <Bob[MU]_> (Sorry, computer's weird
  733. <Captain_GM> You up to date on everything?
  734. <Bob[MU]_> Status of crew?
  735. <Cherenkov-Light> Your turn
  736. <-- Bob[MU] ( has quit (Quit: Web client closed)
  737. <Cherenkov-Light> (OH NO IT ATE BOB)
  738. <Captain_GM> The serpent grabbed feather with it's tongue, Honey stabbed the tongue, freeing Feather but pissing off the serpent and ruining any chance at diplomacy
  739. <Bob[MU]_> Okay
  740. -*- Bob[MU]_ asks Honey for dagger
  741. -*- Honey_Rose gives it if allowed
  742. <Captain_GM> If you roll to catch the dagger, you can get it now rather than waiting for Honey's turn.
  743. <Honey_Rose> f-cuk
  744. <Bob[MU]_> !roll 1d20
  745. <GameServ> 10 == 10
  746. <Captain_GM> Roll high enough and you can get it AND act on this turn.
  747. <Honey_Rose> guvk
  748. <Captain_GM> Heh.
  749. <Captain_GM> Honey, it's in your saddlebag, yes?
  750. <Honey_Rose> My hand iirc, seeing as I just stabbed with it
  751. <Honey_Rose> err, hof
  752. <Honey_Rose> hoof
  753. <Captain_GM> You just have the one? Ok.
  754. <Honey_Rose> Otherwise I had a neat rock that BOB LOST
  755. <GreenHoof> (poor rock)
  756. <Captain_GM> Unfortunately, Bob, while Honey does toss it to you after stabbing the snake, you are unable to catch it and act on this turn, it is at your feet.
  757. <Cherenkov-Light> (rip in peace rock)
  758. <Captain_GM> I believe it is Hoof's turn.
  759. <Bob[MU]_> :/
  760. <Bob[MU]_> Sorry guys!
  761. <GreenHoof> !roll 1d20
  762. <GameServ> 4 == 4
  763. <GreenHoof> (ALL OF MY RAGE)
  764. <Captain_GM> What are you rolling for?
  765. <Honey_Rose> (someone figure out how to rig this fucking roll system please)
  766. <FeatherDuster__> ( *prays to kek bless future rolls )
  767. <Captain_GM> We have no idea what it is, but whatever GreenHoof attempted he was unable to do so proficiently.
  768. <Captain_GM> Top of the round! I believe it is... Rain's turn?
  769. <GreenHoof> (I was attempting to........ NOT shoot an arrow at it, so it hit???)
  770. <Rain_Drop> "Sorry bout this."
  771. <GreenHoof> (I drew and shot an arrow, but missed)
  772. <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20 to stab the serpant on the nose with old knife
  773. <GameServ> 13 == 13
  774. <Cherenkov-Light> (just state what you're going to do before you roll for the future)
  775. <Captain_GM> Rain, you are a pegasus, yes?
  776. <Rain_Drop> (Yep
  777. <FeatherDuster__> ( Checking, who isn't currently on the raft? )
  778. <Rain_Drop> (Chere I think)
  779. <GreenHoof> (k)
  780. <Cherenkov-Light> (no, I'm on)
  781. <Rain_Drop> (and the capt)
  782. <Captain_GM> Okay, you scratch at its nose. Roll 1d4
  783. <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d4
  784. <GameServ> 4 == 4
  785. <Honey_Rose> (neat)
  786. <Rain_Drop> (viscious dagger is viscious!)
  787. <FeatherDuster__> ( it thirts for blood )
  788. <Captain_GM> Wow ok, you actually do leave a mark.
  789. <Captain_GM> Cher, you're up.
  790. -*- Cherenkov-Light shouts "Two of you steer! Ranged, blind it's eyes!"
  791. -*- Cherenkov-Light rolls 1d20 for light in it's eyes
  792. <Cherenkov-Light> !roll 1d20
  793. <GameServ> 20 == 20
  794. <GreenHoof> (I wish I was being of use right now. Honey Rose have every right to give me shit lol)
  795. <Captain_GM> Wait, as in a light spell?
  796. <Cherenkov-Light> yes
  797. <Captain_GM> Just checking. I have an interesting policy on using magic, but a natural twenty is phenomenal.
  798. <Rain_Drop> (Oh shit we got a mini-Celestia here!)
  799. <FeatherDuster__> ( future Prince Cherenkov, just need to earn your wings. )
  800. <Captain_GM> Okay so, Cherenkov leaps to his hooves and begins barking orders at you. The roll extends to all his actions, and you all most assuredly hear his command and are reminded of the two poles on the raft. Cher points his horn at the serpent and focuses, and before long, it starts to emit sparks as Cher gathers energy. Suddenly, with a sound not unlike what you would hear on the sci-fi channel, a ray of light bursts from Cher's horn
  801. <Captain_GM> Everyone catch all that?
  802. <Cherenkov-Light> yep
  803. <GreenHoof> yup
  804. <Cherenkov-Light> (blue light if anyone cares)
  805. <FeatherDuster__> ( Yep )
  806. <Rain_Drop> (yep)
  807. <Bob[MU]_> Should we start rowan?
  808. <Honey_Rose> (yey)
  809. <Honey_Rose> Yes
  810. <Captain_GM> No, not yet
  811. <Honey_Rose> o
  812. --> Bob[MU] ( has joined #FourCannonPnP
  813. <Captain_GM> This is a huge personal victory for Cherenkov and all unicorns of Four Cannon, because we are all still dangerously new to magic, and most to date are still struggling to perceive there even is such a thing as magic. However, the burst of energy was large, and like all others, no training can ever prepare you for your first "big spell" you have a headache from this, but it does not affect your rolls whatsoever, just your mood.
  814. <Captain_GM> I believe it is Feather's turn?
  815. <FeatherDuster__> After managing to break free from the creature's slick tounge thanks to a certain mare, Feather follows Cherenkov's orders and quickly makes his way to one of the paddles, attempting to gain control.
  816. <-- Bob[MU]_ ( has quit (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
  817. <FeatherDuster__> !roll d20
  818. <GameServ> 10 == 10
  819. <Captain_GM> It is going to be a slow start,
  820. <GreenHoof> yup
  821. <Honey_Rose> My turn right?]
  822. <Captain_GM> especially because you rolled an average ten. While it will require both paddles to move the raft, if pride permits it you can call for help with your own paddle if you want to speed up the escape.
  823. <Captain_GM> It is Honey's turn while the snake thrashes about, blinded hard and unable to "taste" the air with it's tongue like a normal snake thanks to the knife injury it took.
  824. <FeatherDuster__> " SOMEPONY GRAB THE OTHER ONE! "
  825. <FeatherDuster__> (oh oops)
  826. <GreenHoof> (inb4 "critical strike on serpant! Serpant is frenzied!)
  827. <Captain_GM> (totally fine)
  828. -*- GreenHoof grabs paddle
  829. <Bob[MU]> (out of turn?)
  830. <GreenHoof> (is it, Captain?)
  831. <Captain_GM> Yep, I'll need Honey to take action
  832. <Rain_Drop> (I think its Roses turn)
  833. -*- Honey_Rose does just that, quickly detouring to pick up the dagger near Bob (unless i can only do one, in which case paddle takes priority)
  834. <GreenHoof> (ok nvm then)
  835. <Rain_Drop> (Hey green did the captain get lost on the last raft adventure or is this new to this one?)
  836. <Captain_GM> (this is a new development_
  837. <GreenHoof> (I think the last raft adventure was aborted)
  838. <Honey_Rose> (oh yeah I gots to roll right)
  839. <Honey_Rose> !roll d20
  840. <GameServ> 10 == 10
  841. <Captain_GM> (And by the looks of it, it doesn't seem like he's coming back)
  842. <Honey_Rose> (the actual fuck yo)
  843. <Bob[MU]> (If you're paddling I can pick up the dagger and attack the beast next turn)
  844. <Honey_Rose> Help paddle!
  845. <Rain_Drop> (Not if I can help it, we dont lose people!)
  846. <Honey_Rose> "I can't do this by myself!"
  847. <Honey_Rose> (tfw we could have saved the captain throught he power of sea ponies but none of us can talk sea pony)
  848. <Captain_GM> Just like Feather, Honey has a slow start with her own paddle. She scooped up her dagger, but will need help too, if the raft is to make it out of here before the serpent comes to its senses
  849. <Captain_GM> Bob is next?
  850. <Bob[MU]> [Guys should I attack or help run?]
  851. <Cherenkov-Light> [help run]
  852. <Rain_Drop> (We need to get while the getting is good so we can rescue the capt)
  853. <Captain_GM> Cher's orders leave the impression in your mind that the group's goal is currently to escape, not attack. He seems to have taken command.
  854. <Honey_Rose> (It's been 2 hours, I'm pretty sure he's dead)
  855. <Captain_GM> With that in mind, what do?
  856. -*- Bob[MU] hurries out to help row Honey's paddle
  857. <Bob[MU]> !Roll 1d20
  858. <GameServ> 19 == 19
  859. <Bob[MU]> :D
  860. <Bob[MU]> (Finally)
  861. <Captain_GM> I was going to say no roll is necessary if you don't want, but with that, the raft begins to pick up speed. GreenHoof, you have the final action for this encounter, hopefully.
  862. <GreenHoof> ok
  863. <Bob[MU]> [Help Feather!]
  864. <GreenHoof> (wait is serpant still alive?)
  865. <Rain_Drop> (its thrashing about like a mother fucker)
  866. <Cherenkov-Light> (fucker's too big to fight)
  867. <GreenHoof> (is it still threat?)
  868. <Bob[MU]> [>Implying we stand a chance against a big bad)
  869. <Captain_GM> The serpent is very much alive, just temporarily blinded.
  870. <Rain_Drop> (I think its only dangerous from its flaing)
  871. <GreenHoof> !roll 1d20 to jump in water, holding onto back of raft and trying to propell raft by kicking legs
  872. <GameServ> 1 == 1
  873. <Cherenkov-Light> .....
  874. <Rain_Drop> (Also Capt if this is your way of bowing out of the game good show)
  875. <GreenHoof> (OH MY FUCKING GOD)
  876. <FeatherDuster__> ( .... )
  877. <Captain_GM> You trip and stumble and fall in the river.
  878. <Rain_Drop> (Dear god Green...)
  879. <Honey_Rose> (haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
  881. <Cherenkov-Light> (YOU JUST HAD TO DO IT, DIDN'T YOU)
  882. <FeatherDuster__> ( Green is the new Mac )
  883. <Captain_GM> roll a 1d4, hoof
  885. <GreenHoof> !roll 1d4
  886. <GameServ> 2 == 2
  887. <Rain_Drop> (>inb4 you do)
  888. <Captain_GM> Using Cher as a reference for the forward of the raft (Facing town), you fell off onto the PORT SIDE
  889. <Captain_GM> the serpent is on STARBOARD
  890. <Captain_GM> Top of the round, Rain's turn.
  891. <Cherenkov-Light> (are you sure you have that right, High?)
  892. <Captain_GM> Well, what I am describing is Hoof and the serpent are on opposite sides of the raft
  893. <Bob[MU]> [I thought serpent was behing us]
  894. <Captain_GM> incase it wants to eat him
  895. <Cherenkov-Light> [not yet]
  896. -*- Rain_Drop gallops over to Green Hoof yanking him back into the raft by his tail. "Shupid Phony!"
  897. <Rain_Drop> !roll 1d20
  898. <GameServ> 15 == 15
  899. <Captain_GM> Good show. You are able to keep Hoof from falling behind as you pull him back onto the raft.
  900. <Rain_Drop> (yahoo)
  901. <Captain_GM> Cher, I guess this means YOU get the last action of this encounter
  902. -*- GreenHoof struggles to get back on raft, finally makes it with RainDrops help
  903. <Cherenkov-Light> I help with the poles to steer us away
  904. <Cherenkov-Light> !roll d20
  905. <GameServ> 7 == 7
  906. <Captain_GM> oof, y'just had to roll
  907. <Cherenkov-Light> fdfdsfdsfdsfdfs
  908. <GreenHoof> ugh
  909. <FeatherDuster__> ( Boss, you're fired )
  910. <Honey_Rose> Ah well, he's helping feather because it's 10 + 7
  911. <Cherenkov-Light> thought I had to
  912. <Honey_Rose> so 17
  913. <Cherenkov-Light> sorry
  914. <Honey_Rose> please
  915. <Honey_Rose> (or not I have no idea lol)
  916. <FeatherDuster__> ( just teasing, you're fine )
  917. <GreenHoof> (at least you didn't fuck up as bad as I did!)
  918. <FeatherDuster__> ( this is true, Green did fuck up pretty bad. )
  919. <Rain_Drop> (By the way Green wash your tail!)
  920. <Honey_Rose> (ew)
  921. <FeatherDuster__> ( But that just means he'll make up for it later. )
  922. <GreenHoof> (my tail.........)
  923. <Captain_GM> So, combat is effectively over, however, you are having trouble commanding the crew. Let's not name names here, but one forgot which side is port side, and another pony is getting too tired to paddle. Behind you, you see the serpent has stopped thrashing, and has lowered its head to water level, as if trying to sense where you are.
  924. <Captain_GM> Anything you would like to say or do to help the crew out of this jam?
  925. <GreenHoof> (watch me make all 20's next time)
  926. -*- Bob[MU] shouts "PORT IS LEFT!"
  927. <GreenHoof> "We could go over to the bank, get on land, and walk the raft back with a rope... just an idea"
  928. <Captain_GM> And don't worry about rolling without being asked. It is just a personal habit of mine to not roll as often as others. At the very least, you just spiced this up.
  929. <Cherenkov-Light> Let's get away now! Speak up if you're tired! PORT IS LEFT. 4 LETTERS
  930. <Cherenkov-Light> WE MUST SAVE HIGH
  931. <Rain_Drop> "Did you see which way he got dragged off?"
  932. <Bob[MU]> Who has a spare hoof to do so, though/
  933. <Cherenkov-Light> "Down the river. It was too deep to see where exactly
  934. <GreenHoof> (OH FUCK disregard my statement I thought we got Captain back in my retardation)
  935. <GreenHoof> "We gotta find the Cap'n!"
  936. <Rain_Drop> "Firther down the river it is! Pole faster guys!"
  937. <GreenHoof> "No one gets left behind!"
  938. <Captain_GM> Before this goes on any more,
  939. <Captain_GM> A question for Cher.
  940. <Cherenkov-Light> yes?
  941. <Captain_GM> Has he lead the group back in the direction of town, or further upriver?
  942. <Rain_Drop> (Tide or Chere?)
  943. <FeatherDuster__> ( Chere )
  944. <Cherenkov-Light> Down for a bit, trying to look for the captain, but the result is fruitless. We head back to town to gather scouts for the comming search.
  945. <Honey_Rose> :( rip cap'n
  946. <GreenHoof> "But... muh.... muh Cap'n" :(
  947. <Bob[MU]> "I know he won't die that easily! We'll find him guys!"
  948. <Bob[MU]> !roll 1d20 to boost morale
  949. <GameServ> 19 == 19
  950. <FeatherDuster__> ".....Shit, he better still be alive down there somehow....."
  951. <Captain_GM> Ok then. The raft heads downriver back to town. I sent personal notes to Cher about this mission(s) and he knows the score.
  952. <Cherenkov-Light> The sea ponies have him for now
  953. <FeatherDuster__> ( all dat seapony sex )
  954. <Rain_Drop> "Damn it Tide! You and your damn Sea Ponies...."
  955. <GreenHoof> "Shit. I didn't even think they really existed..."
  956. <Captain_GM> You are all free to question how long he wants to wait before returning, but he does not have to tell explicitly how long he wants to wait before returning to search.
  957. <Captain_GM> try not to drive him crazy with messages asking what I told him or anything like that
  958. <FeatherDuster__> ( of course not, that would be no fun )
  959. <Honey_Rose> so wait it's game for now?
  960. <Cherenkov-Light> yes
  961. <GreenHoof> (You're not dead, are you capn?)
  962. -*- Rain_Drop stomps a hoof on the raft in anger as she stares out up river to where the serpant slithers off.
  963. <Bob[MU]> [I just need to know when resumed search is because lol social life]
  964. <Captain_GM> I will bring the session to a conclusion here. All you know is exactly what you saw. Rain asked me if this was my way of making my exit from Four Cannon, and some of you may remember me telling a story about meeting Seaponies in the inn.
  965. <FeatherDuster__> ( same. Only minus the social life )
  966. <Cherenkov-Light> [main quest is next week apparently]
  967. <Captain_GM> Take everything as you will, and I hope you all enjoyed yourself.
  968. <Rain_Drop> "We'll find him guys, just you wait. We may be the most hated scum of a fandom and the internet but we stick together through thick and through thin. We WILL get our Captain back..."
  969. <GreenHoof> "I'll get you back, Captain... you're coming home somehow..."
  970. <Cherenkov-Light> The Emperor shall protect him while away
  971. <GreenHoof> praise kek
  972. -*- FeatherDuster__ glares at the water then looks back to the others
  973. <FeatherDuster__> kek can suck my left nut
  974. <Cherenkov-Light> Indeed. Suffer not the heretic.
  975. <Captain_GM> It is entirely possible that you will never see High Tide again, just remember that Cher stepped up to the plate and took command.
  976. <Honey_Rose> Absolute RIP
  977. <Bob[MU]> !roll 1d20 to song a song of rescuing a captain lost at sea
  978. <GameServ> 20 == 20
  979. <GreenHoof> (whattttt????? NOOOO)
  980. <Captain_GM> And I reaaaaly don't want to archive all this
  981. <GreenHoof> (OH NOW WE GET FUCKING 20)
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