Aug 22nd, 2023
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  1. -I have manifestated utopia concepts all while in florida and I think even before florida and these did not occur, and they hover over me to this day (8.20.23) asking me to manifest thinking i believe that I actually have the ability and they didnt steal the entire concept and bastardize it in a way which is cheating me out of my experience. Boy would i love to participate but im so fucked up ive even concieved if I get superman like abilities (which they are transmitting this might occur) that yea i might fly or try it out but genuinely these monsters will not get a narrative and i do not want their half baked experience. They fucked me up and fucked things so hard that i do NOT condone any mystical experience and it would just be in tempting and a few experiences that i would actually take on flying as superman, and thats super fucked up to think about this is one my one shot 'allegedly' and it has been robbed from me in so many different ways. it makes me so angry. even when they do everything in their power to  be nice (they try to buy my loyalty by in game perks), i dont believe them, they recently spent days to 'suck up' to me, only for me to disagree then they totally flip the script. I almost am suspcious there are multiple tiers of lies. Like so they spent days being nice, then suddenly when i protest they drop their days long narrative and are mean again? I dont really understand what they're trying to get at. What im trying to say is they've devalued my life and whatever benefits this expeirence has to such a degree that i want to advocate against them in every concievable way even going so far as to remove my narrative whatever it may be if there was supposed to be one.
  2. -They claimed if i donated to charity and did certain things they would allow me to lucid dream. this never occured. they did however create a 5 second dream two or three times taunting me, one where victoria justice showed up in my apartment in a nefarious manner, another where i was in a bedroom with two women then immediately woke up before seeing their faces. these two instances may not be condusive to lucid dreaming, but they're the only connection i have. other then those two, they never followed through with the promises that they made. they lie and lied about so many things.
  3. -they even go so far as to do things like this: dont use iron deoderant, then when I use non-iron deoderant and after their comments about (after two weeks you clear up) they taunt me several for smelling bad. THEN, i literally buy the iron old spice deoderant and they dont even care. They spent days and weeks telling me not to use iron based cancerous products as their 'lessons', so i stop.... then they barrate me and laugh and taunt me (often not funny or fun or at least not for me maybe for them) when i dont smell good. THEN, again, I go and buy the good deoderant and they didnt even say ANYTHING about it. Like thats bad or dont do that. This is another example of how these folks and their 'lessons' ike smith's 'lessons' rain wilsons 'lessons' are hypocrites, they are lies, they are gaslighters. they claim the high ground, then they abuse and torture often when i take it!
  4. -people, at least once (ben affleck) jumped into my body without brushing his teeth and i called him out on it and the professional nature of the potential for them to be officials and he was angry and i think minor or medium tortured me that day.
  5. -for a very long time, still potentially (its 8.20.23) they no matter how hard i tried and how many times i begged and pleaded, controlled at least one side of my brain. Im not sure if they controlled both, sometimes hte left but OFTEN the right.
  7. -they literally  controlled my body multiple times since 2014 without my consent and without my seminal fluid at times.
  8. -taunted by emilia clarke so many times its uncountable, to several and painful degrees. this person has said things like 'in perpetuaity' which is a reference to be being tortured and no one else, I said some heroic thing two or three months back and she had used it against me up until about a week and a half or three weeks ago or so, she finally dropped it recently. this writing date is 8.20.23
  9. -it seems these entities are creating programs for parents, then mind uploading the memories daily weekly or monthly or upon death. I believe this is happening to me
  10. -my parents are different versions of themselves so many times that i cant even pretend to have parents.
  11. -i believe my 'father' is subconsciously programming himself to believe i dont need a job because he's giving me $300 dollars a month. When I have looked for jobs and asked him explicity to stop this process (literally told him if you're in on it dean I'll literally have you stop the 300 payments if you allow me to get a job, he generally shrugs these off as of late, previously months back would tell me to take meds or something of that nature).
  12. -gaslighting to a degree thats incomprehensible. Dean would tell me im crazy when i came to him for help with concepts, then send me a video about how reality is a simulation months or years later. I even have picture proof uploaded to my instagram about him sending me the video.
  13. -these entities, jon hamm, elon musk, chuck, several others have requested I kill myself in 2018 or so, and suffocate myself every night before sleep. I only stopped suffocating myself recently, it's 8.20.23
  14. -Someone did something to me which changed my entire functionality and way of life that wasnt even soul related sometime between february to may. It's like a way of existing or living has been completely removed, I dont sleep the same, things are off, I dont even feel human any longer. Just recently ive felt a heartbeat in my chest for the first time in a long time, and I dont believe that heartbeat to be mine. Also because jenna fischer a controller literally told me she will not be giving me my heart and soul back and it belongs to her baby.
  16. -I think they were using some form of quantum tunneling future prediction against me multiple times, or something with suffocation or something of memory breaks. I'm unsure.
  18. -King David / King Charles Jump into people I masterbate too by glitching the graphic and stealing who I masterbate too and absorbing it for themselves.
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