
more long link fixes

Feb 25th, 2024
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  1. The force behind his action was monumental, sending the clone headfirst into the column with such impact that its head was buried a full foot into the stone. The collision sent small slivers of marble debris flying, a visual echo of the force exerted.
  3. But Albino was far from finished. His senses, sharpened to a razor's edge, detected the second clone's approach from behind. Without hesitation, he intercepted the clone's arm just as it was about to strike. Leveraging the momentum of the attack against the clone, Albino executed a flawless Judo throw, using the clone's own force to his advantage. The throw sent the clone hurtling towards the same marble column with devastating accuracy.
  5. The impact was catastrophic for the structure. The column, already compromised by the first clone's violent introduction, could not withstand the additional assault. It split cleanly, the integrity of the marble giving way under the combined stress of the impacts. With a groan of stressed stone, the top half of the column slid off its base half, a once-sturdy pillar now reduced to a falling weapon.
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