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May 11th, 2017
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text 53.37 KB | None | 0 0
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  168. LeftScroll
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  207. Kong
  208. alloc
  209. free
  223. file
  224. https
  225. localhost
  227. jspManager.dll
  232. gwi'6&fs=0Nf~
  233. %(egEr)ag(s&m
  234. 952uybjnpmu903bia@bk5m[-
  235. 38g6zxjk20gvmv]6^=j&%vY1
  240. ALLOC DWCauth
  241. FREE DWCauth
  243. ALLOC bmwork
  244. FREE bmwork
  245. Date
  246. httpresult
  247. returncd
  248. token
  249. locator
  250. challenge
  251. datetime
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  256. gsbrcd
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  258. ingamesn
  259. %013llu
  260. %03u
  261. %02x
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  264. %02d:0000000-00
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  266. sdkver
  267. userid
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  270. apinfo
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  274. macadr
  275. lang
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  279. ssid
  280. Nitro WiFi SDK/%d.%d
  281. User-Agent
  283. ALLOC http->lowrecvbuf
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  294. GET /%s HTTP/1.0
  295. Host: %s
  296. %s: %s
  297. &%s=
  298. ALLOC buf->buffer
  299. FREE buf->buffer
  300. ALLOC newptr
  301. http://
  302. https://
  303. ALLOC result->entry[i].label
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  307. httpresult
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  318. ALLOC url
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  322. httpresult
  324. action
  325. message
  326. HotSpotResponse
  327. parse
  328. HTML
  329. returncd
  330. data
  331. wait
  332. nzchk
  333. FREE url
  334. FREE data
  335. User-Agent
  336. DWC/1.0
  337. FREE wait
  338. IE, Baltimore, CyberTrust, Baltimore CyberTrust Root
  339. hDBH
  340. 96ru
  341. BE, GlobalSign nv-sa, Root CA, GlobalSign Root CA
  342. :V98o
  343. i[*M
  344. US, GTE Corporation, GTE CyberTrust Solutions, Inc., GTE CyberTrust Global Root
  345. z~l<S
  346. 7(s`
  347. US, GTE Corporation, GTE CyberTrust Root
  348. GlobalSign Root CA - R2, GlobalSign, GlobalSign
  349. _^Ij
  350. US, Washington, Nintendo of America Inc, NOA, Nintendo CA,
  351. DxxI
  352. H5:R
  353. 7ZA, Western Cape, Cape Town, Thawte Consulting cc, Certification Services Division, Thawte Premium Server CA,
  354. ZA, Western Cape, Cape Town, Thawte Consulting cc, Certification Services Division, Thawte Server CA,
  355. FmG?
  356. EW^~
  357. 7T0o
  358. O\gUS, VeriSign, Inc., Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2, (c) 1998 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, VeriSign Trust Network
  359. US, VeriSign, Inc., VeriSign Trust Network, (c) 1999 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only, VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
  360. R[p
  361. 'g2n
  362. yeW>
  363. US, VeriSign, Inc., Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority
  364. #_p)6
  365. qdLe.
  366. US, RSA Data Security, Inc., Secure Server Certification Authority
  367. 5xdT
  368. K%f"Vl
  369. IT,s:i
  370. mpgH
  371. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789.-
  372. Fri, 03 Mar 2006 01:28:13 GMT
  373. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/
  374. http://
  375. https://
  376. Proxy-Authorization: Basic
  377. Authorization: Basic
  378. CONNECT
  379. HTTP/1.1
  380. Host:
  381. Content-Length: 0
  382. Pragma: no-cache
  383. HTTP/
  384. Content-Length:
  385. GET
  386. POST
  387. HEAD
  388. Content-Length
  389. Connection
  390. Keep-Alive
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  392. chunked
  393. show_register p_cnt null
  394. SP:%08x
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  397. P_CNT:%08x
  398. R%02d:%08X
  406. Exception Count %d
  407. STK %02d:%08X
  408. data_err/eu_ger/error.bmg
  409. data_err/jp_jpn/error.bmg
  410. data_err/eu_fra/error.bmg
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  414. data_err/us_eng/error.bmg
  415. data_err/eu_eng/error.bmg
  416. data_err/eu_spa/error.bmg
  417. TBF1_m.NFTR
  418. msk_fatal_error_D.bnll
  419. msk_fatal_error_D.NCLR
  420. ReadFile
  421. CloseFile
  422. OpenFileEx
  423. sdmc
  424. %s [l.%d] CORRUPT %d %s %s
  425. cmnFSWrapper.cpp
  426. %s [l.%d] FATAL %d %s %s
  427. NARC
  428. BTAFl
  429. BTNF\
  430. data_err
  431. msk_fatal_error_D.bnll
  432. msk_fatal_error_D.NCLR
  433. TBF1_m.NFTR
  434. eu_eng
  435. eu_fra
  436. eu_ger
  437. eu_ita
  438. eu_spa
  439. jp_jpn
  440. us_eng
  441. us_fra
  442. us_spa
  443. error.bmg
  444. error.bmg
  445. error.bmg
  446. error.bmg
  447. error.bmg
  448. error.bmg
  449. error.bmg
  450. error.bmg
  451. error.bmg
  452. GMIF,/
  453. JNLL
  454. RLCN
  455. TTLP
  456. RTFN
  457. FNIF
  458. PLGC
  459. (xpr
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  462. E]M?
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  464. t5o@
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  467. PAMC
  468. PAMC0
  469. MESGbmg1`
  470. INF1@
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  472. MESGbmg1@
  473. INF1@
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  475. MESGbmg1
  476. INF1@
  477. DAT1
  478. MESGbmg1
  479. INF1@
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  484. MESGbmg1`
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  491. k0W0
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  493. c:yk0
  494. _c0f0O0`0U0D0
  495. ,gSO
  496. 0~0W0_0
  497. tk0d0M0~0W0f0o0
  498. J0OUD0
  499. 0[0O0`0U0D0
  500. MESGbmg1`
  501. INF1@
  502. DAT1
  503. MESGbmg1@
  504. INF1@
  505. DAT1
  506. MESGbmg1
  507. INF1@
  508. DAT1@
  509. RGCN
  510. RAHC
  511. SOPC
  512. rom:/layout/cmn/%s.szs
  513. rom:/layout/%s/%s.szs
  514. B0D0F0H0J0K0M0O0Q0S0U0W0Y0[0]0_0a0d0f0h0o0r0u0x0{0
  515. 0L0N0P0R0T0V0X0Z0\0^0`0b0e0g0i0p0s0v0y0|0
  516. 0q0t0w0z0}0
  517. A0C0E0G0I0
  518. 4Link
  519. 10OpString16
  520. 11OpStringC16
  521. 11OperaModule
  522. 12MemoryModule
  523. Root-%s-%s-%s
  524. Root-%s-%s
  525. @@@A@D@E@P@Q@T@U@
  533. 0!0
  534. nand:/sys/
  535. nand:/tmp/es/
  536. EF}[
  537. 9i_a~
  538. {2A8
  539. CI=[
  540. mu*_A
  541. cu/s
  542. H~;x
  543. ~bk>
  544. EykA
  545. 0fK7#1
  546. `Ozr
  547. {>=Q)
  548. Fz5a
  549. 3Y\^
  550. <i5n
  551. ECSHOP
  552. exception
  553. bad_alloc
  554. St9bad_alloc
  555. St9exception
  556. St11logic_error
  557. !std::bad_alloc!
  558. St12out_of_range
  559. St12length_error
  560. Jul 1 2010 13:53:04
  561. ECSHOP 3.8.1 Jul 1 2010 13:53:04
  562. NSt6detail14default_deleteIA0_cEE
  563. NSt3tr16detail25shared_ptr_deleter_commonE
  564. NSt3tr16detail18shared_ptr_deleterIcNSt6detail14default_deleteIA0_cEEEE
  565. ECommerce Library built %s
  566. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_api.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:04
  567. Caught exception at FILE: ec_api.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:04
  568. AppId
  569. PCPW
  570. USE_NCRS
  574. title %s is asscoiated with subscription title %s
  575. TitleId %s is on card but no license found
  576. ec::getATmd (%016llX) returned %d
  577. titleId %016llX cid %08X not present
  578. basic_string: out_of_range
  579. !std::exception!!std::logic_error!!std::out_of_range!!
  580. basic_string: length_error
  581. !std::exception!!std::logic_error!!std::length_error!!
  582. allocate %d elements of size %d = %d bytes
  583. allocate failed for %d element(s) of size %d = %d bytes
  584. !std::exception!!std::bad_alloc!!
  585. allocated at 0x%x
  586. deallocate %d elements of size %d = %d bytes at 0x%x
  587. 5ECObj
  588. 9ECAsyncOp
  589. !std::bad_alloc!
  590. async op thread exiting on request
  591. async op thread before process %s
  592. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_asyncOp.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:05
  593. Caught exception at FILE: ec_asyncOp.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:05
  594. async op thread after process %s
  595. async op thread exiting with return value 0
  596. 0000000100000001
  597. Running Application is %016llX
  598. Initial ecsUrl %s
  599. Initial iasUrl %s
  600. Initial casUrl %s
  601. Initial ccsUrl %s
  602. Initial ucsUrl %s
  603. EC_Init Error: _SHR_thread_create failed, rv=%d
  604. ERROR: EC requestQueue was full
  605. ERROR: EC _SHR_thread_join failed, rv=%d
  606. EC_Init() getDevId() returned %d
  607. EC_Init() getDevCert() returned %d
  608. md5_sum of deviceToken failed %d
  609. accountId
  610. deviceToken
  611. country
  612. accountCountry
  613. accountDeviceCode
  614. lastTicketSyncTime
  615. isNeedTicketSync
  616. isNeedTicketSyncImportAll
  617. extAccountId
  618. forceSyncTime
  619. extTicketTime
  620. syncTime
  621. cfgVersion
  622. EC config file not present
  623. ES_GetDeviceId returned %d
  624. ES_GetDeviceCert returned %d
  625. ES_GetDeviceCert success
  626. Error downloading crl %d
  627. Parental control enabled %d, flags %02X User Age %u
  628. fakeSN
  629. %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x
  630. <none>
  631. Setting accountId to %s
  632. new ecsUrl: %s
  633. new iasUrl: %s
  634. new casUrl: %s
  635. new ccsUrl: %s
  636. new ucsUrl: %s
  637. %s failed %d
  638. Dump of %s environment:
  639. ecsUrl %s
  640. iasUrl %s
  641. casUrl %s
  642. ccsUrl %s
  643. ucsUrl %s
  644. id %d state %d phase %d status %d isDone %d downloadedSize %u totalSize %u isCancelRequested %d errCode %d errInfo %s
  645. construct with placement
  646. basic_string::reserve length_error
  647. !std::exception!!std::logic_error!!std::length_error!!
  648. string compare: pos > len
  649. !std::exception!!std::logic_error!!std::out_of_range!!
  650. deallocate %d elements of size %d = %d bytes at 0x%x
  651. allocate %d elements of size %d = %d bytes
  652. allocate failed for %d element(s) of size %d = %d bytes
  653. !std::exception!!std::bad_alloc!!
  654. allocated at 0x%x
  655. vector length error
  656. EC FINE:
  657. EC WARN:
  658. EC INFO:
  659. EC FINER:
  660. EC FINEST:
  661. ##### EC ERR:
  662. Invalid ECard len %d
  663. reformatEcard: invalid ecard %s
  664. mallocAlign for sign failed
  665. ES_Sign() returned %d
  666. %s%s
  667. Log level invalid %d
  668. logLevel argument %d, logLevel set to %d
  669. ES_GetTicketViews for title %016llX returned %d and %u views
  670. ES_GetTicketViews for title %016llX says there are %d views
  671. ES_GetTicketViews for title %016llX returned %d
  672. ES_GetTmd (%016llX) returned %d
  673. getTitleTmdView can't malloc space for tmd
  674. getTitleTmd can't malloc space for tmd
  675. Can't malloc space for ECTmdView for title %016llx, rv = %d
  676. can't load ECTmdView for title %016llx, rv = %d
  677. getTmdViewFromTmd ( tmd, NULL, &tmdViewSize) for %016llX returned %d
  678. can't delete unmanaged title %016llx
  679. ES_DeleteTitle returned %d for titleId %016llx
  680. can't delete unmanaged title content %016llx
  681. ES_DeleteTitleContent returned %d for titleId %016llx
  682. can't delete unmanaged ticketId %016llx titleId
  683. ES_DeleteTicket returned %d for ticketId %016llx titleId %016llx
  684. basic_string: out_of_range
  685. !std::exception!!std::logic_error!!std::out_of_range!!
  686. 10ECGetTitle
  687. !std::bad_alloc!
  688. updating required contents
  689. updating existing contents
  690. updating TMD
  691. updating owned contents
  692. downloading contents in list for on device version
  693. updating contents in list to latest version
  694. Unrecognized download option %d
  695. Computing resources for
  696. %s%s of %016llX
  697. Failed to invalidate purchase history cache, rv=%d
  698. getTitle ES_GetTmd() returned %d
  699. getTitle getTmdView() returned %d
  700. getTitle getTmdViewFromTmd() returned %d
  701. Can't malloc space to save tmd for title %016llx, rv = %d
  702. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_getTitle.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:08
  703. Caught exception at FILE: ec_getTitle.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:08
  704. titleId 0x%s
  705. ECARD
  706. CCARD
  707. ACCOUNT
  708. Response
  709. !std::bad_alloc!
  710. 15ECPurchaseTitle
  711. 18ECTicketedPurchase
  712. Failed to invalidate purchase history cache, rv=%d
  713. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_purchaseTitle.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:09
  714. Caught exception at FILE: ec_purchaseTitle.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:09
  715. ItemId
  716. Price
  717. Amount
  718. Currency
  719. Discount
  720. Taxes
  721. Payment
  722. PaymentMethod
  723. AccountPayment
  724. AccountNumber
  725. DeviceToken
  726. ECardPayment
  727. ECardNumber
  728. ECardType
  729. ECardHash
  730. CreditCardPayment
  731. CreditCardNumber
  732. IsEncrypted
  733. true
  734. PurchaseInfo
  735. DeviceCert
  736. TitleId
  737. Limits
  738. LimitKind
  739. ReferenceId
  740. RivToken
  741. PurchaseTitle
  742. deallocate %d elements of size %d = %d bytes at 0x%x
  743. !std::bad_alloc!
  744. 19ECCheckRegistration
  745. CheckRegistration
  746. SerialNumber
  747. OriginalSerialNumber
  748. DeviceStatus
  749. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_checkReg.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:11
  750. Caught exception at FILE: ec_checkReg.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:11
  751. !std::bad_alloc!
  752. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_mem.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:12
  753. Caught exception at FILE: ec_mem.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:12
  754. new failed for size %u
  755. !std::exception!!std::bad_alloc!!
  756. new %u bytes at %p
  757. delete %p
  758. !std::bad_alloc!
  759. %s-%s-%s
  760. :DeviceId>
  761. :DeviceId>
  762. :DeviceToken>
  763. :DeviceToken>
  764. :AccountId>
  765. :AccountId>
  766. :ApplicationId>
  767. :ApplicationId>
  768. :TIN>
  769. :TIN>
  770. :Region>
  771. :Region>
  772. :Country>
  773. :Country>
  774. :Language>
  775. :Language>
  776. :Attributes>
  777. <
  778. :Name>
  779. PostalCode
  780. :Name>
  781. :Value>
  782. :Value>
  783. </
  784. <ecs:SerialNo>
  785. </ecs:SerialNo>
  786. <cas:Age>
  787. </cas:Age>
  788. application/xml
  789. Accept
  790. UTF-8
  791. Accept-Charset
  792. text/xml; charset=utf-8
  793. Content-type
  794. urn:
  796. SOAPAction
  797. SOAPAction: "
  798. Response
  799. Error: ec::Soap::end(): action:
  800. tagStack.size():
  801. indent.size():
  802. oneIndentLen:
  803. tagStack[
  804. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_soap.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:12
  805. Caught exception at FILE: ec_soap.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:12
  806. Error %d doing web service request for %s commError %d HTTP status code %d
  807. %s got %d
  808. %s got response:
  809. xmlns="urn:
  811. ?xml
  812. soapenv:Envelope
  813. soapenv:Body
  814. TimeStamp
  815. ErrorCode
  816. %s error %d extracting %s
  817. ErrorMessage
  818. %s error %d extracting ErrorMessage
  819. %s contains ErrorCode: %s and ErrorMessage: %s
  820. false
  821. true
  822. called gotComplex() doesn't match getComplex()
  823. SyncTime
  824. ETickets
  825. %s: couldn't decode base64 ticket[%d]: %s
  826. %s: expected at least %u tickets, found %u
  827. Certs
  828. %s: couldn't decode base64 cert[%d]: %s
  829. %s: expected at least 2 ticket certs, found %u
  830. Amount
  831. Currency
  832. ItemId
  833. Price
  834. LicenseKind
  835. Name
  836. Value
  837. Ratings
  838. Rating
  839. Descriptors
  840. Contents
  841. Items
  842. TitleId
  843. TitleIncluded
  844. ContentIndex
  845. Attributes
  846. Prices
  847. Balance
  848. POINTS
  849. %s: expected Balance.Currency == POINTS, found %s
  850. PurchaseInfo
  851. Transactions
  852. TransactionId
  853. Date
  854. Type
  855. Limits
  856. LimitKind
  857. %s: did not recognize LimitKind %s
  858. construct with placement
  859. !std::exception!!std::logic_error!!std::out_of_range!!
  860. basic_string::copy pos out of range
  861. deallocate %d elements of size %d = %d bytes at 0x%x
  862. allocate %d elements of size %d = %d bytes
  863. allocate failed for %d element(s) of size %d = %d bytes
  864. !std::exception!!std::bad_alloc!!
  865. allocated at 0x%x
  866. =====basic_string: out_of_range
  867. basic_string: length_error
  868. 0123456789abcdef
  869. %llu
  870. %lld
  871. %0*llX
  872. &#x%X;
  873. utf32CodePointFromNCR returning EC_ERROR_INVALID
  874. &lt;
  875. &gt;
  876. &quot;
  877. &apos;
  878. &amp;
  879. !std::exception!!std::logic_error!!std::length_error!!
  880. basic_string: out_of_range
  881. !std::exception!!std::logic_error!!std::out_of_range!!
  882. basic_string: length_error
  883. ImportBuf
  884. %s close() nBuffered %d should be 0
  885. %s: ES_ImportContentData returned %d
  886. %s: ES_ImportContentData %u so far %u expected total %u
  887. Error downloading %s %s %d
  888. Error: downloaded %s tmd size is %u expected > %u
  889. Error %d: import title done
  890. ES_ImportTitleDone returned %d
  891. Error %d: import title init
  892. ES_ImportTitleInit returned %d
  893. ES_ImportTicket returned %d
  894. cetk
  895. get content: %s
  896. text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, */*
  897. Accept
  898. Downloaded content size %u doesn't match TMD %u
  899. Error %d doing HTTP get for titleId %s contentId %s commError %d HTTP status code %d downloadedSize %u contentSize %u
  900. !std::bad_alloc!
  901. Failed to create log buffer size %u rv %d
  902. Log buffer set to %u
  903. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_logbuf.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:20
  904. Caught exception at FILE: ec_logbuf.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:20
  905. 19ECCheckDeviceStatus
  906. CheckDeviceStatus failed %d
  907. CheckDeviceStatus result:
  908. env.forceSyncTime:%lld forceSyncTime:%lld
  909. env.extTicketTime:%lld extTicketTime:%lld
  910. env.syncTime:%lld syncTime:%lld
  911. lastTicketSyncTime:%lld
  912. isSyncTimesMatch:%d isNeedTicketSync:%d
  913. isNeedTicketSyncImportAll:%d
  914. makeShopLog() returned %d
  915. CheckDeviceStatus
  916. Balance
  917. Amount
  918. Currency
  919. POINTS
  920. CheckAccountBalanceResponse: expected Balance.Currency == POINTS, found %s
  921. ForceSyncTime
  922. ExtTicketTime
  923. SyncTime
  924. 12ECRegisterOp
  925. !std::bad_alloc!
  926. Shop log file removed.
  927. Shop log file created.
  928. Failed to create shop log file.
  929. File systsem corruption during makeShopLog().
  930. makeShopLog() returned %d.
  931. GetChallenge
  932. Challenge
  933. <Challenge>
  934. </Challenge>
  935. <SerialNumber>
  936. </SerialNumber>
  937. <Country>
  938. </Country>
  939. <RegisterRegion>
  940. </RegisterRegion>
  941. <Language>
  942. </Language>
  943. <WifiMac>
  944. </WifiMac>
  945. <BluetoothMac>
  946. </BluetoothMac>
  947. <DeviceCode>
  948. </DeviceCode>
  949. <ExtAccountId>
  950. </ExtAccountId>
  951. <ExtAccountPassword>
  952. </ExtAccountPassword>
  953. Data to sign:
  954. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_register.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:22
  955. Caught exception at FILE: ec_register.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:22
  956. Register
  957. Unregister
  958. Transfer
  959. SyncRegistration
  960. GetRegistrationInfo
  961. DeviceCert
  962. SerialNumber
  963. RegisterRegion
  964. ExtAccountId
  965. ExtAccountPassword
  966. Signature
  967. CertChain
  968. WifiMac
  969. BluetoothMac
  970. DeviceCode
  971. AccountId
  972. DeviceToken
  973. DeviceTokenExpired
  974. Country
  975. !std::bad_alloc!
  976. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_shop.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:24
  977. Caught exception at FILE: ec_shop.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:24
  978. EC_GetTransactionInfos type len is %u but max is %u
  979. ES_GetTicketViews for title %016llX says there are %d views
  980. ES_GetTicketViews for title %016llX returned %d
  981. TitleId %016llX has TicketId %016llX
  982. In deleteLocalTickets titleId %016llX ticketId %016llX: ES_GetTicketViews returned %d
  983. In deleteLocalTickets titleId %016llX ticketId %016llX: ES_GetTicketViews says there are %d views
  984. ES_DeleteTicket for titleId %016llX ticketId %016llX returned %d
  985. Deleted local ticket titleId %016llX ticketId %016llX
  986. name
  987. value
  988. price
  989. notes
  990. taxes
  991. trace
  992. index
  993. ecsUrl
  994. ccsUrl
  995. ucsUrl
  996. accept
  997. iasUrl
  998. reason
  999. option
  1000. casUrl
  1001. survey
  1002. itemId
  1003. region
  1004. limits
  1005. message
  1006. payment
  1007. connect
  1008. invalid
  1009. ECPrice
  1010. logSize
  1011. country
  1012. titleId
  1013. discount
  1014. ticketId
  1015. syncType
  1016. language
  1017. traceMsg
  1018. transfer
  1019. password
  1020. helpeeId
  1021. not busy
  1022. helperId
  1023. register
  1024. accountId
  1025. challenge
  1026. subscribe
  1027. reportCSS
  1028. identifier
  1029. unregister
  1030. callerType
  1031. ECProgress
  1032. confirmCSS
  1033. postalCode
  1034. deviceToken
  1035. syncTickets
  1036. ECTitleInfo
  1037. optionValue
  1038. setParameter
  1039. purchaseInfo
  1040. extAccountId
  1041. helperIdKind
  1042. helpeeIdKind
  1043. confirmation
  1044. ECTitleLimit
  1045. ECTitleInfos
  1046. ECTicketInfo
  1047. ECDeviceInfo
  1048. transactionId
  1049. purchaseTitle
  1050. requestString
  1051. downloadTitle
  1052. ECTitleLimits
  1053. ECTicketInfos
  1054. confirmKeyPair
  1055. identifierKind
  1056. purchasePoints
  1057. ECECardPayment
  1058. downloadContent
  1059. generateKeyPair
  1060. acceptGiftTitle
  1061. deleteOwnership
  1062. !std::bad_alloc!
  1063. pointsToPurchase
  1064. donwloadContents
  1065. sendChallengeReq
  1066. ECAccountPayment
  1067. syncRegistration
  1068. checkRegistration
  1069. purchaseGiftTitle
  1070. checkDeviceStatus
  1071. ECTransactionInfo
  1072. extAccountPassword
  1073. ECommerceInterface
  1074. ECTransactionInfos
  1075. ECCreditCardPayment
  1076. refreshCachedBalance
  1077. ECCreditCardEncryptedPayment
  1078. %llu
  1079. %lld
  1080. %016llX
  1081. ECInterfaceData
  1082. Invalid number of ECInterface constructor arguments: %d, must be 0
  1083. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_js.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:27
  1084. delete %s js obj private data at %p
  1085. Destroying ECInterfaceData with retBuf %p
  1086. ECProgressData
  1087. Error in ECProgressData constructor: argc %d != 0
  1088. ECPaymentData
  1089. ECCreditCardPaymentData
  1090. ECCreditCardPayment cc number agument 1 must be a string
  1091. Invalid number of ECCreditCardPayment constructor arguments: %d, must be 0 or 1
  1092. ECCreditCardEncryptedPaymentData
  1093. ECCreditCardEncryptedPayment ccEncrypted lastFourDigits agument 1 must be a string
  1094. Invalid lastFourDigits of ECCreditCardEncryptedPayment constructor arguments: %d, must be 0 or 1
  1095. ECECardPayment eCard number agument 1 must be a string
  1096. Invalid number of ECECardPayment constructor arguments: %d, must be 0 or 1
  1097. ECAccountPayment account password agument 2 must be a number or string
  1098. ECAccountPayment account id agument 1 must be a number or string
  1099. Invalid number of ECAccountPayment constructor arguments: %d, must be 0, 1, or 2
  1100. ECPriceData
  1101. ECPrice currency agument 2 must be a string
  1102. ECPrice amount agument 1 must be a string
  1103. Invalid number of ECPrice constructor arguments: %d, must be 0, 1, or 2
  1104. ECTitleLimitData
  1105. Invalid number of ECTitleLimit constructor arguments: %d, must be 0-3
  1106. ECTitleLimit(code,limit,consumed) agument 3 must be a number or number string
  1107. ECTitleLimit(code,limit,consumed) agument 2 must be a number or number string
  1108. ECTitleLimit(code,limit,consumed) agument 1 must be a string
  1109. ECTitleLimitsData
  1110. Invalid number of ECTitleLimits constructor arguments: %d, must be 0-%d
  1111. ECTitleLimits agument %d must be an ECTitleLimit
  1112. ECTitleInfoData
  1113. Invalid number of ECTitleInfo constructor arguments: %d, must be 0
  1114. ECTitleInfosData
  1115. Invalid number of ECTitleInfos constructor arguments: %d, must be 0
  1116. Destroying an ECTitleInfos with %u titles
  1117. ECTicketInfoData
  1118. Invalid number of ECTicketInfo constructor arguments: %d, must be 0
  1119. ECTicketInfosData
  1120. Invalid number of ECTicketInfos constructor arguments: %d, must be 0
  1121. Destroying an ECTicketInfos with %u tickets
  1122. ECDeviceInfoData
  1123. Invalid number of ECDeviceInfo constructor arguments: %d, must be 0
  1124. ECTransactionInfoData
  1125. Invalid number of ECTransactionInfo constructor arguments: %d, must be 0
  1126. ECTransactionInfosData
  1127. Invalid number of ECTransactionInfos constructor arguments: %d, must be 0
  1128. Destroying an ECTransactionInfos with %u transactionInfos
  1129. trusted
  1130. ##### untrusted
  1131. %s page: %s
  1132. ##### getCurrentUrl() returned NULL
  1133. ##### getCurrentUrl() callback pointer is NULL
  1134. getVersion
  1135. setParameter
  1136. getSessionValue
  1137. getDeviceInfo
  1138. getWeakToken
  1139. cancelOperation
  1140. setSessionValue
  1141. setWebSvcUrls
  1142. setContentUrls
  1143. getCachedBalance
  1144. ECDeviceInfo
  1145. ECommerceInterface
  1146. trace
  1147. Invalid hostname %s
  1148. https
  1149. protocol %s hostname %s port %d
  1150. *** %u
  1151. *** %u: %s
  1152. %s has %d arguments but requires %d argumnets
  1153. %s has %d arguments but requires %d to %d argumnets
  1154. %s has invalid type %d for arg %d: %s
  1155. ECProgress constructor returned %d in constructProgressObject()
  1156. getPersistentValue
  1157. setPersistentValue
  1158. getProgress
  1159. purchaseTitle
  1160. purchaseGiftTitle
  1161. acceptGiftTitle
  1162. unregister
  1163. deleteOwnership
  1164. syncTickets
  1165. checkDeviceStatus
  1166. refreshCachedBalance
  1167. getPurchaseInfo
  1168. getTransactionInfos
  1169. purchasePoints
  1170. downloadTitle
  1171. generateKeyPair
  1172. confirmKeyPair
  1173. checkRegistration
  1174. register
  1175. transfer
  1176. syncRegistration
  1177. sendChallengeReq
  1178. getChallengeResp
  1179. reportCSS
  1180. confirmCSS
  1181. getCSSConfirmation
  1182. getTitleInfo
  1183. getTitleInfos
  1184. getTicketInfos
  1185. checkParentalControlPassword
  1186. launchTitle
  1187. request
  1188. setOption
  1189. startLog
  1190. getLog
  1191. stopLog
  1192. setLanguage
  1193. setCountry
  1194. setRegion
  1195. setAge
  1196. setAccountId
  1197. deleteTitleContent
  1198. deleteTitle
  1199. deleteLocalTicket
  1200. pubKeyEncrypt
  1201. runTests
  1202. setParameter has invalid type %d for arg 1: value
  1203. Getting progress for opId: %d
  1204. Canceling active operation
  1205. purchasing title: %s
  1206. purchaseTitle has invalid type %d for arg 6: taxes
  1207. purchaseTitle has invalid type %d for arg 7: purchaseInfo
  1208. purchaseTitle has invalid type %d for arg 8: discount
  1209. purchasing gift title: %s
  1210. purchaseGiftTitle has invalid type %d for arg 7: notes
  1211. purchaseGiftTitle has invalid type %d for arg 8: taxes
  1212. purchaseGiftTitle has invalid type %d for arg 9: purchaseInfo
  1213. purchaseGiftTitle has invalid type %d for arg 10: discount
  1214. Accepting
  1215. Rejecting
  1216. %s gift title: %s
  1217. Syncing eTickets with syncType %lld
  1218. Check ticket sync status and refresh cached points balance
  1219. Refreshing cached points balance
  1220. Purchasing points
  1221. purchasePoints has invalid type %d for arg 5: taxes
  1222. purchasePoints has invalid type %d for arg 6: purchaseInfo
  1223. purchasePoints has invalid type %d for arg 7: discount
  1224. Getting title %s
  1225. Generating key pair
  1226. Confirming key pair
  1227. Checking Registration status
  1228. register was denied because there was no challenge
  1229. NULL
  1230. Registering with extAccountId %s, extAccountPassword %s
  1231. unregister was denied because there was no challenge
  1232. Unregister
  1233. transfer was denied because there was no challenge
  1234. Transferring account and tickets from other device
  1235. syncRegistration was denied because there was no challenge
  1236. Sync registration
  1237. Deleting server ticket, device ticket, content, and data for TitleId %016llX TicketId %016llX
  1238. Sending request for challenge
  1239. reportCSS: callerType %s helperId %s helperIdKind %s helpeeId %s helpeeIdKind %s survey %s
  1240. confirmCSS: callerType %s helperId %s helperIdKind %s helpeeId %s helpeeIdKind %s confirmation %s notes %s
  1241. ECTitleInfo constructor returned %d in constructTitleInfoObject()
  1242. ECTitleInfos constructor returned %d in constructTitleInfosObject()
  1243. Getting title info for %016llX
  1244. Getting info for owned titles
  1245. ECTicketInfo constructor returned %d in constructTicketInfoObject()
  1246. ECTicketInfos constructor returned %d in constructTicketInfosObject()
  1247. Getting tickets for titleId %016llX
  1248. ECDeviceInfo constructor returned %d in constructECDeviceInfoObject()
  1249. ECTransactionInfo constructor returned %d in constructTransactionInfoObject()
  1250. ECTransactionInfos constructor returned %d in constructTransactionInfosObject()
  1251. Getting tranasactin info
  1252. Checking Parental Control Password: %s
  1253. Setting language to: %s
  1254. Setting country to: %s
  1255. Setting region to: %s
  1256. Setting age to: %u
  1257. null
  1258. Setting accountId/deviceToken to: %s %s
  1259. setWebSvcUrls was denied request to set non-https URL ecs %s ias %s cas %s
  1260. default
  1261. Setting ecs URL to: %s
  1262. Setting ias URL to: %s
  1263. Setting cas URL to: %s
  1264. Setting ccs URL to: %s
  1265. Setting ucs URL to: %s
  1266. Deleting content for TitleId %016llX
  1267. Deleting content and data for TitleId %016llX
  1268. Deleting local ticket, content, and data for TitleId %016llX TicketId %016llX
  1269. launching TitleId %016llX TicketId %llu
  1270. Requesting %s
  1271. Requested %s, but callback not available
  1272. Caught exception at FILE: ec_js.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:27
  1273. setOption was denied request to set option %d value %d
  1274. getLog returned %d
  1275. status
  1276. operation
  1277. description
  1278. phase
  1279. isCancelRequested
  1280. downloadedSize
  1281. totalSize
  1282. errCode
  1283. errInfo
  1284. setter_ECProgres "description" ERROR: value->type %d != WWWJSPTypeString %d
  1285. number
  1286. setter_ECCreditCardPayment "number" ERROR: type must be string
  1287. lastFourDigits
  1288. setter_ECCreditCardEncryptedPayment "lastFourDigits" ERROR: type must be string
  1289. setter_ECECardPayment "number" ERROR: type must be string or number
  1290. password
  1291. setter_ECAccountPayment "id" ERROR: type must be string or number
  1292. setter_ECAccountPayment "password" ERROR: type must be string or number
  1293. amount
  1294. currency
  1295. setter_ECPrice "amount" ERROR: type must be string
  1296. setter_ECPrice "currency" ERROR: type must be string
  1297. code
  1298. limit
  1299. consumed
  1300. ECTitleLimit.code must be a string
  1301. ECTitleLimit.limit must be a number or number string
  1302. ECTitleLimit.consumed must be a number or number string
  1303. length
  1304. ECTitleLimits.length must be a number between 0 and %d
  1305. ECTitleLimit constructor returned %d in constructTitleLimitObject()
  1306. ECTitleLimits constructor returned %d in constructTitleLimitsObject()
  1307. titleLimits.get
  1308. Attempt to get limits[%u] when only %u title limits
  1309. Returning title limits element %u
  1310. ECTitleLimits.set args must be (index, codeString, limitNumber) or (index, ECTitleLimit)
  1311. ECTitleLimits.set(index,code,limit) agument 1 must be a number or number string
  1312. Invalid set_titleLimits index: %u
  1313. Setting title limits element %u
  1314. ECTitleLimits.set(index,code,limit) agument 3 must be a number or number string
  1315. titleId
  1316. isOnDevice
  1317. isTmdPresent
  1318. version
  1319. occupiedUserBlocks
  1320. occupiedUserInodes
  1321. occupiedSysBlocks
  1322. occupiedSysInodes
  1323. titleInfos.get
  1324. Attempt to get titleInfos[%u] when only %u titleInfos
  1325. Returning titleInfos element %u
  1326. ticketId
  1327. nLimits
  1328. limits
  1329. deviceId
  1330. ticketVersion
  1331. licenseType
  1332. cidxMask
  1333. reserved
  1334. ticketInfos.get
  1335. Attempt to get ticket[%u] when only %u tickets
  1336. Returning ticketInfos element %u
  1337. isKeyPairConfirmed
  1338. serial
  1339. accountId
  1340. registrationStatus
  1341. originalSerial
  1342. extAccountId
  1343. region
  1344. language
  1345. country
  1346. accountCountry
  1347. blockSize
  1348. usedBlocks
  1349. totalBlocks
  1350. usedSysBlocks
  1351. totalSysBlocks
  1352. usedUserInodes
  1353. maxUserInodes
  1354. usedSysInodes
  1355. maxSysInodes
  1356. netContentRestrictions
  1357. userAge
  1358. parentalControlFlags
  1359. parentalControlOgn
  1360. isParentalControlEnabled
  1361. isNeedTicketSync
  1362. lastTicketSyncTime
  1363. wirelessMACAddr
  1364. bluetoothMACAddr
  1365. freeChannelAppCount
  1366. deviceCode
  1367. accountDeviceCode
  1368. isNeedTicketSyncImportAll
  1369. date
  1370. type
  1371. transactionInfos.get
  1372. Attempt to get transactionInfos[%u] when only %u transactionInfos
  1373. Returning transactionInfos element %u
  1374. Before call addJsPluginCallback for ECommerceInterface
  1375. !std::bad_alloc!
  1376. 16ECRefreshBalance
  1377. CheckAccountBalance
  1378. Balance
  1379. Amount
  1380. Currency
  1381. POINTS
  1382. CheckAccountBalanceResponse: expected Balance.Currency == POINTS, found %s
  1383. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_getPoints.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:29
  1384. Caught exception at FILE: ec_getPoints.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:29
  1385. 11ECBuyPoints
  1386. !std::bad_alloc!
  1387. PurchasePoints
  1388. ItemId
  1389. Price
  1390. Amount
  1391. Currency
  1392. Discount
  1393. Taxes
  1394. Payment
  1395. PaymentMethod
  1396. AccountPayment
  1397. AccountNumber
  1398. DeviceToken
  1399. ECardPayment
  1400. ECardNumber
  1401. ECardType
  1402. ECardHash
  1403. CreditCardPayment
  1404. CreditCardNumber
  1405. IsEncrypted
  1406. true
  1407. PurchaseInfo
  1408. Points
  1409. TotalPoints
  1410. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_buyPoints.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:30
  1411. Caught exception at FILE: ec_buyPoints.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:30
  1412. !std::bad_alloc!
  1413. 19ECPurchaseGiftTitle
  1414. GiftTitle
  1415. Identifier
  1416. IdentifierKind
  1417. Notes
  1418. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_giftTitle.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:31
  1419. Caught exception at FILE: ec_giftTitle.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:31
  1420. !std::bad_alloc!
  1421. 17ECAcceptGiftTitle
  1422. AcceptGiftTitle
  1423. DeviceCert
  1424. TitleId
  1425. TransactionId
  1426. Accept
  1427. Reason
  1428. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_acceptGiftTitle.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:32
  1429. Caught exception at FILE: ec_acceptGiftTitle.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:32
  1430. !std::bad_alloc!
  1431. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_registerApi.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:33
  1432. Caught exception at FILE: ec_registerApi.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:33
  1433. !std::bad_alloc!
  1434. Tickets
  1435. TicketId
  1436. TitleId
  1437. RevokeDate
  1438. Version
  1439. MigrateCount
  1440. MigrateLimit
  1441. FormatVersion
  1442. ListETickets response: titleId %016llX ticketId %016llX formatVersion %d migrateCount %d migrateLimit %d
  1443. ListETickets
  1444. ES_GetTicketViews for title %016llX says there are %d views
  1445. no tickets for title %016llX
  1446. ES_GetTicketViews for title %016llX returned %d
  1447. Device has ticketId %016llX for titleId %016llX with formatVersion %d
  1448. Ingoring unmanaged ticketId %016llX for titleId %016llX
  1449. Found ignored unmanaged ticketId %016llX for titleId %016llX in trecs
  1450. Ticket Record ticketId %016llX has titleId %016llX but ESTicketView has titleId %016llX
  1451. Ticket Record ticketId %016llX has titleId %016llX, formatVersion %d but ESTicketView has ticket format version %d
  1452. Found ES/ListETickets match for ticketId %016llX titleId %016llX
  1453. No ticket
  1454. Ticket revoked
  1455. %s for protected title ticketId %016llX titleId %016llX
  1456. Deleting ticketId %016llX for titleId %016llX
  1457. deleteTicket returned %d for ticketId %016llX titleId %016llX
  1458. Updating ticketId %016llX for titleId %016llX ticket version ES %d Infra %d
  1459. No update for ticketId %016llX for titleId %016llX ticket version ES %d Infra %d
  1460. All tickets deleted
  1461. ES had no ticket
  1462. %s, but trecs has ticketId %016llX for titleId %016llX
  1463. Deleting titleId %016llX content and data because no tickets
  1464. deleteTitle returned %d for titleId %016llX
  1465. Retrieving new ticketId %016llX for titleId %016llX
  1466. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_syncTickets.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:34
  1467. Caught exception at FILE: ec_syncTickets.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:34
  1468. deallocate %d elements of size %d = %d bytes at 0x%x
  1469. allocate %d elements of size %d = %d bytes
  1470. allocate failed for %d element(s) of size %d = %d bytes
  1471. !std::exception!!std::bad_alloc!!
  1472. allocated at 0x%x
  1473. construct with placement
  1474. !std::bad_alloc!
  1475. NotifyETicketsSynced
  1476. ForceSyncTime
  1477. ExtTicketTime
  1478. SyncTime
  1479. GetETickets
  1480. TitleId
  1481. TicketId
  1482. TitleIdTicketId
  1483. DeviceCert
  1484. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_syncTicketsApi.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:36
  1485. Caught exception at FILE: ec_syncTicketsApi.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:36
  1486. 17ECDeleteOwnership
  1487. DeleteOwnership: attempt to delete common ticket rejected. ticketId %016llX titleId %016llX
  1488. Deleting titleId %016llX content and data
  1489. deleteTitle returned %d for titleId %016llX
  1490. Deleting local ticketId %016llX for titleId %016llX
  1491. deleteLocalTickets returned %d for ticketId %016llX titleId %016llX
  1492. DeleteETickets
  1493. DeleteTitleETickets
  1494. Tickets
  1495. Titles
  1496. TicketsDeleted
  1497. deallocate %d elements of size %d = %d bytes at 0x%x
  1498. 9ECConnect
  1500. GetECConfig
  1501. ECVersion
  1502. ContentPrefixURL
  1503. UncachedContentPrefixURL
  1504. EcsURL
  1505. IasURL
  1506. CasURL
  1507. !std::bad_alloc!
  1508. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_reportCSS.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:39
  1509. Caught exception at FILE: ec_reportCSS.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:39
  1510. !std::bad_alloc!
  1511. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_confirmCSS.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:40
  1512. Caught exception at FILE: ec_confirmCSS.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:40
  1513. FS_GetFreeAreaSize failed
  1514. nand:/12345678/12345678/12345678/12345678/12345678/12345678/12345678
  1515. Ran out of system FS space
  1516. Ran out of user FS space
  1517. Failed to get FS free area
  1518. SFS_ReadFile %s failed
  1519. nand:/tmp/
  1520. FS_OpenFileEx %s failed
  1521. SFS_WriteFile %s failed: %d size %d
  1522. close file %s failed %d
  1523. wrote %d bytes to file %s
  1524. FS_RenameFile %s to %s failed
  1525. renamed file to %s
  1526. ec.cfg
  1527. nvSetDeviceKeyPairIntermediate failed
  1528. nvGetDeviceKeyPairIntermediate failed
  1529. nvConfirmDeviceKeyPair failed
  1530. nvCheckDeviceKeyPair failed
  1531. nand:/
  1532. FS_GetArchiveResource failed
  1533. Failed to get TMD view, rv=%d
  1534. Invalid space check policy %d
  1535. Ran out of nand FS space
  1536. nand:/sys/log
  1537. nand:/sys/log/shop.log
  1538. shoplog: FS_Delete %s failed.
  1539. shoplog: FS_DeleteFile %s failed.
  1540. shoplog: FS_CreateDirectory %s failed.
  1541. shoplog: %s folder created.
  1542. shoplog: FS_CreateFile %s failed.
  1543. shoplog: FS_OpenFileEx %s failed.
  1544. shoplog: FS_Write %s failed.
  1545. shoplog: FS_CloseFile %s failed.
  1546. shoplog: %s file created successfully.
  1547. shoplog: FS_GetPathInfo %s failed.
  1548. zh_TW
  1549. ec::setSysAge LCFG_WriteTWLSettingsFile returned false
  1550. ec::getSysLanguage Invalid language %d
  1551. ec::getSysParentalControlInfo failed to get parental control info
  1552. ec::getSysNetContentRestrictions failed to get parental control info
  1553. ec::getHWIDSignature failed to get HW ID signature
  1556. protocol %s hostname %s port %d
  1557. EC_Connect()
  1558. EC_RegisterOp()
  1559. 13ECSyncTickets
  1560. EC_MigrateTitles()
  1561. EC_MigratePoints()
  1562. EC_ConfirmKeyPair()
  1563. EC_GenerateKeyPair()
  1564. EC_CheckDeviceStatus()
  1565. EC_CheckRegistration()
  1566. EC_SyncTickets(syncType)
  1567. EC_RefreshCachedBalance()
  1568. EC_PurchasePoints(points)
  1569. EC_AcceptGiftTitle(titleId)
  1570. EC_ListOwnedTicketRecords()
  1571. EC_PurchaseGiftTitle(titleId)
  1572. EC_DeleteOwnership(titleId, ticketId)
  1573. alloc
  1574. free
  1575. EC_LOG_LEVEL
  1591. EC_Init() did not recognize %s
  1592. EC_PurchaseTitle(titleId)
  1593. EC_GetTitle(titleId)
  1594. EC_DownloadContents(titleId)
  1595. EC_listTitleContents()
  1596. Buffer overflow: nBuffered %u count %u total %u bufferSize %u
  1597. connCallback in thread %p handle %p event %u arg %p
  1598. NHTTPGetConnectionProgress returned %d
  1599. expected msg size changed
  1600. connCallback Thread: %p event %u Current response (expected size %u total rcvd %u this time %u) Progress (total %u downloaded %u)
  1601. Caught exception at FILE: ec_http_twl.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:46
  1602. %s %s
  1603. NHTTPAddHeaderField returned %d for %s %s
  1604. POST
  1605. https:
  1606. Operation cancel request before start %s
  1607. Failed to allocate response buffer, size=%d
  1608. http %s request thread: %p
  1609. NHTTPCreateConnection() returned NULL
  1610. User-Agent
  1611. DS ECSHOP 3.8.1 Jul 1 2010 13:53:46
  1612. Connection
  1613. Keep-Alive
  1614. NHTTPSetClientCert returned %d
  1615. NHTTPSetRootCA returned %d
  1616. NHTTPSetVerifyOption returned %d
  1617. NHTTPSetProxyDefault returned %d
  1618. NHTTPAddPostDataRaw returned %d with NHTTPError %d
  1619. NHTTPStartConnection returned %d with NHTTPError %d
  1620. NHTTPStartConnection returned %d
  1621. NHTTPCancelConnection returned %d
  1622. nhttp %s http.err %d millisec %lld
  1623. Unregcognized SSL Error code %d
  1624. HTTP/
  1625. HTTP/%*d.%*d %d
  1626. getRespUsingNHTTPS: No HTTP Status
  1627. NHTTP %s returned NHTTPError %d httpStatus %d commError %d
  1628. nhttp %s returned header: %s
  1629. 18ECDownloadContents
  1630. !std::bad_alloc!
  1631. 19ECListTitleContents
  1632. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_listTitleContents.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:49
  1633. Caught exception at FILE: ec_listTitleContents.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:49
  1634. In ECListTitleContents::run, getATmdViewFromTmd (%016llX) returned %d
  1635. 6ECList
  1636. DEMO
  1637. TRIAL
  1638. RENTAL
  1639. SERVICE
  1642. 13ECListCatalog
  1643. ListResultOffset
  1644. ListResultLimit
  1645. Attributes
  1646. AttributeFilters
  1647. Name
  1648. Value
  1649. AttributeFiltersEx
  1650. FilterType
  1651. DataType
  1652. OrderByAttribute
  1653. OrderByType
  1654. TitleId
  1655. ListResultTotalSize
  1656. 12ECListTitles
  1657. EC_ListTitles()
  1658. ListTitles
  1659. Titles
  1660. 17ECListContentSets
  1661. EC_ListContentSets()
  1662. ListContentSetsEx
  1663. Contents
  1664. !std::bad_alloc!
  1665. 17ECGenerateKeyPair
  1666. Failed to import device key and cert, rv=%d
  1667. Failed to import cert chain, rv=%d
  1668. GenerateKeyPair
  1669. Failed to encode fuse signature
  1670. UniqueId
  1671. Signature
  1672. DeviceKey
  1673. Failed to decode device key
  1674. DeviceCert
  1675. Failed to decode device cert
  1676. CertChain
  1677. Failed to decode cert
  1678. Failed to extract the cert chains, resp.err=%d, nCerts=%d
  1679. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_generateKeyPair.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:54
  1680. Caught exception at FILE: ec_generateKeyPair.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:54
  1681. !std::bad_alloc!
  1682. 16ECConfirmKeyPair
  1683. ES_CloseLib failed, rv=%d
  1684. ES_InitLib failed, rv=%d
  1685. ConfirmKeyPair
  1686. Failed to encode device cert
  1687. Failed to encode device cert signature
  1688. DeviceCert
  1689. Signature
  1690. Caught bad_alloc exception at FILE: ec_confirmKeyPair.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:55
  1691. Caught exception at FILE: ec_confirmKeyPair.cpp LINE: %d COMPILED: Jul 1 2010 13:53:55
  1692. 15ECMigrateTitles
  1693. MigrateETickets
  1694. TargetDeviceId
  1695. TargetAccountId
  1696. TargetSerialNo
  1697. TitleIds
  1698. 15ECMigratePoints
  1699. MigratePoints
  1700. TargetDeviceId
  1701. TargetAccountId
  1702. TargetSerialNo
  1703. Points
  1704. 24ECListOwnedTicketRecords
  1705. Public key modulus and exponent not set
  1706. IOSC_PadMsg failed, rv=%d
  1707. IOSC_PubKeyEncrypt failed, rv=%d
  1708. /sys/cert.sys
  1709. %s/%08x/%08x/content/title.tmd
  1710. /title
  1711. %s/%08x/%08x.tik
  1712. /ticket
  1713. %s/%s
  1714. .tik
  1715. %s/%08x/%08x/content/
  1716. %s-%s
  1717. /sys/cert.sys
  1718. %s%08x%08x
  1719. %s/%08x/%08x/content
  1720. /title
  1721. %s/%s
  1722. %s/%08x/%08x
  1723. %s/%08x/%08x.tik
  1724. /ticket
  1725. /tmp/es/%08x.tik
  1726. %s/%08x/%08x.tik
  1727. /ticket
  1728. /tmp/es/%08x.tik
  1729. %s/%08x/%08x/content
  1730. /import
  1731. %s/%s
  1732. /title
  1733. %s/%s/content/title.tmd
  1734. /title/%08x/%08x/content/title.tmd
  1735. /title/%08x/%08x/content
  1736. /import/%08x/%08x
  1737. /import/%08x/%08x/content
  1738. /title/%08x/%08x/data
  1739. /tmp/es/title.tmd
  1740. /tmp/es/
  1741. %s/%08x/%08x/content/
  1742. %s/%08x/%08x/content/title.tmd
  1743. %s/%08x/%08x
  1744. nand:%s
  1745. %s/%s
  1746. nand:/%s
  1747. nand:/tmp/es
  1748. nand:/tmp/es/write
  1749. nand:/progress/tmp
  1750. nand:/progress
  1751. nand:/import/
  1752. nand:/title/
  1753. nand:/ticket/
  1754. nand:/progress/
  1755. nand:/tmp/
  1756. /progress%s
  1757. /tmp/es/write/%s
  1758. SHR
  1759. OFF
  1760. P2P
  1761. App
  1762. WARN
  1763. INFO
  1764. FINE
  1765. Test
  1766. FINER
  1767. ERROR
  1768. FINEST
  1772. P2P_TRACE_FILE
  1800. %06u
  1801. %08lx
  1802. %s%d
  1803. mutex
  1804. shr_th_twl.c
  1805. mutex->type != _SHR_MUTEX_NON_RECURSIVE || !_SHR_mutex_locked_self(mutex, self)
  1806. Attempt to lock non-recursive mutex already locked by current thread
  1807. mutex->type == _SHR_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK || _SHR_mutex_locked_self(mutex, self)
  1808. Attempt to unlock mutex not locked by current thread
  1809. thread
  1810. attr
  1811. attr->stack
  1812. ((u32) attr->stack & 3) == 0
  1813. attr->stackSize
  1814. (attr->stackSize & 3) == 0
  1815. _SHR_thread_create attr->stack required for DS threads
  1816. _SHR_thread_create() thread id %u
  1817. nand:/<sharedFont>
  1818. buffer
  1819. bio_lib.c
  1820. Word
  1821. 0123456789ABCDEF
  1822. NO X509_NAME
  1823. %s.%d
  1824. x509tc.c
  1825. x509tcc.c
  1826. p_lib.c
  1827. MDC2
  1828. mdc2
  1829. SHA1
  1830. sha1
  1831. X509
  1832. OCSP
  1833. ZLIB
  1834. OAEP
  1835. pkcs
  1836. X500
  1837. EMAIL
  1838. pkcs9
  1839. id-ce
  1840. msSGC
  1841. pkcs3
  1842. UNDEF
  1843. title
  1844. id_kp
  1845. nsSGC
  1846. pkcs7
  1847. idMGF
  1848. rsadsi
  1849. sha512
  1850. SHA256
  1851. BF-ECB
  1852. bf-ofb
  1853. SERIAL
  1854. SHA512
  1855. userID
  1856. bf-cbc
  1857. STREET
  1858. SHA384
  1859. rc4-40
  1860. street
  1861. BF-CBC
  1862. sha256
  1863. SHA224
  1864. bf-cfb
  1865. bf-ecb
  1866. BF-CFB
  1867. RC4-40
  1868. BF-OFB
  1869. sha224
  1870. sha384
  1871. DES-CBC
  1872. DES-EDE
  1873. SXNetID
  1874. DSA-old
  1875. RC5-ECB
  1876. surname
  1877. des-cbc
  1878. RSA-MD2
  1879. rc5-ecb
  1880. idpSPEC
  1881. rc2-cfb
  1882. RSA-MD5
  1883. RC6-OFB
  1884. RC6-ECB
  1885. RC6-CBC
  1886. des-cfb
  1887. RC5-CBC
  1888. rc2-ecb
  1889. rc6-ofb
  1890. X500UID
  1891. RC6-CFB
  1892. RC2-CBC
  1893. RC2-OFB
  1894. RC5-CFB
  1895. rc2-ofb
  1896. rc6-ecb
  1897. rc5-cbc
  1898. rc6-cfb
  1899. DES-CFB
  1900. rc6-cbc
  1901. rc2-cbc
  1902. RC5-OFB
  1903. rc5-cfb
  1904. rc5-ofb
  1905. RSA-SHA
  1906. des-ecb
  1907. des-ede
  1908. RC2-CFB
  1909. DSA-SHA
  1910. RC2-ECB
  1911. DES-OFB
  1912. des-ofb
  1913. DES-ECB
  1914. OCSP_CRL
  1915. des-ede3
  1916. md5-sha1
  1917. OCSP CRL
  1918. RSA-MDC2
  1919. initials
  1920. DSA-SHA1
  1921. IDEA-CFB
  1922. DESX-CBC
  1923. idea-cbc
  1924. MD5-SHA1
  1925. desx-cbc
  1926. Netscape
  1927. DES-EDE3
  1928. IDEA-CBC
  1929. idea-cfb
  1930. IDEA-ECB
  1931. idea-ecb
  1932. AIA_OCSP
  1933. IDEA-OFB
  1934. idea-ofb
  1935. RSA-SHA1
  1936. keyUsage
  1937. nsComment
  1938. CA Issuer
  1939. crlNumber
  1940. cast5-cbc
  1941. givenName
  1942. cast5-ecb
  1943. undefined
  1944. CAST5-CBC
  1945. CAST5-ECB
  1946. CAST5-CFB
  1947. CAST5-OFB
  1948. cast5-ofb
  1949. ipsecUser
  1950. cast5-cfb
  1951. RIPEMD160
  1952. ripemd160
  1953. nsBaseUrl
  1954. nsCertExt
  1955. AES128-CFB
  1956. aes128-cfb
  1957. AES192-ECB
  1958. aes192-ecb
  1959. AES192-CBC
  1960. aes192-cbc
  1961. AES192-OFB
  1962. OCSP nonce
  1963. aes192-ofb
  1964. AES192-CFB
  1965. aes192-cfb
  1966. AES256-ECB
  1967. aes256-ecb
  1968. RSA-SHA384
  1969. AES256-CBC
  1970. AES128-CTR
  1971. aes256-cbc
  1972. AES256-OFB
  1973. aes256-ofb
  1974. AES256-CFB
  1975. aes256-cfb
  1976. aes128-ctr
  1977. serverAuth
  1978. AES192-CTR
  1979. clientAuth
  1980. aes192-ctr
  1981. des-40-cbc
  1982. AES128-OFB
  1983. rc2-40-cbc
  1984. DES-40-CFB
  1985. des-40-cfb
  1986. AES256-CTR
  1987. RSA-NP-MD5
  1988. md5WithRSA
  1989. aes256-ctr
  1990. AES128-CCM
  1991. commonName
  1992. aes128-ccm
  1993. RSA-SHA1-2
  1994. pkcs7-data
  1995. AES192-CCM
  1996. aes192-ccm
  1997. RSA-SHA256
  1998. reasonCode
  1999. RSA-SHA512
  2000. RC2-40-CBC
  2001. RSA-SHA224
  2002. aes256-ccm
  2003. DES-40-CBC
  2004. nsDataType
  2005. AES128-ECB
  2006. dsaWithSHA
  2007. aes128-ecb
  2008. AES128-CBC
  2009. aes128-cbc
  2010. OCSP_NONCE
  2011. AES256-CCM
  2012. nsCertType
  2013. aes128-ofb
  2014. mdc2withRSA
  2015. codeSigning
  2016. description
  2017. ipsecTunnel
  2018. countryName
  2019. dsaWithSHA1
  2020. sha1WithRSA
  2021. dnQualifier
  2022. oscpSigning
  2023. DES-EDE-CBC
  2024. des-ede-cbc
  2025. DES-EDE-OFB
  2026. contentType
  2027. signingTime
  2028. DES-EDE-CFB
  2029. des-ede-cfb
  2030. des-ede-ofb
  2031. nsRenewalUrl
  2033. serialNumber
  2034. localityName
  2035. timeStamping
  2036. DES-EDE3-CBC
  2037. des-ede3-cbc
  2038. emailAddress
  2039. DES-EDE3-CFB
  2040. des-ede3-cfb
  2041. DES-EDE3-OFB
  2042. des-ede3-ofb
  2043. DSA-SHA1-old
  2044. nsCaPolicyUrl
  2045. issuerAltName
  2046. OCSP response
  2047. OCSP No Check
  2048. rsaEncryption
  2049. dsaEncryption
  2050. RSA-RIPEMD160
  2051. messageDigest
  2054. nsCertSequence
  2055. subjectAltName
  2056. ipsecEndSystem
  2057. RC5-CBC-NO-PAD
  2058. rc5-cbc-no-pad
  2059. dhKeyAgreement
  2060. ecdsaWithSHA_1
  2061. invalidityDate
  2062. nsRevocationUrl
  2063. nsSslServerName
  2064. nameConstraints
  2065. ECDSA-with-SHA1
  2066. emailProtection
  2067. domainComponent
  2068. instructionCode
  2069. nistAlgorithms1
  2070. dsaWithSHA1-old
  2071. sigECDSAec239a01
  2072. Netscape Comment
  2073. sigECDSAec163b01
  2074. X509v3 Key Usage
  2075. basicConstraints
  2076. organizationName
  2077. pkcs7-signedData
  2078. pkcs7-digestData
  2079. ripemd160WithRSA
  2080. zlib compression
  2081. extendedKeyUsage
  2082. unstructuredName
  2083. countersignature
  2084. nist Algorthms 1
  2085. sigECDSAec163a01
  2086. Netscape Base Url
  2087. certificateIssuer
  2088. nsCaRevocationUrl
  2089. gostR3411WithGost
  2090. X509v3 CRL Number
  2091. challengePassword
  2092. deltaCRLIndicator
  2093. dsaEncryption-old
  2094. pbeWithSHA1AndRC4
  2095. Strong Extranet ID
  2096. Netscape Data Type
  2097. Netscape Cert Type
  2098. certificatePolicies
  2099. id-smime-ct-TSTInfo
  2100. stateOrProvinceName
  2101. pkcs7-envelopedData
  2102. pkcs7-encryptedData
  2103. generationQualifier
  2104. unstructuredAddress
  2105. Netscape Renewal Url
  2106. subjectKeyIdentifier
  2107. x500UniqueIdentifier
  2108. md2WithRSAEncryption
  2109. md5WithRSAEncryption
  2110. pbeWithMD2AndDES-CBC
  2111. pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC
  2112. shaWithRSAEncryption
  2113. privateKeyUsagePeriod
  2114. crlDistributionPoints
  2115. pbeWithMD5AndCast5CBC
  2116. sha1WithRSAEncryption
  2117. pbeWithSHA1AndRC2-CBC
  2118. Netscape CA Policy Url
  2119. authorityKeyIdentifier
  2120. organizationalUnitName
  2121. run length compression
  2122. X509v3 CRL Reason Code
  2123. Netscape Revocation Url
  2124. sha256WithRSAEncryption
  2125. sha384WithRSAEncryption
  2126. sha512WithRSAEncryption
  2127. sha224WithRSAEncryption
  2128. Netscape SSL Server Name
  2129. X509v3 Basic Constraints
  2130. OCSP Key Usage Extension
  2131. issuingDistributionPoint
  2132. X509v3 Extended Key Usage
  2133. Netscape CA Revocation Url
  2134. X509v3 CRL Invalidity Date
  2135. X509v3 Delta CRL Indicator
  2136. X509v3 CRL Name Constraints
  2137. Elliptic Curve Cryptography
  2138. X509v3 Certificate Policies
  2139. X509v3 CRL Instruction Code
  2140. Elliptic Curve DSA with SHA1
  2141. RSAES OAEP encryption scheme
  2142. X509v3 Authority Info Access
  2143. pkcs7-signedAndEnvelopedData
  2144. Netscape Server Gated Crypto
  2145. X509v3 CRL Certificate Issuer
  2146. Netscape Certificate Sequence
  2147. X509v3 Subject Key Identifier
  2148. extendedCertificateAttributes
  2149. Netscape Communications Corp.
  2150. Microsoft Server Gated Crypto
  2151. X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name
  2152. X509v3 CRL Distribution Points
  2153. IPSec User Key Usage Extension
  2154. Netscape Certificate Extension
  2155. X509v3 Private Key Usage Period
  2156. X509v3 Subject Alternative Name
  2157. X509v3 Authority Key Identifier
  2158. Code Signing Key Usage Extension
  2159. IPSec Tunnel Key Usage Extension
  2160. Time Stamping Key Usage Extension
  2161. Email Protection Key Usage Extension
  2162. IPSec End System Key Usage Extension
  2163. ECDSA Signature Algorithm with SHA-1
  2164. Mask Generation function OAEP padding
  2165. X509v3 CRL Issuing Distribution Point
  2166. Parameters Source Function OAEP padding
  2167. Server Authenication Key Usage Extension
  2168. Client Authentication Key Usage Extension
  2169. r_rand.c
  2170. rsa_pk.c
  2171. SHA1
  2172. sha1
  2173. X509
  2174. X500
  2175. pkcs
  2176. msSGC
  2177. UNDEF
  2178. nsSGC
  2179. rsadsi
  2180. rc4-40
  2181. RC4-40
  2182. des-cbc
  2183. DES-EDE
  2184. des-ede
  2185. RSA-MD2
  2186. RSA-MD5
  2187. DES-CBC
  2188. RSA-SHA1
  2189. undefined
  2190. aes128-cbc
  2191. AES256-CBC
  2192. aes256-cbc
  2193. commonName
  2194. AES128-CBC
  2195. countryName
  2196. DES-EDE3-CBC
  2197. des-ede3-cbc
  2198. localityName
  2199. rsaEncryption
  2200. nistAlgorithms1
  2201. organizationName
  2202. nist Algorthms 1
  2203. stateOrProvinceName
  2204. md2WithRSAEncryption
  2205. md5WithRSAEncryption
  2206. sha1WithRSAEncryption
  2207. organizationalUnitName
  2208. Netscape Server Gated Crypto
  2209. Microsoft Server Gated Crypto
  2210. GET
  2211. POST
  2212. HEAD
  2213. PUT
  2214. CONNECT
  2215. 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ssl3-md5
  2216. ssl3-sha1
  2217. RC4-SHA
  2218. RC4-MD5
  2219. NULL-SHA
  2220. NULL-MD5
  2221. AES256-SHA
  2222. AES128-SHA
  2223. EXP-RC4-MD5
  2224. DES-CBC-SHA
  2225. DES-CBC3-SHA
  2227. CLNT
  2228. SRVR
  2229. s3_srvr.c
  2230. ssl_cert.c
  2231. %-23s %s Kx=%-8s Au=%-4s Enc=%-9s Mac=%-4s%s
  2232. DES-CBC
  2233. DES-EDE3-CBC
  2234. SHA1
  2235. AES128-CBC
  2236. AES256-CBC
  2237. UNDEF
  2239. NULL-MD5
  2240. NULL-SHA
  2241. RC4-MD5
  2242. EXP-RC4-MD5
  2243. RC4-SHA
  2244. EXP-RC4-56-SHA
  2245. DES-CBC-SHA
  2247. DES-CBC3-SHA
  2248. AES256-SHA
  2249. AES128-SHA
  2250. SSLv2
  2251. unknown
  2252. (NONE)
  2253. TLSv1/SSLv3
  2254. ssl_lib.c
  2256. ssl3-md5
  2257. ssl3-sha1
  2258. ssl2-md5
  2259. ssl3-md5
  2260. SHA1
  2261. ssl3-sha1
  2262. RSA-SHA1
  2263. RSA-SHA1-2
  2264. DSA-SHA1
  2265. DSA-SHA1-old
  2266. DSS1
  2267. dss1
  2268. DES-CBC
  2269. DES-EDE3-CBC
  2270. des3
  2271. DES3
  2272. RC2-CBC
  2273. RC5-CBC
  2274. RIPEMD160
  2275. ripemd
  2276. rmd160
  2277. DESX-CBC
  2278. desx
  2279. DESX
  2280. IDEA-CBC
  2281. IDEA
  2282. idea
  2283. BF-CBC
  2284. blowfish
  2285. CAST5-CBC
  2286. CAST
  2287. cast
  2288. CAST-cbc
  2289. cast-cbc
  2290. ssl_rsa.c
  2291. ssl_sess.c
  2292. ssl_sess_sm.c
  2293. key expansion
  2294. client write key
  2295. server write key
  2296. IV block
  2297. master secret
  2298. client finished
  2299. server finished
  2300. socket
  2301. commonName
  2303. Washington1!0
  2304. Nintendo of America Inc.1
  2305. Nintendo CA - G21"0
  2306. ca@noa.nintendo.com0
  2307. 080604173949Z
  2308. 491228120000Z0
  2309. Washington1!0
  2310. Nintendo of America Inc.1
  2311. Nintendo CA - G21"0
  2312. ca@noa.nintendo.com0
  2313. 8Jpnm)]=
  2314. #/g)
  2315. %6"Uu
  2316. Washington1!0
  2317. Nintendo of America Inc.1
  2318. Nintendo CA - G21"0
  2320. x`syR
  2321. N?5g
  2322. %h&;
  2323. z+wOv
  2324. verdata:%s.der
  2325. verdata:.%s.der
  2326. %d.%d.%d.%d
  2327. NintendoDS
  2328. SRVR
  2329. CLNT
  2330. QZ^&
  2331. rom:
  2332. nand:/title
  2333. verdata:/user_area_size.bin
  2334. nand:/
  2335. %s/%s
  2336. %s%s
  2337. nand:/
  2338. QZ^&
  2339. TLNC
  2340. nand:/tmp/
  2341. nand:/<tmpjump>
  2343. --t9Sf4yfjf1RtvDu3AA
  2344. Content-Disposition: form-data; name="
  2345. Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=
  2346. Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  2347. Content-Type: application/octet-stream
  2348. Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
  2349. Word
  2350. rsa_pk.c
  2351. err.c
  2352. nand:/title/%08x/%08x
  2353. %s/%s
  2354. public.sav
  2355. private.sav
  2356. banner.sav
  2357. supbnr.sav
  2358. nand:/shared2/%04X
  2359. nand:/
  2360. %s:/
  2361. otherPrv
  2362. otherPub
  2363. share
  2364. nand:/shared1/TWLCFG1.dat
  2365. nand:/shared1/TWLCFG0.dat
  2366. 0123456789A
  2367. nand:/sys/HWINFO_S.dat
  2368. nand:/sys/HWID.sgn
  2369. AM|PM
  2370. %m/%d/%y
  2371. %I:%M:%S %p
  2372. %a %b %e %T %Y
  2373. Sun|Sunday|Mon|Monday|Tue|Tuesday|Wed|Wednesday|Thu|Thursday|Fri|Friday|Sat|Saturday
  2374. Jan|January|Feb|February|Mar|March|Apr|April|May|May|Jun|June|Jul|July|Aug|August|Sep|September|Oct|October|Nov|November|Dec|December
  2375. 0x0p0
  2376. -INF
  2377. -inf
  2378. -NAN
  2379. -nan
  2380. A542101086242752217003726400434970855712890625
  2381. 11102230246251565404236316680908203125
  2382. 23283064365386962890625
  2383. 152587890625
  2384. 390625
  2385. 78125
  2386. 15625
  2387. 3125
  2388. 179769313486231580793728714053034151
  2389. bad_exception
  2390. St13bad_exception
  2391. !std::bad_exception!!
  2392. !std::exception!!std::bad_exception!!
  2393. !std::bad_alloc!
  2394. !std::exception!!std::bad_alloc!!
  2395. St9type_info
  2396. N10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE
  2397. N10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE
  2398. N10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE
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