

Nov 29th, 2017
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  1. SelenaKiller: she set him up
  2. PresidentClarke: Stupid decision, Mr. Pereira.
  3. PresidentClarke: Even if she did, there's no evidence of it.
  4. HazelMay: im here to ask for a retrial as his defence
  5. PresidentClarke: Until then there's nothing I can do.
  6. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: O.o
  7. SelenaKiller: i think she gave yall head or sumthin
  8. PresidentClarke: I am gay.
  9. PresidentClarke: Nice try.
  10. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Hazel please dont waste your time
  11. SelenaKiller: -gasp-
  12. SelenaKiller: clarke
  13. SelenaKiller: i am so sorry
  14. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Selena dont disrepect that man
  15. HazelMay: he didnt have a lawyer present
  16. SelenaKiller: you wanna be my gay best friend i didnt know
  17. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: he believed in me and i failed him
  18. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i had no one present it was just all me i aske dbut the bais Judge denied
  19. HazelMay: well you have someone representing you now
  20. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: the person who was appointed to be judge was her lawyer but i say no more everything is final
  21. SelenaKiller: you know what
  22. SelenaKiller: ill get proof tonight
  23. SelenaKiller: just wait
  24. SelenaKiller: ive got evan
  25. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i just cant bear to go through that again
  26. PresidentClarke: Unless you have new evidence, there will be no retrial because it would be a waste of time and resources.
  27. HazelMay: well he didnt have a lawyer present
  28. SelenaKiller: did she have a lawyer
  29. PresidentClarke: No.
  30. SelenaKiller: then there needs to be a retrial
  31. SelenaKiller: a court date
  32. PresidentClarke: Like I said, unless there's "new" evidence.
  33. SelenaKiller: i told you
  34. SelenaKiller: just wait
  35. SelenaKiller: till tonight
  36. SelenaKiller: i have her son on my side
  37. PresidentClarke: Okay but until then I cant do anything.
  38. SelenaKiller: ik
  39. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: gotta pee
  40. SelenaKiller: i gtg laptop is overheating
  41. HazelMay: until this "new" evidence is present no one is to speak to my client
  42. PresidentClarke: Neither Plaintiff or Defendant had cousel present, therefore they represented themselves.
  43. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i must say that the acting jUDGE DEFENDED HER Mr.President
  44. PresidentClarke: .What are you doing?.
  45. HazelMay: usuing my law degree to some use i went to "uni" on here to do law
  46. PresidentClarke: Again that's because the substantial evidence against you.
  47. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: I understand what happned to innocent unless proven guilty
  48. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: he closest friend was on the bench
  49. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: bais
  50. PresidentClarke: Mhm but you were proven guilty with that evidence.
  51. PresidentClarke:
  52. HazelMay: was it a chat log or screenshots?
  53. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Indeed, correct
  54. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: its the situation that played out
  55. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: ill expalin to you
  56. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: what happned from start to finish
  57. HazelMay: smh barry was her lawyer
  58. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and why she only showed that part of it
  59. PresidentClarke: No he's wasn't her lawyer, I asked him to sit next to her so she'd feel comfortable.
  60. PresidentClarke: *he.
  61. HazelMay: You still didnt answer me
  62. HazelMay: was it a chat log or screenshots
  63. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: It was part of the chat log
  64. HazelMay: cause anyone can change chat logs
  65. PresidentClarke: Look at the screenshot.
  66. PresidentClarke: Pereira, you claimed you two talk on Skype?
  67. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: indeed.
  68. PresidentClarke: Surely you have something to show.
  69. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: for 29 mins 29 seconds i believed
  70. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: someone who was raped would want to talk to the person they rapied for that long
  71. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: who was raped by them*
  72. PresidentClarke: Who is KaseyNichole26?
  73. HazelMay: is that the only piece of evidence?
  74. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: I dont know
  75. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i never showed it in during the thing
  76. PresidentClarke: What you presented has no relevance.
  77. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT:
  78. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: thats the call
  79. HazelMay: (im winning majour brownie points with niko)
  80. PresidentClarke: Okay again this doesn't show anything.
  81. HazelMay: was that call on the same day this happened
  82. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: yes whilest the court was going on
  83. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and she was up their speaking such untruths
  84. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i must aks if someone raped you would like go in a 29 min 39second call with them
  85. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT:
  86. PresidentClarke: Let me ask you something, do you have the FULL chatlog?
  87. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: that was about 10 mins before the call happned
  88. HazelMay: but 12 years is a joke the minium for rape is 5 years
  89. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: No i dont
  90. PresidentClarke: "minimum" not maximum.
  91. HazelMay: speak out as a actual rape victim twice irl 12 years is a complete joke
  92. HazelMay: speaking*
  93. PresidentClarke: Your welcome to state your opion but it wont change the verdict without actual evidence.
  94. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Gove us some time my minster of FA is putting togther some stuff
  95. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: I do acpet the offer for this matter to be head again, Tm anytime of the day i had no one to represent me just a screeen shot taken out of context
  96. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: by the SO called victim
  97. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and everything i say being dismissed
  98. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: let me bring come chracter witnesses
  99. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: for me and for her
  100. HazelMay: i am representing you now Pereira
  101. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: And for that i am thankfull
  102. PresidentClarke: The verdict is final until new evidence is stumbled upon.
  103. HazelMay: (i sneezed and head butted the wall)
  104. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: you okay
  105. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: (You okay)
  106. HazelMay: (i will be its not the first time)
  107. PresidentClarke: ((lmfao))
  108. HazelMay: ((aiden why is your son a semi dick)
  109. HazelMay: (like i love him but i want to strangle him)
  110. PresidentClarke: ((Semi-hard xD))
  111. HazelMay: (wouldnt you like to know ;) ))
  112. PresidentClarke: ((z))
  113. HazelMay: ((lets just say wow))
  114. HazelMay: ((also im legit jealous of you so much -.-)
  115. KaitlynnMClarke: /me she enters the room walking to her brothers side
  116. HazelMay: Pereira dont say nothing
  117. KaitlynnMClarke: Aiden?
  118. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Alright.
  119. PresidentClarke: Yes I am here.
  120. HazelMay: (aiden prewarning dont stop by mine and nikos room)
  121. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: -He would look under the bed and pulls out a bible and begins to read form Chapter 1 the Creation-
  122. PresidentClarke: Pereira, why did you "act" out a rape scene in the first place, that's seriously not something to dabble with.
  123. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: Well i wanted to see how quickly the OWG FBI would respond to it
  124. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: ((pretty damn quick tbh))
  125. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: so thats up to make
  126. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: mark*
  127. KaitlynnMClarke: How did this even all start? And why did you choose her as your target?
  128. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i explained dureing the case
  129. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: dont think anyone really took it to account
  130. KaitlynnMClarke: Well do explain once more as I was not here for a large portion of it
  131. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: but yet you voted aginst me, no problem one sec
  132. PresidentClarke: Who's idea was it?
  133. HazelMay: (hai daddy)
  134. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: I invited her to my home the Foregin Residency infront my wwife
  135. KaitlynnMClarke: You had no evidence. Which is in fact why im back.
  136. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: told her that i am seeking full custody of our daughter
  137. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: she agreed
  138. PresidentGrey: I thought this ended an hr ago
  139. HazelMay: He also had no lawyer but thats changed
  140. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and said shell sigh
  141. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: later i invite her again to speak about it
  142. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: then i had th eiea hey since am going to move a motion in the next overgiht meeting for stronger action aginst Rape how about i take this oppunity to act out ah scene and see how fast the OWG FBI would repsond
  143. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: so i did so
  144. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and after that
  145. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: so i then, went back to my wifes chat to see whos in the room she had a friend
  146. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: so i was meeting her and stuff
  147. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and then i saw the convo were i acted the scene in active again
  148. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and clicked and saw Max standing their
  149. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: so i booted her and tried to explain to him that it was all a joke by then she had already did she nastyness
  150. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and then court was happning all whiles i was in the skype chat with her
  151. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: iknew nothing
  152. PresidentClarke: I see but you have no chatlog?
  153. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: so i mesaged her
  154. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and i started to beg her not to do anything stupi
  155. KaitlynnMClarke: Do you have ANY evidence supporting you werent really intending any harm?
  156. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: she told me she wanted me to get fired from everything
  157. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: this is her payback fo rme leaving her but she wanted to fuck every other guy then come cuddling me
  158. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: : and the thril was alread aginst me
  159. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: everyone in that court room
  160. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: : alread sucked up her story
  161. PresidentClarke: Not everyone.
  162. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and everthing i said was but as denied because no proof
  163. KaitlynnMClarke: Like I said. There is a reason I am here ahain.
  164. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and now am in a jail cell
  165. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and ses probley laughing at my ass
  166. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: thats my story
  167. PresidentGrey: I was at work and tired of the he said she said and wanted it to end but I am also here again bc after deep thought something wasn’t right
  168. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and i understand were you guys are coming from with the evidence
  169. KaitlynnMClarke: How long have you both been having your arguement with each other?
  170. HazelMay: I'm here as lawyer for Mr Pereira
  171. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: no we broke up almost a month
  172. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: we made peace
  173. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: and we spoke to each other respectfully
  174. KaitlynnMClarke: Well let me rephrase, how long ago did she say she wanted you to lose your job?
  175. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: when she greeted me in the owg room she came in and said Good Evening, Prime Minister you intended on meeting with me?
  176. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: i had devloped this sense of trust towards her
  177. KaitlynnMClarke: Pereira, How long ago did she say she wanted you to lose your job
  178. HazelMay: He really should be on the stand to answer these
  179. PresidentGrey: Can we resume this in like 3 hours
  180. PresidentGrey: When I get home from work lol I’m very interested in this but at work
  181. KaitlynnMClarke: Grey if need be, I will send you a chat log
  182. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: since the day we broke up
  183. HazelMay: ( i will most likely be asleep so looks like im drinking coffee)
  184. KaitlynnMClarke: Did she come on to you at all?
  185. PresidentGrey: I know I can get a chat log but I want to b here be involved 😂😂
  186. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: she was like you highhanded motherfuc*er
  187. KaitlynnMClarke: (Damn you.)
  188. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: thing your all that with the OWG n stuff
  189. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: soon it would all be gone and you will be nothing
  190. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: so said so done
  191. PresidentGrey: Same
  192. KaitlynnMClarke: I mean did she come on to you sexually before this took place?
  193. HazelMay: Like PrimeMinister Grey asked we will resume in 3 hours
  194. HazelMay: my client will not be answering no more
  195. KaitlynnMClarke: Very well.
  196. Guest_PresidentPereiraORTT: can i please just answer that last question?
  197. KaitlynnMClarke: /me she slams her notebook closed in frustration
  198. PresidentGrey: Can I get a log of this chat ? Sent to me :)
  199. KaitlynnMClarke: Absolutely.
  200. HazelMay: (i will send it daddy)
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