
SS and Flam

Feb 23rd, 2016
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  1. 17:12 Sister-Sting was waiting outside a fastfood place, her arms sparking as she ate a burger and drank soda. Not the most convenient place to meet up for arm fixing, but SS was hungry damn it!
  2. 17:17 Flamberge- tries to adjust some of the enchantment's parameters while sting enjoys her meal "I know you needed the safety fixed, but wouldn't it be a better idea if we did this at perennial? Or in your sky castle?"
  3. 17:17 Flamberge- "Pretty much anywhere without civillians, really"
  4. 17:18 Sister-Sting "Eh, I was hungry, and not like I've hit anyone yet"
  5. 17:20 Flamberge- looks slightly more worried when she says 'yet' "I could've ordered something
  6. 17:20 Flamberge- fiddles around with what looks like a cone-headed screwdriver and a red marble
  7. 17:22 Flamberge- "I really should've tested these things more, who knows how many people could've gotten hurt?"
  8. 17:22 Sister-Sting "...How the hell does this thing work anyhow? Like that marble"
  9. 17:25 Flamberge- holds up the "marble" "This measures the strength of the enchantment and it's glow intensifies depending on the strength"
  10. 17:27 Flamberge- "How often have these been going off, anyway?"
  11. 17:27 Sister-Sting "It varies, at worst patting someone on the back, or waving too hard"
  12. 17:28 Flamberge- "Please tell me you haven't hurt anyone"
  13. 17:29 Sister-Sting "Well, on purpose, a few. On accident, Jack"
  14. 17:30 Flamberge- "Why didn't you come to me sooner? Hell, you could've shot yourself"
  15. 17:35 Sister-Sting "Eh, I'm sure I can handle it" Her left arm sparks "Then again, these things can't even handle a bit of lightning"
  16. 17:36 Flamberge- "I may have forgotten to calibrate the shotgun's charge crystal for the elemental mixture"
  17. 17:37 Flamberge- "My bad"
  18. 17:38 Sister-Sting "S'cool, got into Random anyways"
  19. 17:40 Flamberge- "I'm not even gonna ask"
  20. 17:43 Flamberge- "I think i've almost got the crystal fixed, if you try to pass a charge through it, i'm at least 90% sure it won't, well..."
  21. 17:44 Flamberge- looks almost embarrassed to admit this
  22. 17:44 Sister-Sting "...Won't what?"
  23. 17:44 Flamberge- "Explode"
  24. 17:44 Sister-Sting "..."
  25. 17:45 Flamberge- "I may have rushed the arms a bit"
  26. 17:45 Sister-Sting "No shit"
  27. 17:46 Sister-Sting "..."
  28. 17:46 Sister-Sting "I'm still glad you made them for me, I don't think I coulda gone one week without any"
  29. 17:48 Flamberge- "I'm glad i could help, even though it looks like i caused more problems than it fixed"
  30. 17:50 Flamberge- "How are the arms themselves working? Any issues with motor control? Do i need to adjust the grip strength?"
  31. 17:58 Sister-Sting "Not bad, left elbow bit hard to move. And as long as I can punch people with my fists the grip is fine"
  32. 17:59 Sister-Sting "Still...Maybe a Stinger function? My name is Sister Sting so..."
  33. 18:01 Flamberge- "Well, i don't exactly have the tools or materials for it with me right now, but yeah, i could do that"
  34. 18:02 Flamberge- "And if you ever need any help, just let me know, okay?"
  35. 18:02 Sister-Sting "Right, thanks again" She goes for a high fives but nerve endings in the being tampered arm stops her "FUCK"
  36. 18:04 Flamberge- "I'm not done yet! Yeesh, i still have to finish putting the safety on this thing"
  37. 18:05 Flamberge- "Okay...and....done!"
  38. 18:07 Flamberge- "I've set the safety mechanism to be engaged and disengaged by using a specific phrase"
  39. 18:07 Sister-Sting "A phrase?"
  40. 18:08 Flamberge- "Yeah, i haven't set it yet though, you wanna?"
  41. 18:08 Sister-Sting "hmm....Fuck off Asshole?"
  42. 18:09 Flamberge- "Maybe something you use less often"
  43. 18:12 Sister-Sting "....Fuck off you Asshole?"
  44. 18:12 Flamberge- "..."
  45. 18:13 Sister-Sting "I-I'm not saying this to you"
  46. 18:14 Flamberge- "I kinda figured, but i'm still glad to hear it"
  47. 18:15 Flamberge- "The point of the phrase is that you don't activate it accidentally, it needs to be something you probably wouldn't say otherwise"
  48. 18:16 Sister-Sting "Hmm, I dont hate Eidolon?...No I would never say that even to turn these things on"
  49. 18:22 Flamberge- "How about something like...a code-word? "
  50. 18:28 Flamberge- "Or whatever you want really, just nothing you'd say normally"
  51. 18:29 Sister-Sting "...I got nothing. Just make it fuck off"
  52. 18:30 Flamberge- "Fine, but please try not to shoot anyone"
  53. 18:31 Sister-Sting "I Havent yet!...You just editing the left arm or you gonna do the right too?"
  54. 18:32 Flamberge- "Left's done, but it should be easier to just repeat the process on the right"
  55. 18:33 Flamberge- "How are you healing up, by the way?"
  56. 18:35 Sister-Sting "Pretty well, I mean. It was only my arms that were damaged and now I have robot ones...Emits, uh. DNA?, helped a lot
  57. 18:36 Flamberge- "Good, you really scared me back there"
  58. 18:40 Flamberge- "I mean, you were in a lot of pain and, well, i kinda caused it"
  59. 18:41 Sister-Sting "Its fine flam, I doubt it would be as bad as your arms being crushed
  60. 18:45 Flamberge- "R-right, right..."
  61. 18:46 Flamberge- "Oh! Still need to do the right"
  62. 18:46 Sister-Sting moves over a bit, right arm laying on the table as she eats with the left
  63. 18:47 Flamberge- "I'm just glad you're okay, y'know? We were really worried about you"
  64. 18:50 Sister-Sting "Yeah, I was really worried about me too"
  65. 18:54 Flamberge- "Heh, yeah, i bet"
  66. 18:55 Flamberge- "Y'know sting, i'm just thinking..."
  67. 18:55 Flamberge- "What if i could make these more like real arms?"
  68. 18:56 Flamberge- "I mean, i don't even know if these things have a sense of touch"
  69. 18:56 Flamberge- "Have you felt any of this?"
  70. 18:58 Sister-Sting "Only when you do the nerve stuff...not a nice feeling"
  71. 18:59 Flamberge- "Oh, sorry about that..."
  72. 19:00 Sister-Sting "Its fine, Emit DNA helps it"
  73. 19:01 Flamberge- "Good, good..."
  74. 19:01 Flamberge- looks like he's worried about something
  75. 19:02 Sister-Sting "...Something wrong man?"
  76. 19:03 Flamberge- "Nothing, it's just..."
  77. 19:03 Flamberge- shakes his head "It's nothing, don't worry about it"
  78. 19:05 Sister-Sting "Tell me. Before I get to testing"
  79. 19:07 Flamberge- "No, no, it's nothing about the arms, it's just..."
  80. 19:08 Flamberge- looks away, sighing
  81. 19:09 Flamberge- "I feel like there's something i could've done to prevent this"
  82. 19:10 Sister-Sting "Heh. You and me both man"
  83. 19:13 Flamberge- "Just, maybe if i'd gotten there sooner, or been better prepared, maybe we would't have to be doing this"
  84. 19:15 Sister-Sting places her left hand on his shoulder
  85. 19:15 Sister-Sting "Its fine man, I doubt anyone could of stopped it in time"
  86. 19:19 Flamberge- "Right, right, i'm being ridiculous"
  87. 19:20 Flamberge- "Just...if you need anything, let me know, okay?"
  88. 19:25 Sister-Sting "Anything~?" *Eyebrow flutter*
  89. 19:26 Flamberge- 's face now matches his coat
  90. 19:26 Flamberge- "W-well, um, i mean, uhh.."
  91. 19:26 Sister-Sting "Pfffffffhahahahah! Holy shit your face!"
  92. 19:27 Sister-Sting loses it
  93. 19:29 Flamberge- tries to regain his composure, but his face is still bright red
  94. 19:30 Sister-Sting "I'm joshing you man!...Unless I get drunk on a lonely night. Better keep the promise then" *wink* Then chuckling
  95. 19:33 Flamberge- can't find the words to respond, he just sits there, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water
  96. 19:42 Sister-Sting "...You ok?"
  97. 19:44 Flamberge- snaps out of it "F-fine, fine, totally cool"
  98. 19:45 Flamberge- tries to look casual, leaning on the table
  99. 19:46 Flamberge- misses the table
  100. 19:46 Sister-Sting "...Can't take jokes can ya?"
  101. 19:47 Flamberge- "R-right, joke, got it"
  102. 19:48 Flamberge- tries to convincingly fake a laugh
  103. 19:52 Flamberge- "S-so, um, yeah, arm's done"
  104. 19:53 Sister-Sting flexes her arm "Nice"
  105. 19:53 Sister-Sting does a punch into the air
  106. 19:53 Sister-Sting *BOOM*
  107. 19:54 Sister-Sting "...Forgot the safety"
  108. 19:58 Flamberge- "Just be careful, okay? i don't wanna find out that you shot yourself because you left the safety off"
  109. 20:08 Sister-Sting "Sure Sure...Fist pump?"
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