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wings confesses to his felonies

a guest
Oct 14th, 2019
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  11. * retard has joined the game [id: 1]
  12. TheRealWings5: so what did you want to say
  13. retard: I keep looking for TheRealWing5's game
  14. retard: ah
  15. TheRealWings5: LOL
  16. retard: I am doing some work for Chaz
  17. TheRealWings5: ah
  18. retard: I pretty much already told you
  19. TheRealWings5: are you getting people banned
  20. retard: I will go with warn
  21. retard: I warned you
  22. retard: that sounds better I think
  23. retard: lol
  24. TheRealWings5: wait so
  25. TheRealWings5: why does the warning apply to me
  26. retard: not that you give a fuck about my warnings
  27. * creepy has joined the game [id: 2]
  28. retard: It was a joke friend, chill the fuck out
  29. retard: things seem to be going well
  30. retard: it's a really weird system
  31. TheRealWings5: wait
  32. TheRealWings5: whats going really well
  33. retard: mostly just targeting the "need girls sex rp" shit
  34. creepy: so ur being chaz little bitch
  35. retard: I am a "janitor" for lack of a better word
  36. creepy: for free
  37. creepy: 2
  38. creepy: i assume
  39. retard: hell yeah
  40. creepy: hoyl
  41. creepy: hahah
  42. retard: 4free
  43. creepy: nigger
  44. retard: ban-igger
  45. retard: stfu
  46. creepy: oh yh?
  47. TheRealWings5: wait so
  48. TheRealWings5: does this mean
  49. TheRealWings5: retard can get people banned
  50. creepy: yh
  51. creepy: hes being chaz #1 little bitch
  52. creepy: doing his job
  53. retard: people get people banned
  54. TheRealWings5: hamza control yourself
  55. TheRealWings5: his router is not of need to be hit upon
  56. retard: guns don't shoot people, remember that
  57. retard: yeah
  58. retard: and in 1 month and 1 week, you will get to log in again creepy
  59. retard: just be glad it was not chaz
  60. retard: he bans literally everyone for 1 year
  61. creepy: ur literally telling me
  62. creepy: u went out of ur way to ban me
  63. creepy: and not chaz
  64. creepy: just bc u saw my room title
  65. retard: take it how you want to
  66. creepy: fucking scum
  67. retard: I saw "IP"
  68. retard: I realized that wings and you were probably the culprit
  69. retard: and I was right
  70. retard: so 1 month and 1 week
  71. TheRealWings5: w
  72. retard: ezpz
  73. retard: I just wanted to say
  74. retard: that I want out of the drama
  75. retard: that I am willing to move past all the shit
  76. retard: and "reset button" for lack of a better word
  77. creepy: can u like unban me rn
  78. creepy: ?
  79. retard: no, I don't have that power
  80. TheRealWings5: he can email chaz to
  81. retard: I don't know how Chaz's ban system works
  82. retard: I don't want to abuse shit
  83. retard: or I will lose it you know
  84. TheRealWings5: wait retard whats the email you use to email chaz
  85. creepy: he wont say lol
  86. retard: hamza should be ur lawyer wings
  87. retard: he'll keep you straight
  88. TheRealWings5: wait so i cant know :(
  89. retard: I wanted you to know
  90. retard: because I'm sure you would figure it out
  91. retard: or
  92. TheRealWings5: so can you tell me :O
  93. retard: now I am realizing that you might never have...
  94. retard: so
  95. retard: well
  96. retard: year
  97. retard: yeah
  98. TheRealWings5: what is it :O
  99. retard: I mean, can you tell me that you are moving on from hacking, dossing and shit>
  100. TheRealWings5: yeah
  101. TheRealWings5: im done
  102. TheRealWings5: i've seen and done it all
  103. TheRealWings5: you've kinda convinced me that there is more in life
  104. TheRealWings5: than harassing other people
  105. retard: that's great, I wasn't looking forward to another witch hunt
  106. retard: 1 less e-mail for me
  107. retard: sweet
  108. TheRealWings5: so whats the alias email you use to email chaz
  109. retard: do you have a new computer to play bonk2 when it comes out?
  110. TheRealWings5: because ik he doesn't like that you handed out those files
  111. TheRealWings5: yeah i'll try
  112. retard: what files?
  113. retard: ahh
  114. retard: A deleted reddit post?
  115. TheRealWings5: yeah
  116. retard: well people change I guess, you're proof enough of that
  117. retard: :\
  118. retard: cya around I guess?
  119. TheRealWings5: so do i get to know the email or
  120. TheRealWings5: ;/
  121. retard: it would be impossible
  122. creepy: so retard
  123. creepy: ur master
  124. creepy: is
  125. retard: the account I use he set up
  126. creepy:
  127. retard: the password is 2 trillion years
  128. retard: I can add time btw creepy
  129. retard: I can't unban you
  130. creepy: haha, well look at ur master my guy
  131. creepy:
  132. TheRealWings5: LMFAO
  133. TheRealWings5: HAMZA JUST DID THAT SHIT
  134. TheRealWings5: ight cya around retard and just stay safe
  135. creepy: no response
  136. retard: you yoo
  137. retard: lmao
  138. retard: you too
  139. retard: yoo yoo
  140. retard: tweet tweet
  141. retard: Imma bird
  142. retard: I gotta do toolpaths and shit for my classes
  143. retard: cya arround
  144. * retard has left the game
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