

Jan 29th, 2015
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  1. --Main Pirate Perfection config
  2. --To turn on option here, after '=' write true, to turn off write false.
  3. --Config frequently being updated through versions, don't forget to update it
  5. local Color = Color
  7. return {
  9. version = 2, --Configuration version, don't change it unless you know what you're doing
  11. --Pirate Perfection related options
  12. keyconfig = 'keyconfig', --Key bindings configuration filename. Use "keyconfig" (or false) to always load keyconfig.lua or "keyconfig_laptop.lua" for optimised for laptops default keys.
  13. check_for_updates = true, --This will check for new versions of Pirate Perfection and notify you, when it is available.
  14. announcements = true, --This will display announcements from Pirate Perfection about community events (including giveaways or group chat events)
  15. announcements_interval = 180, --Delay between game checks for new announcement
  16. HUD = true, --Set to false in order to disable ALL Pirate Perfection hud elements
  17. HUD_VersionText = true, --Displays current version of PP in main menu
  18. HUD_MovingText = true, --Displays moving text in main menu and in game.
  19. no_liberty_hook = false,
  21. --Logging
  22. LogErrorsToFile = true, --This will not only display PP related errors into console, but will write them into errlog.log
  24. --General options
  25. Language = 'english', -- Current language. Available languages: English, German, Portuguese, Turkish, Russian, Italian, Spanish. Set to false to automatically choose language.
  26. --check_language_updates = false, --Set to true to automatically check and announce you, when any update for your language available
  27. DefaultConfig = 'default_config', -- Default config file, that is loaded automatically.
  28. DLCUnlocker = true, --Unlocks all dlcs in game. Use with caution, OVERKILL implemented check, if you wearing DLC item or creating DLC heist from DLC you don't own.
  29. NoDropinPause = true, --Disables drop-in pause, works both on client and host side.
  30. FreeAssets = true, --Purchase assets at no cost.
  31. FreePreplanning = true, --Free preplanning elements + no favors consumed for purchasing them.
  32. HostMatters = true, --Host forces plan he choosed in preplanning ignoring other players votes.
  33. ExceptionsEnabled = true, --Allows users to bypass some limit by warning (only equipment control stuff affected currently)
  34. ExceptionsCrashDetect = false, --Tries to detect whenever application was crashed or no. (Requires ExceptionsEnabled = true) Was planned to make process of locating latestcrash easier for cabin boys and it was success, but cabin boys experienced really weird problems with that.
  35. NoStatsSynced = true, --Prevents statistics being published to Steam. Disable this, if you're having problems with unlocking certain achievement, just make sure to set your profile from Public to other visibillity.
  36. DisableBindings = false, --Set to true in order to disable all binds (maybe usefull when you want to use only DLCUnlocker and some stealth cheats, like no recoil)
  37. AllPerks = false, --Enable all perks at once. Currently works odd and may cause crash, when you change armors.
  38. freed_hoxton = true, --Unlocks old hoxton without need to complete heist and being in official payday 2 group
  39. DisableAutoKick = true, --Turns off cheater auto kick option by default
  40. ReduceDetectionLevel = true, --Reduces detection level and hides your outfit. May help to use DLC items without getting detected.
  42. --Ingame autostart scripts.
  44. --Anticheat related
  45. DisableAnticheat = true, --Disables some anticheat checks, also it turns off DLC ownership checks.
  47. --Equipment placement settings
  48. far_placements = false, --Allows you to place equipments at any distance, ahywhere (Will cause visual glitch, where dummy equipment will not appear, when you place something)
  49. equipment_place_key = '4', --Key, to that will be binded placement of equipments from menu
  51. --Unsorted
  52. NoCivilianPenality = true, --No penalities for killing civilians
  53. NoInvisibleWalls = false, --Removes invisible walls (Host only)
  54. RestartProMissions = false, --Allow restart pro missions
  55. RestartJobs = false, --Returns "Restart" button, when you're hosting game
  56. NoEscapeTimer = false, --No escape timer (Host only)
  57. ControlCheats = false,
  58. --This option will limit placement of your equipments and grenade throws in order to prevent randomly being marked as cheater. Aswell it will prevent you from randomly changing your current weapon.
  59. --( false - always off, 1 - Turns on control, when you're client on someone's server, 2 - Always on).
  60. --More comming soon
  61. LaserColor = false, --Change your weapon's laser color. Color format (as R.G.B.), Color(R/255, G/255, B/255). Example: Color(0,0.5,0) will be dark green. Set to false to disable this feature.
  62. DontFreezeRagdolls = true, --Never freezes corpses. May cause performance issues!
  63. DontDisposeRagdolls = true, --Corpses never disappear. May cause performance issues!
  65. -- Scripts settings
  66. FreeFlightTeleport = true, --Turning off freeflight will drop you at the position where freeflight camera was
  68. --Kill all script settings
  69. KillAllIgnoreTied = true, --Kill all script will ignore hostaged units.
  70. KillAllIgnoreCivilians = false, --Kill all script will ignore civilians
  71. KillAllIgnoreEnemies = false, --Kill all script will ignore enemies.
  72. KillAllTouchCameras = true, --Kill all scripts will kill all cameras aswell.
  74. --Character menu settings
  75. JumpHeightMultiplier = 5, --Multiplier for player's jump height. Set to false for default value (5).
  76. RunSpeed = 1150, -- Maximum run speed. Set to false for default value (1150).
  78. --Job menu settings
  79. jobmenu_def_difficulty = 'overkill_145', --Default difficulty choosed, when you host game from menu. Available difficulties ("easy","normal","hard","overkill","overkill_145","overkil_290")
  80. jobmenu_singleplayer = false, --Job menu will host singleplayer games by default (Can be toggled on/off in jobmenu manually)
  82. --Game fixes, debug stuff
  83. DisableBulletFix = false, --Disables fix on delayed bullet effect play.
  84. DisableInvFix = false, --Disables fix on ctd, when other player changes weapon.
  85. EnableJobFix = true, --Replaces job_class values to 10, so other players will see lobbies with jobs these game thinks "too hard for them". You also can see these jobs now when search.
  87. -- Spawn menu
  88. SpawnUnitsAmount = 1, --Amount of units being spawned, when you select some unit to spawn
  89. SpawnPos = 'ray', -- Spawn position ( "ray", "spawn_point", "random_spawn_point" )
  90. SpawnCivsAnim = 'cm_sp_stand_idle', --Default animation set for civilians, when you spawn them
  91. SpawnEnemyAnim = 'idle', --Default animation set for enemies, when you spawn them
  93. --Inventory menu settings
  94. rain_bags_amount = 100, --Default amount of rained bags
  95. SpawnBagsAmount = 1, --Default amount of spawned bags on single select.
  97. --Slowmotion
  98. SmSpeed = 0.2, -- Slow motion speed
  99. SmSlowPlayer = false, -- Affects slow motion on player
  101. --Xray
  102. --See LaserColor option for note about colors
  103. XrayCams = true, --Xray will highlight cameras
  104. XrayCamsCol = Color(1,0.2,0), --Camera's highlight color (Orange)
  105. XrayCiv = true, --Xray will highlight civilians
  106. XrayCivCol = Color.cyan, --Civilian's highlight color
  107. XrayCops = true, --Xray will highlight enemies
  108. XrayCopsCol =, --Cop's highlight color
  109. XraySpecialCol = Color.purple, --Special's highlight color
  110. XraySniperCol = Color(0,0.5,0), --Sniper's highlight color (Green)
  111. XrayFriendly = Color(0.2,0.8,1), --Converted enemies color
  112. XrayItems = true, --Highlight some important to objective items (Highlights Framing Frame 3 objects and key cards)
  114. --Teleporter settings
  115. TeleportPenetrate = false, --Set to true if you want to penetrate through walls and props, when teleporting
  117. -- Troll menu
  118. TrollAmountBags = 5, --Amount of bags spawned on victims.
  120. -- AimBot
  121. ShootThroughWalls = false, --Allow AimBot shoot through walls.
  122. MaxAimDist = 5000, --AimBot max. detection range.
  123. AimbotInfAmmo = true, --Enable infinite ammo for AimBot.
  124. AimbotDamageMul = 2, --Damage multiplier, set to false to use default weapon damage.
  125. AimMode = 3, --AimBot mode (1 - Only auto shoot, 2 - Only aim, 3 - Auto aim and shoot).
  127. -- Lego
  128. LegoFile = 'default', --Default lego file.
  129. LegoDeleteKey = 'h', --Delete props button.
  130. LegoSpawnKey = '6', --Spawn props button.
  131. LegoPrevKey = '7', --Quick-switch to previous prop from the list
  132. LegoNextKey = '8', --Quick-switch to next prop from the list
  134. --Debug hud
  135. DebugDramaDraw = true, -- Enable drama hud.
  136. DebugStateDraw = true, -- Enable displaying state on unit.
  137. DebugConsole = true, -- Enable debug console.
  138. DebugNavDraw = false, -- Enable displaying debug navigation fields.
  139. DebugAdditionalEsp = true, -- Enable additional esp on units.
  140. DebugMissionElements = false, -- Enable drawing mission elements.
  141. DebugElementsAdditional = false, -- Enable drawing additional mission elements.
  143. --OBSOLETE options
  144. EnableDebug = false, --Enables debug menu, this also enables freeflight. (Menu got wiped by devs)
  145. NameSpoof = false, --Your new name in game, set to false in order to use your steam name. (OBSOLETE! NameSpoof is subject to remove)
  146. }
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