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Feb 3rd, 2017
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  1. Last Exception Backtrace:
  2. 0 CoreFoundation 0x18abb11b8 0x18aa81000 + 1245624
  3. 1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x1895e855c 0x1895e0000 + 34140
  4. 2 UIKit 0x191214490 0x190a50000 + 8144016
  5. 3 UIKit 0x190ce8a70 0x190a50000 + 2722416
  6. 4 UIKit 0x190ad1320 0x190a50000 + 529184
  7. 5 UIKit 0x190ce76e8 0x190a50000 + 2717416
  8. 6 UIKit 0x190cfc104 0x190a50000 + 2801924
  9. 7 UIKit 0x190ce47ec 0x190a50000 + 2705388
  10. 8 FrontBoardServices 0x18c78792c 0x18c74d000 + 239916
  11. 9 FrontBoardServices 0x18c787798 0x18c74d000 + 239512
  12. 10 FrontBoardServices 0x18c787b40 0x18c74d000 + 240448
  13. 11 CoreFoundation 0x18ab5eb5c 0x18aa81000 + 908124
  14. 12 CoreFoundation 0x18ab5e4a4 0x18aa81000 + 906404
  15. 13 CoreFoundation 0x18ab5c0a4 0x18aa81000 + 897188
  16. 14 CoreFoundation 0x18aa8a2b8 0x18aa81000 + 37560
  17. 15 UIKit 0x190aca7b0 0x190a50000 + 501680
  18. 16 UIKit 0x190ac5534 0x190a50000 + 480564
  19. 17 MyApp 0x100a5a124 wrapper_managed_to_native_UIKit_UIApplication_UIApplicationMain_int_string___intptr_intptr (/<unknown>:1)
  20. 18 MyApp 0x1009cff58 Xamarin_iOS_UIKit_UIApplication_Main_string___string_string (UIApplication.cs:79)
  21. 19 MyApp 0x100133330 MyApp _MyApp_iOS_Application_Main_string__ + 32
  22. 20 MyApp 0x1003aa844 wrapper_runtime_invoke_object_runtime_invoke_dynamic_intptr_intptr_intptr_intptr + 244
  23. 21 MyApp 0x10004e434 mono_jit_runtime_invoke (mini-runtime.c:2551)
  24. 22 MyApp 0x1000b2554 do_runtime_invoke (object.c:2820)
  25. 23 MyApp 0x1000b513c do_exec_main_checked (object.c:2978)
  26. 24 MyApp 0x100038198 mono_jit_exec (driver.g.c:1049)
  27. 25 MyApp 0x100132ccc xamarin_main (monotouch-main.m:485)
  28. 26 MyApp 0x1015a2854 main (main.arm64.m:169)
  29. 27 libdyld.dylib 0x189a6d5b8 0x189a69000 + 17848
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