Guest User


a guest
May 12th, 2018
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  1. # Should unregistered player be able to join the server?
  2. allowUnregistered=true
  3. # Do you allow your users to skip authentication with the bypass permission
  4. bypassPermission=false
  5. # Should the player name always be case sensitive equal to the time the player registered?
  6. caseSensitiveNameCheck=true
  7. # Should only the specified commands be protected from unauthorized access
  8. commandOnlyProtection=false
  9. # Email configuration for password recovery
  10. emailConfiguration {
  11. # Username for the account you want to the email from
  12. account=""
  13. # Email contents. You can use HTML here
  14. contentTemplate {
  15. arguments {
  16. password {
  17. optional=true
  18. }
  19. player {
  20. optional=true
  21. }
  22. server {
  23. optional=true
  24. }
  25. }
  26. closeArg="}"
  27. content {
  28. extra=[
  29. {
  30. text="{player}"
  31. },
  32. {
  33. text=" on Minecraft server "
  34. },
  35. {
  36. text="{server}"
  37. },
  38. {
  39. text=": "
  40. },
  41. {
  42. text="{password}"
  43. }
  44. ]
  45. text="New password for "
  46. }
  47. openArg="{"
  48. options {
  49. closeArg="}"
  50. openArg="{"
  51. }
  52. }
  53. # Is password recovery using an email allowed
  54. enabled=false
  55. # Mail server
  56. host=""
  57. # Password for the account you want to the email from
  58. password=""
  59. # SMTP Port for outgoing messages
  60. port=465
  61. # Displays as sender in the email client
  62. senderName="Your Minecraft server name"
  63. # Email subject/title
  64. subjectTemplate {
  65. arguments {
  66. player {
  67. optional=true
  68. }
  69. server {
  70. optional=true
  71. }
  72. }
  73. closeArg="}"
  74. content {
  75. extra=[
  76. {
  77. text="{server}"
  78. },
  79. {
  80. text=" for "
  81. },
  82. {
  83. text="{player}"
  84. }
  85. ]
  86. text="Your new Password on "
  87. }
  88. openArg="{"
  89. options {
  90. closeArg="}"
  91. openArg="{"
  92. }
  93. }
  94. }
  95. # Algorithms for hashing user passwords. You can also choose totp
  96. hashAlgo=BCrypt
  97. # Should the plugin login users automatically if it's the same account from the same IP
  98. ipAutoLogin=true
  99. # Custom command that should run after the user tried to make too many attempts
  100. lockCommand=""
  101. # How many login attempts are allowed until everything is blocked
  102. maxAttempts=3
  103. # How many accounts are allowed per ip-address. Use 0 to disable it
  104. maxIpReg=3
  105. # Interval where the please login will be printed to the user
  106. messageInterval=2
  107. # The user should use a strong password
  108. minPasswordLength=4
  109. # Should this plugin check for player permissions
  110. playerPermissions=false
  111. # Experimental feature to protect permissions for players who aren't logged in yet
  112. protectPermissions=false
  113. # If command only protection is enabled, these commands are protected. If the list is empty all commands are protected
  114. protectedCommands=[
  115. op,
  116. lo
  117. ]
  118. # Teleport the player to a safe location based on the last login coordinates
  119. safeLocation=false
  120. # FlexibleDatabase configuration
  121. sqlConfiguration {
  122. # Compatibility with the Bukkit plugin AuthMeReloaded. Here you can specify the table name. If this option is empty, compatibility will be disabled and FlexibleLogin's schema will be used.
  123. authMeTable=
  124. # Database name
  125. database=
  126. # Password in order to login
  127. password=""
  128. # Path where the database is located. This can be a file path (H2/SQLite) or an IP/Domain (MySQL/MariaDB)
  129. path="%DIR%"
  130. # Port for MySQL/MariaDB connections
  131. port=3306
  132. # SQL server type. You can choose between H2, SQLite and MySQL/MariaDB. If you use MySQL/MariaDB. Just write MySQL.
  133. type=H2
  134. # It's strongly recommended to enable SSL and setup a SSL certificate if the MySQL/MariaDB server isn't running on the same machine
  135. useSSL=false
  136. # Username to login the database system
  137. username=""
  138. }
  139. # Should the plugin don't register alias /l (used by some chat plugins) for /login command
  140. supportSomeChatPlugins=true
  141. teleportConfig {
  142. coordX=0
  143. coordY=0
  144. coordZ=0
  145. # Should the plugin use the default spawn from the world you specify below
  146. defaultSpawn=false
  147. enabled=false
  148. # Spawn world or leave it empty to use the default world specified in the server properties
  149. worldName=null
  150. }
  151. # Number of seconds a player has time to login or will be kicked.-1 deactivates this features
  152. timeoutLogin=240
  153. # Should the plugin save the login status to the database
  154. updateLoginStatus=false
  155. # Regular expression for verifying validate player names. Default is a-zA-Z with 2-16 length
  156. validNames="^\\w{2,16}$"
  157. # How seconds the user should wait after the user tried to make too many attempts
  158. waitTime=300
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