
Theo or Nah?

Jun 19th, 2016
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  1. <DarnellJermaine> -mine-
  2. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore makes his way to Skix's room- knowing it's location from when he helped her find it the other day. He's wearing a full on fancy suit because Theodore would never be caught looking any less than impeccable when showing up for an pre-meditated meeting with people- even friends. He reaches her door with the 3 movies in his left hand- knocking with the right. "Skix, love? It's me, Theodore; I've got the
  3. <DarnellJermaine> original Star Wars trilogy with me as promised!"
  4. <PuddleJumper> there is music thumping from the other side as well as very bad singing in skix's rather deep voice it continues for a moment before it stops and the door is cracked open. Skix instantly closes it and yelps! "OH! I um! Whuups! Let me put on some clothes i didnt know you would be comming by! Let me just" *there is the sound of 220 pounds of lizard tripping into the wall as she struggles into some clothes and opens
  5. <PuddleJumper> the door...She gasps at the she is wearing fleace sleep pants and a hugely oversized shirt with princess peach on it.
  6. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore lets out a friendly smile and points at the shirt, "Peach, huh? Haven't played Mario in a while- good times" he says, stepping into her room and taking a look around. "I see you've settled in quite nicely- however, let's get down to brass tacks" he says, pulling out the movies from behind him and displaying them. "This is 6 hours of pure masterpiece- are you sure you can handle it love?"
  7. <PuddleJumper> Skix nods happily, there are a few more stuffed animals clarly rescues from the salvation army and a rather bottom of the line, but new laptop on the desk...also there is a half eaten mountian of junk food/wrapers that she quickly cleans up and dumps in the trash. The laptop is a 14inch screen with good reselution at least. "YES! Ive been waiting to see them! Suzy and Elspeth showed me how to use youtube and i
  8. <PuddleJumper> found lots of mucic and cute videos...suzy stopped me from seeing any of the story so i didnt ruin it! She lifts the table effortlessly and places it opposite of the bed clearing a spot for Theo
  9. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore gladly hops into his spot, making sure to cuddle up nicely in whatever stuffed animals/blankets were available to him and handing the discs to Skix, "You do the honors then, love" he says with a nod of his head.
  10. <PuddleJumper> Skix takes the cd out of the case and looks confused by it, needing instruction how not to scratch it and put it into the cd tray...shes used to VHS's...she mumbles something about being a cavegirl and puts it in. and is instantly sucked in by the opening crawl...she pulls a whole 2 liter of grape soda and a whole shopping bag of snacks between them...she starts munching on flamin hot pork rinds. "WOW! This is
  11. <PuddleJumper> cool!" She watches the opening starfight with a half open mouth and huge eyes...when she sees darth vader she draws her claws to her chest and gasps like a kid. "Ohhhh my god...he is so cool!"
  12. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore hardly pays attention to the movie- having rewatched it for the umpteenth time just the other day. Instead- he keeps his focus on Skix- making sure she's having fun and enjoying the movie. Seeing her reactions- he smiles and leans back- happy to see her have fun. It can be hard being the new kid, and he wasn't sure how Skix was fitting in yet. "Pretty damn cool, isn't it love?" he asks with a little
  13. <DarnellJermaine> chuckle.
  14. <PuddleJumper> Skix is enraptured by the movie, laughing at the droids and loving the hell out of it in general. "This is great! Ohhhh lightsabers are awesome!" She sees Han Solo for the first time and her mouth opens in a bit of a gasp. "wow."
  15. * Karaoke ( has joined
  16. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore just leans back- still paying attention to the lizard girl. She seemed to have come pretty far already from the shy, afraid to have nice things happen to her girl that arrived a few days ago, and he was glad to see that. After a few more minutes he eventually focused back in on the movie- already over half way through it's run time.
  17. <PuddleJumper> Skix watches, totally enchanted and drawn in by the movie...when the death star blows up alderan she grasps her stuffed raccoon and gasps...leaning against him in disbelief, she draws up her tail between her legs and grasps it like a pillow when the falcon escapes from the death star, and she yelps and sniffles when obewan is struck down.
  18. <PuddleJumper>
  19. <DarnellJermaine> The movie eventually draws to a close, Theodore still clapping intensely at the end credits- despite missing most of the movie. Damn it, he loved Star Wars! "Brilliant, brilliant!" he says aloud, turning to Skix to see her reaction after the first movie.
  20. <PuddleJumper> Skix was a bundle of stress through the last attack, when Han swooped in to save the day she yelled out a raptor noise of surprise and exilieration and squeezed Theo so hard he thought he might bust a rib! "WOW! Woah! Just..." She hops up off the bed pacing and gestruring "Han solo is the coolest thing ever! WOW!"
  21. <DarnellJermaine> Theo just laughs and hugs her back as she goes on with her expressions and mannerisms, waiting until she hops off the bed before fully stretching his back and whatnot. "Yeah, glad ya liked it. There's still two more if you want to watch them- but I'm kinda tired. If you really wanna watch them now though, we can keep going" he offers.
  22. <PuddleJumper> Skix nods and offers Theo a huge bottle of grape soda munching on some chips. "I wanna watch em all! I wanna know what happens next...especially Han and chewie!"
  23. <DarnellJermaine> Well, Theodore /does/ love Grape and Orange soda...more than a normal person should. He sighs, opening the cap and drinking straight from the bottle- downing a fourth of it before speaking, "Alright love, let's get this show on the road. Just don't be mad at me if I fall asleep" he teases with a playful wink, resuming his previous position.
  24. * SpookyBee is now known as SnoozlyBee
  25. <PuddleJumper> Skix stares raptly, of course hooked instantly...but when things get heavy its clear Skix is kinda an emotional girl...Luke finding out his father is vader has her hugging on him and squeezing him rather tightly....and han being frozen in carbonite has her sobbing uncontrolabally soaking his shoulder
  26. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore takes the girls wild actions- and returns them with full force hugs. How could you not get some feels watching Star Wars? He pats her back at all the intense parts, "It's ok, believe in them!" almost becomes a catch phrase by the time the movies end.
  27. <PuddleJumper> Skix has to take a breather after the end of the second one. She paces uncomfortabally. "The force is awesome...and cool, luke is pretty good...but i want Han and Leia to be happy! He is so...*she shivers*" You kinda remind me of han, kinda handsome and cool...hes going to be ok right?"
  28. * SnoozlyBee has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
  29. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore laughs at the compliment, "Me? Han Solo? That guy is /way/ cooler than me!" as for her question, "No spoilers~" he says with a chuckle, getting up to check if there's any Grape or Orange soda left.
  30. <PuddleJumper> **There is, the mini fridge is filled with junk food she motions for him to take what he wants, she herself is munching on slimjims and nutter butters...shes eaten at least a whole pound of chips and cookies while watching just the last movie. "He is soooo awesome, just the coolest!"
  31. <PuddleJumper> Skix puts in Return and watches the crawl
  32. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore crawls up next to her- this time holding on to her just as much as she did him- completely enthralled in the third film, shouting various 'Ooos!' and 'This is the best part!'s as the movie went on.
  33. <PuddleJumper> Skix it seemed was a fan of cheeze, she ate the movie enthralled she didnt feel the least bit self consious cuddeling with Theo and yammering quick bits when her favorite parts come up...When its time for the death star scene though shes totally serious and locked on. The redemption of darth and his death has her bawling, she has her head tucked into his chest peaking out with one eye to watch the rest. By
  34. <PuddleJumper> the time its over shes clapping and while still squeezing Theo around the middle with her tail. "OH MY GOD! That was the greatest thing i have ever seen! Are all movies this good!?"
  35. <DarnellJermaine> Theodore is practically along with her for the whole emotional ride- holding in his tears when she cries, cheering when she does, and by the end of the movie has his hands place down over her tail that's wrapped around him, "Nope; Star Wars is truly one of a kind. There are other movies just as good or close though, but most movies aren't this AMAZING"
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