
Confessions of Monster Hunters

Feb 9th, 2019
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  1. ...Sixteen men, no formal training or nothing but each sold a few scalps in his day. The tribe was out in Nevada, at the base of Boundary Peak, locals told us there were at least a hundred, likely closer to two hundreds, the niggers don't like their women and children being out and about. Simple mission on paper, drive to the other side of the mountain range, climb and descend, and take them from behind when the men were gone, then just wait for them to come back and wipe them out; yeah, real fucking easy. See, niggers, orcs I mean, have some damn good hearing, we drive up on them with the cars and they'll know we're coming, we gotta stop far and walk far to get the jump on them and trust me you need a jump when dealing with a tribe that big.
  2. We took off from the hotel at about 4am, got to the mountain base at 7, most the boys slept on the cars, lucky fuckers. No time for a morning coffee, the trucks stopped and we started going up them mountains. We was going light but miserable, had an old M14, about 180 rounds of ammo, and a small backpack with maybe two boxes of cereal bars and a wool blanket, that was fucking it. No need to take anything else; most the boys had similar kits. We kept going till maybe midnight, made good time, we were just short enough of the time that we wouldn't freeze if we huddled up with someone, ate a few bars and slept maybe five hours before we were going at it again; what I say? real fucking easy.
  4. We stopped again at midnight, the tribe was only a few hours march away now, we reckoned we'd be there somewhere in the afternoon, before the men came back. Rained that night, no tents among any of us, fucking miserable. Another five hours of sleep, another march, we slowed down a little a few hours in, not from exhaustion but 'cause the niggers was getting close, couldn't have any of them know we was coming, we used the bush to get in close. Tribe must have been only about half a mile from where we was when we finally stopped and got ready for the attack, was maybe two or three, weren't keeping track, didn't matter, no men so we were there when we needed to. We got our bearing, ditching anything we didn't need, and rushed in.
  5. Niggers didn't notice us until we'd sprinted about half the distance, when they did all hell broke lose. Nigger women were rushing out of tents to figure out what was going on, the ones with young children hid in the tents while the others were frantically arming themselves, didn't make much difference, by the time they were even starting to get some sort of formation together we were in shooting distance. No method to it, see a nigger standing? Aim and shoot. Niggers were being torn to shit, the tents were being ripped apart, eventually they figured they needed to hide to stand a chance. We just chased them, didn't go in between tents, would cut them open with a knife and just start shooting anything we saw moving in them, then torn them down so we knew there was nothing else. Must have killed a dozen by the time it was over, maybe twenty if you count the few kids I shot down but they could barely hold an axe so I don't.
  7. We dug through the torn down camp, dragging out any body we found, cut off the scalp and threw them in a pile; weren't our job to clean the mess. We were about half done when we saw the first of the men appear in the distance, they stopped and gathered themselves, numbers growing on the horizon. They got good eyes them niggers, obviously knew what happened, musta been pissed as all hell but didn't start charging until they all got together and into formation, gotta give them some credit for that. our best shots lay down and starting taking them down in the distance, maybe four hundred, five hundred yards away. By the time they were only a hundred away they was reduced to only a few dozen, the rest of us opened up on them and cut down easy as that.
  8. We got all the scalps together and waited, we had an arrangement with the drives to come grab us on the third night, none of this was guess work see? We'd done this before, we knew exactly how everything would play out. Government pays a pretty penny per dead orc, $100 per scalp, $50 for kids, each of us pocketed about $1,300 from the raid, you get more or less depending on how many niggers are in a tribe and how many you gotta split the cash with but two raids a month is decent enough to live on if you don't live fancy, if you get lucky and get three you're gonna have a nice month.
  10. -Andrew Malinowski, "Confessions of Monster Hunters," p. 37-38
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