

Apr 20th, 2020
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  1. [19:39] Elred begin battle with the Feline curious as to the result of his training. He felt much faster than before and he used that to his advantage in the battle, swinging his blade with crystals with each swing.
  3. Elred noticed the bone magic and knew just how to avoid it, healing his wounds rapidly and delivering fatal blows. The battle was jsut about over when Elred dashed and put his shoulder into the Feline.
  5. Elred stood over them looking down while placing his blade within his sheathe.
  7. "Well, that's the end clearly." he said "Though you can improve in some areas and my suggestion would be to have your movements quicker. You are easy to read and if you want to catch someone off guard I suggest changing your style each time.
  9. Meaning don't attack the same or everyone will read your movements.
  11. It's merely a suggestion, but decent fight nonetheless."
  12. (Elred Yindove)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. [19:43] Oracle would lose, but not before learning a little something about what the Light can provide... he learned that even in the heat of battle, that concentration was key... and thus, he was able to better attune to his own prowess...
  16. Facing against the youngish looking adult, he would feel ready, yet... he seemed to be at a disadvantage. The overwhelming power of his opponent, was far greater than anything he could accomplish this day... he was young, and inexperienced, yet... he knew that he had some sort of ground to keep.
  18. Oracle would look upon the victor between them, and smile, he would also provide a nod, for he was grateful he got the chance to enjoy such a thrill... as did the Light that resided inside of him...
  20. Upon hearing the words of the victor, he would then voice his own words, "Indeed, the Light doesn't particular know the art of battle just yet, but none the less, it is improving, and thus, growing is essential... you are much stronger, that is obviously apparent, yet... I felt as though... if the tides were shifted just tad, we could have been on even footing... the Light has chosen this day though, to teach me just what it means to learn, and acquire further knowledge..."
  22. He would smile, "Brothers call me Oracle, perhaps we could be friends in the pursuit of each others goals and tasks... I wish to meet thee again someday, wherever the path would have us be that is..."
  23. (Oracle )
  24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. [22:08] The final round.
  27. He couldn't lie and say that he was completely composed, hand upon the handle of his blade as he moved down into the arena. The sword soon drawn from its sheath as he briefly paused in silence.
  29. A quick examination of Elred thrown towards them, smile never leaving his lips as he stared to speak.
  31. "Good luck."
  33. Short words, no need to further speak as the blade came out of its sheath, holy light enshrouded across his form further spreading down the sharpened edge of the blade.
  35. Blunt damage was soon to be inflicted.
  37. Exciting, as soon as the fight had started he could barely hear those around the stadium, more focused on the intense beating of his heart that reverberated throughout his ears.
  39. Mana flowed, blue eyes constantly alit with a glow as the duo went back and forth. He soon fell into a rhythm of things, constantly exchanging blows with the Teraphim.
  41. But he would soon prevail. Blow landing upon the Teraphim's form to secure his victory in the tournament. Steps already leading him towards Elred to offer him any assistance required.
  43. "Close, thank you for the match."
  45. A light pat on their shoulder followed, before he turned towards Elijah, awaiting what came next.
  46. (Pericles Vitalis)
  47. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. [22:11] With the battles on the sands all but being concluded, there was only one who remained undefeated in the end, though those present today had surely earned victories of their own, big and small. The weathered, former Lightbringer made his way into the arena, and unveils the blade with a slight smile, shifting the flat of the crimson metal onto his hands with the hilt ready for Pericles.
  51. "Congratulions on your victory. May Caladbolg serve you well, Keeper," Elijah said curtly, giving a light bow of his head before his weight adjusts onto his cane after the champion takes his prize.
  52. (Elijah lux Soleis)
  53. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. [22:15] Elred seen this holy mage do battle and was impressed and knew this fight would be tough. Elred drew his blade, giving the man a nod out of respect for his strength.
  57. "Good luck to you as well."
  59. Elred begin clashing blades with the holy warrior and noticed how durable he was. The blows landed were quickly washed away by his holy magic.
  61. Elred good a deep breath and begin to harden his skin to made the playing field even, but to no avail he was pressed by the oppressive force of holy.
  63. Elred fell and quickly stood up again, changing his plan of attack which seemed to offered better results though it wasn't enough to push the man.
  65. Elred was defeated, but he felt proud to make it this far in the tournament. He'd take the mans hand the assistance was welcomed this time around.
  67. "Close indeed, it was a good match nonetheless"
  69. Elred was pretty tired when it was all said and done.
  70. (Elred Yindove)
  71. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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