

Aug 13th, 2019
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Lua 28.15 KB | None | 0 0
  1.  local function s(...) return sleep(...) end
  2. local function w(...) return write(...) end
  3. local function p(...) return print(...) end
  4. local function tw(...) return term.write(...) end
  5. local function scp(...) return term.setCursorPos(...) end
  6. local function sbc(...) return term.setBackgroundColor(...) end
  7. local function stc(...) return term.setTextColor(...) end
  8. local function tc(...) return term.clear(...) end
  9. local function tcl(...) return term.clearLine(...) end
  10. local function r(...) return end
  11. local function sp(...) return textutils.slowPrint(...) end
  12. local function sw(...) return textutils.slowWrite(...) end
  13. local function fse(...) return fs.exists(...) end
  14. local function pul(...) return paintutils.loadImage(...) end
  15. local function pud(...) return paintutils.drawImage(...) end
  16. local function pfb(...) return paintutils.drawFilledBox(...) end
  17. local function su(...) return os.shutdown(...) end
  18. local function re(...) return os.reboot(...) end
  19. local function pdp(...) return paintutils.drawPixel(...) end
  20. function ep()
  21. scp(16,2)
  22. sbc(colors.white)
  23. stc(
  24. p("Eksplorator dla NextUI to potezne")
  25. scp(16,3)
  26. p("a zarazem proste narzedzie do")
  27. scp(16,4)
  28. p("przegladania zawartosci dysku")
  29. scp(16,5)
  30. p("twardego. Pobierz za darmo dzisiaj!")
  31. pfb(16, 19, 51, 19,
  32. if fs.exists("/nshop/.exp") then
  33.  scp(16,19)
  34.  sbc(
  35.  stc(colors.white)
  36.  w("Usun      Uruchom")
  37.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  38.  if x>15 and x<21 and y == 19 then fs.delete("/nshop/.exp") end
  39.  if x>25 and x<34 and y == 19 then r("/nshop/.exp") end
  40. else
  41.  scp(30,19)
  42.  w("Pobierz")
  43.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  44.  if x>29 and x<40 then
  45.   if pass == "" then r("pastebin get zbzF7Zu4 /nshop/.exp")
  46.   else
  47.   pfb(10, 5, 30, 9,
  48.   scp(10,5) stc(colors.white)
  49.   p("Wymagana autoryzacja.")
  50.   scp(10,6)
  51.   p("Wpisz haslo:")
  52.   scp(10,7)
  53.   w("")
  54.   haslo = read()
  55.   if haslo == pass then r("pastebin get zbzF7Zu4 /nshop/.exp")
  56.   end  
  57.   end
  58.   end
  59. end
  60. end
  61. function dg()
  62. scp(16,2)
  63. sbc(colors.white)
  64. stc(
  65. p("DGStatistics to aplikacja,")
  66. scp(16,3)
  67. p("stworzona we wspolpracy z ")
  68. scp(16,4)
  69. p("serwerem Darkness Grounds ")
  70. scp(16,5)
  71. p("pokazujaca statystyki broni")
  72. scp(16,6)
  73. p("Z ich autorskiej modyfikacji!")
  74. scp(16,7)
  75. p("Pobierz juz dzis!")
  76. pfb(16, 19, 51, 19,
  77. scp(16,19)
  78. w("Aplikacja nie jest jeszcze dostepna")
  79. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  80. end
  81. function sklep()
  82. while true do
  83. sbc(colors.white)
  84. tc()
  85. sbc(colors.white)
  86. pfb(1, 1, 51, 1,
  87. pfb(15, 1, 15, 19,
  88. pdp(51, 1,
  89. scp(1,1)
  90. stc(colors.white)
  91. p("nextShop")
  92. sbc(colors.white)
  93. stc(
  94. p("Eksplorator")
  95. p("DGStatistics")
  96. scp(1,18)
  97. p("Wolne miejsce:")
  98. miejsce = fs.getFreeSpace("/")/1024
  99. w(fs.getFreeSpace("/")/1024, "KB")
  100. shell.exit()
  101. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  102. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 2 then ep() end
  103. if x>0 and x<16 and y == 3 then dg() end
  104. if x == 51 and y == 1 then system() end
  105. end
  106. end
  107. function shop()
  108. pfb(41, 2, 51, 3,
  109. stc(colors.white)
  110. scp(41,2)
  111. p("Sklep")
  112. scp(41,3)
  113. p("Wyczysc")
  114. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  115. if x>40 and x<52 and y == 2 then sklep() end
  116. if x>40 and x<52 and y == 3 then fs.delete("/nshop/") end
  117. end
  118. function dysk()
  119. while true do
  120. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) end
  121. scp(13,4)
  122. p("Kiedy w stacji bedzie ")
  123. scp(13,5)
  124. p("kompatybilna dyskietka")
  125. scp(13,6)
  126. p("nacisnij OK           ")
  127. scp(13,7)
  128. p("[OK]                  ")
  129. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  130. if x>12 and x<17 and y == 7 and fs.exists("/disk/.nsetup") then r("/disk/.nsetup")
  131. elseif x>12 and x<17 and y == 7 and not fs.exists("/disk/.nsetup") then scp(13,8) stc(colors.white) sbc( p("Blad! Nie znaleziono instalatora") s(2) system()
  132. else s(1) system()
  133. end
  134. end
  135. end
  136. function pierwszeu()
  137. if fs.exists("/os/.log1") and fs.exists("/os/.log2") then logo()
  138. else
  139. tc()
  140. sbc(colors.white)
  141. tc()
  142. sbc(colors.white)
  143. stc(
  144. scp(1,1)
  145. p("Konfiguracja NextUI")
  146. p("Witamy w NextUI!")
  147. p("Wpisz nazwe uzytkownika:")
  148. w("")
  149. uzytkownik = read()
  150. p("Wpisz haslo: ")
  151. w("")
  152. haslo = read()
  153. local p ="/os/.log1", "w")
  154. p.write(uzytkownik)
  155. p.close()
  156. local h ="/os/.log2", "w")
  157. h.writeLine(haslo)
  158. h.close()
  159. print("Ponowne uruchamianie....")
  160. sleep(1)
  161. os.reboot()
  162. end
  163. end
  164. function logobraz()
  165. pfb(1, 1, 51, 5,
  166. pfb(1, 6, 51, 14, colors.lightBlue)
  167. pfb(1, 15, 51, 19,
  168. pfb(15, 7, 17, 9, colors.gray)
  169. scp(1,1)
  170. p("Logowanie MineCore")
  171. scp(1,2)
  172. p("Wybierz uzytkownika, a nastepnie wpisz haslo.")
  173. end
  174. function pliki()
  175.  local u ="/os/.log1", "r")
  176.  user = u.readLine(1)
  177.  u.close()
  178.  local h ="/os/.log2", "r")
  179.  pass = h.readLine(1)
  180.  h.close()
  181. end
  182. function log()
  183. if pass == "" then system() else
  184. sbc(colors.lightBlue)
  185. stc(colors.white)
  186. scp(18,7)
  187. p(user)
  188. scp(18,8)
  189. w("")
  190. haslo = read()
  191. if haslo == pass then ok = 1 else scp(18,9) stc( p("Bledne haslo") s(2) re() end
  192. end
  193. end
  194. function logo()
  195. logobraz()
  196. pliki()
  197. log()
  198. end
  199. function kolor()
  200. local col ="/os/.kol", "r")
  201. colr = col.readLine(1)
  202. col.close()
  203. end
  204. function kolorw()
  205. scp(1,8)
  206. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) end
  207. p("Obecny kolor wiodacy: ", colr)
  208. p("Wybierz nowy kolor wiodacy:")
  209. pdp(1, 10,
  210. pdp(2, 10, colors.lightBlue)
  211. pdp(3, 10, colors.yellow)
  212. pdp(4, 10, colors.lime)
  213. pdp(5, 10,
  214. pdp(6, 10, colors.gray)
  215. pdp(7, 10, colors.lightGray)
  216. pdp(8, 10, colors.purple)
  217. pdp(9, 10,
  218. pdp(10, 10, colors.brown)
  219. pdp(11, 10,
  220. pdp(12, 10,
  221. pdp(13, 10,
  222. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  223. if x == 1 and y == 10 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("") colw.close() end
  224. if x == 2 and y == 10 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.lightBlue") colw.close() end
  225. if x == 3 and y == 10 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.yellow") colw.close() end
  226. if x == 4 and y == 10 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.lime") colw.close() end
  227. if x == 5 and y == 10 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("") colw.close() end
  228. if x == 6 and y == 10 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.gray") colw.close() end
  229. if x == 7 and y == 10 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.lightGray") colw.close() end
  230. if x == 8 and y == 10 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.purple") colw.close() end
  231. if x == 9 and y == 10 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("") colw.close() end
  232. if x == 10 and y == 10 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("colors.brown") colw.close() end
  233. if x == 11 and y == 10 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("") colw.close() end
  234. if x == 12 and y == 10 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("") colw.close() end
  235. if x == 13 and y == 10 then r("rm /os/.kol") local colw ="/os/.kol", "w") colw.writeLine("") colw.close() end
  236. end
  237. function getSize(path)
  238.   local size = 0
  239.   for _, file in ipairs(fs.list(path)) do
  240.     if fs.isDir(fs.combine(path, file)) then
  241.       size = size + getSize(fs.combine(path, file))
  242.     else
  243.       size = size + fs.getSize(fs.combine(path, file))
  244.     end
  245.   end
  246.   return size
  247. end
  248. local wer ="/os/.ver", "r")
  249. ver = wer.readLine(1)
  250. wer.close()
  251. function ust()
  252. while true do
  253. kolor()
  254. tc()
  255. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) end
  256. tc()
  257. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) end
  258. pfb(1, 1, 50, 1,
  259. pdp(51, 1,
  260. sbc(
  261. stc(colors.white)
  262. scp(1,1)
  263. p("Ustawienia")
  264. stc(
  265. scp(1,2)
  266. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) end
  267. p("Informacje | Ustawienia ogolne | Pulpit")
  268. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  269. if x == 51 and y == 1 then system() end
  270. if x>0 and x<11 and y == 2 then tryb = 1 end
  271. if x>11 and x<33 and y == 2 then tryb = 2 end
  272. if x>33 and x<51 and y == 2 then tryb = 3 end
  273. scp(1,3)
  274. if tryb == 1 then
  275.  scp(1,3)
  276. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) end
  277.  p("MineCore Hybrid OS NextUI")
  278.  p("Wersja systemu: ", ver)
  279.  wolne = math.ceil(fs.getFreeSpace("/")/1024)
  280.  zajete = getSize("/")
  281.  lacznie = math.ceil(fs.getFreeSpace("/") + zajete)
  282.  p("Wolne miejsce na dysku:", wolne, "KB")
  283.  print(math.ceil(zajete/1024), "KB uzyte z ", lacznie, "KB")
  284.  p("[Aktualizacja systemu]")
  285.  p("Jezyk systemu: ", "polski")
  286.  p("Dostepny jezyk: ", "angielski")
  287.  p("Zmien jezyk")
  288.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  289.  if x>0 and x<20 and y == 7 then r("/os/.update") end
  290.  if x>0 and x<20 and y == 10 then r("pastebin run JQvW06m6") end
  291. end
  292. if tryb == 2 then
  293.  scp(1,3)
  294. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) end
  295.  p("Logowanie wlaczone: ")
  296.  p("Tak")
  297.  p("Zmien nazwe komptutera")
  298.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  299.  if x>0 and x<51 and y == 5 then
  300.   scp(1,6)
  301.   w("Wpisz nowa nazwe: ")
  302.   nazwa = read()
  303.   os.setComputerLabel(nazwa)
  304.   end
  305. end
  306. if tryb == 3 then
  307. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) end
  308.  scp(1,3)
  309.  p("Styl graficzny: Domyslny NextUI")
  310.  p("Brak dostepnych stylow")
  311.  p("Wybierz kolor wiodacy")
  312.  local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  313.  if x>0 and x<25 and y == 5 then kolorw() end
  314. end
  315. end
  316. end
  317. function ikony()
  318. tc()
  319. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc(colors.white) elseif colr == "" then sbc(colors.white) end
  320. tc()
  321. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc(colors.white) elseif colr == "" then sbc(colors.white) end
  322. stc(colors.white)
  323. pfb(1, 1, 51, 1, colors.gray)
  324. pdp(51, 1,
  325. sbc(colors.gray)
  326. scp(1,1)
  327. p("Tworzenie ikon NextUI")
  328. scp(1,2)
  329. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc(colors.white) end
  330. p("Witamy w kreatorze ikon. Wybierz miejsce na ikone:")
  331. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico1") then iko1 = "Zajete" else iko1 = "Wolne" end
  332. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico2") then iko2 = "Zajete" else iko2 = "Wolne" end
  333. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico3") then iko3 = "Zajete" else iko3 = "Wolne" end
  334. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico4") then iko4 = "Zajete" else iko4 = "Wolne" end
  335. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico5") then iko5 = "Zajete" else iko5 = "Wolne" end
  336. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico6") then iko6 = "Zajete" else iko6 = "Wolne" end
  337. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico7") then iko7 = "Zajete" else iko7 = "Wolne" end
  338. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico8") then iko8 = "Zajete" else iko8 = "Wolne" end
  339. if iko1 == "Wolne" then pfb(1, 7, 2, 8, colors.lime) else pfb(1, 7, 2, 8, end
  340. if iko2 == "Wolne" then pfb(4, 7, 5, 8, colors.lime) else pfb(4, 7, 5, 8, end
  341. if iko3 == "Wolne" then pfb(7, 7, 8, 8, colors.lime) else pfb(7, 7, 8, 8, end
  342. if iko4 == "Wolne" then pfb(10, 7, 11, 8, colors.lime) else pfb(10, 7, 11, 8, end
  343. if iko5 == "Wolne" then pfb(13, 7, 14, 8, colors.lime) else pfb(13, 7, 14, 8, end
  344. if iko6 == "Wolne" then pfb(16, 7, 17, 8, colors.lime) else pfb(16, 7, 17, 8, end
  345. if iko7 == "Wolne" then pfb(19, 7, 20, 8, colors.lime) else pfb(19, 7, 20, 8, end
  346. if iko8 == "Wolne" then pfb(22, 7, 23, 8, colors.lime) else pfb(22, 7, 23, 8, end
  347. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  348. if x == 51 and y == 1 then system() end
  349. if x>0 and x<3 and y>6 and y<9 and iko1 == "Zajete" then
  350.  r("rm /os/iko/.ico1")
  351.  system()
  352. end
  353. if x>3 and x<6 and y>6 and y<9 and iko2 == "Zajete" then
  354.  r("rm /os/iko/.ico2")
  355.  system()
  356. end
  357. if x>6 and x<9 and y>6 and y<9 and iko3 == "Zajete" then
  358.  r("rm /os/iko/.ico3")
  359.  system()
  360. end
  361. if x>9 and x<12 and y>6 and y<9 and iko4 == "Zajete" then
  362.  r("rm /os/iko/.ico4")
  363.  system()
  364. end
  365. if x>12 and x<15 and y>6 and y<9 and iko5 == "Zajete" then
  366.  r("rm /os/iko/.ico5")
  367.  system()
  368. end
  369. if x>15 and x<18 and y>6 and y<9 and iko6 == "Zajete" then
  370.  r("rm /os/iko/.ico6")
  371.  system()
  372. end
  373. if x>18 and x<21 and y>6 and y<9 and iko7 == "Zajete" then
  374.  r("rm /os/iko/.ico7")
  375.  system()
  376. end
  377. if x>21 and x<24 and y>6 and y<9 and iko8 == "Zajete" then
  378.  r("rm /os/iko/.ico8")
  379.  system()
  380. end
  381. scp(1,10)
  382. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc(colors.white) end
  383. w("Wpisz sciezkie do pliku: ")
  384. sciezka = read()
  385. if x>0 and x<3 and y>6 and y<9 and iko1 == "Wolne" then
  386.  local ikon1 ="/os/iko/.ico1", "w")
  387.  ikon1.writeLine(sciezka)
  388.  ikon1.close()
  389.  system()
  390. end
  391. if x>3 and x<6 and y>6 and y<9 and iko2 == "Wolne" then
  392.  local ikon2 ="/os/iko/.ico2", "w")
  393.  ikon2.writeLine(sciezka)
  394.  ikon2.close()
  395.  system()
  396. end
  397. if x>6 and x<8 and y>6 and y<9 and iko3 == "Wolne" then
  398.  local ikon3 ="/os/iko/.ico3", "w")
  399.  ikon3.writeLine(sciezka)
  400.  ikon3.close()
  401.  system()
  402. end
  403. if x>9 and x<12 and y>6 and y<9 and iko4 == "Wolne" then
  404.  local ikon4 ="/os/iko/.ico4", "w")
  405.  ikon4.writeLine(sciezka)
  406.  ikon4.close()
  407.  system()
  408. end
  409. if x>12 and x<15 and y>6 and y<9 and iko5 == "Wolne" then
  410.  local ikon5 ="/os/iko/.ico5", "w")
  411.  ikon5.writeLine(sciezka)
  412.  ikon5.close()
  413.  system()
  414. end
  415. if x>15 and x<18 and y>6 and y<9 and iko6 == "Wolne" then
  416.  local ikon6 ="/os/iko/.ico6", "w")
  417.  ikon6.writeLine(sciezka)
  418.  ikon6.close()
  419.  system()
  420. end
  421. if x>18 and x<21 and y>6 and y<9 and iko7 == "Wolne" then
  422.  local ikon7 ="/os/iko/.ico7", "w")
  423.  ikon7.writeLine(sciezka)
  424.  ikon7.close()
  425.  system()
  426. end
  427. if x>21 and x<24 and y>6 and y<9 and iko8 == "Wolne" then
  428.  local ikon8 ="/os/iko/.ico8", "w")
  429.  ikon8.writeLine(sciezka)
  430.  ikon8.close()
  431.  system()
  432. end
  433. system()
  434. end
  435. function pulpit()
  436. local obraz = pul("/os/.pulpit")
  437. pud(obraz, 1, 1)
  438. kolor()
  439. scp(1,19)
  440. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( end
  441. stc(colors.white)
  442. w("Start")
  443. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( end
  444. scp(1,1)
  445. p("NextUI Final Release. Microcraft           nextShop")
  446. if fs.exists("/nshop/.exp") then
  447.  scp(5,18)
  448.  sbc(colors.cyan)
  449.  p("Eksplorator")
  450.  pfb(5, 15, 7, 17,
  451. end
  452. if fs.exists("/nshop/.dg") then
  453.  scp(20,18)
  454.  sbc(colors.cyan)
  455.  p("DGStatistics")
  456.  pfb(20, 16, 22, 16, colors.gray)
  457.  pfb(20, 15, 22, 15, colors.gray)
  458.  pfb(20, 17, 22, 17, colors.gray)
  459.  pdp(21, 16, colors.lightGray)
  460.  pdp(22, 15, colors.lightGray)
  461.  pdp(22, 17, colors.lightGray)
  462. end
  463. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico1") then
  464.  local i1 ="/os/iko/.ico1", "r")
  465.  ii1 = i1.readLine(1)
  466.  i1.close()
  467.  pfb(44, 2, 46, 3, colors.purple)
  468. end
  469. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico2") then
  470.  local i2 ="/os/iko/.ico2", "r")
  471.  ii2 = i2.readLine(1)
  472.  i2.close()
  473.  pfb(44, 5, 46, 6,
  474. end
  475. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico3") then
  476.  local i3 ="/os/iko/.ico3", "r")
  477.  ii3 = i3.readLine(1)
  478.  i3.close()
  479.  pfb(44, 8, 46, 9,
  480. end
  481. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico4") then
  482.  local i4 ="/os/iko/.ico4", "r")
  483.  ii1 = i4.readLine(1)
  484.  i4.close()
  485.  pfb(44, 11, 46, 12, colors.yellow)
  486. end
  487. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico5") then
  488.  local i5 ="/os/iko/.ico5", "r")
  489.  ii5 = i5.readLine(1)
  490.  i5.close()
  491.  pfb(49, 2, 51, 3,
  492. end
  493. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico6") then
  494.  local i6 ="/os/iko/.ico6", "r")
  495.  ii6 = i6.readLine(1)
  496.  i6.close()
  497.  pfb(49, 5, 51, 6, colors.lime)
  498. end
  499. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico7") then
  500.  local i7 ="/os/iko/.ico7", "r")
  501.  ii7 = i7.readLine(1)
  502.  i7.close()
  503.  pfb(49, 8, 51, 9, colors.lightBlue)
  504. end
  505. if fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico8") then
  506.  local i8 ="/os/iko/.ico8", "r")
  507.  ii8 = i8.readLine(1)
  508.  i8.close()
  509.  pfb(49, 11, 51, 12,
  510. end
  511. end
  512. function start()
  513. pfb(1, 11, 20, 18, colors.white)
  514. scp(1,10)
  515. stc(colors.white)
  516. if colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.magneta" then sbc(colors.magneta) elseif colr == "colors.lightBlue" then sbc(colors.lightBlue) elseif colr == "colors.yellow" then sbc(colors.yellow) elseif colr == "colors.lime" then sbc(colors.lime) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.gray" then sbc(colors.gray) elseif colr == "colors.lightGray" then sbc(colors.lightGray) elseif colr == "colors.purple" then sbc(colors.purple) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "colors.brown" then sbc(colors.brown) elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc( elseif colr == "" then sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  517. p("NextUI Start        ")
  518. scp(1,11)
  519. if colr == "" then sbc( stc(colors.white) else sbc(colors.white) stc( end
  520. p("Zainstaluj z dysku  ")
  521. p("Paint               ")
  522. p("2048                ")
  523. p("Snake               ")
  524. p("Edytor              ")
  525. p("Powrot do CraftOS   ")
  526. p("Ustawienia          ")
  527. p("Ikony pulpitu       ")
  528. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  529. if x>0 and x<21 and y == 11 then dysk() end
  530. if x>0 and x<21 and y == 18 then ikony() end
  531. if x>0 and x<21 and y == 16 then error("Opuszczono NextUI 1.0. Aby powrocic wpisz /os/.next") end
  532. if x>0 and x<21 and y == 14 then sbc( r("worm") end
  533. if x>0 and x<21 and y == 12 then r("/os/.paint") end
  534. if x>0 and x<21 and y == 17 then ust() end
  535. if x>0 and x<21 and y == 13 then r("/os/.2048") end
  536. if x>0 and x<21 and y == 15 then r("/os/.luaide")
  537. end
  538. end
  539. function mysz()
  540. local event, click, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  541. if x>43 and x<52 and y == 1 then shop() end
  542. if x == 50 and y == 19 then su() end
  543. if x == 51 and y == 19 then re() end
  544. if x>43 and x<47 and y>1 and y<4 and fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico1") then r(ii1) end
  545. if x>43 and x<47 and y>4 and y<7 and fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico2") then r(ii2) end
  546. if x>43 and x<47 and y>7 and y<10 and fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico3") then r(ii3) end
  547. if x>43 and x<47 and y>10 and y<13 and fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico4") then r(ii4) end
  548. if x>47 and x<52 and y>1 and y<4 and fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico5") then r(ii5) end
  549. if x>43 and x<47 and y>4 and y<7 and fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico6") then r(ii6) end
  550. if x>43 and x<47 and y>7 and y<10 and fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico7") then r(ii7) end
  551. if x>43 and x<47 and y>10 and y<13 and fs.exists("/os/iko/.ico8") then r(ii8) end
  552. if x>0 and x<6 and y == 19 then start() end
  553. if fs.exists("/nshop/.exp") and x>4 and x<8 and y>14 and y<19 then r("/nshop/.exp") end
  554. end
  555. function system()
  556. while true do
  557. kolor()
  558. pulpit()
  559. mysz()
  560. end
  561. end
  562. pierwszeu()
  563. logo()
  564. system()
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