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Nov 12th, 2019
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  1. &Y*&cYour holoview flicks on to a sky view of the city Aldera. Within and around, as far as you can see, hundreds of ships stream down from the upper atmosphere, dotting the horizon.&Y* &wJust a day after &rKing Venst's &wannouncement of a defense pact with the &zG&Walactic &zE&Wmpire&w, &RLord Emperor Rocik's &wtroops began arriving en masse. &Y*&cYour view flicks to white-plated boots hopping off ships and landing with muted thuds onto the ground. Another flick, and now you see squads of Imperial Stormtroopers lined up in perfect rank and file, marching in unison on various climates--from open fields, down mountain passes, and on city streets. A metered sound matching their steps.&Y* &wThe Imperial Troopers have taken swathes of land throughout the planet, some urban and some rural, but the forward operating headquarters appears to be situated in the mountains surrounding Aldera, where hundreds of ground forces have gathered. Massive tents have been pitched as temporary structures, which our sources say will eventually be replaced by durasteel constructions by the Empire's &rL&Oogistics &ra&Ond &rS&Oupport &wdivision. &Y*&cSuddenly, a loud scream echos out from your speaker and you notice an H-shaped shadow move quickly over the ground. Several stormtroopers and engineers toiling away on the ground stop in their tracks and look up, just as tarps and dust whip up. The camera pans up to follow them, and a dozen &RTIE Fighters &cscream past in tight formation, zooming quickly around mountain peaks and up into the sky.&Y* &wWhen reached for comment, Lord Rocik so graciously offered us this sound bite: "&rCitizen of Alderaan. No longer will you fear those that hide in the shadows to strike at your throats. No longer will you have to worry about strange noises in the night. With my forces by your side, Alderaan will flourish.&w"
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